27 research outputs found

    Дилема со двојна дијагноза: Разоткривање на спондилодисцит и инфективен ендокардит кај пациент со замор, болка во грб и треска

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    Инфекциите на рбетниот столб може да се презентираат со широк спектар на клинички симптоми. Најчест симптом е болка во грбот, но невролошки дефицити не се реткост. Целта на овој труд е да се акцентира на неспецифичните симптоми на замор, грбна болка и покачена телесна температура, кои се среќаваат кај различни болести и е потребно детално испитување со цел нивно етиолошко разјаснување. Презентираме случај на 67 годишен пациент кој беше примен на одделение за неврологија поради замор, долногрбна болка, покачена телесна температура и нестабилност во одот. Беа спроведени серија на дијагностички испитувања за да се утврди точната причина. Неспецифичните симптоми на малаксаност, слабост, екцесивното ноќно потење и треска разбудија сомнеж за можно кардијално потекло. Лабораториските анализи покажаа покачени вредности на СЕ и ЦРП, а хемокултурите беа негативни. MR на Л-С рбет откри хипосигнална, делумно лобулирана промена на ниво на Л-1 прешленско тело и хетеросигнален приказ на ИВ диск. Промената би можела да одговара на состојба на спондилодисцит. ЕМНГ наодот укажува на хронична лезија на проксималниот дел од моторниот неврон. Ехокардиографијата откри дилатирана лева предкомора, со задебелен митрален залисток и присутна хиперехогена топчеста маса во предел на врвот на преден митрален куспис. Иста таква формација се прати на интравентрикуларниот септум, суспектни за ендокардијални маси и тешка митрална инсуфициенција. Спондилодисцитот е честа придружна компликација на инфективниот ендокардит, најверојатно поради хематогената дисеминација на инфективниот агенс. Затоа, во сите случаи на спондилодисцит , присуството на инфективен ендокардитис треба темелно да се испита и да се исклучи. Kлучни зборови : спондилодисцит, инфективен ендокарди

    A life course examination of the physical environmental determinants of physical activity behaviour: A “Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity” (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review

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    Background: Participation in regular physical activity is associated with a multitude of health benefits across the life course. However, many people fail to meet PA recommendations. Despite a plethora of studies, the evidence regarding the environmental (physical) determinants of physical activity remains inconclusive. Objective: To identify the physical environmental determinants that influence PA across the life course. Methods: An online systematic literature search was conducted using MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, Scopus and SPORTDiscus. The search was limited to studies published in English (January 2004 to April 2016). Only systematic literature reviews (SLRs) and meta-analyses (MAs) of observational studies, that investigated the association between physical determinants and physical activity outcomes, were eligible for inclusion. The extracted data were assessed on the importance of determinants, strength of evidence and methodological quality. Results: The literature search identified 28 SLRs and 3 MAs on 67 physical environmental characteristics potentially related to physical activity that were eligible for inclusion. Among preschool children, a positive association was reported between availability of backyard space and outdoor toys/equipment in the home and overall physical activity. The availability of physical activity programs and equipment within schools, and neighbourhood features such as pedestrian and cyclist safety structure were positively associated with physical activity in children and adolescents. Negative street characteristics, for example, lack of sidewalks and streetlights, were negatively associated with physical activity in adults. Inconsistent associations were reported for the majority of reviewed determinants in adults. Conclusion: This umbrella SLR provided a comprehensive overview of the physical environment determinants of physical activity across the life course and has highlighted, particularly amongst youth, a number of key determinants that may be associated with overall physical activity. Given the limited evidence drawn mostly from cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies are needed to further explore these associations. Registration: PROSPERO CRD42015010616

    Socio-cultural determinants of physical activity across the life course: A \u27Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity\u27 (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review

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    Objective: Regular physical activity (PA) reduces the risk of disease and premature death. Knowing factors associated with PA might help reducing the disease and economic burden caused by low activity. Studies suggest that socio-cultural factors may affect PA, but systematic overviews of findings across the life course are scarce. This umbrella systematic literature review (SLR) summarizes and evaluates available evidence on socio-cultural determinants of PA in children, adolescents, and adults. Methods: This manuscript was drafted following the recommendations of the \u27Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses\u27 (PRISMA) checklist. The MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus databases were searched for SLRs and meta-analyses (MAs) on observational studies published in English that assessed PA determinants between January 2004 and April 2016. The methodological quality was assessed and relevant information on socio-cultural determinants and any associations with PA was extracted. The available evidence was evaluated based on the importance of potential determinants and the strength of the evidence. Results: Twenty SLRs and three MAs encompassing 657 eligible primary studies investigated potential socio-cultural PA determinants, with predominantly moderate methodological quality. Twenty-nine potential PA determinants were identified that were primarily assessed in children and adolescents and investigated the micro-environmental home/household level. We found probable evidence that receiving encouragement from significant others and having a companion for PA were associated with higher PA in children and adolescents, and that parental marital status (living with partner) and experiencing parental modeling were not associated with PA in children. Evidence for the other potential determinants was limited, suggestive, or non-conclusive. In adults, quantitative and conclusive data were scarce. Conclusions: A substantial number of SLRs and MAs investigating potential socio-cultural determinants of PA were identified. Our data suggest that receiving social support from significant others may increase PA levels in children and adolescents, whereas parental marital status is not a determinant in children. Evidence for other potential determinants was limited. This was mainly due to inconsistencies in results on potential socio-cultural determinants of PA across reviews and studies. Trial registrations: This umbrella SLR was recorded on PROSPERO (Record ID: CRD42015010616)

