1,484 research outputs found

    First results from SAM-FP: Fabry-Perot observations with ground-layer adaptive optics - the structure and kinematics of the core of 30 Doradus

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    The aim of this paper is to present the first data set obtained with SOAR Adaptive Module-Fabry-Parot (SAM-FP), a Fabry-Perot instrument mounted inside the SOAR telescope Adaptive-Optics Module. This is the only existing imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer using laser-assisted ground-layer adaptive optics. SAM-FP was used to observe the ionized gas, traced by Halpha, in the centre of the 30 Doradus starburst (the Tarantula Nebula) in the Large Magellanic Cloud, with high spatial (~0.6" or 0.15 pc) and spectral (R=11200) resolution. Radial velocity, velocity dispersion and monochromatic maps were derived. The region displays a mix of narrow, sigma ~ 20 km/s profiles and multiple broader profiles with sigma ~ 70-80 km/s, indicating the complex nature of the nebula kinematics. A comparison with previously obtained VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy demonstrates that the data agree well in the regions of overlap, but the Fabry-Perot data are superior in spatial coverage. A preliminary analysis of the observations finds a new expanding bubble south of R136, with a projected radius of r=5.6 pc and an expansion velocity of 29 +/- 4 km/s. In addition, the first-time detailed kinematic maps derived here for several complexes and filaments of 30 Doradus allow identification of kinematically independent structures. These data exemplify the power of the combination of a high-order Fabry-Perot with a wide-field imager (3' x 3' GLAO-corrected field of view) for high-resolution spatial and spectral studies. In particular, SAM-FP data cubes are highly advantageous over multifibre or long-slit data sets for nebula structure studies and to search for small-scale bubbles, given their greatly improved spatial coverage. For reference, this paper also presents two appendices with detailed descriptions of the usage of Fabry-Perot devices, including formulae and explanations for understanding Fabry-Perot observations.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Keratophagy in captive Bothrops moojeni (Serpentes: Viperidae)

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    Valoração da prova penal : O problema do livre convencimento e a necessidade de fixação do método de constatação probatório como viável controle decisório

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    O presente estudo tem como objeto principal a análise sobre a valoração da prova penal, a partir da crítica ao sistema do livre convencimento e a necessidade de fixação do método de constatação probatória com o objetivo de maior controle na atividade decisória. A análise traz para o centro da discussão, a imprescindibilidade de fixação de standard probatório com a pretensão de redução da subjetividade do julgador no ato da formação da decisão penal. Para a construção desta reflexão, reconhece-se o processo penal como instrumento epistêmico específico, indicando o contraditório como método mais apropriado de coparticipação das partes na dinâmica processual, para o alcance do conhecimento fático e a formação da decisão penal. Por isso, torna-se imprescindível a normatização do procedimento de valoração da prova para além do livre convencimento do julgador. A presente investigação também indica críticas à formação da decisão através de provas suficientes para a condenação do imputado, tornando imperativa a aferição de elementos probatórios necessários e submetidos à testabilidade para o resultado comprobatório. Para tanto, através da discussão sobre a função da prova penal e a partir das ressalvas às concepções demonstrativa e persuasiva, mas se valendo de alguns dos seus pontos positivos, estabeleceu-se o critério de comprovação, após a atividade de verificação e refutação dos enunciados fáticos. Da mesma forma, a crítica ao subjetivismo decisório deu lugar à discussão sobre a identificação da necessidade da presença de standard probatório no texto normativo da sentença condenatória e a fundamentação estruturada da decisão. Aponta-se o princípio da incerteza como parâmetro prático no processo penal e, com o reconhecimento da dificuldade do afastamento da ampla subjetividade na valoração da prova penal, pretende o presente estudo rediscutir o standard probatório do limite da dúvida razoável, estabelecendo critérios específicos para a sua aplicação no Direito Processual Penal de matriz europeia continental. Todo o esforço acadêmico tem como objetivo a identificação da legitimidade constitucional da decisão condenatória, através da afirmação de regras de proteção ao inocente, com o foco na preocupação de redução de danos provenientes dos erros decisórios. Por fim, o presente estudo se valeu da prova indiciária como exemplo da ausência de critérios específicos quanto à valoração dos elementos probatórios e, portanto, a necessidade de formação de um método específico de valoração da prova penal.The current study has as its main goal the analysis of the valorization of criminal evidence, based on the criticism of the system of free convincing and on the need to establish a verification method with the aim of having greater control of the decision-making activity. The analysis brings to the forefront of the discussion, the indispensability of fixing a probative standard with the intent of reducing the subjectivity of the judge in the act of formulating the criminal decision. To construct this reflection, one must recognize the criminal procedure as a specific epistemic instrument, indicating the contradictory as the most appropriate co-participation method for the parties in the procedural dynamics, to achieve factual knowledge and formation of the criminal decision. This is why it is imperative to creating norms for the process of valorization of evidence in addition to the fre convincing of the judge. The current investigation also indicates criticisms to decision-making through sufficient evidence to convict the accused, making it imperative to gauge the probative elements necessary and submitted to testing for the verified result. In order to do so, through the discussion of the function of criminal evidence and based on the caveats to the demonstrative and persuasive conceptions, but making use of some of its positive elements, the criteria of proof was established, after the activity of verifying and refuting the enunciated facts. In the same way, the criticism to the decision-making subjectivity gave way to the discussion on the identification of the need for probatory standards in the normative text of the conviction sentence and the structured reasoning of the decision. One points to the principle of uncertainty as the practical parameter of the criminal process and, with the recognition of the difficulty in removing the broad subjectivity in the valorization of criminal evidence, the current study intends to re-discuss the probatory standard of the limits of reasonable doubt, establishing specific criteria for its application in the Criminal Procedural Law of a continental European matrix. All the academic effort has as its goal the identification of the constitutional legitimacy of the decision to convict, through the affirmation of rules to protect the innocent, with a focus on the concern to reduce damages from mistaken decisions. Finally, the current study made use of circumstantial evidence as an example of the absence of specific criteria for the valorization of probatory elements and, therefore, the need to create a specific method for the valorization of criminal evidence


