74 research outputs found

    Oral candidiasis in patients with renal transplants

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    Objectives: Oral candidiasis (OC) is a frequent oral lesion in renal transplant patients (RTPs). Despite the in - creased prevalence of OC in RTPs, no study has examined related risk factors. The aims of this study were to analyze the prevalence of and risk factors for OC in RTPs compared with age- and gender-matched healthy control group (HC) as well as determine the incidence of OC after transplantation. Study D esing: We analyzed the prevalence and risk factors of OC in a group of 500 RTPs (307 men, 193 women, mean age 53.63 years) and 501 HC subjects (314 men, 187 women, mean age 52.25 years). Demographic and pharmacological data were recorded for all subjects. Incident cases of OC were ascertained retrospectively from outpatient clinical records only in the RTP group. Results: The prevalence of OC was 7.4% in RTPs compared with 4.19% in HC (P<0.03). The most frequent type of OC in the two groups was denture stomatitis. Statistical association was found between OC and age, mycophe - nolate mofetil dose and blood levels, dentures and tobacco. The multiple logistic regression model only chose for denture variable. According to the outpatient clinical records, 24 RTPs suffered OC during the first moth post- transplant. Severe lesions affecting the oral cavity and pharynx appeared in 79% of the OC cases. Conclusions: This study shows a lower prevalence of OC in RTPs than previous reports. Denture stomatitis was the most frequent OC prevalence form described in RTPs. Severe candidiasis is more frequent in the immediate posttransplant period. The presence of denture is an important risk factor of OC. These results emphasise the importance of adequate pre- and post-transplant oral health and denture cleaning and adjustment is recommended for these subjects to prevent this infection

    Insight into ADHD diagnosis with deep learning on Actimetry: Quantitative interpretation of occlusion maps in age and gender subgroups

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    Producción CientíficaAttention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder in childhood that often persists into adulthood. Objectively diagnosing ADHD can be challenging due to the reliance on subjective questionnaires in clinical assessment. Fortunately, recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have shown promise in providing objective diagnoses through the analysis of medical images or activity recordings. These AI-based techniques have demonstrated accurate ADHD diagnosis; however, the growing complexity of deep learning models has introduced a lack of interpretability. These models often function as black boxes, unable to offer meaningful insights into the data patterns that characterize ADHD.Agencia Estatal de Investigación (grants PID2020-115339RB-I00, TED2021-130090B-I00 and TED2021-131536B-I00)EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement (101008297)Company ESAOTE Ltd (grant 18IQBM

    Ferroelectric substrate effects on the magnetism, magnetotransport, and electroresistance of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 thin films on BaTiO3

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    La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 optimally doped epitaxial films were grown on ferroelectric BaTiO3 substrates. Electronic transport (magnetoresistance and electroresistance) and magnetic properties showed important anomalies in the temperature interval between 60 and 150 K, below the metal-insulator transition. Scanning probe microscopy revealed changes in BaTiO3 surface morphology at those temperatures. La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 thickness is a critical factor: 120-angstrom -thick films showed large anomalies sensitive to electric poling of the BaTiO3, whereas the behavior of 150-angstrom -thick films is closer to that of the reference La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 samples grown on SrTiO3. We propose that, through inhomogenous strain and electric polarization effects, the ferroelectric substrate induces an inhomogenous spin distribution in the magnetic layer. This would imply the coexistence of in-plane and out-of-plane ferromagnetic patches in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3, possibly interspersed with antiferromagnetic regions, as it has recently been theoretically predicted. Substrate poling effects are investigated, and a magnetoelectric coupling is demonstrated

    Instalación y configuración de ZENTYAL con el fin de dar solución a ciertas necesidades usando GNU/Linux

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    En este trabajo, se estará evidenciando el desarrollo practico y teórico del trabajo final propuesto para el Diplomado de Profundización en Linux, en el cual se estará explicando todo el proceso de descarga, creación de la unidad virtual, instalación y configuración de los servidores y la aplicación web de Zentyal. Así mismo se explorarán distintas formas de conectarlo con los sistemas operativos de Linux, todo esto con el fin de estudiar que tan útil y practico es dicho sistema.In this article, we will be showing the practical and theoretical development of the final work proposed for this class, in which we will be explaining the whole process of downloading, creating the virtual drive, installing and configuring the servers and the Zentyal web application. We will also explore different ways to connect it with Linux operating systems, all this in order to study how useful and practical is this system

    Fabry Nephropathy: An Evidence-Based Narrative Review.

