776 research outputs found

    Peer Victimization in Overweight Adolescents and Its Effect on Their Self-Esteem and Peer Difficulties

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    This study has three objectives: to examine whether adolescents who perceive themselves as overweight differ from others in terms of offline victimization at school, cybervictimization, self-esteem, and difficulties relating to peers; to examine the possible effects of offline and cybervictimization on self-esteem and difficulties relating to peers; and to examine the possible moderating role of perceiving oneself as overweight on those effects. Previously validated questionnaires were applied to a sample of 3145 adolescents in Asturias (Spain). Descriptive, inferential, correlational, and structural equation analyses were performed. Adolescents who perceived themselves as overweight reported being victims of both offline victimization and most forms of cybervictimization to a greater extent than those who did not perceive themselves as overweight. They also reported lower self-esteem and more peer difficulties (shyness or social anxiety). In both groups of adolescents, victimization and cybervictimization were correlated with each other, both types of victimization had direct, negative effects on self-esteem, and self-esteem in turn had a direct, negative effect on peer difficulties. Furthermore, offline victimization had a direct, positive effect on peer difficulties. Perceiving oneself as overweight moderated the effect of self-esteem on peer difficulties. In adolescents perceiving themselves as overweight, low self-esteem was a stronger risk factor of peer difficulties than in the rest of the adolescents. With high overall self-esteem there were no significant differences in peer difficulties between the adolescents perceiving themselves as overweight and the rest of the adolescents

    It begins with us: On why our embodied experiences matter in the dis/appearance of worlds

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    “To ‘de-passion’ knowledge”, writes Vinciane Despret, “does not give us a more objective world, it just gives us a world ‘without us’”(2004, p. 131). In producing ‘knowledge-inpractice’ about our/the ‘body-in-action’ (Mol and Law, 2004, p. 51),“having fun, doing something we do well for the sheer pleasure of doing it” (Graeber, 2014) figures as a form of ‘re-attuning’ and ‘re-sensitising’ ourselves, to re-passion’ our bodies and knowledges. In this short piece, I would like to write about us, STS researchers. I would like to discuss our embodied “significance and agency in the emergence/occlusion of worlds. Usually concealed in the sphere of the ‘private’, ‘quotidian’ and ‘mundane’, I hope to persuade you that your embodied experiences, – always already situated within specific spatio-temporal frames –, matters –, first of all, to you/us, being then crucial for the relationships we establish with our colleagues, ‘‘epistemic partners’ (i.e. informants) and, ultimately, for our discipline(s)

    Adopción homoparental en Colombia: una revisión a la protección jurídica del interés superior del menor desde los pronunciamientos constitucionales

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    Artículo de investigaciónA partir de la Sentencia C-683 de 2015 de la Corte Constitucional con ponencia del magistrado Jorge Iván Palacio, finalmente se reconoció a las parejas del mismo sexo la posibilidad de adelantar el proceso de adopción de un menor en Colombia, sin que pueda existir discriminación por su orientación o preferencia sexual. Este reconocimiento, que en ningún caso se debe señalar que corresponda a un derecho diferenciado a la adopción sino el derecho a no ser discriminado, se considera que es resultado tanto de una trasformación social en la deconstrucción de conceptos tan fundamentales para una sociedad como el de familia, como también de un activismo judicial en favor de los derechos del menor. Es precisamente sobre este tránsito jurídico social que se habilita en la actualidad la adopción de menores por parte de parejas del mismo sexo, y la interpretación constitucional que de fondo se reconoce en la ponderación positiva del interés superior del menor en el marco de la adopción homoparental, sobre lo cual se estará ahondando en el actual documento.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. LA FAMILIA COMO NÚCLEO DE LA SOCIEDAD 2. EL MENOR COMO SUJETO DE ESPECIAL PROTECCIÓN POR PARTE DEL ESTADO EN LA LEGISLACIÓN NACIONAL. 3. EL CONCEPTO DE INTERÉS SUPERIOR DEL MENOR 4. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoAbogad

    Ways of healing: exploring more-than-biomedical cures as emancipatory and biopolitical knowledges-practices

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    Healing is loosely defined as the process(es) of becoming well. Despite its all-embracing multispecies quality, social and scientific significance(s) across spaces, times and cultures, there is a lacuna concerning critical ontological and epistemological frameworks of healing, particularly in the areas of Science and Technology Studies (STS), feminist theory and body studies. As an initial attempt to approach these questions and limitations, we organised the open panel Ways of healing as part of the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) 2021 Annual Meeting. The panel engaged with local, traditional, and profane healing knowledge-practices as relational and sustainable healthcare approaches as well as biopolitical tools of neoliberal (individual) responsibilisation. By focusing on how to analyse, establish and build on ‘good relations’ between (1) traditional health cultures and biomedicine, and (2) lay and professional expertise, this conference report addresses pluralistic ways of healing in unequal and uncertain worlds

    Diseño de una línea de servicio enfocada en la gestión de procesos productivos para la empresa táct&co consultores dirigida a las pymes

