165 research outputs found

    Phlorotannin Extracts from Fucales Characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn: Approaches to Hyaluronidase Inhibitory Capacity and Antioxidant Properties

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    Purified phlorotannin extracts from four brown seaweeds (Cystoseira nodicaulis (Withering) M. Roberts, Cystoseira tamariscifolia (Hudson) Papenfuss, Cystoseira usneoides (Linnaeus) M. Roberts and Fucus spiralis Linnaeus), were characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn . Fucophloroethol, fucodiphloroethol, fucotriphloroethol, 7-phloroeckol, phlorofucofuroeckol and bieckol/dieckol were identified. The antioxidant activity and the hyaluronidase (HAase) inhibitory capacity exhibited by the extracts were also assessed. A correlation between the extracts activity and their chemical composition was established. F. spiralis, the species presenting higher molecular weight phlorotannins, generally displayed the strongest lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity (IC50 = 2.32 mg/mL dry weight) and the strongest HAase inhibitory capacity (IC50 = 0.73 mg/mL dry weight). As for superoxide radical scavenging, C. nodicaulis was the most efficient species (IC50 = 0.93 mg/mL dry weight), followed by F. spiralis (IC50 = 1.30 mg/mL dry weight). These results show that purified phlorotannin extracts have potent capabilities for preventing and slowing down the skin aging process, which is mainly associated with free radical damage and with the reduction of hyaluronic acid concentration, characteristic of the process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Migrações : novas realidades : viver num mundo em movimento

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    Supervisionada, Educação (Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014O relatório que se apresenta, tem como finalidade/objetivo primordial a demonstração pedagógica da construção integrada de saberes relativos a um tema bastante contemporâneo – As Migrações. Entre outros objetivos que se possam apontar e que passam pela experiência da lecionação são o desenvolvimento de valores/atitudes e competências para a plena integração do indivíduo na sociedade, como sejam, a cidadania, a autonomia, a capacidade de comunicação, respeito pelo o outro e a educação para o futuro. Integrada no Programa de Geografia – Orientações curriculares do 8º ano de escolaridade, a unidade didática “Mobilidade da População”, possibilita fazer a ligação com temas anteriores num contexto e num mundo onde cada vez mais se assistem a grandes mudanças, nomeadamente do sentido dos fluxos migratórios. A experiência letiva desta unidade didática teve lugar em Alcochete, na Escola E.B. 2/3 ciclos El-Rei D. Manuel I. A turma onde incidiu a experiência de lecionação foi o 8.º G. O fenómeno migratório é uma realidade muito antiga, embora o fenómeno massificado a que assistimos hoje de deslocação de pessoas de um lugar para o outro obedece-se a motivações muito díspares quando comparadas com períodos anteriores. Atualmente, o fenómeno migratório é bastante mais complexo e é esta a proposta de análise que fazemos. Portugal não escapa a este fenómeno, e se por muitos é considerada uma porta de entrada para uma sociedade dita desenvolvida e por isso, ambicionada por muitas pessoas de regiões menos desenvolvidas, assistimos ao aparecimento de novas rotas migratórias. Torna-se assim fundamental trabalhar esta temática nas nossas escolas que também são o reflexo destes movimentos mundiais. O espaço da aula é muito importante para desenvolver atividades que promovam competências de comunicação e aceitação do outro promovendo a integração na escola e na sociedade. Este é um dos temas mais interessantes na Geografia lecionada no ensino básico, na medida em que aborda temas que fazem parte da vivência dos alunos.The report presents, aims/primary objective pedagogical demonstration of the integrated construction of knowledge relative to a very contemporary theme - Migrations. Among other objectives that may point and who experienced the lecionação are the development of values/attitudes and skills to the full integration of the individual in society, such as, citizenship, autonomy, communication skills, respect for the other, and education for the future. Integrated Program in Geography - Curriculum Guidelines of the 8th grade, the teaching unit "Population Mobility", allows you to make the connection with previous issues in context and in a world where increasingly attend major changes, including the direction of flows migration. The lective experience of this teaching unit took place in Alcochete, the School EB 2/3 cycles El-King Manuel I. The class which focused experience of teaching was 8 G. The migration is an ancient reality, although the mass-phenomenon that we are witnessing today a movement of people from one place to another if it obeys very different motivations when compared to previous periods. Currently, the migration is much more complex and this is the proposed analysis we do. Portugal is no exception to this phenomenon, and by many is considered a gateway to a society dictates developed and therefore coveted by many people in less developed regions, we witnessed the emergence of new migratory routes. It thus becomes essential to work this issue in our schools who are also the reflection of these global movements. The space of the classroom is very important to develop activities that promote communication skills and acceptance of others promoting integration in school and society. This is one of the most interesting themes in geography taught in primary schools, in that it addresses issues that are part of the experience of the students

    Sediment toxicity assessment using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model system: Historical review, research gaps and trends