    Behavioural determinants of physical activity across the life course: a "Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity" (DEDIPAC) umbrella literature review

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    Background Low levels of physical activity (PA) are a global concern and increasing PA engagement is becoming a priority in current public health policies. Despite the large number of studies and reviews available, the evidence regarding the behavioral determinants of PA is still inconclusive. Thus, the aim of this umbrella systematic literature review (SLR) was to summarize the evidence on the behavioral determinants of PA across the life course. Methods A systematic online search was conducted on MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus databases. The search was limited to studies published in English from January, 2004 to April, 2016. SLRs and meta-analyses (MAs) of observational studies that investigated the behavioral determinants of PA were considered eligible. The extracted data were assessed based on the importance of the determinants, the strength of evidence, and the methodological quality. The full protocol is available from PROSPERO (PROSPERO 2014:CRD42015010616). Results Seventeen reviews on 35 behavioral determinants of PA were eligible for this umbrella SLR. Regardless of age, the most investigated determinants were those related with ‘screen use’ and ‘smoking’. For youth, probable positive evidence emerged for ‘previous PA’ and ‘independent mobility and active transport’ among children and adolescents. For the adult population, ‘transition to university’ and ‘pregnancy/having a child’ showed probable negative associations. Conclusions Although the majority of the evidence was limited and most of the determinants were not associated with PA, this umbrella SLR provided a comprehensive overview of the associations between behavioral determinants and PA. Youth should be physically active in the early years and increase active transportation to/from school, independent mobility, and ‘free-range activities’ without adult supervision, whilst adult PA behaviors are mostly influenced by the life events. Finally, more research is needed that incorporates prospective study designs, standardized definitions of PA, objective measurement methods of PA assessment, and the use of interactionist and mediational approaches for the evaluation of different behavioral determinants influencing PA behaviors

    Socio-cultural determinants of physical activity across the life course: a 'Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review

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    Objective Regular physical activity (PA) reduces the risk of disease and premature death. Knowing factors associated with PA might help reducing the disease and economic burden caused by low activity. Studies suggest that socio-cultural factors may affect PA, but systematic overviews of findings across the life course are scarce. This umbrella systematic literature review (SLR) summarizes and evaluates available evidence on socio-cultural determinants of PA in children, adolescents, and adults. Methods This manuscript was drafted following the recommendations of the ‘Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses’ (PRISMA) checklist. The MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus databases were searched for SLRs and meta-analyses (MAs) on observational studies published in English that assessed PA determinants between January 2004 and April 2016. The methodological quality was assessed and relevant information on socio-cultural determinants and any associations with PA was extracted. The available evidence was evaluated based on the importance of potential determinants and the strength of the evidence. Results Twenty SLRs and three MAs encompassing 657 eligible primary studies investigated potential socio-cultural PA determinants, with predominantly moderate methodological quality. Twenty-nine potential PA determinants were identified that were primarily assessed in children and adolescents and investigated the micro-environmental home/household level. We found probable evidence that receiving encouragement from significant others and having a companion for PA were associated with higher PA in children and adolescents, and that parental marital status (living with partner) and experiencing parental modeling were not associated with PA in children. Evidence for the other potential determinants was limited, suggestive, or non-conclusive. In adults, quantitative and conclusive data were scarce. Conclusions A substantial number of SLRs and MAs investigating potential socio-cultural determinants of PA were identified. Our data suggest that receiving social support from significant others may increase PA levels in children and adolescents, whereas parental marital status is not a determinant in children. Evidence for other potential determinants was limited. This was mainly due to inconsistencies in results on potential socio-cultural determinants of PA across reviews and studies

    A life course examination of the physical environmental determinants of physical activity behaviour: A “Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity” (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review.

