1,100 research outputs found

    Active and Passive Quantum Erasers for Neutral Kaons

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    Quantum marking and quantum erasure are discussed for the neutral kaon system. Contrary to other two-level systems, strangeness and lifetime of a neutral kaon state can be alternatively measured via an "active" or a "passive" procedure. This offers new quantum erasure possibilities. In particular, the operation of a quantum eraser in the "delayed choice" mode is clearly illustrated.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, references added, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Mind, Body and Soul: Performance Landscapes for a Healthy Community

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    According to the World Health Organization, there have been increases in the adverse physical, mental and social conditions amongst urban populations in recent years. These issues have been attributed to impediments to healthy lifestyles, a lack of physical activity and poor food choices (WHO 29). This can lead to obesity, increasing risk of diabetes, heart disease and other health related problems. Sedentary lifestyles are worsened by modern technologies such as cell phones, computers, and video games. Urban landscapes have evolved over time to suit the needs of various, and sometimes-competing priorities of growing cities. As a result, the health of human inhabitants has not always been a primary consideration, and the manner with which the built environment has historically been planned and designed exacerbates the aforementioned health challenges. The harshness of the urban environment and limited access to nature has been know to increase rates of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression among city dwellers. Social challenges also arise with increased use of digital technology, limiting face-to-face interaction and straining support systems that are often provided by engaging a community. Fragmented landscapes offer an opportunity for redesign and can help to counteract the open space and nature deficiencies found in the urban context. This project explores how the redevelopment of blighted and underutilized landscapes may be used as a method to mitigate or overcome social, mental, and physical health challenges posed by contemporary urban environments and the lifestyles they facilitate. The Blackstock site in downtown Knoxville, TN is selected as the test site for this exploration due to its central location, proximity to four historic neighborhoods where such challenges are observed to be persistent, and blighted. Program will be integrated within the project site to increase physical activity, mental stimulation and social interaction, as well as to improve air quality, and provide access to amenities that promote healthy dietary habits

    Integrated planning framework for successful river restoration projects: upscaling lessons learnt from European case studies

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    Despite considerable investment in river restoration projects, there is still limited information on the efficacy and success of river restoration activities. One of the main reasons is poor or improper project design, resulting in common problems such as: not addressing the root cause of habitat degradation; not establishing reference conditions, benchmarks and not defining endpoints against which to measure success; inappropriate uses of common restoration techniques because of lack of pre-planning; and inadequate monitoring or appraisal of restoration projects. In this paper peer-reviewed and grey literature and a large database of existing case studies were reviewed to identify the prevailing challenges river managers face when planning and developing river restoration projects. To overcome these current challe nges an integrated project planning framework has been developed that incorporates adaptive management and project management techniques. It encapsulates key concepts and decision support tools to advance the existing sequence of project identification, project formulation, project implementation and post-project monitoring to incorporate multidisciplinary decision making to meet specific environmental and socio-economic objectives. The proposed river restoration project planning framework is adaptable and can therefore be applied to any project development scenario locally, regionally or internationally


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    Three belite-rich cements consisting of a clinker made with 0 (BC), 5 (BC5) and 10 wt. % (BC10) electric arc furnace steel slag (EAFS) as raw material, were studied for their hydraulic and leaching behaviour. Hydration behaviour was studied by FTIR, TG/DTG and SEM analyses. The cements with EAFS resulted in a higher C2S/C3S and C4AF/C3A ratio compared to the reference body. As a result, the rate of hydration was low at early days whereas the structure was porous with scattered AFm and C–S–H crystals. At 28 days, a comparable dense microstructure consisting largely of C–S–H is observed in all mortars. Leaching was studied for V and Cr by means of tank test according to standard NEN 7345. The results showed V release below 2 μg/l. Chromium release calculated per 24 h was 1.4 μg/l in BC5 and 2.4 μg/l in BC10, which is much lower than the parametric value of 50 μg/l specified by the European Directive for drinking water (98/83/EC)

    Characterization of a new laboratory ceramic product from industrial by-products as raw materials and caustic magnesia as additive