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    Embargo until June 22, 2023Sediment is an important compartment in aquatic environments and acts as a sink for environmental pollutants. Sediment toxicity tests have been suggested as critical components in environmental risk assessment. Since the zebrafish (Danio rerio) has been indicated as an emerging model system in ecotoxicological tests, a scientometric and systematic review was performed to evaluate the use of zebrafish as an experimental model system in sediment toxicity assessment. A total of 97 papers were systematically analyzed and summarized. The historical and geographical distributions were evaluated and the data concerning the experimental design, type of sediment toxicity tests and approach (predictive or retrospective), pollutants and stressors, zebrafish developmental stages and biomarkers responses were summarized and discussed. The use of zebrafish to assess the sediment toxicity started in 1996, using mainly a retrospective approach. After this, research showed an increasing trend, especially after 2014–2015. Zebrafish exposed to pollutant-bound sediments showed bioaccumulation and several toxic effects, such as molecular, biochemical, morphological, physiological and behavioral changes. Zebrafish is a suitable model system to assess the toxicity of freshwater, estuarine and marine sediments, and sediment spiked in the laboratory. The pollutant-bound sediment toxicity in zebrafish seems to be overall dependent on physical and chemical properties of pollutants, experimental design, environmental factor, developmental stages and presence of organic natural matter. Overall, results showed that the zebrafish embryos and larvae are suitable model systems to assess the sediment-associated pollutant toxicity.acceptedVersio


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    A obsolescência programada foi introduzida na sociedade, eminentemente após a Segunda Grande Guerra, quando houve um desenvolvimento gigantesco da tecnologia, acompanhado da necessidade constante de lucro, base do capitalismo atual. Essa pode ser conceituada como a ação humana que determina que o bem se torne obsoleto e ultrapassado, mesmo que a coisa ainda exista; isto é, o produto ou serviço ainda existe e pode ser utilizado, mas cai em desuso ou perde sua utilidade não pelo decurso do tempo, e sim por uma determinação humana. A lógica do lucro, auxiliada pela propaganda e marketing, motivam a população ao consumismo através da criação de necessidade artificiais. Assim, o consumismo atual é uma era de insatisfação constante, na qual o consumidor é levado à aquisição de produtos para satisfazer a desejos criados pelo próprio mercado de consumo. Conscientes de que esta e outras práticas prejudiciais existem no mercado, os autores do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, introduziram, dentre os direitos básicos do consumidor, a proteção contra a publicidade enganosa e abusiva, métodos comerciais coercitivos ou desleais, (art. 6º, IV, CDC), nas quais se encaixa a prática proposital de criar produtos que durem menos. Contudo, na prática, verifica-se que a maioria dos fabricantes ainda se utiliza dessa realidade com o fim de lucro, sem a preocupação com a população ou o meio ambiente. Conclui-se que há a necessidade de intervenção dos órgão públicos para que esta prática seja coibida, através da instituição de punição mais severa e sua real aplicação nos casos constatados

    Microencapsulation and Its Uses in Food Science and Technology: A Review

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    Microencapsulation is a group of technologies aiming to produce small particles called microcapsules that can be released at a specific speed under certain conditions. Microencapsulation technology is used in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and food industries; however, microcapsule production is most challenging for applications in the food industry owing to the high costs of the technique, which may make the final product too expensive. Common methods for microencapsulation include spray-drying and coacervation, and different wall materials and filling materials can be used for both techniques. In this review, we summarize current methodologies used for microencapsulation, with a focus on applications in the food industry

    Darier disease : case report with oral manifestations

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    Darier disease, also known as keratosis follicularis or dyskeratosis follicularis, is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis. It is clinically manifested by hyperkeratotic papules primarily affecting seborrheic areas on the head, neck and thorax, with less frequent involvement of the oral mucosa. When oral manifestations are present, they primarily affect the palatal and alveolar mucosa, are usually asymptomatic, and are discovered in routine dental examination. Histologically, the lesions present suprabasal clefts in the epithelium with acantholytic and dyskeratotic cells represented by corps ronds and corps grains. This paper reports a case of an adult male patient presenting clinical signs of Darier disease in the palatal mucosa and skin on the neck and upper limbs. Intraoral biopsy of the affected area, analysis of family history and evaluation by a multidisciplinary team led to the diagnosis of Darier disease. Dental professionals and pathologists should be aware of these lesions to allow correct diagnosis and proper management of this disease

    Endoscopic balloon dilation of Crohn’s disease strictures-safety, efficacy and clinical impact

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    To evaluate the incidence of anastomotic strictures after intestinal resection in Crohn’s disease (CD), demonstrate long-term efficacy and safety of endoscopic balloon dilation (EBD) in CD strictures and its impact on the diagnosis of subclinical postoperative endoscopic recurrence

    Desempenho dos municípios paulistas: uma avaliação de eficiência da atenção básica à saúde

