97 research outputs found

    Hypertrophic osteopathy associated with a bronchial foreign body (grass awn) in a dog: a case report

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    A five-year-old dog was referred with a five-month history of lethargy, decreased appetite, cough and intermittent forelimb lameness. Radiographs revealed an intra-thoracic lesion and a marked periosteal bone apposition of the second digit on the left forelimb. As it was palisading and circumferential, the latter appeared typical of hypertrophic osteopathy (HO). A grass awn in a sub-lobar ramification of the right caudal bronchus was identified and removed by bronchoscopy. At three months follow-up, the digit appeared clinically normal. On radiographs the periosteal bone reaction had decreased, indicative of resolving hypertrophic osteopathy. Thoracic radiographs showed no abnormalities five months after foreign body removal and the bone lesion on the digit had disappeared. Successful treatment of the pulmonary foreign body abscess led to spontaneous regression of HO and eventually to complete resolution of clinical signs. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of HO secondary to a bronchial-pulmonary grass an abscess

    Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Inhibition of the tumor-associated isozymes IX and XII with polyfluorinated aromatic/heterocyclic sulfonamides

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    The tumor-associated transmembrane carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC isozymes IX (CA IX) and XII (CA XII) are involved in acidification of hypoxic tumors, a process correlated with poor prognosis and clinical outcome of patients harboring such tumors. This process may be reversed by inhibiting these enzymes with potent sulfonamide/sulfamate inhibitors. A series of such aromatic/heterocyclic sulfonamides incorporating 2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzoyl-, 2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenylsulfonyl- and pentafluorophenylureido moieties has been investigated for its interaction with the catalytic domain of the human isozymes hCA IX and hCA XII. Some of these compounds showed excellent inhibitory properties against both isozymes IX and XII, with several subnanomolar inhibitors detected for the first time. These sulfonamides may constitute valuable candidates for the development of novel antitumor therapies based on the inhibition of such tumor-associated CA isozymes

    Anesthetic Management during Cesarean Section in English Bulldogs

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    The authors describe their experience with the management of the perioperative period, general anesthesia and the postoperative period in English bulldogs undergoing elective cesarean section and its effect on the neonates. The anesthetist for animals undergoing cesarean operation must be aware of any special needs, not only of the patient undergoing surgery, but also of the neonates. Anesthetic drugs administered to the pregnant patient will readily cross the placenta and affect them, with the exception of local anesthetics. Pregnant female patients are at increased anesthetic risk due to pregnancy-associated physiological alterations, such as altered pulmonary function. The anesthetist is often called to perform anesthesia on brachycephalic dogs for an elective cesarean section. Due to their conformation, these animals may have one or more anatomical abnormalities of the upper airways, which compromise the ability to ventilate adequately. The induction and recovery phases of anesthesia can be extremely dangerous in these patients, but the maintenance phase is generally fairly straightforward because the airways are controlled during maintenance. In addition, vagal tone is frequently high and this can contribute towards significant bradycardia and further airway narrowing. All these reasons make general anesthesia in brachycephalic dogs undergoing cesarean section rather complicated

    Use of Nanohydroxyapatite in Regenerative Therapy in Dogs Affected by Periodontopathy: Preliminary Results

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    Background: The present study aims to analyse the in vivo behaviour of nanohydroxyapatite and to assess its regenerative capacity in dogs affected by periodontal disease. Methods and findings: The dogs employed in the study were randomly subdivided into a control group and an experimental group. After clinical, instrumental and radiological examinations, all the subjects underwent dental prophylaxis and a bioptic sample was taken. A histopathological examination of the periodontal tissues, in correspondence to teeth with periodontopathy ranging between stages 2 and 3, followed. Regenerative therapy with applications of nanohydroxyapatite was administered only to the dogs of the experimental group. After a period of between 35 and 40 days, a further clinical, instrumental and radiological examination was carried out and a bioptic sample taken solely on the dogs whose histological examinations showed changes ascribable to periodontal disease. The results of the histopathological examination demonstrated that only the dogs in the experimental group, who underwent dental prophylaxis together with the administration of nanohydroxyapatite, showed clear signs of improvement with respect to their initial condition. Conclusions: In conclusion the study demonstrated that the nanohydroxyapatite represents a valid osteoconductive and osteoinductive graft product and confirmed its regenerative potential in periodontal therapy in dogs