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    Στην εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζεται ένα νέο κεραμικό προϊόν που παράχθηκε από μίξη καυστικής μαγνησίας, που παρασκευάστηκε εργαστηριακά από υψηλής καθαρότητας μαγνησίτη, φυσικού πηλού καθώς και τέφρας πυθμένα και ερυθράς ιλύος, προϊόντα γνωστά για τις δυσμενείς περιβαλλοντικές επιπτώσεις τους. Έπειτα από δοκιμή ποικίλων συνταγών, συμπεράναμε ότι προσθήκη 5% καυστικής μαγνησίας στο κεραμικό προϊόν βελτιώνει τις μηχανικές επιδόσεις του. Αυτό αποδίδεται στο γεγονός ότι το περίκλαστο της καυστικής μαγνησίας σχηματίζει «λαιμούς», οι οποίοι ισχυροποιούν τους δεσμούς στη μικροδομή του κεραμικού, σε συνδυασμό με τον ταυτόχρονο σχηματισμό μικρών ποσοτήτων άμορφου υλικού και την ομοιογενή κατανομή των πόρων, που δημιουργούνται κατά την όπτηση. Με συνδυαστική μελέτη Περιθλασιμετρίας Ακτίνων Χ και Σαρωτικού Ηλεκτρονικού Μικροσκοπίου του κεραμικού υποδείχτηκε η παρουσία αναλλοίωτων φάσεων, προερχόμενων από τις πρώτες ύλες, καθώς και νεοσχηματισμένων κρυστάλλων αλβίτη και μαγνησιοφερρίτη. Τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης δείχνουν ότι η χρήση παραπροϊόντων μπορεί να είναι σημαντική και περιβαλλοντικά φιλική στην παραγωγή φτηνών δομικών κεραμικών.A new ceramic product is introduced by mixing caustic magnesia, produced in the laboratory from pure, high quality magnesite, and natural silt. Bottom ash and red mud, two well known environmentally hazardous industrial by-products, were also added in the mixture. After testing various recipes we concluded that addition of 5% caustic magnesia in the ceramic product greatly enhances its performance. Increase bonding of the ceramic microstructure is attributed to the formation of periclase necks, the concurrent formation of small quantities of amorphous material and the homogeneously distributed pores during the experimental firing of the mixture. Combined X-ray Diffractometry and Scanning Electron Microscopy of the ceramic product revealed the occurrence of unreactive phases, inherited by the raw materials, as well as newly-formed albite and magnesioferrite. Our results show that utilization of by-products may be important and environmental friendly materials in producing low cost ceramic building materials

    First Observations of a Foreshock Bubble at Earth: Implications for Magnetospheric Activity and Energetic Particle Acceleration

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    Earth?s foreshock, which is the quasi-parallel region upstream of the bow shock, is a unique plasma region capable of generating several kinds of large-scale phenomena, each of which can impact the magnetosphere resulting in global effects. Interestingly, such phenomena have also been observed at planetary foreshocks throughout our solar system. Recently, a new type of foreshock phenomena has been predicted: foreshock bubbles, which are large-scale disruptions of both the foreshock and incident solar wind plasmas that can result in global magnetospheric disturbances. Here we present unprecedented, multi-point observations of foreshock bubbles at Earth using a combination of spacecraft and ground observations primarily from the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) mission, and we include detailed analysis of the events? global effects on the magnetosphere and the energetic ions and electrons accelerated by them, potentially by a combination of first and second order Fermi and shock drift acceleration processes. This new phenomena should play a role in energetic particle acceleration at collisionless, quasi-parallel shocks throughout the Universe

    Scaling and a Fokker-Planck model for fluctuations in geomagnetic indices and comparison with solar wind as seen by Wind and ACE

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    The evolution of magnetospheric indices on temporal scales shorter than that of substorms is characterized by bursty, intermittent events that may arise from turbulence intrinsic to the magnetosphere or that may reflect solar wind-magnetosphere coupling. This leads to a generic problem of distinguishing between the features of the system and those of the driver. We quantify scaling properties of short-term (up to few hours) fluctuations in the geomagnetic indices AL and AU during solar minimum and maximum, along with the parameter that is a measure of the solar wind driver. We find that self-similar statistics provide a good approximation for the observed scaling properties of fluctuations in the geomagnetic indices, regardless of the solar activity level, and in the parameter at solar maximum. This self-similarity persists for fluctuations on timescales at least up to about 1–2 hours. The scaling exponent of AU index fluctuations show dependence on the solar cycle, and the trend follows that found in the scaling of fluctuations in . The values of their corresponding scaling exponents, however, are always distinct. Fluctuations in the AL index are insensitive to the solar cycle, as well as being distinct from those in the parameter. This approximate self-similar scaling leads to a Fokker-Planck model which, we show, captures the probability density function of fluctuations and provides a stochastic dynamical equation (Langevin equation) for time series of the geomagnetic indices

    Characteristics of ion flow in the quiet inner plasma sheet

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    Abstract We use AMPTE/IRM and ISEE 2 data to study the properties of the high beta (βi \u3e 0.5) plasma sheet, the inner plasma sheet (IPS). Bursty bulk flows (BBFs) are excised from the two databases, and the average flow pattern in the non-BBF (quiet) IPS is constructed. At local midnight this ensemble-average flow is predominantly duskward; closer to the flanks it is mostly earthward. The flow pattern agrees qualitatively with calculations based on the Tsyganenko [1987] model (T87), where the earthward flow is due to the ensemble-average cross tail electric field and the duskward flow is the diamagnetic drift due to an inward pressure gradient. The IPS is on the average in pressure equilibrium with the lobes. Because of its large variance the average flow does not represent the instantaneous flow field. Case studies also show that the non-BBF flow is highly irregular and inherently unsteady, a reason why earthward convection can avoid a pressure balance inconsistency with the lobes. The ensemble distribution of velocities is a fundamental observable of the quiet plasma sheet flow field