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    This research study aimed to build a performance assessment method to evaluate the technical efficiency of São Paulo State municipalities regarding the use of public resources for primary healthcare and to analyze the influence of non-controllable variables in the production process in this area. Technical efficiency is one of the performance assessment variables for public managers, reflecting an entity's ability to maximize outputs with the lowest consumption of inputs. Achieving this may be impaired or favored by environmental or non-controllable variables. These can give rise to biases if they are not considered in the performance assessment. Therefore, using two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), the cities' efficiency scores were estimated and later adjusted through regression analysis. The results indicated that a considerable increase of health services for the population is possible with no added healthcare budget in most cities. Furthermore, the study found that a larger elderly population within a jurisdiction makes service delivery more expensive, while higher population density, urbanization level and scale of health establishments enhance efficient public spending. The five cities that were found to be most efficient were: Tuiuti, Nova Guataporanga, Sabino, Lins and Santos.Neste trabalho, teve-se por objetivo construir uma metodologia de avaliação de desempenho dos municípios paulistas quanto à eficiência técnica na aplicação de recursos públicos nas ações de atenção básica à saúde e analisar a influência de variáveis não controláveis no processo de produção em tal área. A eficiência técnica é um dos parâmetros de avaliação de desempenho dos gestores públicos, refletindo a capacidade de uma entidade obter máximos outputs com o menor consumo de inputs. O alcance de tal métrica pode ser prejudicado ou favorecido pelas variáveis ambientais ou não controláveis que, se não forem consideradas na avaliação de desempenho, podem gerar vieses. Nesse sentido, por meio da metodologia Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) em dois estágios, os escores de eficiência dos municípios foram estimados e depois ajustados com o uso da análise de regressão. Os resultados indicaram que seria possível aumentar, consideravelmente, a quantidade de serviços prestados à população sem a necessidade de novas dotações orçamentárias na maioria dos municípios. Além disso, verificou-se que a maior proporção de idosos em uma jurisdição torna a prestação de serviços mais cara; por sua vez, maiores densidade populacional, grau de urbanização e escala dos estabelecimentos de saúde favorecem o gasto público com eficiência. Os cinco municípios paulistas considerados mais eficientes foram Tuiuti, Nova Guataporanga, Sabino, Lins e Santos.El objeto en este trabajo fue el de construir una metodología de evaluación de desempeño de los municipios del estado de São Paulo en lo que se refiere a la eficiencia técnica en la asignación de recursos públicos en las acciones de atención básica a la salud, y analizar la influencia de variables no controlables en el proceso de producción en dicha área. La eficiencia técnica es uno de los parámetros de evaluación de desempeño de los gestores públicos y refleja la capacidad que tiene una entidad de obtener los máximos resultados con el menor consumo de inputs. El alcance de tal métrica puede verse perjudicado o favorecido por las variables ambientales o no controlables que, si no se consideran en la evaluación de desempeño, pueden generar sesgos. En este sentido, por medio de la metodología Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) en dos fases, se estimaron y luego se ajustaron las clasificaciones de eficiencia de los municipios con el uso del análisis de regresión. Los resultados indicaron que sería posible aumentar considerablemente la cantidad de servicios prestados a la población sin necesidad de nuevas partidas presupuestarias en la mayoría de los municipios. Además, se verificó que la mayor proporción de ancianos en una jurisdicción hace que la prestación de servicios sea más cara; por otro lado, mayor densidad poblacional, grado de urbanización y escala de los establecimientos de salud favorecen el gasto público eficiente. Los cinco municipios considerados más eficientes fueron Tuiuti, Nova Guataporanga, Sabino, Lins y Santos

    Clinical performance of an infliximab rapid quantification assay

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    Background: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)-based algorithms can be used to guide infliximab (IFX) adjustments in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. This study aimed to explore a rapid IFX-quantification test from a clinical perspective. Methods: This manuscript describes a prospective cohort study involving 110 ulcerative colitis (UC) patients on the maintenance phase of IFX. IFX trough levels were quantified using a rapid quantification assay and a commonly-used reference kit. Results: Irrespective of the assay used to measure IFX, its through levels were statistically different between patients with and without endoscopic remission (Mayo endoscopic score = 0), as well as between patients stratified by their faecal calprotectin (FC) levels. Despite the fact that the two methods correlated well with each other [Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.843, p < 0.001; intraclass correlation coefficients = 0.857, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.791-0.903], there was a discernible systematic variation; values obtained with the reference kit were on average 2.62 units higher than those obtained with the rapid assay. Notwithstanding, 3 mu g/ml was shown to be an acceptable cut-off to assess endoscopic status and inflammatory burden levels using both assays. The percentage of patients that had a positive outcome when the IFX concentration measured by the rapid assay ranked above 3 mu g/ml was 88% both for a Mayo endoscopic score <= 1 and for an FC concentration <250 mu g/g. Conclusions: Based on this study, we concluded that using the rapid IFX assessment system with a 3 mu g/ml threshold is a reliable alternative to the time-consuming enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays in patients on the maintenance phase of IFX.Portuguese IBD Group (GEDII, Grupo de Estudo da Doenca Inflamatoria Intestinal)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio