2,008 research outputs found

    "Queriendo dar a entender al mundo cómo el fuego de Santa Teresa había abrasado la mayor parte de la orbe". The discourse expansion

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    Este trabajo pretende mostrar y analizar los componentes del discurso universalista que se construirá en el Carmelo descalzo. La imagen de universalismo espiritual y religioso y universalismo geográfico se elabora en el siglo XVII y se sobrepondrá a un escenario de escisión y desmembración en el seno de la familia carmelita descalza, dividida en dos congregaciones autónomas por el breve pontificio de 1600: la Congregación de San José (española) y la Congregación de San Elías (italiana), siendo ésta la que protagonizará el despliegue misional. Los cronistas de la orden presentarán un discurso que asentaba sobre la figura (el “fuego”) de la santa la presencia universal: su extensión sobre “la mayor parte del Orbe”. Los méritos atribuibles a una parte de la orden (a una de las congregaciones) se presentaban como valor del conjunto de la misma, asignando a santa Teresa –patrimonio de ambas, pero de raíz española- la promoción de todo aquel despliegue. Una parte importante de esta construcción literaria que había empezado a levantar fray Francisco de Santa María insistirá además en exhibir la especial relevancia del Carmelo descalzo como “modelo” para el conjunto del movimiento descalzo. Los carmelitas descalzos presentarían su orden como escuela y “patrón” de excelencia reformadora, como escuela de perfección para las demás órdenesThis paper aims to show and analyse the components of the universalist discourse that was arranged by the Discalced Carmelites. The picture of spiritual, religious and geographical universalism was created during the Seventeenth Century and overlapped on an scene of division and dismemberment at the heart of the Discalced Carmelites family, which was divided into two autonomous congregations after the papal brief of 1600: the Spanish Congregation of Saint Joseph and the Italian Congregation of Saint Elias, being the deployment of missions carried out by the last one. The chroniclers of the Order offered a discourse that rested their universal presence on the figure (the “fire”) of the saint: its spread over most of the orb (“la mayor parte del Orbe”). One Congregation merits were presented as an overall value for the whole Order, attributing to Saint Teresa –both Congregations patrimony, although Spanish- the promotion of all these deployment. An important part of this literary construction was built by Francisco de Santa María, and he also insisted in showing the special relevance of the Discalced Carmelites as a “model” for the whole discalced movement. Discalced Carmelites presented their Order as an school and a “pattern” of the reforming excellence, as an school of perfection for the rest of the OrdersEste trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación de referencia HAR2011-28732-C03-02, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y del que soy Investigadora Principa

    Fault detection and isolation via continuous time statistics = Detección y Diagnóstico de fallos mediante estadísticos en tiempo continuo

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    El problema de detección y diagnóstico de fallos en plantas modeladas mediante sistemas dinámicos en tiempo continuo está siendo tratado mediante distintos procedimientos que en general se pueden clasificar en deterministas y estocásticos. Los métodos que se desarrollan en esta tesis corresponden a la línea estocástica, se basan en el análisis de estadísticos en tiempo continuo, mientras que el esfuerzo en este campo ha estado tradicionalmente orientado al desarrollo y estudio de estadísticos en tiempo discreto. A pesar de que el uso de medios informáticos fuerza la discretización de las señales, resulta más natural abordar el problema de detección y diagnóstico de fallos sobre modelos en tiempo continuo con estadísticos también en tiempo continuo, para conseguir detección y diagnóstico en tiempo real (on-line). Los esquemas de detección y diagnóstico aquí presentados consisten básicamente en la generación de un residuo a partir del modelo del sistema, que se supone disponible, y su análisis posterior. Las herramientas estadísticas usadas para extraer del residuo información sobre el fallo son los contrastes de hipótesis; se pueden construir contrastes diferentes a partir de estadísticos diferentes, dando lugar así a distintos esquemas de detección y diagnóstico, que serán caracterizados desde el punto de vista de su conveniencia para la detección de distintos tipos de fallos. La regla de Bayes, de uso habitual en clasificación de patrones, es de gran ayuda también en una de las fases del diagnóstico, la del aislamiento del fallo. La validación de los métodos presentados viene dada mediante distintos ejemplos de simulación, en particular se estudia el caso de fallos en la fuente de voltaje de un circuito. RESUMEN INGLÉS The problem of fault detection and isolation (FDI) in continuous time dynamical systems has been treated using different approaches, which can be classified in deterministic or stochastic. The approaches presented in this work correspond to the stochastic line. They are based on the analysis of continuous-time statistics. whereas the effort in this field has been traditionally oriented to the development and stndy of discrete time statistics. Although the use of computers forces the discretization of continuous-time signáis, it seems natural to address the FDI problem on continuous-time models with continuous-time statistics, in order to achieve real on-line detection and isolation processes. The FDI methods developed here are based on the generation of a residual from the system model (assumed as available) and its posterior analysis. The statistical tool used to extract fault information from the residual is the hypothesis testing: different statistics are proposed, providing so difierent testing schemes. which will be characterized regarding their convenience for detecting different types of faults. The Bayes' rule, usually used for classification, is also applied in the isolation phase. These methods have been validated via simulations. In particular, the occurrence of faults in the voltage source of a circuit is studied

