185 research outputs found

    Use of geochemical signatures, including rare earth elements, in mosses and lichens to assess spatial integration and the influence of forest environment

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    In order to assess the influence of local environment and spatial integration of Trace Metals (TM) by biomonitors, Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, V and Zn and some rare earth element (REE) concentrations have been measured in lichens and mosses collected in three French forest sites located in three distinct mountainous areas, as well as in the local soil and bedrock, and in both bulk deposition (BD) and throughfall (TF). Similar enrichment factors (EF) were calculated using lichens and mosses and local bedrock for most elements, except for Cs, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Cu which were significantly (KW, p < 0.05) more enriched in mosses. Similar REE ratios were measured in soils, bedrock, lichens and mosses at each study sites, indicating a regional integration of atmospheric deposition by both biomonitors. Both TM signature and REE composition of mosses revealed that this biomonitor is highly influenced by throughfall composition, and reflect atmospheric deposition interaction with the forest canopy. This explained the higher enrichment measured in mosses for elements which concentration in deposition were influenced by the canopy, either due to leaching (Mn), direct uptake (Ni), or dry deposition dissolution (Pb, Cu, Cs)

    A forensic investigation on the persistence of organic gunshot residues

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    Gunshot residues (GSR) are a potential form of forensic traces in firearm-related events. In most forensic laboratories, GSR analyses focus on the detection and characterisation of the inorganic components (IGSR), which are mainly particles containing mixtures of lead, barium and antimony originating from the primer. The increasing prevalence of heavy metal-free ammunition challenges the current protocols used for IGSR analysis. To provide complementary information to IGSR particles, the current study concentrated on the organic components (OGSR) arising from the combustion of the propellant. The study focused on four compounds well-known as being part of OGSR: ethylcentralite (EC), methylcentralite (MC), diphenylamine (DPA), N-nitrosodiphenylamine (N-nDPA). This study assessed the retention of these OGSR traces on a shooter’s hands. The overall project aim was to provide appropriate information regarding OGSR persistence, which can be suitable to be integrated into the interpretation framework of OGSR as recommended by the recent ENFSI Guideline for Evaluative Reporting in Forensic Science. The persistence was studied through several intervals ranging from immediately after discharge to four hours and two ammunition calibres were chosen: .40 S&amp;W calibre, used by the NSW Police Force; and .357 Magnum, which is frequently encountered in Australian casework. This study successfully detected the compounds of interest up to four hours after discharge. The trends displayed a large decrease in the amount detected during the first hour. A large variability was also observed due to numerous factors involved in the production, deposition and collection of OGSR

    Labeled TEMPO-Oxidized Mannan Differentiates Binding Profiles within the Collectin Families

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    Establishing the rapid and accurate diagnosis of sepsis is a key component to the improvement of clinical outcomes. The ability of analytical platforms to rapidly detect pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP) in blood could provide a powerful host-independent biomarker of sepsis. A novel concept was investigated based on the idea that a pre-bound and fluorescent ligand could be released from lectins in contact with high-affinity ligands (such as PAMPs). To create fluorescent ligands with precise avidity, the kinetically followed TEMPO oxidation of yeast mannan and carbodiimide coupling were used. The chemical modifications led to decreases in avidity between mannan and human collectins, such as the mannan-binding lectin (MBL) and human surfactant protein D (SP-D), but not in porcine SP-D. Despite this effect, these fluorescent derivatives were captured by human lectins using highly concentrated solutions. The resulting fluorescent beads were exposed to different solutions, and the results showed that displacements occur in contact with higher affinity ligands, proving that two-stage competition processes can occur in collectin carbohydrate recognition mechanisms. Moreover, the fluorescence loss depends on the discrepancy between the respective avidities of the recognized ligand and the fluorescent mannan. Chemically modulated fluorescent ligands associated with a diversity of collectins may lead to the creation of diagnostic tools suitable for multiplex array assays and the identification of high-avidity ligands