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    El presente proyecto consta en el diseño de una línea de servicio enfocada en la Gestión de procesos productivos para la empresa Táct&co Consultores dirigida a las PYMES. De esta manera, se encuentra la necesidad de estructurar completamente la nueva línea de servicio, encontrando fortalezas, oportunidades, amenazas y debilidades que tenga esta en el mercado. Es importante identificar el tipo de empresas al que nos vamos a dirigir, debido a que estas serán el motor de la línea de servicio y garantizarán el correcto funcionamiento. De igual manera se ha de formar el producto, la estructura de la cadena de valor, los procesos que la conformaría y la composición financiera. Teniendo todos esos elementos en orden conllevarán a tener éxito en el nuevo producto en el portafolio de Táct&co Consultores.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Sustaining (dis)embodied inequalities in the(ir) Eurocene: ancient microbes, racial anthropometry, and lifestyle choices

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    Racialisation and colonialism are central to sustaining (dis)embodied inequalities. We draw together our distinct ethnographic projects on a microbiome expedition with Amazonian indigenous non/human communities and on medical professionals' encounters with Mbya Guarani communities in the Atlantic Forest region. Firstly, to show how through comparing and intervening on Mbya bodies and their forms of life, both anthropometric growth standards and state development projects, perpetuate racialised assumptions of human difference and legitimate colonial extractive practices (e.g., conversion of forests to ‘productive’ agricultural land). Similarly, human microbiome scientific initiatives, rather than addressing such racialised (dis)embodied inequalities and extractive practices, contribute to ‘updating’ and potentially amplifying them further through identifying indigenous peoples as western industrialised people’s ancestors and as potential reservoirs for novel probiotics to restore microbes to industrialised societies' guts. Finally, we propose that part of ceasing to reproduce these (dis)embodied inequalities requires ‘us’ to challenge the racialised and colonial histories of the life and geological sciences, to recognise their embodied consequences in the present, as well as how they are implicated in emergent proposals for new geological ‘-cenes’

    Factores asociados a dolor neuropático en pacientes postoperados de cirugía abdominal

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    Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a dolor neuropático en pacientes postoperados de cirugía abdominal en el Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo durante el periodo julio – agosto de 2023. Materiales y método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal analítico, prospectivo, con pacientes atendidos en el servicio de cirugía general del Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo durante el periodo julio – agosto de 2023. Se realizó una entrevista y revisión de historia clínica para identificar los factores asociados a dolor neuropático y se aplicó el cuestionario DN4 para determinar los casos. Resultados: Participaron 203 pacientes, de los cuales 90 (44.3%) presentaron dolor neuropático y 113 (55.7%) no lo presentaron. Al comparar los factores de asociación, solo se encontró relación significativa con el tipo de cirugía (RP: 1.68, IC 95% 1.10 – 2.55), tipo de procedimiento y diagnóstico. Conclusión: El dolor neuropático se presenta en el 44.3% de pacientes postoperados de cirugía abdominal, siendo el tipo de cirugía, diagnóstico y el tipo de procedimiento los únicos factores de riesgo asociado en este estudioObjective: Determine the factors associated with neuropathic pain in post-abdominal surgery patients at Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo during the period July - August 2023. Materials and method: A cross-sectional, prospective study was carried out with patients treated in the general surgery service of the Regional Teaching Hospital of Trujillo during the period July - August 2023. An interview and clinical history review was conducted to identify the factors associated with neuropathic pain and the DN4 questionnaire was applied to determine the cases. Results: There were 203 patients, of whom 90 (44.3%) had neuropathic pain and 113 (55.7%) did not. When the association factors were compared, only significant association were found with the type of surgery (OR: 1.68, 95% CI 1.10 - 2.55), diagnosis and type of procedure. Conclusion: Neuropathic pain is present in 44.3% of postoperative abdominal surgery patients, with the type of surgery, diagnosis and type of procedure being the only associated risk factors in this study.Tesi

    Vacunación específica en pacientes con enfermedades reumatológicas

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    Las enfermedades inflamatorias articulares (EIA) , abarcan gran número de patología multiorgánica, que comparten en su mayoría, predisposición genética y los mecanismos inflamatorios. Entre ellas se encuentran la artritis reumatoide (AR), espondilitis anquilosante y la artritis psoriásica. Por el riesgo infeccioso de estos pacientes y el tipo de tratamiento que requieren (tratamiento inmunomodulador), suponen una encrucijada terapéutica y deben ser objeto de prevención primaria de dichas infecciones.Grado en Medicin

    Plantas parásitas del centro de Argentina

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    Plantas parásitas del centro de Argentina. Este trabajo consiste en la identificación de las especies de plantas parásitas del centro de la Argentina. Se incluye una clave diferencial para las mismas e ilustraciones. Se han identificado 8 especies parásitas distribuidas en 5 familias y 8 géneros, las que representan aproximadamente el 0.6 % de la flora vascular de esta región. Cuatro especies parasitan a plantas leñosas y las restantes parasitan hierbas. La mayor cantidad de especies huéspedes se encuentran en la familia Leguminosae