    Identidad a dos velocidades: morfología, estructura y sociedad en dos zonas urbanas de la ciudad de Torreón

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    El estudio genera un análisis sobre dos ejes de centralidad en Torreón, México con la intención de poner en valor la identidad de la ciudad. Uno de ellos será el eje de la centralidad tradicional y el otro el eje de la centralidad periférica Raúl López Sánchez. El parámetro diferencial evidente entre ellos es la velocidad de flujo del tráfico rodado. La morfología y la estructura urbana en ambas zonas son el sustento de la posible generación de manifestaciones de identidad. Utilizando el dibujo como herramienta de análisis, se verifica la hipótesis anterior. Se obtiene que ambas zonas presentan condiciones urbanas particulares y distintas que conducen a manifestaciones sociales de identidad clasificadas en las siguientes categorías: imagen, tradición, cultura, festividad, arte y edificación patrimonial.This study generates an analysis of two urban axis at Torreon, Mexico with the intention of evaluating the city’s identity. This two axis of urban centralization are the traditional and the peripheral Raul Lopez Sanchez centralities. The velocity at which motorized vehicles travel is the most evident differentiation between this two axes. The morphology and structure of this two axis create a base for the possible generation of identity manifestations. The verification of the previous hypothesis is done by the use of the drawing as a tool for analysis. This analysis obtains the conclusion that both urban axis have particular and different conditions that conduce to the social manifestations which are classified on image, tradition, culture, festivity, art and building heritage

    Comparing teacher and student perspectives regarding the use of L1 in EFL chilean high school classrooms

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)In the Chilean context, English teachers are commanded to perform one hundred percent English classes, but unfortunately, this is not accomplished in every context; hence, this study decided to explore and compare teachers’ and students’ perspectives regarding the use of L1 in the EFL Chilean high school classroom. A quantitative instrument was applied to a total population of 510 being both teachers and students from different districts of Santiago. The results obtained in this study portrayed that both teachers and students agreed on the L1 usage under different situations, these ranging from grammar explanation lessons to managing discipline

    Plastic deformation of dense nanocrystalline yttrium oxide at elevated temperatures

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    Nanocrystalline yttrium oxide, Y2O3 with 110 nm average grain size was plastically deformed between 800 ◦C and 1100 ◦C by compression at different strain rates and by creep at different stresses. The onset temperature for plasticity was at 1000 ◦C. Yield stress was strongly temperature dependent and the strain hardening disappeared at 1100 ◦C. The polyhedral and equiaxed grain morphology were preserved in the deformed specimens. The experimentally measured and theoretically calculated stress exponent n = 2 was consistent with the plastic deformation by grain boundary sliding. Decrease in the grain size was consistent with decrease in the brittle to ductile transition temperature

    Teaching a culture of care: Why it matters

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    The use of animal in biomedical research remains a critical compromise. Research and higher education institutions play a major role in educating on the use of animal and such training is expected to translate into the development of a culture of care practice across all staff working with animals. But nurturing a “culture of care” and impacting in professional attitudes in the field of animal research remains challenging due to its social, ethical and different institutional frameworks. From an educational perspective, current practice remains challenged by the need for better integration of inter-cultural perceptions on animal welfare, supported by more cross disciplinary integration in educational curriculum including the relevance of the 3Rs principles and promoting reflective practice strategies.  Institutional support is crucial to provide a safe, and supportive framework to promote such caring ethos. Our aim is to discuss practical actions to implement and assess culture of care, highlighting its direct impact on the professional integrity of staff which is directly linked to research and education excellence. Seeking a global welfare for all the beings involved and supporting individual and team reflective practice will provide better tools to guarantee the best care of the animals

    Governing Juana: Madness and Manipulation of Power in Three Spanish American Plays on Juana la Loca

