3,875 research outputs found

    A responsabilidade social do Grupo EPM: uma nova postura política no território

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    El Grupo EPM experimenta un cambio notable en su estrategia de responsabilidad social. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre el cambio de estrategia y la postura política de la empresa en el área de influencia de la hidroeléctrica Río Grande II en Colombia. La responsabilidad social se asume teóricamente como una iniciativa de sostenibilidad corporativa. La metodología de investigación es un estudio de caso exploratorio. Los resultados muestran que la empresa busca una posición más central en su relación con el Estado y la comunidad local. El relacionamiento con el Estado se orienta hacia la construcción colectiva del territorio, y con la comunidad local se busca mayor participación. Esta nueva postura corporativa conlleva a procesos inexplorados donde se compartan costos y beneficios con el Estado y la comunidad.The Grupo EPM is experiencing a remarkable change in its strategy of social responsibility. The aim of this paper is to analyses the relationship between the strategy change and the political stance of the company in the hydropower Río Grande II area of influence in Colombia. Social responsibility is assumed theoretically as a corporate sustainability initiative. An exploratory case study is adopted. Results suggest that the corporation seeks a more central position in the relationship with the State and the local community. The relationship with the State is oriented towards the collective construction of territory, and with the local community is desired to be more participatory. This new corporative stance leads to still unexplored processes where costs and benefits are shared with the State and the community.O Grupo EPM experimenta uma notável mudança na sua estratégia de responsabilidade social. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a relação entre a mudança de estratégia e a posição política da empresa na área de influência da usina hidrelétrica de Río Grande II na Colômbia. A responsabilidade social é assumida em teoria como uma iniciativa de sustentabilidade corporativa. A metodologia da pesquisa é um estudo de caso exploratório. Os resultados mostram que a empresa busca uma posição mais central na sua relação com o Estado e a comunidade local. A relação com o Estado é orientada para a construção coletiva do território, e com a comunidade local espera ser mais participativo. Essa abordagem corporativa leva a processos ainda inexplorados em que os custos e os benefícios são compartilhados com o Estado e a comunidade

    Attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccine in Spain: correlational and configurational analyses

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    This study explains attitude towards vaccination against COVID-19. It evaluates four cognitive, affective and normative (CAN) factors: fear of COVID-19 (FCOVID), fear of the vaccine (FVACC), efficacy (EFFICACY), and social influence (SOCINF) and three sociodemographic variables: gender, age, and income level. Ordered logistic regression showed a significant positive influence of FCOVID, EFFICACY and SOCINF and a negative impact of FVACC and income level (INCOME). Configurational analysis allowed observing that all evaluated factors are relevant for explaining the attitude towards vaccination and that the sign of the relationship in configurations between CAN factors and attitude is positive for FCOVID, EFFICACY and SOCINF and negative for FVACC. These variables symmetrically impact on willingness and unwillingness to use the vaccine. INCOME and regarding gender (GENDER) impact asymmetrically to induce acceptance and resistance to vaccination. The results in our paper have clear practical implications. Correlational analysis discovers the average strength of assessed factors on vaccine acceptation and so identifying the most relevant variables. On the other hand, configurational analysis identifies how factors combine to shape profiles of persons with willingness and unwillingness to get vaccinated. These last profiles are of special concern for health policy-makers since their resistance diminishes the effectivity of collective vaccination

    Pricing Endowments with Soft Computing

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    This paper develops life insurance pricing with different representation of its two sources of uncertainty: stochastic behaviour of mortality of the insured and fuzzy quantification of interest rates within the time horizon. Concretely we analyse endowment contracts, which are present in several financial real - world contexts as residential mortgage loans or retirement plans. We show that modelling the present value of these contracts with fuzzy random variables allows a well - founded quantification of their fair price and the risk resulting from the uncertainty of mortality and discounting rates. To do this, we firstly describe fuzzy random variables and some associated measures (mathematical expectation, variance, distribution function and quantiles) are defined. Subsequently the present value of a endowment contract (pure and mixed) is modelled with fuzzy random variables. Finally we show how the price and risk measures for endowment portfolios can be obtaine

