145 research outputs found

    The success of bank mergers revisited: an assessment based on a matching strategy

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    The question of whether or not mergers and acquisitions have helped to enhance banks' efficiency and profitability has not yet been conclusively resolved in the literature. We argue that this is partly due to the severe methodological problems involved. In this study, we analyze the effect of German bank mergers in the period 1995-2000 on banks' profitability and cost efficiency. We suggest a new matching strategy to control for the selection effects arising from the fact that predominantly under-performing banks engage in mergers. Our results indicate a neutral effect of mergers on profitability and a positive effect on cost efficiency. Comparing our results with those obtained from a naive performance comparison of merging and non-merging banks indicates a severe negative selection bias with regard to the former. --Bank mergers,performance measurement,propensity score matching

    Multilingual language resources and interoperability

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    This article introduces the topic of ‘‘Multilingual language resources and interoperability’’. We start with a taxonomy and parameters for classifying language resources. Later we provide examples and issues of interoperatability, and resource architectures to solve such issues. Finally we discuss aspects of linguistic formalisms and interoperability

    Baculovirus-vermittelte transiente Genexpression in Herpes-simplex-Virus Typ 1 (HSV-1)-infizierten Säugerzellen

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Eignung des Baculovirustransduktionssystems zur transienten Proteinexpression in HSV-1-infizierten Zellen untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass das Baculotransfersystem in seiner Transduktionseffizienz anderen kommerziellen Produkten zum Gentransfer (FuGENE6 und LipofectAMINE2000) deutlich überlegen ist. Durch Modifikation des Originalvektors pBacMam2 (Austausch des CAG-Promotors durch den HSV-1-eigenen gD-Promotor, Entfernung der Intron-Exon-Region) blieb die durch das Shutoff-Phänomen in HSV-1-überinfizierten Zellen bedingte Reduktion der Genexpression des Originalvektors aus. Weiterhin erwies sich der gD-Promotor als starker, spezifisch durch die HSV-1-Überinfektion aktivierbarer Promotor

    Rigid fibrescope Bonfils: use in simulated difficult airway by novices

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Bonfils intubation fibrescope is a promising alternative device for securing the airway. We examined the success rate of intubation and the ease of use in standardized simulated difficult airway scenarios by physicians. We compared the Bonfils to a classical laryngoscope with Macintosh blade.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>30 physicians untrained in the use of rigid fibrescopes but experienced in airway management performed endotracheal intubation in an airway manikin (SimMan, Laerdal, Kent, UK) with three different airway conditions. We evaluated the success rate using the Bonfils (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) or the Macintosh laryngoscope, the time needed for securing the airway, and subjective rating of both techniques.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In normal airway all intubations were successful using laryngoscope (100%) vs. 82% using the Bonfils (p < 0.05). In the scenario "tongue oedema" success rate using the Macintosh laryngoscope was 67% and 83% using the Bonfils. In the scenario "decreased cervical range of motion with jaw trismus", success rate using the Macintosh laryngoscope was 84% vs. 76%. In difficult airway scenarios time until airway was secured did not differ between the two devices. Use of Bonfils was rated "easier" in both difficult airway scenarios.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Bonfils can be successfully used by physicians unfamiliar with this technique in an airway manikin. The airway could be secured with at least the same success rate as using a Macintosh laryngoscope in difficult airway scenarios. Use of the Bonfils did not delay intubation in the presence of a difficult airway. These results indicate that intensive special training is advised to use the Bonfils effectively in airway management.</p

    From <tiger2/> to ISOTiger – Community Driven Developments for Syntax Annotation in SynAF

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    International audienceIn 2010, ISO published a standard for syntactic annotation, ISO 24615:2010 (SynAF). Back then, the document specified a comprehensive reference model for the representation of syntactic annotations, but no accompanying XML serialisation. ISO's subcommittee on language resource management (ISO TC 37/SC 4) is working on making the SynAF serialisation ISOTiger an ad-ditional part of the standard. This contribution addresses the current state of development of ISOTiger, along with a number of open issues on which we are seeking community feedback in order to ensure that ISOTiger becomes a useful extension to the SynAF reference model

    Sarcopenia predicts reduced liver growth and reduced resectability in patients undergoing portal vein embolization before liver resection - A DRAGON collaborative analysis of 306 patients

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    Background: After portal vein embolization (PVE) 30% fail to achieve liver resection. Malnutrition is a modifiable risk factor and can be assessed by radiological indices. This study investigates, if sarcopenia affects resectability and kinetic growth rate (KGR) after PVE. Methods: A retrospective study was performed of the outcome of PVE at 8 centres of the DRAGON collaborative from 2010 to 2019. All malignant tumour types were included. Sarcopenia was defined using gender, body mass and skeletal muscle index. First imaging after PVE was used for liver volumetry. Primary and secondary endpoints were resectability and KGR. Risk factors impacting liver growth were assessed in a multivariable analysis. Results: Eight centres identified 368 patients undergoing PVE. 62 patients (17%) had to be excluded due to unavailability of data. Among the 306 included patients, 112 (37%) were non-sarcopenic and 194 (63%) were sarcopenic. Sarcopenic patients had a 21% lower resectability rate (87% vs. 66%, p &lt; 0.001) and a 23% reduced KGR (p = 0.02) after PVE. In a multivariable model dichotomized for KGR ≥2.3% standardized FLR (sFLR)/week, only sarcopenia and sFLR before embolization correlated with KGR. Conclusion: In this largest study of risk factors, sarcopenia was associated with reduced resectability and KGR in patients undergoing PVE.</p

    Downregulation of the vitamin D receptor expression during acute gastrointestinal graft versus host disease is associated with poor outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is critical in regulating intestinal homeostasis and emerging evidence demonstrates that VDR deficiency is a critical factor in inflammatory bowel disease pathology. However, no clinical data exist regarding the intestinal expression of VDR in patients after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Analyzing intestinal biopsies from 90 patients undergoing HSCT with mortality follow-up, we demonstrated that patients with severe acute gastrointestinal graft versus host disease (GIGvHD) showed significant downregulation of VDR gene expression compared to mild or no acute GI-GvHD patients (p = 0.007). Reduced VDR expression was already detectable at acute GI-GvHD onset compared to GvHD-free patients (p = 0.01). These results were confirmed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) where patients with severe acute GI-GvHD showed fewer VDR+ cells (p =0.03) and a reduced VDR staining score (p = 0.02) as compared to mild or no acute GI-GvHD patients. Accordingly, low VDR gene expression was associated with a higher cumulative incidence of treatment-related mortality (TRM) (p =1.6x10-6) but not with relapse-related mortality (RRM). A multivariate Cox regression analysis identified low VDR as an independent risk factor for TRM (p = 0.001, hazard ratio 4.14, 95% CI 1.78-9.63). Furthermore, VDR gene expression significantly correlated with anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) gene expression (DEFA5: r = 0.637, p = 7x10-5, DEFA6: r 0 0.546, p = 0.001). In conclusion, our findings suggest an essential role of the VDR in the pathogenesis of gut GvHD and the prognosis of patients undergoing HSCT

    The glaciers climate change initiative: Methods for creating glacier area, elevation change and velocity products

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    Glaciers and their changes through time are increasingly obtained from a wide range of satellite sensors. Due to the often remote location of glaciers in inaccessible and high-mountain terrain, satellite observations frequently provide the only available measurements. Furthermore, satellite data provide observations of glacier character- istics that are difficult to monitor using ground-based measurements, thus complementing the latter. In the Glaciers_cci project of the European Space Agency (ESA), three of these characteristics are investigated in detail: glacier area, elevation change and surface velocity. We use (a) data from optical sensors to derive glacier outlines, (b) digital elevation models from at least two points in time, (c) repeat altimetry for determining elevation changes, and (d) data from repeat optical and microwave sensors for calculating surface velocity. For the latter, the two sensor types provide complementary information in terms of spatio-temporal coverage. While (c) and (d) can be generated mostly automatically, (a) and (b) require the intervention of an analyst. Largely based on the results of various round robin experiments (multi-analyst benchmark studies) for each of the products, we suggest and describe the most suitable algorithms for product creation and provide recommendations concerning their practical implementation and the required post-processing. For some of the products (area, velocity) post-processing can influence product quality more than the main-processing algorithm

    The German AugUR study: study protocol of a prospective study to investigate chronic diseases in the elderly

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    Background The majority of patients suffering from chronic health disabilities is beyond 70 years of age. Typical late-onset chronic diseases include those affecting the heart, the kidney, cancer, and conditions of the eye such as age-related macular degeneration. These diseases disable patients for many years and largely compromise autonomy in daily life. Due to challenges in recruiting the elderly, the collection of population-based epidemiological data as a prerequisite to understand associated risk factors and mechanisms is commonly done in the general population within an age-range of 20 to 70 years. Methods/Design We establish the German AugUR study (Age-related diseases: understanding genetic and non-genetic influences - a study at the University of Regensburg), a prospective study in the mobile elderly general population in and around Regensburg in eastern Bavaria. In the long term, we aim to recruit 3,000 persons of Caucasian ethnicity with at least 70 years of age via residents’ registration offices and conduct 3-year follow-ups. The study protocol includes a standardized interview regarding social and life-style factors, medication history, quality-of-life, and existing diagnoses of common diseases. The participants undergo medical examinations for ophthalmological, cardiovascular or diabetes-related conditions, and general measurements of body shape and fitness. The program is particularly tailored for the elderly. Biobanking of whole blood, serum, plasma, and urine is conducted and standard laboratory measurements are performed in fresh samples. Discussion AugUR is specifically designed as a research platform to host studies of late onset diseases. Consequently, this platform will help (1) to unravel the genetic and non-genetic etiology of disease development and progression, (2) to serve as control group of elderly individuals for comparisons with various patient groups, (3) to derive prevalence and incidence data on chronic diseases, and (4) to provide clinical reference parameters for the elderly mobile general population. This data will foster our understanding of disease mechanisms, which may ultimately help to improve prevention, diagnosis, and therapy for frequent chronic diseases. Here we present the baseline study protocol of AugUR
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