1,336 research outputs found

    Multidimensional Data Visual Exploration by Interactive Information Segments

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    Visualization techniques provide an outstanding role in KDD process for data analysis and mining. However, one image does not always convey successfully the inherent information from high dimensionality, very large databases. In this paper we introduce VSIS (Visual Set of Information Segments), an interactive tool to visually explore multidimensional, very large, numerical data. Within the supervised learning, our proposal approaches the problem of classification by searching of meaningful intervals belonging to the most relevant attributes. These intervals are displayed as multi–colored bars in which the degree of impurity with respect to the class membership can be easily perceived. Such bars can be re–explored interactively with new values of user–defined parameters. A case study of applying VSIS to some UCI repository data sets shows the usefulness of our tool in supporting the exploration of multidimensional and very large data

    Lithium and aluminium carbamato derivatives of the utility amide 2, 2, 6, 6- tetramethylpiperidide

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    Insertion of CO2 into the metal-N bond of a series of synthetically-important alkali-metal TMP (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidide) complexes has been studied. Determined by X-ray crystallography, the molecular structure of the TMEDA-solvated Li derivative shows a central 8-membered (LiOCO)2 ring lying in a chair conformation with distorted tetrahedral lithium centres. While trying to obtain crystals of a THF solvated derivative, a mixed carbonato/carbamato dodecanuclear lithium cluster was formed containing two central (CO3)2- fragments and eight O2CTMP ligands with four distinct bonding modes. A bisalkylaluminium carbamato complex has also been prepared via two different methods (CO2 insertion into a pre-formed Al-N bond and ligand transfer from the corresponding lithium reagent) which adopts a dimeric structure in the solid state

    Tracking the provenance of Greenland-sourced, Holocene aged, individual sand-sized ice-rafted debris using the Pb-isotope compositions of feldspars and 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblendes

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    The provenance of sand-sized ice-rafted debris (IRD) sourced from Greenland is currently difficult to determine. Such knowledge, if it could be ascertained with a high degree of certainty, could be applied to the Greenland-proximal marine records to improve both our understanding of modern-day spatial patterns of iceberg rafting and the past history of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). Recent studies have highlighted the utility of the Pb-isotope composition of individual sand-sized feldspars and the 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual sand-sized hornblendes in this regard. However, before any such provenance toolkit can be applied to the palaeo-record, it is necessary first to determine whether this approach can be used to track the sources of known recent Greenland-proximal IRD deposition. To this end we present new records of the Pb-isotope composition and the 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual sand-sized grains of feldspars and hornblendes, respectively, from modern Greenland glacifluvial and fjord sands and Holocene to modern Greenland-proximal marine sediments. These new data demonstrate that sand-sized feldspars and hornblendes glacially eroded by the GIS exhibit distinct intra- and inter-tectonic terrane differences in their Pb-isotope compositions and ages and that these differences are clearly expressed in the geochemistry and geochronology of sand-sized IRD deposited in marine sediments around Greenland. Although overlap exists between some Greenland-proximal IRD ‘source fields’ defined by these data, our approach has the potential to both better understand spatial patterns of Greenland-derived IRD in the modern day as well as during past episodes of iceberg calving

    PneuMum: Impact from a randomised controlled trial of maternal 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination on middle ear disease amongst Indigenous infants, Northern Territory, Australia

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    BackgroundWe assessed maternal 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide (23vPPV) vaccine efficacy (VE) against middle ear disease and pneumococcal carriage amongst Australian Indigenous infants.MethodsIn an open label, allocation concealed, outcome-assessor blinded, community stratified, randomised controlled trial, healthy pregnant Indigenous women aged 17–39 years in the Northern Territory of Australia received the 23vPPV (1:1:1) at: 30–36 weeks gestation, birth, or were unvaccinated (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00714064). Co-primary outcomes were the point prevalences of infant middle ear disease and 23vPPV-type carriage at age 7 months.ResultsThe consent rate was 50% (313/632). Among 227 eligible participants randomised, retention rates were 86% (66/77) controls; 89% (67/75) pregnancy vaccinees; 88% (66/75) birth vaccinees. At infant age 7 months, ear disease prevalence was: 71% (47/66) controls, 63% (42/67) pregnancy vaccinees, 76% (50/66) birth vaccinees; and 23vPPV-type carriage was: 26% (17/66) controls, 18% (12/67) pregnancy vaccinees, 18% (12/66) birth vaccinees. For pregnancy vaccinees, VE was 12% (95% CI −12% to 31%) against infant ear disease and 30% (95% CI −34% to 64%) against 23vPPV-type carriage. In a post-hoc analysis, VE against infant ear disease concurrent with carriage of 23vPPV or related types was 51% (95% CI −2% to 76%). There were no serious adverse effects following receipt of the 23vPPV in pregnancy or at birth.ConclusionsIn a high risk population, our study was unable to demonstrate efficacy of 23vPPV in pregnancy against the co-primary outcomes of either all-cause infant ear disease or 23vPPV-type nasopharyngeal carriage at age 7 months. Efficacy against ear disease concurrent with carriage of vaccine-related serotypes (a more specific outcome) suggests 23vPPV in pregnancy may complement childhood pneumococcal vaccination programs