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    This article examines the representation of Juana of Castile in three twentieth-century Spanish American plays — Zavalía’s El corazón extraviado — (Argentina, 1957), Sabido’s Falsa crónica de Juana la Loca (Mexico, 1985), and Rueda’s Retablo de la pasión y muerte de Juana la Loca (Dominican Republic, 1996) — that portray the queen sympathetically as the victim of elaborate plots to usurp her authority. While the plays expose her madness as a pretext used by her father King Fernando and her son Emperor Carlos V to confine her for nearly half a century in the palace of Tordesillas, they do not deny the basic premises of the official history of “Juana la loca.” Thus, the captive queen is represented on stage as not only unable to govern Spain, but also as unable to control herself, leading others to “govern Juana.” (KL and AMS, Article in English

    The SDGs as a useful tool in vernacular architecture management: The case of “17 objectives and a map”

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    [EN] The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contribute to unite cities, organizations, local governments, and people networks, sharing transformation policies and challenges for the future of the planet. At present, cultural heritage is widely recognised as a fundamental pillar in the achievement of the SDGs in the coming years. Focused on people and their work to place culture, education, heritage, art and social development as a focal point, a project has been developed by the hand of the Jaume I University (Castellón). "17 objectives and a map” is a project based on the 17 SDGs, wich emphasizes the importance of traditional crafts, construction techniques and the heritage conservation to achieve the global goals. The history of construction shows that vernacular architecture have always been creative in adapting and optimizing buildings using the local resources available to fulfill people’s needs in the best way. In this process -in a natural and sustainable way- climatic, economic, social and cultural factors have been taken into account. During the first phase of the proyect (years 2020 and 2021) workshops where heritage communities exchanged experiences and good practices improving mutual learning, were developed in a playful and fluid way, identifying and extracting SDG messages from different projects. With the help of specific designed toolkits, heritage communities became aware of the importance of sustainable actions to transform the heritage future. After several months of workshop, the results of this first phase served the participants to review their projects from an SDG perspective and to restructure some points of them in favor of a more sustainable future. Also, the results constituted an excellent starting point to work, in a pioneering way, in the field of the SDGs from a heritage perspective.López Sabater, A.; García López De Andújar, V.; Laumain, X. (2022). The SDGs as a useful tool in vernacular architecture management: The case of “17 objectives and a map”. En Proceedings HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 671-678. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1563767167

    Normas Internacionales de Informacion Financiera (NIIF para Pymes) : Aplicación de normas de información financiera para pymes en la COOTEL,S.A. para el año finalizado 2015

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    Debido a la globalización y al avance de la tecnología es urgente para las empresas el análisis de la estandarización contable, así como el óptimo desenvolvimiento de sus actividades, por tanto el presente documento aborda los diferentes requerimientos y exigencias que las entidades deben realizar para poder expresar que sus estados financieros son preparados y presentados en base a normas internacionales de información financiera para pequeñas y medianas entidades, (NIIF para PYMES) Además se toma en cuenta la evolución que durante la historia ha venido teniendo la contabilidad y se describe las generalidades que todo usuario de la contabilidad debe conocer. Para poder demostrar cómo se deben presentar los estados financieros utilizando la NIIF para PYMES se realizó un caso práctico de una entidad que preparaba y presentaba sus estados financieros con base a los principios contables, la gerencia decide adoptar las normas realizando así un proceso de transición que duro un periodo completo, pero que valió la pena pues los resultados fueron muy satisfactorios. Se demostró la estructura que según las normas de información financiera deben tener los estados financieros de una entidad, cuales son los ajustes a realizar al momento de aplicar la seccion 35 de la NIIF para PYMES en el caso práctico. Llagamos a la conclusión que la adecuada aplicación de la NIIF para PYMES permite a las entidades pequeñas y medianas ser reconocidas a nivel internacional así como la posibilidad de crecimiento económico

    Fault isolation schemes for a class of continuous-time stochastic dynamical systems

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    In this paper a new method for fault isolation in a class of continuous-time stochastic dynamical systems is proposed. The method is framed in the context of model-based analytical redundancy, consisting in the generation of a residual signal by means of a diagnostic observer, for its posterior analysis. Once a fault has been detected, and assuming some basic a priori knowledge about the set of possible failures in the plant, the isolation task is then formulated as a type of on-line statistical classification problem. The proposed isolation scheme employs in parallel different hypotheses tests on a statistic of the residual signal, one test for each possible fault. This isolation method is characterized by deriving for the unidimensional case, a sufficient isolability condition as well as an upperbound of the probability of missed isolation. Simulation examples illustrate the applicability of the proposed scheme