10 research outputs found
Perilaku Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Nilai Ibadah Di SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Medan Estate
Based on Law no. 20 of 2003 article 3 concerning the National Education System that national education functions to develop capabilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of educating the nation's life, aiming to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character. , healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen. Integrated Islamic School (SIT) is more dominant in its religious character education. One of the schools that has implemented religious character education through school culture is SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Medan Estate. It can be seen in the vision of this school, namely "Forming a Generation of Superior Muslims who Think, Think and Have Morals". This research was carried out with the aim of describing the implementation of worship value-based learning at SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Medan Estate. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded as the implementation of teacher behavior through worship value-based learning at SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Medan Estate that the physical education component supports the implementation of worship value-based learning at SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Medan Estat
Education and the educational process continue to experience changes, both scientific changes, as well as changes that are planned according to abilities and desires. The quality of graduates who are qualified and in accordance with the needs of the community will have a great influence on organizational productivity. A developed country is a country that has a quality society. Society is said to be qualified if the individuals who make up the community are educated or have knowledge. To be able to master science and technology, one must study and undergo education. Based on the explanation of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system, setting the vision of national education is the realization of the education system as a strong and authoritative social institution to empower all Indonesian citizens to develop into quality Indonesian people so that they are able and proactively respond to the challenges of the times. always changing. One of its missions is to improve the readiness of inputs and the quality of the educational process to optimize the formation of a moral personality
Implementation of Principal Risk Management in the Development of Changes in Educational Institutions
This article seeks to find out how the principal implements risk management in developing any changes that occur in an educational institution. In this research, a qualitative approach was used with the key informants in this research being the Principal and Deputy of SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Medan Estate. Meanwhile, the supporting informants in this research were teachers, staff and students of SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Medan Estate. Field data was obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. After collecting data, researchers carried out data analysis. Based on findings in the field, it is revealed that the role of leaders in change management includes creating effective working relationships, shifting manager functions, leading by example, influencing others, developing team work, involving subordinates in decision making, making empowerment of subordinates a way of life; and build commitment. Apart from his big role in bringing about change, a leader must also have a mature strategy to make this change a realit
Pada masa remaja sebagai periode “badai dan tekanan” atau “storm & stress” suatu masa dimana ketegangan emosi meningkat sebagai akibat dari perubahan fisik dan psikologis. Pada sebagian besar remaja, hambatan-hambatan dalam kehidupan mereka akan sangat mengganggu kesehatan fisik dan emosi mereka, menghancurkan motivasi dan kemampuan menuju sukses di sekolah dan merusakkan hubungan pribadi mereka. Masalah yang banyak dialami remaja pada saat ini merupakan manifestasi dari stres, di antaranya depresi, kecemasan, pola makan tidak teratur, penyalahgunaan obat sampai penyakit yang berhubungan dengan fisik seperti pusing serta ngilu pada sendi. Program Coping Stress membantu dalam menggurangi resiko stres yang dialami oleh remaja tingkat SMA agar tidak memasuki pada level atau kategori stress tingkat sedang bahkan berat dengan menggunakan teknik Coping Stress yang sudah disimulasikan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode riset evaluasi. Partisipan penelitian terdiri dari delapan siswa laki-laki dan perempuan kelas X dan XI SMA Darul Hikam Kota Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2022/ 2023. Partisipan penelitian ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian secara umum menunjukkan bahwa penerapan program coping stress dapat diimplementasikan di sekolah. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari evaluasi keterlaksanaan rancangan program coping stress dan dinamika pada masing-masing partisipan yang menunjukkan puas dengan kehidupannya di sekolah atau lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penerapan program coping stress, terdapat rekomendasi yang diberikan kepada pihak sekolah, guru BK dan peneliti selanjutnya.
