82 research outputs found

    Studies on exercise and glycogen re-synthesis in skeletal muscles of pigs with the PRKAG3 mutation

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    AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) plays an important role in the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle. Many pigs of Hampshire origin have a naturally occurring mutation situated in the PRKAG3 gene which encodes a muscle-specific isoform of the AMPK γ3-subunit. This mutation results in excessive glycogen storage mainly in white glycolytic skeletal muscle and an increased muscle oxidative capacity. This thesis examined the in vivo effect of the PRKAG3 mutation on skeletal muscles in association with exercise. The pigs performed standardised treadmill exercise tests before and after a 5-week training period. Muscle samples (m. biceps femoris) and blood samples were taken before and after exercise and in the recovery phase. Muscle samples from m. masseter, m. biceps femoris, m. semitendinosus and m. longissimus dorsi were taken after euthanasia. Glycogen content and its two fractions (proglycogen and macroglycogen), enzyme activity, fibre type characteristics and expression/phosphorylation of signalling proteins were analysed. Insulin, glucose, lactate and free fatty acid concentrations were analysed on the blood samples. Compared with non-carriers, carriers of the PRKAG3 mutation had higher macroglycogen content in skeletal muscles. At 3 h but not 6 h of recovery following exercise, re-synthesis of glycogen, especially of macroglycogen was higher in carriers than in non-carriers. The metabolic blood response did not differ between the genotypes. Expression of AMPK in muscle was lower in carriers than in non-carriers. The increased rate of glycogen synthesis following exercise in carriers was correlated with an increased signalling response of Akt and its substrate AS160 and a higher activity of hexokinase. This indicated increased glucose influx and phosphorylation of glucose, directed towards glycogen synthesis. The carriers had a lower percentage and relative area of type IIB fibres in m. biceps femoris and m. longissimus dorsi than non-carriers. In m. longissimus dorsi, carriers had a higher percentage of type IIAX fibres and higher citrate synthase activity. In conclusion, the PRKAG3 mutation influences, mainly the macroglycogen fraction and muscle characteristics in exercise-trained pigs, promoting varying degrees of oxidative phenotype in muscles with different functions

    För att det är konst vi gör : genusproblematiken i gestaltningsarbetet

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    Detta examensarbete behandlar genusproblematiken i gestaltningsarbetet. Målet med examensarbetet är att kartlägga möjliga problemområden, väcka ett intresse och en medvetenhet för problemområdet samt att motivera till ett fortsatt genusmedvetet arbete inom teater. I examensarbetet kommer jag diskutera hur normer i samhället formar teatern. Trots att teatern vill vara radikal och samhällsförändrande lyckas den inte alltid bryta sig loss från genusnormerna. Som grund för examensarbetet använder jag mig av teorier om genus och kön, av mina egna erfarenheter från mitt konstnärliga examensarbete, som skådespelare på Uppsala Stadsteater, och av tidigare upplevelser jag haft inom området. Jag hämtar information och inspiration från litteratur, rapporter och undersökningar som berör genusproblematiken för att slutligen bidra med mina egna tankar och slutsatser om hur vi kan arbeta för en genusmedveten scenframställning. En genusmedveten gestaltning och mångsidiga porträtteringar av kön och genus skulle bidra till att teatern kunde föra dialog med en större publik än den publik vi nu tilltalar och förhoppningsvis även kunna bli så öppen, fri och samhällsförändrande som vi vill att den skall vara.This bachelor’s thesis will focus on gender issues in theatre acting. The specific aim is to clarify possible situations where gender issues may occur, in order to create an awareness of and invoke an interest in questions regarding gender on stage. With this thesis I hope to motivate a continuous work regarding gender awareness in theatre arts. In the thesis I will discuss how the norms in society shape the theatre. Even though we want theatre to be radical and have the possibility to change society, it does not always succeed in breaking free from gender norms. I will base my thesis on theories on gender and sex, on my own experiences from my artistic final exam as an actress at Uppsala City Theatre, and on other experiences I have had. I will also present information and inspiration from literature, reports and investigations considering gender issues. Finally I contribute with my own thoughts and conclusions on how the issues can be solved, in order to be able to aim for gender awareness in the acting process. Theatre arts that are aware of gender and produce miscellaneous portraits of people, sex and gender could help the theatre art form reach out to a larger audience than the audience we now appeal to. Hopefully this could also help theatre be as open, free and affecting society as we wish it should be