    A Guide for Ex Vivo Handling and storage of stool samples Intended for Fecal Microbiota transplantation

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    International audienceOwing to the growing recognition of the gut microbiota as a main partner of human health, we are expecting that the number of indications for fecal microbiota transplantation (FMt) will increase. Thus, there is an urgent need for standardization of the entire process of fecal transplant production. This study provides a complete standardized procedure to prepare and store live and ready-to-use transplants that meet the standard requirements of good practices to applied use in pharmaceutical industry. We show that, if time before transformation to transplants would exceed 24 hours, fresh samples should not be exposed to temperatures above 20 °C, and refrigeration at 4 °C can be a safe solution. Oxygen-free atmosphere was not necessary and simply removing air above collected samples was sufficient to preserve viability. Transplants prepared in maltodextrin-trehalose solutions, stored in a-80 °C standard freezer and then rapidly thawed at 37 °C, retained the best revivification potential as proven by 16S rRNA profiles, metabolomic fingerprints, and flow cytometry assays over a 3-month observation period. Maltodextrin-trehalose containing cryoprotectants were also efficient in preserving viability of lyophilized transplants, either in their crude or purified form, an option that can be attractive for fecal transplant biobanking and oral formulation

    Mass Spectrometry-based Absolute Quantification of 20S Proteasome Status for Controlled Ex-vivo Expansion of Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells

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    International audienceIn Brief 20S proteasomes are very heterogeneous protein complexes involved in many cellular processes. In the present study, we combined an MRM-based assay with the production and purification of entire SILAC labelled pro-teasome to monitor absolute quantities of the different 20S proteasome subtypes in various human cells and tissues. This method applied to adipocyte-derived stem cells (ADSCs) amplified under various conditions highlights an increased expression of immunoproteasome when this type of cell is primed with IFN␥ or amplified in a 20% O 2 environment. Graphical Abstract Highlights • Design of an MRM assay to determine the absolute quantity and stoichiometry of ubiquitous and tissue-specific human 20S proteasome subtypes. • Use of purified isotopically labelled 20S proteasome as internal standard for accurate quantification. • Variation in the expression of immunoproteasome in adipocyte-derived stem cells (ADSCs) grown under different O 2 levels might be causal for change in cells differentiation capacity. • The status of 20S proteasome during ADSCs expansion might constitute an additional relevant quality control parameter to contribute to predict, among other quality markers, their therapeutic capacity

    The EPOC project: Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing system

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    15397International audienceWith the emergence of the Future Internet and the dawning of new IT models such as cloud computing, the usage of data centers (DC), and consequently their power consumption, increase dramatically. Besides the ecological impact, the energy consumption is a predominant criteria for DC providers since it determines the daily cost of their infrastructure. As a consequence, power management becomes one of the main challenges for DC infrastructures and more generally for large-scale distributed systems. In this paper, we present the EPOC project which focuses on optimizing the energy consumption of mono-site DCs connected to the regular electrical grid and to renewable energy sources

    A prospective, observational study of fidaxomicin use for Clostridioides difficile infection in France.

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    To describe the characteristics, management and outcomes of hospitalised patients with Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) treated with and without fidaxomicin. This prospective, multicentre, observational study (DAFNE) enrolled hospitalised patients with CDI, including 294 patients treated with fidaxomicin (outcomes recorded over a 3-month period) and 150 patients treated with other CDI therapies during three 1-month periods. The primary endpoint was baseline and CDI characteristics of fidaxomicin-treated patients. At baseline, the fidaxomicin-treated population included immunocompromised patients (39.1%) and patients with severe (59.2%) and recurrent (36.4%) CDI. Fidaxomicin was associated with a high rate of clinical cure (92.2%) and low CDI recurrence (16.3% within 3 months). Clinical cure rates were ≥90% in patients aged ≥65 years, those receiving concomitant antibiotics and those with prior or severe CDI. There were 121/296 (40.9%) patients with adverse events (AEs), 5.4% with fidaxomicin-related AEs and 1.0% with serious fidaxomicin-related AEs. No fidaxomicin-related deaths were reported. Fidaxomicin is an effective and well-tolerated CDI treatment in a real-world setting in France, which included patients at high risk of adverse outcomes.Trial registration: Description of the use of fidaxomicin in hospitalised patients with documented Clostridium difficile infection and the management of these patients (DAFNE), NCT02214771, www.ClinicalTrials.gov