    Life settlement pricing with fuzzy parameters

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    Existing literature asserts that the growth of life settlement (LS) markets, where they exist, is hampered by limited policyholder participation and suggests that to foster this growth appropriate pricing of LS transactions is crucial. The pricing of LSs relies on quantifying two key variables: the insured's mortality multiplier and the internal rate of return (IRR). However, the available information on these parameters is often scarce and vague. To address this issue, this article proposes a novel framework that models these variables using triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs). This modelling approach aligns with how mortality multiplier and IRR data are typically provided in insurance markets and has the advantage of offering a natural interpretation for practitioners. When both the mortality multiplier and the IRR are represented as TFNs, the resulting LS price becomes a FN that no longer retains the triangular shape. Therefore, the paper introduces three alternative triangular approximations to simplify computations and enhance interpretation of the price. Additionally, six criteria are proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of each approximation method. These criteria go beyond the typical approach of assessing the approximation quality to the FN itself. They also consider the usability and comprehensibility for financial analysts with no prior knowledge of FNs. In summary, the framework presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in LS pricing. By incorporating TFNs, offering several triangular approximations and proposing goodness criteria of them, it addresses the challenges posed by limited and vague data, while also considering the practical needs of industry practitioners

    The valuation of life contingencies: A symmetrical triangular fuzzy approximation

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    This paper extends the framework for the valuation of life insurance policies and annuities by Andrés- Sánchez and González-Vila (2012, 2014) in two ways. First we allow various uncertain magnitudes to be estimated by means of fuzzy numbers. This applies not only to interest rates but also to the amounts to be paid out by the insurance company. Second, the use of symmetrical triangular fuzzy numbers allows us to obtain expressions for the pricing of life contingencies and their variability that are closely linked to standard financial and actuarial mathematics. Moreover, they are relatively straightforward to compute and understand from a standard actuarial point of view

    A Fuzzy-Random Extension of the Lee-Carter Mortality Prediction Model

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    The Lee-Carter model is a useful dynamic stochastic model to represent the evolution of central mortality rates throughout time. This model only considers the uncertainty about the coefficient related to the mortality trend over time but not to the age-dependent coefficients. This paper proposes a fuzzy-random extension of the Lee-Carter model that allows quantifying the uncertainty of both kinds of parameters. As it is commonplace in actuarial literature, the variability of the time-dependent index is modeled as an ARIMA time series. Likewise, the uncertainty of the age-dependent coefficients is also quantified, but by using triangular fuzzy numbers. The consideration of this last hypothesis requires developing and solving a fuzzy regression model. Once the fuzzy-random extension has been introduced, it is also shown how to obtain some variables linked with central mortality rates such as death probabilities or life expectancies by using fuzzy numbers arithmetic. It is simultaneously shown the applicability of our developments with data of Spanish male population in the period 1970-2012. Finally, we make a comparative assessment of our method with alternative Lee-Carter model estimates on 16 Western Europe populations

    Combining fsQCA and PLS-SEM to assess policyholders’ attitude towards life settlements

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    Life settlements (LSs) can be considered a novel and innovative financial asset in countries where they are not yet established. This paper aims to assess the attitude (ATT) of policyholders towards participating in LSs in such countries by evaluating various variables: performance expectancy (PE), expected easiness (EE), social influence (SI), perceived ethical problems (EP), and bad feelings (BF) that may arise from this type of transaction. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was administered to 89 individuals in Spain who possessed extensive knowledge of financial and insurance matters. The data analysis employed fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) as the basis, supplemented by partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The fsQCA results enabled the identification of policyholder profiles associated with the acceptance or rejection of LSs. Meanwhile, PLS-SEM provided insights into the net strength and statistical significance of the impact of each variable on ATT. Methodologically, this study demonstrates that fsQCA is valuable in constructing a reliable and concise framework for subsequent PLS-SEM estimation. A significant practical implication of this research is the importance of the interaction between PE and SI in the successful development of LS markets. A positive perception of financial advisors regarding these agreements emerges as a crucial factor in market growth. Moreover, the study reveals that EP and BF may significantly influence resistance towards LSs

    Las prestaciones de supervivencia de los seguros de vida como generadores de rendimientos del capital mobiliario. (Estudio financiero de su fiscalidad en el Real Decreto Legislativo 3/2004 que regula el IRPF)