Adolescence is a period of "storm and stress", a period where emotional tension increases as a result of physical and psychological changes. For most adolescence, the obstacles in their lives will seriously disrupt their physical and emotional health, destroy their motivation and ability to succeed in school and damage their personal relationships. The problems that many adolescence currently experience are manifestations of stress, including depression, anxiety, irregular eating patterns, drug abuse and even physical illnesses such as dizziness and joint pain. The Coping Stress Program helps reduce the risk of stress experienced by high school adolescence so that they do not enter the level or category of moderate or even severe stress by using simulated Coping Stress techniques. The research used a qualitative approach with evaluation research method. The research participants consisted of eight male and female students in classes 10th. The research finding generally show that the application of stress coping programs can be implemented in schools. This can be seen from the evaluation of the implementation of the stress coping program design and the dynamics of each participant who showed satisfaction with their life at school or in the environment. Based on the finding of research on the implementation of the stress coping program, there are recommendations give
Children who were actively doing various activities and carried out well if supported by the right learning methods, in developing creativity the right method was used is the method of playing because by playing children could do creativity according to their desires. As a learning model of many existing learning models, inkuiri was a learning model where in its activities placing teachers as facilitators, teachers guided children as needed.The implementation of this class action research was carried out with two cycles. The first cycle was to increase the development of children's creativity in shake it up through direct guidance in the classroom, and the second cycle was to increase the development of children's creativity in playing shake it up through direct guidance in the classroom or outside the classroom. During the learning process using an inkuiri approach, researchers were assisted by teachers as collaboration partners to observe all activities or activities that occur using observation sheets.From the results of research observations obtained that the learning process of early childhood who use conventional methods (teacher centered), this resulted in low creativity of early childhood (only achieved 22.72% in the initial observation), second: the application of inkuri learning can increase creativity of early childhood. This was shown from the success of children's creativity in the first cycle to 54.54%, and in the second cycle increased to 86.36%
Pengaruh Sistem Finansial Pendidikan Terhadap Mutu Lulusan di SMK Swastaabdi Nusantara Sei Bamban Kecamatan Sei Bamban
This study aims to determine the effect of the financial system of lipering the quality of graduates in the Abdi Nusantara Sei Bamban Vocational School, Sei Rampah District, Serdang Bedagai Regency. The method used in data collection of researchers is to carry out activities to encounter research respondents and ask them to fill in the research questionnaire (questionnaire refers to the Likert scale). The results of the study there was a significant influence of the financial education system on the quality of graduates in the Private Vocational School Abdi Nusantara Sei Bamban Sei Bamban sub-district with a correlation value of 0.851 meaning that the financial system of education has a correlation of the quality of graduates at ABDI Nusantara Sei Bamban Sei Rampah Subdistrict, Sei Rampah Regency, Bedagai. Enough or 72.35%
Kepemimpinan Kependidikan Di Era Digital Leadership Education in the Digital Age
Leaders or leaders of an educational institution as people who are used to deciding what is right or most appropriate in certain situations, especially in the education policy itself. Of course, in the current era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, policy is all about elements and values. The match is in the section itself. From individuals to world interests, their infrastructure must be properly managed. Education is actually a means to advance human civilization, plays an open role in this Industrial Revolution era, and must comply with aims and objectives without being constrained by regional interests. To prevent this very rapid development from being hampered or misdirected, we really need a very optimal role. New education policies need to be developed easily and quickly, but still put humanity first. This is of course the realm of education.Pimpinan atau kepala pada lembaga pendidikan, sebagai pribadi yang digunakan memutuskan apa yang benar, atau apa yangpaling tepat, dalam suatu situasi tertentu khususnya kebijakan pendidikan itu sendiri. Pada Era Rovolusi Industri 4.0sekarang ini tentu kebijakannya mengarah padan unsur dan nilai yang ada dibagian itu sendiri. dari mulai kepentinganindividu hingga global berikut infrastrukturnya harus dikendalikan dengan baik. Pendidikan yang sejatinya menjadi alatikhtiar untuk membina peradaban manusia, pada era Revolusi Industri ini harus berperan secara terbuka dan tidak dibatasioleh kepentingan lokal saja melainkan menjawab target dan sasaran. Peran yang sangat optimal memang sangat dibutuhkansehingga perkembangan sang sangat cepat ini tidak terhambat dan salah sasaran. Melalui kebijakan pendidikan yangnantinya mucul harus dirumuskan dengan mudah, cepat dan tetap mengedepankan hakikat manusia yang tentunya menjadiwilayah dalam dunia pendidikan
Manajemen Budidaya Lebah Madu Klanceng (Trigona sp.) di Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Telaga Lestari, Desa Ngebel, Kab. Ponorogo, Jawa Timur
Lebah klanceng (Trigona sp) merupakan lebah yang tidak bersengat dan berasal dari negara yang memiliki kawasan iklim tropis maupun subtropics. Budidaya lebah klanceng memiliki prospek tang tinggi dan dapat menjadi ekonomi alternative untuk masyarakat di Desa Ngebel. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui manajemen pemeliharaan lebah madu Trigona sp mulai dari pengadaan koloni, produksi, pakan dan pengolahan madu. Dalam pembudayaan lebah madu Trigona sp beberapa yang perlu disiapkan adalah lokasi budidaya, setup untuk budidaya, koloni, pakaian kerja, dan peralatan lain yang diperlukan. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah observasi, partisipasi, dan wawancara dengan peternak lebah madu klanceng di wilayah KTH Telaga Sari. Dari hasil kegiatan didapatkan bahwa manajemen budidaya lebah madu klanceng harus ditingkatkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas madu klanceng yang dihasilkan, yang dapat membawa Desa Ngebel sebagai salah satu sentra produksi madu klanceng di Indonesia