4,514 research outputs found

    An Error Analysis of EFL Students’ English Writing

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    The objective of this study was to find out the category of errors that EFL students usually made in their writings at Business College LP3I, Banda Aceh. The subjects of this study were two classes of fourth semester students from the Office Management and Computerized Information majors which had a total of 17 students. The data was collected through quantitative method. The instrument used to collect the data was tests. The findings of the study showed that the highest percentage of errors was from the category of tenses, including subject verb agreement. The lowest percentage of errors was from the category of clauses and phrases (conditional, wish, reported/quoted speech). It is suggested that the teacher could have conducted brainstorming with the students first before the writing assignment was given so that they can be assisted in vocabulary choices to use in their writing. The students should also be trained with more rules of grammar needed by beginners such as simple tenses, determiners, usage of idioms and the like

    Analisis Maksimum Pathloss Power Link Budget Pada Sistem Jaringan Cdma2000 1x

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    Dalam menghitung dan menganalisis maksimum pathloss power link budget sistem jaringan CDMA2000 1x menggunakan pathloss okumura hatta, radius sel dan luas jangkauan CDMA. Dari hasil analisa maksimum pathloss berdasarkan parameter-parameter power link budget dapat dilihat bahwa pathloss maksimum pada BTS Centrum dan BTS Rais rahman sama-sama mempunyai nilai 150.57 dB, frekuensi sama-sama 800 Mhz, tinggi antena base station masing-masing 47 m dan 50 m, tinggi antena mobile receiver sama-sama 1.5 m yang menghasilkan radius sel pada masih dalam standar ideal yang ditetapkan Perusahaan untuk parameter radius sel (sel dari 1 km hingga 35 km) yaitu masing-masing 3.94 Km dan 3.95 Km dan menghasilkan luas jangkauan masing-masing 40.36 Km² dan 40.57 Km². Maksimum pathloss power link budget BTS flexi pada sistem komunikasi seluler CDMA2000 1x bergantung pada interferensi dari pengguna-pengguna yang lain terhadap suatu ponsel dan juga faktor-faktor lain seperti : tinggi antenna BTS, tinggi MS, frekuensi yang digunakan dan max pathloss yang digunakan serta trafik tiap subscribernya. Hal ini terjadi karena pada sistem komunikasi CDMA secara umum, kanal frekuensi yang sama digunakan oleh semua pengguna, walaupun terdapat pada sel yang berbeda

    Bilangan Dominasi−lokasi Persekitaran Terbuka Pada Graf Tree

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    R ABSTRAK. Himpunan subset dari himpunan titik disebut himpunan dominasi jika setiap titik di adjacent dengan setidaknya satu titik di . Suatu himpunan dominasi didalam graf merupakan himpunan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka untuk jika untuk setiap dua titik pada himpunan dan tidak kosong dan berbeda. Bilangan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka dinotasikan dengan merupakan kardinalitas minimum dari suatu himpunan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka. Pada tugas akhir ini dikaji himpunan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka pada graf tree. Graf Tree dengan order memiliki bilangan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka ⌈ ⁄ ⌉


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    Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO 2022) states that the current global prevalence of hypertension is 22% of the world's total population, and less than one-fifth make an effort to control their blood pressure, I assume. In Indonesia it is estimated at 15 million, but only 4% are under control. Hypertension can be caused by lifestyle, obesity, alcohol, smoking, stress, age, and genetic factors. Hypertension can be treated nonpharmacologically, namely with cupping therapy. This study aims to determine the effect of cupping therapy on lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Method: using a literature review research design. International and national journal searches were obtained through several sources including: Proquest, ScienceDirect, Emerald Insight, Ebsco, and Google Scholar. There are 10 articles obtained that will be reviewed, the results of information about the application of complementary alternative therapy, namely cupping therapy, and analyzing the published literature so as to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Results: The results of the literature review indicate the effect of cupping therapy between before and after cupping therapy on changes in blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Conclusion: The provision of cupping therapy as a complementary alternative therapy or one of the non-pharmacological therapies greatly provides an effect in lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension.Keywords: Blood Pressure, Cupping Therapy, Hypertensio