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    En este trabajo se analiza, desde una vertiente financiera, la repercusión de las normas reguladoras del IRPF vigente en el 2004 –que se concretan básicamente en el Real Decreto Legislativo 3/2004, de 5 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas y el Real Decreto 214/1999, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento del Impuesto de la Renta de las Personas Físicas– en los seguros de vida con prestación por supervivencia. En primer lugar, se analiza el impacto de la actual normativa fiscal sobre las rentas de supervivencia inmediatas, que pueden ser un producto de ahorro alternativo a otros que generan rendimientos periódicos. El segundo aspecto analizado es la tributación del seguro como instrumento de ahorro sistemático complementario a las prestaciones de la Seguridad Social por jubilación o situación asimilable. Desde este segundo punto de vista, son objeto de análisis la tributación de los seguros en la modalidad de capital diferido y de las rentas diferidas de supervivencia

    Estimación de la estructura temporal de los tipos de interés mediante números borrosos. Aplicación a la valoración financiero-actuarial y análisis de la solvencia del asegurador de vida.

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    El tema de estudio de la presente tesis es la aplicación de la teoría de los subconjuntos borrosos en el análisis de los seguros de vida, en concreto, en la modelización de los tipos de interés para su valoración, teoría que tomó carta de naturaleza con la publicación en 1965 del artículo del profesor L.A. Zadeh "Fuzzy Sets", en la revista Information and Control. La gestión y valoración de los seguros de vida abarca cuestiones como la fijación de primas por parte del asegurador, el estudio de su posición de solvencia, determinación de las provisiones matemáticas etc. Las variables que esencialmente deben ser tenidas en cuenta en su modelización son:a) Un fenómeno que podríamos determinar como "natural": el comportamiento de la mortalidad, morbilidad etc. en la cabeza asegurada. No existe ninguna controversia sobre su naturaleza estocástica. b) El segundo fenómeno que incide en el análisis de los seguros de vida, es el financiero, en concreto, la determinación del interés que el asegurador debe ofrecer al asegurado denominado como interés técnico, el cual esta relacionado con el interés que el asegurador puede conseguir invirtiendo las primas satisfechas por el asegurado.Nosotros consideramos que un enfoque más realista en la modelización del tipo de interés es suponer que viene estimado a través de números borrosos, dada la subjetividad inherente a la fijación del tipo de interés y por tanto, que su manipulación con operadores blandos tipo "máximo-mínimo" es más acorde con la información débil que se dispone sobre dicha variable. Por esta razón, en nuestra tesis proponemos un conjunto de metodologías que permiten estimar la estructura temporal de los tipos de interés a través de números borrosos, mediante la utilización de instrumentos de regresión borrosa. Dicha estructura de tipos de interés borrosa, servirá posteriormente como referencia en la valoración de los seguros de vida.Por otra parte, algunos autores habían analizado la valoración de los contratos de seguros de vida utilizando intereses borrosos. En todos estos trabajos, el denominador común era la utilización de la denominada "Teoría Estática", basada en la reducción del fenómeno de la mortalidad a sus valores esperados y la introducción de la incertidumbre en el tipo de interés mediante números borrosos. De esta forma, el problema de valoración actuarial quedaba reducido a un problema de valoración financiera con interés borroso. En nuestra tesis, para solventar el problema que implica la pérdida de información al reducir el fenómeno de la mortalidad a esperanzas matemáticas, y teniendo en cuenta que utilizamos tipos de interés borrosos, proponemos el uso del concepto de variable borroso-aleatoria en el análisis de la solvencia del asegurador de vida.This doctoral thesis has to objectives.a) We propose a set of methodologies for estimating the temporal structure of interest rates (TSIR) based on fuzzy regression techniques. They allow incorporating all the prices of the fixed income instruments sold and bought along one session in the measurement of the TSIR. Finally, the TSIR will be characterised using fuzzy numbers. Subsequently, the forward rates, that can be interpreted as the future rates predicted by the market, will be quantified as fuzzy numbers too.b) Moreover, we propose a methodology for pricing life insurance contracts and analysing the insurer's solvency supposing that fuzzy numbers quantify the profit that a life insurer will obtain investing the premiums. Using this methodology the randomness and fuzziness inherent to the investigated phenomena is preserved along the valuation process. This methodology is based on the concept of fuzzy random variable

    La herencia grecolatina y su cristianización en la construcción de la vieja bruja medieval: el caso de La Celestina

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    --Departamento de Literatura Española y Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura ComparadaGrado en Español: Lengua y Literatur