    Perenner och annueller i offentliga anläggningar i norra Sverige

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    Denna studie handlar om perenner och annueller i norra Sverige och vilka för- och nackdelar, kostnader och värden de har. Annueller lever bara en sommar. Det innebär att de måste köpas in och planteras varje år och sedan slängas efter varje säsong. Detta kan tyckas vara ett kortsiktigt sätt att pryda en stad, men varför används de då i så stor utsträckning? Kan perenner som överlever från år till år ersätta annuellplanteringarna utan att göra avkall på estetiken? Vilken växtgrupp är dyrare att köpa och sköta? Dessa frågor besvaras i detta arbete. För att kunna göra uträkningar av inköpskostnader gjordes två utformningsförslag, ett för perenner och ett för annueller. Dessa två förslag är lika stora och båda innehåller vårflor för att vara jämförbara. Det har även utförts intervjuer med ansvariga för blomsterplanteringar på parkförvaltingar, detta för att få reda på vilka uppfattningar dessa människor har om perenner och annueller men även vilka skötselmoment som ingår för de båda växtgrupperna. Utifrån dessa uppgifter har även skötselkostnader tagits fram. Litteraturstudien handlar till största del om skötsel och kompositon för att stödja den senare diskussionen om perennernas och annuelleras för- och nackdelar. Beräkningarna visade att annuellerna är över fem gånger dyrare än perenner. Men studien har visat att perenner trots de lägre kostnaderna inte kan konkurrera med annuellerna utan att perenner och annueller i de flesta fall är komplementära

    Buffer strips as filters for nutrients from grazed lands and nutrient cycling on the buffer strips

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    The retention of agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus by 10-m-wide grass buffer strips and buffers under natural vegetation has been studied for ten years on an experimental field at Jokioinen

    Agreement between participation ratings of children with intellectual disabilities and their primary caregivers

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    BACKGROUND : Participation of children with ID it is argued must be understood in relation to the fit with the environment. Since caregivers are a vital factor within the close environment of a child with intellectual disability, their perceptions are unequivocally important. AIMS : The main aim of this study is to describe the self-reported participation of children with ID and the perceptions of their primary caregivers. Both frequency of attendance and perceived importance of activity was measured with self-reported and proxy-reports. METHODS AND & PROCEDURES : A custom developed Picture my Participation (PmP) survey was utilised in an interview format with children with intellectual disability whilst their primary caregivers completed the survey independently. RESULTS : Overall, the perceptions of children with intellectual disabilities and of primary caregivers showed similarities regarding attendance and activities considered important. On group level, both children and primary caregivers perceived the child to have a high level of attendance of Formal learning in school, Family mealtime, Interacting with family and Celebrations. An overall poor agreement in perceived frequency of attendance was found. However, in child-primary cargiver-dyads poor agreement in perceived frequency of attendance was found. CONCLUSIONS : While primary caregivers and children’s ratings of attendance and selection of the most important activities appeared somewhat similar, there was a noted difference, in that primary caregivers’ were uniform in their selection, whilst there was a diversity in the selection of activities amongst children.The South African National Research Foundation (NRF) (101566) and the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) (SA2015-6253).https://www.elsevier.com/locate/redevdis2021-09-01hj2021Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC

    How can we reach long-lasting inclusive participation for all?: A vision for the future

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    In 2022, an international conference was held focusing on 'participation'. We shared current evidence, identified knowledge gaps and worked together to understand what new knowledge and community and practice changes were needed. This brief communication is a summary of the conference delegates' discussions. We present the key assumptions we make about participation and propose what is needed to create change for societies, communities, families and individuals. While we have some robust evidence to support participation approaches, more is needed, and it is everyone's responsibility to build an inclusive society where participation for all is the reality

