398 research outputs found


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    This research aims at finding out the planning of people participation development in Ketong village, Balaesang Tanjung District, Donggala Regency. The researcher quotes Stoners’ idea (1992: 202) that planning steps cover: 1) setting goals; 2) determining the present situation; 3) identifying opportunities and threats of the goals. This is a qualitative research. This research result shows that from the aspect of goals setting, the goals of Musrenbang have been implemented according to the guidance of Musrenbang implementation. From the second aspect, organizations of Ketong village have less involvement. The third aspect shows that Musrenbang in the level of village has been implemented as it should be, but there were two constraints in the process, they were the lack of cooperation of stakeholders and the lack of funds in holding Musrenbang. Finally, it is concluded that   the planning of people participation development in Ketong village is categorized as non optimal, so that there must be improvement in the planning process

    MAKNA FEODALISME DALAM FILM (Analisis semiotik film “Anne van Jogja” karya Bobby Sandy)

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    Film as social reflection and reality socialize to bring influence and affect [at] everyday life. Marking which is there are in a film form an identity that film a conveyor media order communications. Film phenomenon as media of entertainment amusement of business and harvest a lot of effect which cultural to effected moralities identity and the easting. West culture often viewed as culture corrosive to Indonesia society, for that the film cannot be meant once look into, and need one science discipline to study and unload content order through sign meaning develop; building a film. Feudalism Culture phenomenon become problem formula of this research, the culture represent culture dissociated public relations with social status box based on clan, work and or the properties Feudalism become phenomenon’s which require to be highlighted in life socialize. Because in a period of independence, the cultural only as forming of fussy a group which cannot be accepted by society. Therefore, in film Anne Van Jogja narrating to hit feudalism culture will become this research substance. Seemly is marking in the form of Icon, Make an index to, and the symbol, researcher will look for meanings of about feudalism relation which is showing at the film The method Semiotics of Charles Sanders Pierce are using in this research to mean and interpret sign in film Anne Van Jogja With reason of because the theory show how a sign consisted of assorted of structure. The structures develop; build relation of between its reference and sign. Icon, Make an index to, Symbol, becoming framework analyze in using in this research, its meaning in a film of there are various elements develop; builder to mean a sign. In this case third the category in elaborating taken elements dramaturgy which is there is in a film From research result of about feudalism relation in film Anne Van Jogja, indicating that initially the feudalism which is considered to be by a power symbol of all nubs to ordinary people, has shifted from congeniality from the beginning along the epoch growth. Cultural of feudalism at a period of modern more in a mood for attitude form in keeping distance to usher social status and the fussy opinion to remain to maintain its nobility status. The marking in showing by icon of a patrician which still has fussy opinion of life procedures will be everyday, make an index to causality in showing with various conflict usher patrician consanguinity member which do not wish its nobility status is impure by member which is non from nub family or from high social status. Symbol of about traditional feudalism having fussy opinion to its decision and the traditional tradition is which still in using by patrician family of at film Anne Van Jogja shown by dressing, gesture serve and ndara / majesty, building architecture, nuptials, etc. the traditional cultural Displacement up at modern culture in showing with icon sign of a having modern opinion and go forward, where its causality index cannot accept feudalism culture having the character of authoritarians and dictator


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    Program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) adalah salah satu cara mengenalkan mahasiswa dengan dunia pekerjaan yang sebenarnya. Program PPL memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru atau pendidik atau tenaga kependidikan. Mata kuliah PPL mempunyai sasaran utama yaitu masyarakat sekolah, baik dalam kegiatan yang terkait dengan pembelajaran maupun kegiatan yang mendukung berlangsungnya pembelajaran. Kegiatan PPL diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman belajar yang sangat mengesankan bagi mahasiswa, terutama dalam hal pengalaman pembelajaran. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan dilaksanakan di SMP N 2 DEPOK Sleman beralamat di Jl. Dahlia Perumnas Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman, DIY dan berlangsung daritanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 15 September 2016. Kegiatan yang dilakukan praktikan pada PPL kali ini yaitu mengajar Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan kelas VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, VIII D, IX A dan IX B. Rancangan kegiatan PPL terdiri dari persiapan PPL, pelaksanaan PPL, dan penyusunan laporan. Persiapan Praktik Mengajar meliputi: Pembuatan persiapan mengajar yaitu persiapan diri dan pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran seperti: RPP dan Media Pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan Praktik Mengajar meliputi: observasi lapangan, penerjunan dilakukan pada tanggal 15 Juli 2016, kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan tanggal 25 Juli - 8 September 2015 yaitu di kelas VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, VIII D, IX A dan IX . Maka dari itu kegiatan PPL dapat dijadikan sebagai wahana untuk pembentukan calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan yang profesional, yaitu untuk menjadi pendidik yang berbudi luhur dengan mengamalkan Pancasila yang mana pada kegiatan PPL ini praktikan dapat menerapkan pengalamannya dalam mengajar, bukan hanya dalam bangku perkuliahan tetapi juga ilmu akademis yang lain yang eratkaitannya dengan Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan