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    Background: Participation in regular physical activity is associated with a multitude of health benefits across the life course. However, many people fail to meet PA recommendations. Despite a plethora of studies, the evidence regarding the environmental (physical) determinants of physical activity remains inconclusive. Objective: To identify the physical environmental determinants that influence PA across the life course. Methods: An online systematic literature search was conducted using MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, Scopus and SPORTDiscus. The search was limited to studies published in English (January 2004 to April 2016). Only systematic literature reviews (SLRs) and meta-analyses (MAs) of observational studies, that investigated the association between physical determinants and physical activity outcomes, were eligible for inclusion. The extracted data were assessed on the importance of determinants, strength of evidence and methodological quality. Results: The literature search identified 28 SLRs and 3 MAs on 67 physical environmental characteristics potentially related to physical activity that were eligible for inclusion. Among preschool children, a positive association was reported between availability of backyard space and outdoor toys/equipment in the home and overall physical activity. The availability of physical activity programs and equipment within schools, and neighbourhood features such as pedestrian and cyclist safety structure were positively associated with physical activity in children and adolescents. Negative street characteristics, for example, lack of sidewalks and streetlights, were negatively associated with physical activity in adults. Inconsistent associations were reported for the majority of reviewed determinants in adults. Conclusion: This umbrella SLR provided a comprehensive overview of the physical environment determinants of physical activity across the life course and has highlighted, particularly amongst youth, a number of key determinants that may be associated with overall physical activity. Given the limited evidence drawn mostly from cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies are needed to further explore these associations

    Studying the ion transfer across liquid interface of thin organic-film-modified electrodes in the presence of glucose oxidase

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    A coupled electron-ion transfer reaction at thin organic-film-modified electrodes (TFE) is studied in the presence of glucose oxidase (GOx) under voltammetric conditions. TFE consists of a graphite electrode modified with a nitrobenzene solution of decamethylferrocene (DMFC) as a redox mediator and tetrabuthylammonium perchlorate as an organic-supporting electrolyte, in contact with aqueous buffer solutions containing percholarte ions and GOx. The redox turnover of DMFC coupled with perchlorate transfer across water|nitrobenzene interface composes the coupled electronion transfer reaction. Glucose oxidase strongly adsorbs at the liquid|liquid interface affecting the coupled electron-ion transfer reaction by reducing the surface area of the liquid interface, prompting coadsorption of the transferring ion and lowering down slightly the rate of the ion transfer reaction. Although the enzyme exists as a polyvalent anion over the pH interval from 5.6 to 7, it does not participate directly in the ionic current across the liquid interface and percholrate remains the main transferring ion. Raman spectroscopic data, together with the voltammetric data collected by three-phase droplet electrodes, indicate that the adsorption of the enzyme does not depend either on the redox mediator (DMFC) or the organicsupporting electrolyte, while being driven by intrinsic interactions of the enzyme with the organic solvent. The overall electrochemical mechanism is mathematically modeled by considering linear adsorption isotherm of the transferring ion, semi-infinite mass transfer regime, and phenomenological second-order kinetic model

    A life course examination of the physical environmental determinants of physical activity behaviour : A “Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity” (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review

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    BackgroundParticipation in regular physical activity is associated with a multitude of health benefits across the life course. However, many people fail to meet PA recommendations. Despite a plethora of studies, the evidence regarding the environmental (physical) determinants of physical activity remains inconclusive.ObjectiveTo identify the physical environmental determinants that influence PA across the life course.MethodsAn online systematic literature search was conducted using MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, Scopus and SPORTDiscus. The search was limited to studies published in English (January 2004 to April 2016). Only systematic literature reviews (SLRs) and meta-analyses (MAs) of observational studies, that investigated the association between physical determinants and physical activity outcomes, were eligible for inclusion. The extracted data were assessed on the importance of determinants, strength of evidence and methodological quality.ResultsThe literature search identified 28 SLRs and 3 MAs on 67 physical environmental characteristics potentially related to physical activity that were eligible for inclusion. Among preschool children, a positive association was reported between availability of backyard space and outdoor toys/equipment in the home and overall physical activity. The availability of physical activity programs and equipment within schools, and neighbourhood features such as pedestrian and cyclist safety structure were positively associated with physical activity in children and adolescents. Negative street characteristics, for example, lack of sidewalks and streetlights, were negatively associated with physical activity in adults. Inconsistent associations were reported for the majority of reviewed determinants in adults.ConclusionThis umbrella SLR provided a comprehensive overview of the physical environment determinants of physical activity across the life course and has highlighted, particularly amongst youth, a number of key determinants that may be associated with overall physical activity. Given the limited evidence drawn mostly from cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies are needed to further explore these associations.publishe

    Thiol anchoring and catalysis of gold nanoparticles at the liquid interface of thin-organic film-modified electrodes

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    The deposition of in-situ formed gold nanoparticles at the liquid/liquid (L/L) interface is studied by means of thin-organic-film-modified electrodes (TFE). The degree of ordering and aggregation of gold nanoparticles can be tuned by adding a lipophilic and hydrophilic thiol in the organic and aqueous phase, respectively. The ordered thiol-anchored gold nanoparticles exhibit pronounced catalytic effect toward electron-transfer reactions across the L/L interface