    Admission criteria and management of critical care patients in a pandemic context: position of the Ethics Commission of the French Intensive Care Society, update of April 2021.

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    Intensive care unit professionals have experience in critical care and its proportionality, collegial decision-making, withholding or withdrawal of treatment deemed futile, and communication with patients' relatives. These elements rely on ethical values from which we must not deviate in a pandemic situation. The recommendations made by the Ethics Commission of the French Intensive Care Society reflect an approach of responsibility and solidarity towards our citizens regarding the potential impact of a pandemic on critical care resources in France, with the fundamental requirement of respect for human dignity and equal access to health care for all

    Inhibition of the β-lactamase BlaMab by avibactam improves the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of imipenem against mycobacterium abscessus

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    Mycobacterium abscessus pulmonary infections are treated with a macrolide (clarithromycin or azithromycin), an aminoglycoside (amikacin), and a β-lactam (cefoxitin or imipenem). The triple combination is used without any β-lactamase inhibitor, even though M. abscessus produces the broad-spectrum β-lactamase BlaMab. We determine whether inhibition of BlaMab by avibactam improves the activity of imipenem against M. abscessus. The bactericidal activity of drug combinations was assayed in broth and in human macrophages. The in vivo efficacy of the drugs was tested by monitoring the survival of infected zebrafish embryos. The level of BlaMab production in broth and in macrophages was compared by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and Western blotting. The triple combination of imipenem (8 or 32 μg/ml), amikacin (32 μg/ml), and avibactam (4 μg/ml) was bactericidal in broth (<0.1% survival), with 3.2- and 4.3-log10 reductions in the number of CFU being achieved at 72 h when imipenem was used at 8 and 32 μg/ml, respectively. The triple combination achieved significant intracellular killing, with the bacterial survival rates being 54% and 7% with the low (8 μg/ml) and high (32 μg/ml) dosages of imipenem, respectively. In vivo inhibition of BlaMab by avibactam improved the survival of zebrafish embryos treated with imipenem. Expression of the gene encoding BlaMab was induced (20-fold) in the infected macrophages. Inhibition of BlaMab by avibactam improved the efficacy of imipenem against M. abscessus in vitro, in macrophages, and in zebrafish embryos, indicating that this β-lactamase inhibitor should be clinically evaluated. The in vitro evaluation of imipenem may underestimate the impact of BlaMab, since the production of the β-lactamase is inducible in macrophages

    Autophagy protein 5 controls flow-dependent endothelial functions

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    Dysregulated autophagy is associated with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, where impaired flow-mediated endothelial cell responses promote cardiovascular risk. The mechanism by which the autophagy machinery regulates endothelial functions is complex. We applied multi-omics approaches and in vitro and in vivo functional assays to decipher the diverse roles of autophagy in endothelial cells. We demonstrate that autophagy regulates VEGF-dependent VEGFR signaling and VEGFR-mediated and flow-mediated eNOS activation. Endothelial ATG5 deficiency in vivo results in selective loss of flow-induced vasodilation in mesenteric arteries and kidneys and increased cerebral and renal vascular resistance in vivo. We found a crucial pathophysiological role for autophagy in endothelial cells in flow-mediated outward arterial remodeling, prevention of neointima formation following wire injury, and recovery after myocardial infarction. Together, these findings unravel a fundamental role of autophagy in endothelial function, linking cell proteostasis to mechanosensing