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    Length–length (LLR) and length–weight (LWR) relationships are presented for 19 fish species collected between 2009 and2011 insmall tributaries and headwaters areas of the Tocantins-Araguaia basin, Itacaiúnas drainage, Southwestern Pará, Amazonian, Brazil. This study describes the first reference of LLR for 13 species and LWR for 16 fish species.Keywords: Allometry, Itacaiúnas, ichthyofauna.Relações Comprimento-Comprimento (RCC) e Comprimento-Peso (RCP) são apresentadas para 19 espécies de peixes coletadas entre 2009 e 2011 em pequenos tributários de cabeceira da bacia do Toncantins-Araguaia, drenagens do Itacaiúnas, Sudoeste do Estado do Pará, Região Amazônica, Brasil. Este estudo relata a primeira referência de RCC para 13 espécies e de RCP para 16 espécies de peixes.Palavras-chave: Alometria, Itacaiúnas, ictiofauna

    Bent It Like FRs: Extended Radio AGN in the COSMOS Field and Their Large-Scale Environment

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    A fascinating topic in radio astronomy is how to associate the complexity of observed radio structures with their environment in order to understand their interplay and the reason for the plethora of radio structures found in surveys. In this project, we explore the distortion of the radio structure of Fanaroff–Riley (FR)-type radio sources in the VLA-COSMOS Large Project at 3 GHz and relate it to their large-scale environment. We quantify the distortion by using the angle formed between the jets/lobes of two-sided FRs, namely bent angle (BA). Our sample includes 108 objects in the redshift range 0.0

    Bent It Like FRs: Extended Radio AGN in the COSMOS Field and Their Large-Scale Environment

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    A fascinating topic in radio astronomy is how to associate the complexity of observed radio structures with their environment in order to understand their interplay and the reason for the plethora of radio structures found in surveys. In this project, we explore the distortion of the radio structure of Fanaroff–Riley (FR)-type radio sources in the VLA-COSMOS Large Project at 3 GHz and relate it to their large-scale environment. We quantify the distortion by using the angle formed between the jets/lobes of two-sided FRs, namely bent angle (BA). Our sample includes 108 objects in the redshift range 0.0

    Daily and annual cycles in thermoregulatory behaviour and cardio‑respiratory physiology of black and white tegu lizards

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    This study was designed to determine the manner in which metabolism is suppressed during dormancy in black and white tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). To this end, heart rate (f H), respiration rate (f R), and deep body temperature (T b) were continuously monitored in outdoor enclosures by radio-telemetry for nine months. There was a continuous decline in nighttime breathing and heart rate, at constant T b, throughout the late summer and fall suggestive of an active metabolic suppression that developed progressively at night preceding the entrance into dormancy. During the day, however, the tegus still emerged to bask. In May, when the tegus made a behavioural commitment to dormancy, T b (day and night) fell to match burrow temperature, accompanied by a further reduction in f H and f R. Tegus, under the conditions of this study, did arouse periodically during dormancy. There was a complex interplay between changes in f H and T b associated with the direct effects of temperature and the indirect effects of thermoregulation, activity, and changes in metabolism. This interplay gave rise to a daily hysteresis in the f H/T b relationship reflective of the physiological changes associated with warming and cooling as preferred T b alternated between daytime and nighttime levels. The shape of the hysteresis curve varied with season along with changes in metabolic state and daytime and nighttime body temperature preferences

    Ablation of the ability to control the right-to-left cardiac shunt does not affect oxygen uptake, specific dynamic action or growth in the rattlesnake Crotalus durissus

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    The morphologically undivided ventricle of the heart in non-crocodilian reptiles permits the mixing of oxygen-rich blood returning from the lungs and oxygen-poor blood from the systemic circulation. A possible functional significance for this intra-cardiac shunt has been debated for almost a century. Unilateral left vagotomy rendered the single effective pulmonary artery of the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, unable to adjust the magnitude of blood flow to the lung. the higher constant perfusion of the lung circulation and the incapability of adjusting the right-left shunt in left-denervated snakes persisted over time, providing a unique model for investigation of the long-term consequences of cardiac shunting in a squamate. Oxygen uptake recorded at rest and during spontaneous and forced activity was not affected by removing control of the cardiac shunt. Furthermore, metabolic rate and energetic balance during the post-prandial metabolic increment, plus the food conversion efficiency and growth rate, were all similarly unaffected. These results show that control of cardiac shunting is not associated with a clear functional advantage in adjusting metabolic rate, effectiveness of digestion or growth rates.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Danish Research CouncilFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Biol, BR-09972270 Diadema, SP, BrazilUniv Birmingham, Sch Biosci, Birmingham B15 2TT, W Midlands, EnglandState Univ São Paulo UNESP, Dept Zool, BR-13506900 Rio Claro, SP, BrazilAarhus Univ, Dept Biosci, DK-8000 Aarhus C, DenmarkFed Univ São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Biol, BR-09972270 Diadema, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc