17 research outputs found

    The open-air site of Tolbor 16 (Northern Mongolia): Preliminary results and perspectives.

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    Numerous questions remain regarding the timing and the context of Upper Paleolithic emergence in Northeast Asia. Available data allow the recognition of a form of Initial Upper Paleolithic (IUP) documented in the Altai circa 45e40 ka 14C BP, and in the Cis- and Transbaikal around �37 ka 14C BP. In Northern Mongolia, a series of assemblages show intriguing similarities with IUP laminar assemblages from South Siberia and suggest long distance contact/movements of population during the first half of MIS3. These contacts are potentially enabled by the main river that drains into Lake Baikal, the Selenga. By cutting through the Sayan and the Yablonovy mountain ranges, the Selenga drainage system provides a potential corridor connecting South Siberia with the plains of Mongolia. The Tolbor 16 site (Ikh Tulberiin Gol, Northern Mongolia) is located circa 13 km from the confluence with the Selenga. The first results presented here suggest that the lithic assemblage and the ornaments discovered at Tolbor 16 document the early appearance of Upper Paleolithic in the region. This newly discovered site offers the possibility to generate high-resolution contextual data on the first appearance of the blade assemblages in Mongolia and to test the ‘Selenga corridor hypothesis’

    Expected Performance of the ATLAS Experiment - Detector, Trigger and Physics

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    A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN

    Drons col·laboratius

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    La robòtica col·laborativa és senzillament robots dissenyats per dur a terme treballs de col·laboració amb els humans. Els robots col·laboratius o cobots són cada cop més utilitzats a les indústries. La robòtica col·laborativa és un dels àmbits d'actualitat en aquests moments. Però també és un dels més interessants en més d'un sentit. Com es comuniquen dos drons autònoms que col·laboren per fer una tasca? Com són aquests missatges que s'envien? Que poden fer que no podrien fer sols? Aquestes són algunes de les preguntes que ens volem respondre en aquest projecte. En aquest treball es presenta un disseny i implementació de dos drons terrestres que es comuniquen per col·laborar entre ells per resoldre una tasca.Collaborative robotics is simply robots designed to perform collaborative work with humans. Collaborative robots or cobots are increasingly used in industries. Collaborative robotics is one of the current topics now. But it is also one of the most interesting in more ways than one. How do two autonomous drones that collaborate to perform a task communicate? How are these messages sent? What can they do that they could not do alone? These are some of the questions we want to answer in this project. This work presents a design and implementation of two ground drones that communicate to collaborate with each other to solve a task.La robótica colaborativa es sencillamente robots diseñados para llevar a cabo trabajos de colaboración con los humanos. Los robots colaborativos o cobots son cada vez más utilizados en las industrias. La robótica colaborativa es uno de los ámbitos de actualidad. Pero también es uno de los más interesantes en más de un sentido. ¿Cómo se comunican drones autónomos que colaboran para hacer una tarea? ¿Cómo son estos mensajes que es envían? ¿Qué pueden hacer que no lo podrían hacer solos? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que queremos responder con este proyecto. En este trabajo se presenta un diseño e implementación de dos drones terrestres que se comunican para colaborar entre ellos para resolver una tarea

    The Generalized Tavis—Cummings Model with Cavity Damping

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    In this Communication, we consider a generalised Tavis–Cummings model when the damping process is taken into account. We show that the quantum dynamics governed by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian is exactly solvable using the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method, and the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz. The leakage of photons is described by a Lindblad-type master equation. The non-Hermitian Hamiltonian is diagonalised by state vectors, which are elementary symmetric functions parametrised by the solutions of the Bethe equations. The time evolution of the photon annihilation operator is defined via a corresponding determinant representation

    Dynamics of Characteristic and One-Point Correlation Functions of Multi-Mode Bosonic Systems: Exactly Solvable Model

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    In this communication we study dynamics of the open quantum bosonic system governed by the generalized Lindblad equation with both dynamical and environment induced intermode couplings taken into account. By using the method of characteristics we deduce the analytical expression for the normally ordered characteristic function. Analytical results for one-point correlation functions describing temporal evolution of the covariance matrix are obtained

    Speed of Evolution and Correlations in Multi-Mode Bosonic Systems

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    We employ an exact solution of the thermal bath Lindblad master equation with the Liouvillian superoperator that takes into account both dynamic and environment-induced intermode couplings to study the speed of evolution and quantum speed limit (QSL) times of a open multi-mode bosonic system. The time-dependent QSL times are defined from quantum speed limits, giving upper bounds on the rate of change of two different measures of distinguishability: the fidelity of evolution and the Hilbert–Schmidt distance. For Gaussian states, we derive explicit expressions for the evolution speed and the QSL times. General analytical results are applied to the special case of a two-mode system where the intermode couplings can be characterized by two intermode coupling vectors: the frequency vector and the relaxation rate vector. For the system initially prepared in a two-mode squeezed state, dynamical regimes are generally determined by the intermode coupling vectors, the squeezing parameter and temperature. When the vectors are parallel, different regimes may be associated with the disentanglement time, which is found to be an increasing (a decreasing) function of the length of the relaxation vector when the squeezing parameter is below (above) its temperature-dependent critical value. Alternatively, we study dynamical regimes related to the long-time asymptotic behavior of the QSL times, which is characterized by linear time dependence with the proportionality coefficients defined as the long-time asymptotic ratios. These coefficients are evaluated as a function of the squeezing parameter at varying temperatures and relaxation vector lengths. We also discuss how the magnitude and orientation of the intermode coupling vectors influence the maximum speed of evolution and dynamics of the entropy and the mutual information

    Functionalized rGO Interlayers Improve the Fill Factor and Current Density in PbS QDs-Based Solar Cells

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    Graphene-quantum dot nanocomposites attract significant attention for novel optoelectronic devices, such as ultrafast photodetectors and third-generation solar cells. Combining the remarkable optical properties of quantum dots (QDs) with the exceptional electrical properties of graphene derivatives opens a vast perspective for further growth in solar cell efficiency. Here, we applied (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane functionalized reduced graphene oxide (f-rGO) to improve the QDs-based solar cell active layer. The different strategies of f-rGO embedding are explored. When f-rGO interlayers are inserted between PbS QD layers, the solar cells demonstrate a higher current density and a better fill factor. A combined study of the morphological and electrical parameters of the solar cells shows that the improved efficiency is associated with better layer homogeneity, lower trap-state densities, higher charge carrier concentrations, and the blocking of the minor charge carriers