    A new crested pterosaur from the early cretaceous of Spain: the first European tapejarid (Pterodactyloidea: Azhdarchoidea)

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    Background: The Tapejaridae is a group of unusual toothless pterosaurs characterized by bizarre cranial crests. From a paleoecological point of view, frugivorous feeding habits have often been suggested for one of its included clades, the Tapejarinae. So far, the presence of these intriguing flying reptiles has been unambiguously documented from Early Cretaceous sites in China and Brazil, where pterosaur fossils are less rare and fragmentary than in similarly-aged European strata. Methodology/Principal Findings: Europejara olcadesorum gen. et sp. nov. is diagnosed by a unique combination of characters including an unusual caudally recurved dentary crest. It represents the oldest known member of Tapejaridae and the oldest known toothless pterosaur. The new taxon documents the earliest stage of the acquisition of this anatomical feature during the evolutionary history of the Pterodactyloidea. This innovation may have been linked to the development of new feeding strategies. Conclusion/Significance: The discovery of Europejara in the Barremian of the Iberian Peninsula reveals an earlier and broader global distribution of tapejarids, suggesting a Eurasian origin of this group. It adds to the poorly known pterosaur fauna of the Las Hoyas locality and contributes to a better understanding of the paleoecology of this Konservat-Lagerstätte. Finally, the significance of a probable contribution of tapejarine tapejarids to the early angiosperm dispersal is discussedAWAK acknowledges the Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ nos. E-26/102.779/2008 and E-26/111.273/2010) and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq no. 307276/2009-0) for supporting research on pterosaurs, including the examination of the Las Hoyas specimen. This study was supported by the Project CGL2009-11838BTE of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Junta de Castilla-La Manch

    Dendritic cells in blood and urine samples from bladder cancer patients undergoing BCG immunotherapy

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    Objectives: Immunotherapy with BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) after transurethral resection of the bladder tumor represents a highly effective primary treatment for intermediate and high-risk superficial bladder cancer. The effectiveness of this therapy has been documented, but its mechanism of action is not clear yet. In the present study, we investigated the changes of dendritic cells (DC) numbers in peripheral blood and urine of patients with superficial bladder cancer undergoing BCG intravescical therapy Material and method: We have enumerated plasmacytoid and myeloid DCs in the peripheral blood and in the urine of patients with bladder cancer in order to clarify the role of these cells in the evolution of the disease and the effect of therapy. DCs in blood and urine samples were assessed using the single-platform TruCOUNT assay with monoclonal antibodies. The study population included 37 healthy donors and 13 patients with diagnosis of primitive superficial bladder cancer. Results: At the time of diagnosis a reduction of blood DCs was found in patients as opposed to healthy donors, while DCs were not found in the urine in the same way as in healthy subjects. Six of these patients were followed before and after weekly and monthly instillations of BCG. In the peripheral blood, we observed an immunological recovery of DCs from the third weekly instillation up to the sixth. In the urine of patients, we didn't find mDCs or pDCs at T0, but we found a statistically significant change from the third instillation up to the sixth. On the contrary, we didn't find mDCs in urine during monthly instillation. Conclusions: DC Count could be used in the monitoring of patients undergoing BCG therapy. Immunological restoration of mDC numbers in peripheral blood and the efflux in urine could be important for confirming the effectiveness of BCG instillation

    Use of Nanohydroxyapatite in regenerative therapy in dogs affected by periodontopathy: preliminary results