    Scientific data from precipitation driver response model intercomparison project

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    This data descriptor reports the main scientific values from General Circulation Models (GCMs) in the Precipitation Driver and Response Model Intercomparison Project (PDRMIP). The purpose of the GCM simulations has been to enhance the scientific understanding of how changes in greenhouse gases, aerosols, and incoming solar radiation perturb the Earth's radiation balance and its climate response in terms of changes in temperature and precipitation. Here we provide global and annual mean results for a large set of coupled atmospheric-ocean GCM simulations and a description of how to easily extract files from the dataset. The simulations consist of single idealized perturbations to the climate system and have been shown to achieve important insight in complex climate simulations. We therefore expect this data set to be valuable and highly used to understand simulations from complex GCMs and Earth System Models for various phases of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project

    An adaptive virtual reality system for the treatment of adjustment disorder and complicated grief: 1‐year follow‐up efficacy data

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: An adaptive virtual reality system for the treatment of adjustment disorder and complicated grief: 1‐year follow‐up efficacy data, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2342. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Adjustment disorder (AD) and complicated grief (CG) are serious mental conditions that have a high prevalence and are associated with significant impairments in social and work functioning. Recently, these categories have been better specified in the new ICD‐11 proposal. Empirical research on the efficacy of treatments for these problems is scarce. This study aims to offer long‐term efficacy data from a between‐groups controlled study that compares two treatment conditions (AD‐protocol applied in a traditional way: N = 18 and the same protocol supported by virtual reality (VR); VR‐protocol applied in a traditional way: N = 18) and a waiting list (WL) control group (N = 18). Both treatment conditions resulted in statistically significant improvements on both primary and secondary outcome measures, with large effect sizes, and this improvement did not occur in the WL. These changes were maintained in both treatment conditions in the medium (6‐month) and long‐term (12‐month follow‐up). Larger effect sizes were achieved in the VR condition in the long term. Furthermore, clinically significant change estimations on the primary outcome measures showed an advantage for the VR condition This is the first controlled study to compare a traditional face‐to‐face protocol for the treatment of stress‐related disorders with the same protocol supported by VR and a WL control group

    Distinct surface response to black carbon aerosols

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    For the radiative impact of individual climate forcings, most previous studies focused on the global mean values at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), and less attention has been paid to surface processes, especially for black carbon (BC) aerosols. In this study, the surface radiative responses to five different forcing agents were analyzed by using idealized model simulations. Our analyses reveal that for greenhouse gases, solar irradiance, and scattering aerosols, the surface temperature changes are mainly dictated by the changes of surface radiative heating, but for BC, surface energy redistribution between different components plays a more crucial role. Globally, when a unit BC forcing is imposed at TOA, the net shortwave radiation at the surface decreases by −5.87±0.67 W m−2 (W m−2)−1 (averaged over global land without Antarctica), which is partially offset by increased downward longwave radiation (2.32±0.38 W m−2 (W m−2)−1 from the warmer atmosphere, causing a net decrease in the incoming downward surface radiation of −3.56±0.60 W m−2 (W m−2)−1. Despite a reduction in the downward radiation energy, the surface air temperature still increases by 0.25±0.08 K because of less efficient energy dissipation, manifested by reduced surface sensible (−2.88±0.43 W m−2 (W m−2)−1) and latent heat flux (−1.54±0.27 W m−2 (W m−2)−1), as well as a decrease in Bowen ratio (−0.20±0.07 (W m−2)−1). Such reductions of turbulent fluxes can be largely explained by enhanced air stability (0.07±0.02 K (W m−2)−1), measured as the difference of the potential temperature between 925 hPa and surface, and reduced surface wind speed (−0.05±0.01 m s−1 (W m−2)−1). The enhanced stability is due to the faster atmospheric warming relative to the surface, whereas the reduced wind speed can be partially explained by enhanced stability and reduced Equator-to-pole atmospheric temperature gradient. These rapid adjustments under BC forcing occur in the lower atmosphere and propagate downward to influence the surface energy redistribution and thus surface temperature response, which is not observed under greenhouse gases or scattering aerosols. Our study provides new insights into the impact of absorbing aerosols on surface energy balance and surface temperature response