
MAKNA FEODALISME DALAM FILM (Analisis semiotik film “Anne van Jogja” karya Bobby Sandy)


Film as social reflection and reality socialize to bring influence and affect [at] everyday life. Marking which is there are in a film form an identity that film a conveyor media order communications. Film phenomenon as media of entertainment amusement of business and harvest a lot of effect which cultural to effected moralities identity and the easting. West culture often viewed as culture corrosive to Indonesia society, for that the film cannot be meant once look into, and need one science discipline to study and unload content order through sign meaning develop; building a film. Feudalism Culture phenomenon become problem formula of this research, the culture represent culture dissociated public relations with social status box based on clan, work and or the properties Feudalism become phenomenon’s which require to be highlighted in life socialize. Because in a period of independence, the cultural only as forming of fussy a group which cannot be accepted by society. Therefore, in film Anne Van Jogja narrating to hit feudalism culture will become this research substance. Seemly is marking in the form of Icon, Make an index to, and the symbol, researcher will look for meanings of about feudalism relation which is showing at the film The method Semiotics of Charles Sanders Pierce are using in this research to mean and interpret sign in film Anne Van Jogja With reason of because the theory show how a sign consisted of assorted of structure. The structures develop; build relation of between its reference and sign. Icon, Make an index to, Symbol, becoming framework analyze in using in this research, its meaning in a film of there are various elements develop; builder to mean a sign. In this case third the category in elaborating taken elements dramaturgy which is there is in a film From research result of about feudalism relation in film Anne Van Jogja, indicating that initially the feudalism which is considered to be by a power symbol of all nubs to ordinary people, has shifted from congeniality from the beginning along the epoch growth. Cultural of feudalism at a period of modern more in a mood for attitude form in keeping distance to usher social status and the fussy opinion to remain to maintain its nobility status. The marking in showing by icon of a patrician which still has fussy opinion of life procedures will be everyday, make an index to causality in showing with various conflict usher patrician consanguinity member which do not wish its nobility status is impure by member which is non from nub family or from high social status. Symbol of about traditional feudalism having fussy opinion to its decision and the traditional tradition is which still in using by patrician family of at film Anne Van Jogja shown by dressing, gesture serve and ndara / majesty, building architecture, nuptials, etc. the traditional cultural Displacement up at modern culture in showing with icon sign of a having modern opinion and go forward, where its causality index cannot accept feudalism culture having the character of authoritarians and dictator

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