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    Kegiatan KKN-PPL dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Sedayu Bantul yang dimulai bulan 2 febuary 2013 sampai 17 september 2013. Tujuan KKN adalah memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran dan menejerial di sekolah atau lembaga, dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan atau kependidikan. Tujuan kegiatan PPL adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah dikuasai secara interdisipliner kedalam kehidupan nyata di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan KKN-PPL adalah praktik lapangan. Dalam kegiatan KKN mahasiswa terlibat dalam kegiatan diluar belajar mengajar. Dalam hal ini mahasiswa memngajukan program kerja yang akan membantu dalam fasilitas belajar mengajar di sekolah. Selain program KKN mahasiswa juga menempuh kegiatan PPL kegiatan ini berlangsung pada saat proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan dari PPL adalah melatih mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Selain itu mahasiswa PPL membuat administrasi guru seperti RPP, silabus, rencana tahunan. Hasil yang diperoleh selama kegiatan KKN-PPL di SMA Negeri 1 Sedayu Bantul adalah terlaksananya semua kegiatan yang direncanakan. Mahasiswa juga memperoleh pengalaman dalam bidang pembelajaran dan menejerial di sekolah atau lembaga. Dari hasil KKN-PPL, saran yang diberikan adalah ditingkatkannya komunikasi antara pihak mahasiswa dengan pihak sekolah. Serta memberikan sosialisasi yang lebih banyak mengenai program KKN masyarakat, agar tidak terjadi banyak miskomunikasi dari berbagai pihak. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga harus meningkatkan kompetensi keguruan yang dimilki

    Laporan Kasus Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Nasofaring

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    Nasopharyngeal cancer is a cancer that occurs in the nasopharyngeal mucosa which shows squamous cell differentiation. The nasopharynx is a musculoskeletal and cuboid-shaped tube structure behind the nasal cavity. The cause of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and / or Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), with risk factors for smoking, consuming alcohol, genetics, exposure to radiation rays, and decreased body resistance Early detection in KNF cases, with physical examination and support, is expected to provide fast, appropriate and effective treatment as soon as possible, so as to improve cancer survival. A patient Mr.M, a 23-year-old male ca The lump is accompanied by pain and the color of the lump is not reddish. Complaints of swallowing pain and difficulty breathing are denied. Diagnosis of KNF is carried out by anamnesis of clinical symptoms and signs, physical examination, and supporting examinations. Endoscopy can assess abnormalities of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and support biopsy. A biopsy is the definitive way to establish the diagnosis of KNF. Imaging modalities, such as MRI and CT scans, look for tumors that are not visible to the endoscopy and assess tumor extension

    The Choice Of Place And Product Availability To Retail Business Continuity

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    The research aims to know whether retail business can struggle against the situation nowadays. Ones of the most important factors when running a business are location and product availability. One of the largest franchise networks in Indonesia is PT. Lion Super Indo (Superindo Stores). The research was conducted in two Superindo stores located in Bekasi Timur Sub-district by giving questionnaires to 200 respondents/consumers. The research methodology used was descriptive quantitative and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study are that Choice of Place variable has a negative and no significant effect on Business Continuity while Product Availability variable has a positive and significant effect on Business Continuity. The uniqueness of this study is that Business Continuity variable can be affected by Product Availability variable of  4.7% of the other factors.


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    ABSTRAKHal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam proses pembelajaran adalah cara guru mengajar atau menyampaikan pelajaran dengan tujuan menarik perhatian siswa. Untuk menarik perhatian siswa, guru dituntut untuk mampu memilih dan menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi untuk mengaktifkan siswa dalam belajar. Kenyataan di lapangan, model pembelajaran yang digunakan guru masih secara konvensional, dimana pembelajaran berpusat pada guru yang membuat kemampuan menjawab pertanyaan siswa rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan menjawab pertanyaan siswa. Solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah menerapkan model pembelajaran NHT dan STAD. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah randomize posttest only control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MIA. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji hipotesis pada taraf nyata 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data penelitian didapatkan nilai rata-rata pada kelas NHT 78 lebih tinggi dari kelas STAD 71,9. Hasil pengujian hipotesis diperoleh nilai thitung = 2,24 dan ttabel = 1,672. Pada penelitian ini thitung lebih besar dari ttabel yaitu (2,24 > 1,672). Oleh karena itu H1 diterima dan H0 ditolak artinya ada perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan menjawab pertanyaan siswa kelas XI MIA SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran NHT dan STAD. Kata kunci: kemampuan menjawab pertanyaan; NHT; STAD ABSTRACTThings that need to be considered in the learning process is the way the teacher teaches or delivers lessons with the aim of attracting students' attention. To attract students' attention, teachers are required to be able to choose and apply various learning methods to activate students in learning. The reality on the ground, the learning model used by teachers is still conventional, where teacher-centered learning makes students' ability to answer questions low. This study aims to determine differences in the increase in the ability to answer students' questions. The solution that can be done is to apply the NHT and STAD learning models. This type of research is experimental research. The research design used was a randomized posttest only control group design. The population of this research is class XI MIA students. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis, normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing at the 0.05 significance level. Based on the results of research data analysis, it was found that the average value in the NHT 78 class was higher than the STAD 71.9 class. The results of testing the hypothesis obtained tcount = 2.24 and ttable = 1.672. In this study, tcount is greater than ttable, namely (2.24 > 1.672). Therefore H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, meaning that there is a difference in the increase in the ability to answer questions of class XI MIA students at SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan using the NHT and STAD learning models. Keywords: ability to answer questions; NHT; STA