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    Nanosized ceramics may represent a promising class of bone graft substitutes due to their improved osseointegrative and osseoinductive properties. Nanohydroxyapatite binds itself to the bone and favours bone healing by stimulation of osteoblast activity (Singh et al., 2012). The present study aims to analyse the in vivo behaviour of nanohydroxyapatite and to assess its regenerative capacity in dogs affected by periodontal disease. Twenty-eight dogs of different breeds, aged between 5 and 15 years, were employed in the study and were randomly subdivided into a control group and an experimental group. After clinical, instrumental and radiological examinations to estimate the severity of the disease, all the subjects underwent dental prophylaxis and a bioptic sample was taken. A histopathological examination of the periodontal tissues, in correspondence with teeth with periodontopathy ranging between grades II and III, followed. Regenerative therapy with applications of nanohydroxyapatite was administered only to the dogs of the experimental group. After a period of between 30 and 42 days, a further clinical, instrumental and radiological examination was carried out and a bioptic sample taken solely on the dogs whose histological examinations showed changes ascribable to periodontal disease. The results of the histopathological examination demonstrated that the subjects belonging to the control group, who only underwent the dental prophylaxis, in no case showed any histopathological improvement. In 6 out of 14 cases, the situation remained stationary and in the remaining 8 there was a clear deterioration. On the contrary, all the dogs in the experimental group, who underwent dental prophylaxis together with the administration of nanohydroxyapatite, showed clear signs of improvement with respect to their initial condition. Furthermore, there was no sign of any inflammatory reaction in the areas which had been treated with nanohydroxyapatite. In conclusion the study demonstrated the regenerative potential of nanohydroxyapatite in periodontal therapy. In fact, its use as a graft material has produced very satisfactory results, which have been supported without doubt by the histopathological examinations. Thus, nanohydroxyapatite represents a valid osteoconductive and osteoinductive graft product in dogs. However, more research is needed and it is, therefore, imperative to extend the case histories and further standardize diagnostic methods. Singh VP, Nayak DG, Uppoor AS, Shah D: Clinical and radiographic evaluation of Nano-crystalline hydroxyapatite bone graft (Sybograf) in combination with bioresorbable collagen membrane (Periocol) in periodontal intrabony defects. Dental Research Journal, 2012; 9: 60-67

    The Exceptional Fossil Site of Las Hoyas (SPAIN) from an Educational Perspective

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    The paleontological heritage of the fossil site of Las Hoyas (Early Cretaceous of Cuenca, Spain) is becoming a relevant part of the sociocultural identity of Castilla-La Mancha autonomous community in general, and of Cuenca province in particular. The most recent scientific advances, including several fossil findings that have had high scientific impact, have made Las Hoyas to regularly be the center of attention in the local, national, and international media, especially since the reinterpretation of the paleoecosystem represented by the locality published in 2010. These results have led to a renaissance of the interest of the society for this unique site. As a consequence, Las Hoyas has been declared Site of Cultural Interest by the regional government, in the form of paleontological zone. This recognition, which grants the locality with the highest level of protection, sets a legal framework for the educative initiatives developed at this locality, which can be categorized as non-formal education, formal education, and Social Paleontology.Unidad de Paleontología, Departamento de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, EspañaJURASSICA Museum, SuizaDepartment of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, SuizaMuseo Geominero, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaDepartamento de Estratigrafía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, EspañaGéosciences Rennes Unité Mixte de Recherche, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FranciaDepartamento de Ecología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, EspañaLaboratoire de Géologie de Lyon: Terre, Planètes, Environnement, Unité Mixte de Recherche, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Franci

    On implementation of the Gibbs sampler for estimating the accuracy of multiple diagnostic tests

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    Implementation of the Gibbs sampler for estimating the accuracy of multiple binary diagnostic tests in one population has been investigated. This method, proposed by Joseph, Gyorkos and Coupal, makes use of a Bayesian approach and is used in the absence of a gold standard to estimate the prevalence, the sensitivity and specificity of medical diagnostic tests. The expressions that allow this method to be implemented for an arbitrary number of tests are given. By using the convergence diagnostics procedure of Raftery and Lewis, the relation between the number of iterations of Gibbs sampling and the precision of the estimated quantiles of the posterior distributions is derived. An example concerning a data set of gastro-esophageal reflux disease patients collected to evaluate the accuracy of the water siphon test compared with 24�h pH-monitoring, endoscopy and histology tests is presented. The main message that emerges from our analysis is that implementation of the Gibbs sampler to estimate the parameters of multiple binary diagnostic tests can be critical and convergence diagnostic is advised for this method. The factors which affect the convergence of the chains to the posterior distributions and those that influence the precision of their quantiles are analyzed.Gibbs sampler, Bayesian analysis, convergence diagnostics, diagnostic tests, gastro-esophageal reflux disease,