    Children's voices-differentiating a child perspective from a child's perspective

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    OBJECTIVE : The aim of this paper was to discuss differences between having a child perspective and taking the child's perspective based on the problem being investigated. METHODS : Conceptual paper based on narrative review. RESULTS : The child's perspective in research concerning children that need additional support are important. The difference between having a child perspective and taking the child's perspective in conjunction with the need to know children's opinions has been discussed in the literature. From an ideological perspective the difference between the two perspectives seems self-evident, but the perspectives might be better seen as different ends on a continuum solely from an adult's view of children to solely the perspective of children themselves. Depending on the research question, the design of the study may benefit from taking either perspective. In this article, we discuss the difference between the perspectives based on the problem being investigated, children's capacity to express opinions, environmental adaptations and the degree of interpretation needed to understand children's opinions. CONCLUSION : The examples provided indicate that children's opinions can be regarded in most research, although to different degrees.http://informahealthcare.com/journal/pdr2016-06-30hb201

    Can, Want and Try: Parents' Viewpoints Regarding the Participation of Their Child with an Acquired Brain Injury

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    BACKGROUND: Acquired brain injury (ABI) is a leading cause of permanent disability, currently affecting 20,000 Australian children. Community participation is essential for childhood development and enjoyment, yet children with ABI can often experience barriers to participation. The factors which act as barriers and facilitators to community participation for children with an ABI are not well understood. AIM: To identify the viewpoints of parents of children with an ABI, regarding the barriers and facilitators most pertinent to community participation for their child. METHODS: Using Q-method, 41 parents of children with moderate/severe ABI sorted 37 statements regarding barriers and facilitators to community participation. Factor analysis identified three viewpoints. RESULTS: This study identified three distinct viewpoints, with the perceived ability to participate decreasing with a stepwise trend from parents who felt their child and family "can" participate in viewpoint one, to "want" in viewpoint two and "try" in viewpoint three. CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicated good participation outcomes for most children and families, however some families who were motivated to participate experienced significant barriers. The most significant facilitators included child motivation, supportive relationships from immediate family and friends, and supportive community attitudes. The lack of supportive relationships and attitudes was perceived as a fundamental barrier to community participation. SIGNIFICANCE: This research begins to address the paucity of information regarding those factors that impact upon the participation of children with an ABI in Australia. Findings have implications for therapists, service providers and community organisations

    För att det är konst vi gör : genusproblematiken i gestaltningsarbetet

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    Detta examensarbete behandlar genusproblematiken i gestaltningsarbetet. Målet med examensarbetet är att kartlägga möjliga problemområden, väcka ett intresse och en medvetenhet för problemområdet samt att motivera till ett fortsatt genusmedvetet arbete inom teater. I examensarbetet kommer jag diskutera hur normer i samhället formar teatern. Trots att teatern vill vara radikal och samhällsförändrande lyckas den inte alltid bryta sig loss från genusnormerna. Som grund för examensarbetet använder jag mig av teorier om genus och kön, av mina egna erfarenheter från mitt konstnärliga examensarbete, som skådespelare på Uppsala Stadsteater, och av tidigare upplevelser jag haft inom området. Jag hämtar information och inspiration från litteratur, rapporter och undersökningar som berör genusproblematiken för att slutligen bidra med mina egna tankar och slutsatser om hur vi kan arbeta för en genusmedveten scenframställning. En genusmedveten gestaltning och mångsidiga porträtteringar av kön och genus skulle bidra till att teatern kunde föra dialog med en större publik än den publik vi nu tilltalar och förhoppningsvis även kunna bli så öppen, fri och samhällsförändrande som vi vill att den skall vara.This bachelor’s thesis will focus on gender issues in theatre acting. The specific aim is to clarify possible situations where gender issues may occur, in order to create an awareness of and invoke an interest in questions regarding gender on stage. With this thesis I hope to motivate a continuous work regarding gender awareness in theatre arts. In the thesis I will discuss how the norms in society shape the theatre. Even though we want theatre to be radical and have the possibility to change society, it does not always succeed in breaking free from gender norms. I will base my thesis on theories on gender and sex, on my own experiences from my artistic final exam as an actress at Uppsala City Theatre, and on other experiences I have had. I will also present information and inspiration from literature, reports and investigations considering gender issues. Finally I contribute with my own thoughts and conclusions on how the issues can be solved, in order to be able to aim for gender awareness in the acting process. Theatre arts that are aware of gender and produce miscellaneous portraits of people, sex and gender could help the theatre art form reach out to a larger audience than the audience we now appeal to. Hopefully this could also help theatre be as open, free and affecting society as we wish it should be