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    Fabry disease (FD) is a rare, X-linked disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene encoding the enzyme α-galactosidase A. Complete or partial deficiency in this enzyme leads to intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) and other glycosphingolipids in many cell types throughout the body, including the kidney. Progressive accumulation of Gb3 in podocytes, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and tubular cells contribute to the renal symptoms of FD, which manifest as proteinuria and reduced glomerular filtration rate leading to renal insufficiency. A correct diagnosis of FD, although challenging, has considerable implications regarding treatment, management, and counseling. The diagnosis may be confirmed by demonstrating the enzyme deficiency in males and by identifying the specific GLA gene mutation in male and female patients. Treatment with enzyme replacement therapy, as part of the therapeutic strategy to prevent complications of the disease, may be beneficial in stabilizing renal function or slowing its decline, particularly in the early stages of the disease. Emergent treatments for FD include the recently approved chaperone molecule migalastat for patients with amenable mutations. The objective of this report is to provide an updated overview on Fabry nephropathy, with a focus on the most relevant aspects of its epidemiology, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment options.S

    Actualitzacions en terapèutica farmacològica: avenços 2015; novetats que canvien la pràctica clínica

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    Terapèutica farmacològica; Avenços; Pràctica clínicaTerapeutica farmacológica; Avances; Práctica clínicaPharmacological therapy; Advances; Clinical practiceEste informe identifica las cuestiones relacionadas con la terapéutica farmacológica consideradas mas relevantes para la práctica clínica, considerando aspectos muy diversos como son las nuevas estrategias terapéuticas, prácticas relacionadas con la sobreutilización de medicamentos, cuestiones sobre la continuidad, el avance y la suspensión de los tratamientos, los nuevos medicamentos y los pros y contras de alternativas terapéuticas que se han ido planteando específicamente a lo largo del año 2014.Aquest informe identifica les qüestions relacionades amb la terapèutica farmacològica considerades més rellevants per a la pràctica clínica, considerant aspectes ben diversos com ara les noves estratègies terapèutiques, pràctiques relacionades amb la sobreutilització de medicaments, qüestions sobre la continuïtat, l‟avançament i la suspensió dels tractaments, els nous medicaments, i els pros i contres d‟alternatives terapèutiques que s‟han anant plantejat específicament al llarg de l'any 201

    Índex de Qualitat de la Prescripció Farmacèutica (IQF). Versió 2015

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    Índex de Qualitat de la Prescripció Farmacèutica; IQSÍndice de Calidad de la Prescripción Farmacéutica; IQSPrescription Quality Index; PQIL'índex de Qualitat de la Prescripció Farmacèutica (IQF) 2015 està constituït per una bateria de 12 indicadors amb objectius específics de millora, distribuïts en tres dimensions (nous medicaments, hiperprescripció i selecció de medicaments) i ponderats d’acord amb la seva contribució a la millora global de la qualitat de la prescripció. El seu disseny s’ha realitzat mitjançant el consens d’un grup d’experts d’acord amb l’evidència científica disponible i serà sotmès a revisió anual, per tal de reflectir l’estat del coneixement científic en cada moment.El Índice de Calidad de la Prescripción Farmacéutica (IQF) 2016 esta constituido por una batería de 12 indicadores con el objetivo específico de mejora, distribuidos en tres dimensiones (nuevos medicamentos, hiper prescripción y selección de medicamentos) y ponderados de acuerdo con su contribución a la mejora global de la calidad de la prescripción. Su diseño se ha realizado mediante el consenso de un grupo de expertos de acuerdo con la evidencia científica disponible y será sometido a revisión anual, con la finalidad de reflejar el estado de conocimiento científico en cada momento