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    If related to the amount of sales decline, the strategy made it necessary to hold the change (innovation) to follow current developments and the company leadership is necessary to makes the formulation of marketing strategy, so based on the considerations above, then encourage authors to conduct research with the "Strategy Formulation Marketing In an effort to increase sales volume in Company UD furniture. Antiques in Situbondo faithful. " The purpose of this research is a goal that would achieved from the author in conducting the study are: to formulate Strategic Marketing at UD Furniture Company. Faithful Antiques For Sale can be increased. UD furniture. Faithful Antiques Situbondo have opportunities to utilized include Situbondo economic growth, per capita income Situbondo, Demographics (population), the development of people get married Government Regulation, Technology, and Suppliers. And threats facing a inflation and competitors. While the strength of furniture owned by UD. Faithful Antiques is a form of models, prices, discounts Transport, and Channels distribution. And weaknesses of furniture UD. Faithful Antiques is promotion, and service. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis based on external factors (EFAS) form opportunities and threats and internal factors (IFAs) in the form of strength and weakness UD furniture. Antiques faithful after analyzed the results obtained with the meaning EFAS 2.65 external factors have an influence is on the company's strategic factors UD. Faithful Antiques Situbondo. While on the matrix score values obtained IFAs IFAs is 2.85 which means that internal factors have influenced current against strategic factor UD company. Faithful Antiques Situbondo. Position furniture UD. Antiques in the diagram SWOT faithful are in a position aggressive strategy. Where in this quadrant furniture UD. Antiques loyal are on a very advantageous position. Furniture has the opportunity and strength so that with the power that can take advantage of existing opportunities. At a higher priority SWOT matrix is a dominant strategy that is SO strategy with a value of 4.25 higher compared with the strategy other. In the face of competitive strategy is a strategy used SO which supports an aggressive strategy. UD furniture. Faithful Antiques utilize all power held by the furniture to create and exploit opportunities maximum extent possible


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    Permasalahan yang penulis ajukan pada penelitian ini mengenai peningkatan daya tahan aerobik melalui latihan fartlek dan interval training. Latihan fartlek dan interval training sangat dibutuhkan dalam sebuah program latihan dalam meningkatkan daya tahan aerobik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : 1) Untuk mengetahui dampak latihan fartlek terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobik. 2) Untuk mengetahui dampak interval training terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobik, 3) Untuk mengetahui mana yang lebih memberikan dampak secara signifikan antara latihan fartlek dan interval training terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota ekstrakurikuler futsal SMK Negeri 1 Sumedang sebanyak 22 orang, dan semuanya dijadikan sampel. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh atau total sampling. Hasil perhitungan uji signifikansi peningkatan hasil latihan dengan metode latihan fartlek dan interval training terhadap peningkatan daya tahan aerobik didapatkan thitung yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan ttabel setelah perhitungan didapat thitung = 4,17 dan ttabel = 2,62. Dikarenakan thitung lebih besar daripada ttabel, maka Ho ditolak. Jadi kesimpulannya adalah adanya perbedaan yang berarti antara peningkatan daya tahan aerobik dari kelompok dengan menggunakan metode fartlek dan interval training. Yang berarti bahwa kelompok yang diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan metode Interval training menunjukkan peningkatan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang menggunakan metode latihan fartlek. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka disarankan kepada para pelatih untuk memberikan kedua metode latihan di atas secara bertahap, sistematis sesuai dengan periodisasi dan tujuan latihan. Apabila dilakukan penelitian berikutnya, diharapkan menggunakan sampel yang lebih banyak agar dapat terlihat peningkatan yang lebih signifikan. *Mahasiswa Departemen Pendidikan Kepelatihan Angkatan 2010 Some of the physical condition component that affect the increase of speed for swimmers are arm muscle power and abdoment muscle endurance. Therefore, this research is about “The Contribution of Arm Muscle Power and Abdoment Muscle Endurance Towards 50 Meters Backstroke Swimming Speed”. The method used in this researach is the descriptive method. Population this research is the backstroke athlete in Tirtamerta Swimming Club, and the samples are all 14 backstroke athletes, with using the total sampling technique. The instrument for this research are medicine ball-put test for arm power, sit-ups test for abdoment muscle endurance, and 50 meter backstroke swim for speed. Based on data proccess and analysis, the percentage point for arm muscle power is 67,44%, abdoment muscle endurance 56,12%, and both arm muscle power and abdoment muscle endurance 84,82%. The result for hypotheses test with paired skor test are 1) for arm power tcount 4,9853 ˃ ttable 2,18, therefore the arm muscle power is contributing significantly; 2) for abdoment muscle endurance tcount 3,9174 > ttable 2,18, therefore the abdoment muscle endurance is contributing significantly. For both arm muscle power and abdoment muscle endurance fcount 30,7319 > ftable 3,98, therefore both arm muscle power and abdoment muscle endurance are contributing significantly. The conclusion on this research are: arm muscle power and abdoment muscle endurance each contributing significantly towards the 50 meters swimming speed and both arm muscle power and abdoment muscle endurance together are also contributing significantly towards the 50 meters swimming speed Keyword: Contribution, arm muscle power, abdoment muscle endurance, backstrok


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    ABSTRAK rela Andriyana.PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MENYELESAIKAN SOAL CERITA PECAHAN MELALUI MODEL KOOPERTIF THE POWER OF TWO PADA SISWA KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI KENEP 01 KECAMATAN SUKOHARJO KABUPATEN SUKOHARJO TAHUN AJARAN 2011/2012. Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Oktober 2012. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita pecahan melalui pembelajaran kooperatif The Power Of Two. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kenep 01 Tahun ajaran 2011/2012 yang berjumlah 18 siswa terdiri dari 8 siswa laki-laki dan 10 siswa perempuan. Data yang diperoleh peneliti yaitu sumber data pokok (Primer) yaitu dari para siswa, guru, kepala sekolah SD Negeri Kenep 01. Sumber data sekunder meliputi arsip/dokumen, dan hasil observasi oleh guru kelas sendiri. Nilai rata-rata kelas yaitu sebelum tindakan sebesar 54,44; siklus I naik menjadi 64,16 dan pada siklus II naik menjadi 79,16. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif The Power Of Two dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita pada siswa kelas IV SDN Kenep 01 Sukoharjo Tahun 2011/2012 Kata kunci: soal cerita pecahan, model kooperatif The Power Of Two, kemampuan menyelesaikan ABSTRACT Rela Andriyana. THE IMPROVEMENT SOLVE ABILITY STORY PROBLEM FRACTION WITH USED COOPERTIVE MODEL THE POWER OF TWO OF THE STUDENTS IN THE FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KENEP 01 , SUKOHARJO SUBDISTRICT, SUKOHARJO REGENCY ACADEMIC YEAR 2011/2012. Skripsi: The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta October 2012. The aim of this research is to improve solve ability story problem fraction with used cooperative model The Power Of Two. This research belongs to a classroom action research. The research was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Subjects were elementary school students in fourth grade Kenep 01 Academic Year 2011/2012 which amounts to 18 students consist of 8 boys and 10 girls. The source data were obtained from primary data of students, teachers, and Headmaster of Elementary school Kenep 01. The source of secondary data consist of file/document and the result observation by teacher foutth class. The average value of the cycle pre-class 54,44; the first cycle raise to 64,16 and at 79,16 reached second cycle. The conclusions of this research is implementation sociodramatic methods could develop the motivation to learn mathematics in the fourth grade students Elementary School Kenep 01 Sukoharjo year 2011/2012 Key Word : soal cerita pecahan, model kooperatif The Power Of Two, kemampuan menyelesaika


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    Program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) adalah salah satu cara mengenalkan mahasiswa dengan dunia pekerjaan yang sebenarnya. Program PPL memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru atau pendidik atau tenaga kependidikan. Mata kuliah PPL mempunyai sasaran utama yaitu masyarakat sekolah, baik dalam kegiatan yang terkait dengan pembelajaran maupun kegiatan yang mendukung berlangsungnya pembelajaran. Kegiatan PPL diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman belajar yang sangat mengesankan bagi mahasiswa, terutama dalam hal pengalaman pembelajaran. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan dilaksanakan di SMP N 2 DEPOK Sleman beralamat di Jl. Dahlia Perumnas Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman, DIY dan berlangsung daritanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 15 September 2016. Kegiatan yang dilakukan praktikan pada PPL kali ini yaitu mengajar Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan kelas VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, VIII D, IX A dan IX B. Rancangan kegiatan PPL terdiri dari persiapan PPL, pelaksanaan PPL, dan penyusunan laporan. Persiapan Praktik Mengajar meliputi: Pembuatan persiapan mengajar yaitu persiapan diri dan pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran seperti: RPP dan Media Pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan Praktik Mengajar meliputi: observasi lapangan, penerjunan dilakukan pada tanggal 15 Juli 2016, kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan tanggal 25 Juli - 8 September 2015 yaitu di kelas VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, VIII D, IX A dan IX . Maka dari itu kegiatan PPL dapat dijadikan sebagai wahana untuk pembentukan calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan yang profesional, yaitu untuk menjadi pendidik yang berbudi luhur dengan mengamalkan Pancasila yang mana pada kegiatan PPL ini praktikan dapat menerapkan pengalamannya dalam mengajar, bukan hanya dalam bangku perkuliahan tetapi juga ilmu akademis yang lain yang eratkaitannya dengan Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan