3,541 research outputs found

    Estilos de vinculação e aliança terapêutica na psicoterapia infantil

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Comportamental e Integrativa), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2008Este estudo tem como objectivo estudar os estilos de vinculação e a sua influência na aliança terapêutica em psicoterapia com crianças. Dois questionários foram utilizados para avaliar estas variáveis – a Escala de Aliança Terapêutica para Crianças e o Inventário de Vinculação para a Infância e Adolescência. A amostra clínica foi constituída por vinte e duas crianças, entre os 7 e os 12 anos, os seus progenitores e psicólogos. Elaborou-se um estudo descritivo e correlacional. A hipótese de que existiria uma correlação moderada entre as perspectivas das díades criança-terapeuta e paisterapeuta foi corroborada pelos resultados (r= 0,44 e 0,43; p≤0,05) e a hipótese duma correlação entre a avaliação de criança e dos pais sobre a vinculação foi refutada. Encontraram-se resultados significativos entre os diferentes estilos de vinculação e a qualidade da aliança terapêutica. Os resultados deste estudo contribuem para a investigação nesta área, que ainda é insuficiente, e enfatiza a importância da vinculação na psicoterapia.The main purpose of this investigation is to understand the relation between attachment styles and therapeutic alliance in child therapy. Two questionnaires were used to assess those variables - the Therapeutic Alliance Scale for Children and the Attachment Inventory for Childhood and Adolescence. Twenty-two children, between the age of 7 and 12, their parents and therapists were part of this clinical sample. The research design was descriptive and correlational. The hypothesis that a moderate correlation would be found between child-therapist and parent-therapist perspectives on therapeutic alliance were corroborated by the results (r= 0,44; 0,43; p≤0,05), while the hypothesis that a correlation between child and parents evaluation of attachment styles would be found was refuted. Significant results were found involving the different attachment styles and the quality of therapeutic alliance. This study brings a contribution to the still insufficient investigation in this field and also highlights the importance of attachment in psychotherapy

    Development of National Cyber Security Strategies (NCSSs), and an Application of Perspective to the Colombian Case

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    Üle maailma seisavad riigid silmitsi sarnaste küberohtudega, millele pööratakse tähelepanu ametlike poliitikadokumentide - küberturvalisuse strateegiate (KTS) - kaudu. KTSid koondavad eri tegevusi, võimekust, kirjeldusi, ideoloogiaid, eesmärke ja/või visioone. Valdavaks on üldistused, mille tulemuseks on üldraamistikud ja populaarsed praktilised suunised, mis on valmis tehtud, et sobida olukordadesse, kus avaldaja neid kasutada saaks. Tihti on antud raamistikud ja suunised pärit enimarenenud riikidest ning tulenevad eeldustest, et need pole kohaldatavad ülejäänud riikidele. Valitsused on hakanud mõistma, et praegu on tegemist pöördepunktiga, kus esikohale tuleb seada siseriiklike vajaduste ja võimaluste loomine ja tõendamine, et seeläbi töötada välja seadused ning poliitikad, mis oleksid võrdluses eelnevatega paremas kooskõlas tegelikkusega ja vastutustundlikumad. Samal ajal tunnistavad sidusrühmad, et küberturvalisuse näol on tegemist riikideülese fenomeniga, mis nõuab ülemailmseid pingutusi. Vaid nutika tasakaaluga erinevatel tasemetel ja sektoriteüleselt on võimalik kasvastada turvalise küberruumi kasutust ja tagada selle potentsiaali täielik rakendamine. Lõputöö üldeesmärgiks on läbi viia kontseptuaalne ja empiiriline uurimus, kus on kasutatud erinevaid metoodikaid. Valdavalt on kasutatud kvalitatiivset lähenemist, kuid lõputöö hõlmab ka lühikest kvantitatiivse uurimise analüüs. Lõputöö valmimisel kasutati järgnevaid meetodeid: võrdlev analüüs viie KTSi osas, dokumentide analüüs, veebiküsitlus ja juhtumikirjeldus. Nende meetodite kasutamise tulemusena formuleerusid töö kaks teoreetilist panust: küberturvalisuse termin ja tööriistakasti sisu. Tööriistakast koosneb suunistest, mis on kohandatavad ja ülekantavad. See loob aluse kaalutlusteks, mis on nõutavad KTSi arendamiseks. Suunised hõlmavad soovitusi peamiste tulemusindikaatorite enesehindamise loeteluks, mis kinnitaks, et mõõdetavatest parameetritest tekib kasu. Samuti on loetletud kohustuslikud osad, mida KTS peaks endas sisaldama. Järgneb Kolumbia poliitikakujunduse juhtumikirjeldus, mis illustreerib erapooletute suuniste kohaldatavust. Antud suunised saaksid olla aluseks protsesside ja standardite ümberkujundamiseks. Selle tulemusena saaks luua mõjusamaid avalikke poliitikaid ja strateegiaid.States around the world face similar cyber-threats that have been addressed in official statements of policy such as National Cyber Security Strategies (NCSS), towards diverse ends, depending on their capacities, characteristics, ideologies, purposes and/or vision. Generalisations have prevailed resulting in general frameworks and popular practical guidelines that were made to fit the situation of the issuers, commonly from the most developed countries, and departing from assumptions that are not applicable to all of the rest of states in the world. Governments began to realise the times marked a turning point for beginning to think about, and assert, the needs and possibilities of their own countries first, and for issuing more responsive and responsible laws and policies than they have ever had. At the same time, stakeholders recognise that cyber security is a transnational phenomenon that demands global efforts. A smart balance should be reached across levels and sectors to help increase the safe use of cyberspace and unfold its full potential. The general purpose of this work is to conduct conceptual and empirical research with a mixed methodology where the qualitative approach prevails, but also includes a short quantitative exploratory analysis. A comparative analysis of 5 NCSSs, document analysis, a questionnaire administered online and a case study were the methods that resulted in two theoretical contributions: A definition of cyber security, and the formulation of a set of working tools consisting of: the Adaptable and Transferable Guidelines. Both in order to establish the considerations required to complete a process of NCSS development; the suggestions on the Key Performance Indicators self-assessment list that affirms the benefits of measuring parameters; and, the format for essential components to be included in NCSSs. A case study on the Colombian policy formulation follows, and illustrates the applicability of these unbiased guidelines that could help the institutionalization of procedures and standards for more influential public policies and strategies

    Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi action of a new benzofuran derivative based on amiodarone structure

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    Chagas disease is a neglected tropical affection caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. There is no current effective treatment since the only two available drugs have a limited efficacy and produce side effects. Thus, investigation efforts have been directed to the identification of new drug leads. In this context, Ca2+ regulating mechanisms have been postulated as targets for antiparasitic compounds, since they present paramount differences when compared to host cells. Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic with demonstrated trypanocidal activity acting through the disruption of the parasite intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. We now report the effect of a benzofuran derivative based on the structure of amiodarone on T. cruzi. This derivative was able to inhibit the growth of epimastigotes in culture and of amastigotes inside infected cells, the clinically relevant phase. We also show that this compound, similarly to amiodarone, disrupts Ca2+ homeostasis in T. cruzi epimastigotes, via two organelles involved in the intracellular Ca2+ regulation and the bioenergetics of the parasite. We demonstrate that the benzofuran derivative was able to totally collapse the membrane potential of the unique giant mitochondrion of the parasite and simultaneously produced the alkalinization of the acidocalcisomes. Both effects are evidenced by a large increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration of T. cruzi.Fil: Pinto Martinez, Andrea. instituto de Estudios Avanzados; VenezuelaFil: Hernández Rodríguez, Vanessa. instituto de Estudios Avanzados; VenezuelaFil: Rodríguez Durán, Jessica Jenireth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. instituto de Estudios Avanzados; VenezuelaFil: Hejchman, Elżbieta. Medical University of Warsaw; PoloniaFil: Benaim, Gustavo. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuel

    Faraway, so close: a spatial account of the Conte I government formation in Italy, 2018

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    The formation of the ‘yellow-green’ government that took office in Italy after the general election held on 4 March 2018 looked puzzling to many commentators as the two coalition partners – the Five Star Movement and the League – appeared to be quite distant on the left–right continuum. In this article, we argue that despite being widely used in the literature, a unidimensional representation of parties' policy positions on the encompassing left–right scale is inadequate to explain the process of coalition governments' formation. We focus first on coalition outcomes in Italy in the period 2001–18. Our statistical analysis including, among other variables, parties' policy distance on the left–right dimension performs rather well until 2013 but fails to predict the coalition outcome in 2018. To solve the puzzle, we propose a two-dimensional spatial account of the Conte I government formation in which the first dimension coincides with the economic left–right and the second one is related to immigration, the European Union issues and social conservatism. We show that the coalition outcome ceases to be poorly understandable once parties' policy positions are measured along these two dimensions, rather than on the general left–right continuum

    The Energy Consumption Control as Support to The Environmental and Economic Sustainability of Public Universities

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    Energy consumption at Universities follows specific standards related to the development of its education, research, and extension activities. For these activities’ continuity, the supply of energy must have a high level of reliability, without, however, compromising the economic sustainability of the institutions. That is because energy expenditures, in some cases, can be relevant for Universities, especially to public institutions in developing countries, which routinely deal with budget restrictions. On the other hand, energy efficiency and rational energy consumption, have a direct impact on these organizations' environmental sustainability indicators, such as their carbon footprint. In this sense, considering that the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul faces economic challenges, which often make investments in innovative technologies impossible, we compare strategies to optimize its energy consumption. These strategies should achieve better levels of emission reduction and economic costs related to this resource. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze how Public Universities, in developing countries, can optimize their energy consumption, even under budget restrictions. To this end, the results from three strategies adopted by the University, since 2016, to reduce the energy consumption are discussed: (i) increased individual monitoring of consumption points; (ii) optimization and detailed analysis of energy consumption data; and (iii) extensive implementation of reduced summer hours. With the adoption of these practices, it was observed an annual reduction in energy consumption of 6% and 20%, reaching 33.70% on average during the summer period. Thus, it was possible to guide the energy policies of the University, which can change consumption patterns, leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a better economic equilibriu

    Is Religion a Threat to Human Rights? Or is It the Other Way Around? Defending Individual Autonomy in the ECtHR\u27s Jurisprudence on Freedom of Religion

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    Religious freedom is part and parcel of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR)’s broad catalogue of human rights. Yet in reality, religion and human rights can have a fraught, conflictive relationship. Is religion a threat to human rights? Are human rights a threat to religion? These questions resist easy answers, yet an examination of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECtHR) suggests that, on the whole, the Court has been more successful in identifying threats posed by religious beliefs or organizations to human rights than vice-versa. As to the former, we examine case-law in two subject matter areas: extremist religious parties, and proposed deportation or expulsion of individuals of faith to religiously intolerant countries. As to the latter, we consider cases on the peaceful assembly of religious groups, and the wearing of religious symbols or clothing. We argue that, in cases involving religious threats to broader human rights, the Court’s jurisprudence has been principled and internally coherent. As regards the latter, the Court has given excessive solicitude to State claims against religious practices. This yields a selective and superficial treatment of individual autonomy that downplays the centrality of belief as constitutive of the identity of the believer/speaker, while characterising listeners/witnesses as overly suggestible to persuasion by symbols and peaceful expression. What results is an exaggeration of the threat posed to public ‘order’ by symbols and peaceful expression, as well as the demonization of the groups or individuals of faith who advance them

    Dimensional crossover and incipient quantum size effects in superconducting niobium nanofilms

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    Superconducting and normal state properties of sputtered Niobium nanofilms have been systematically investigated, as a function of film thickness in a d=9-90 nm range, on different substrates. The width of the superconducting-to-normal transition for all films remained in few tens of mK, thus remarkably narrow, confirming their high quality. We found that the superconducting critical current density exhibits a pronounced maximum, three times larger than its bulk value, for film thickness around 25 nm, marking the 3D-to-2D crossover. The extracted magnetic penetration depth shows a sizeable enhancement for the thinnest films, aside the usual demagnetization effects. Additional amplification effects of the superconducting properties have been obtained in the case of sapphire substrates or squeezing the lateral size of the nanofilms. For thickness close to 20 nm we also measured a doubled perpendicular critical magnetic field compared to its saturation value for d>33 nm, indicating shortening of the correlation length and the formation of small Cooper pairs in the condensate. Our data analysis evidences an exciting interplay between quantum-size and proximity effects together with strong-coupling effects and importance of disorder in the thinnest films, locating the ones with optimally enhanced critical properties close to the BCS-BEC crossover regime

    Espectroscopia infrarroja

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    Los métodos espectroscópicos de análisis tienen un amplio uso en el estudio de obras de valor patrimonial, tanto en materiales orgánicos como inorgánicos. En el caso particular de la espectroscopia infrarroja, una de las mayores dificultades en el proceso de identificación de compuestos de carácter orgánico se encuentra asociada al envejecimiento de los materiales originales. Este proceso comprende una alteración de la estructura química y, consecuentemente, la modificación de los espectros infrarrojos. La mayoría de las técnicas espectroscópicas empleadas para la identificación y cuantificación de materiales se basan en la comparación contra espectros de referencia, que generalmente, pertenecen a materiales nuevos, lo cual dificulta el análisis de muestras reales envejecidas. Este trabajo muestra, a partir de un banco de datos de materiales envejecidos artificialmente, que los espectros de éstos pueden modificarse drásticamente en el tiempo y que estas modificaciones dependen de la naturaleza del material analizado. Asimismo, se exponen ejemplos de muestras reales cuyos espectros se ajustan adecuadamente a los de las muestras envejecidas artificialmente y en donde una comparación contra patrones nuevos impediría su identificación e inclusive podría llevar a falsas conclusiones.Tópico 4: Materiales. Evaluación de propiedades, caracterización tecnológica y patologías. Mamposterías (de ladrillos o piedras) y Morteros (materiales cálcicos y cementícios)

    El principio de oportunidad a partir de la vigencia de la ley 1407 de 2010: una prerrogativa jurídica inminente en la Justicia Penal Militar Colombiana

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    La realidad de la justicia Colombiana actualmente frente al marco normativo existente, genera la necesidad de adecuar los preceptos legales a las diferentes variables que se presentan con el desarrollo de la sociedad. El principio de oportunidad, es una herramienta legal propia para la consecución de la seguridad jurídica y el orden social, ocupando progresivamente un lugar primordial en la eficaz impartición de justicia establecida como piedra angular del Nuevo Sistema Penal Acusatorio, por tanto, se requiere que dicho beneficio sea concedido a todos los ciudadanos en condiciones de igualdad sin contraposición al principio de legalida