301 research outputs found

    Proxêmica das experiências infantis do brincar arriscado em equipamento específico de lazer

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    Proxemics studies the relationship between bodies and the space around them. We adopted it as a theoretical-methodological research model for participant observation in territories of risky play. To this end, we conducted a field study in children's playgrounds. Based on the mobilized reference, we found that children self-organize and build, in a relational way, patterns of bodily approximation that reflect their interests in intergenerational or peer relationships. Because of this, we found in children's proxemics a privileged way of listening to and unveiling children's participation, highlighting how they organize their relationship with others and with the territory of play.La proxémica investiga la relación entre el cuerpo y el espacio circundante. Lo adoptamos aquí como un modelo teórico y metodológico que implica observar participativamente territorios de juegos de riesgo. Para ello, llevamos a cabo una investigación de campo en parques infantiles. Identificamos que los niños se organizan y desarrollan relacionalmente tácticas de proximidad corporal que reflejan sus intereses en la relación intergeneracional o la relación entre pares. Ante eso, encontramos en la proxémica infantil una posibilidad privilegiada de escuchar y develar la participación de los niños, enfatizando cómo organizan la relación con el otro y el territorio del juego.Proxêmica estuda a relação entre corpos e o espaço circundante. Nós a adotamos como modelo teórico-metodológico de pesquisa para observação participante em territórios de brincar arriscado. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo de campo em parques infantis. A partir do referencial mobilizado, identificamos que as crianças se auto-organizam e, de forma relacional, constroem padrões de aproximação corporal que refletem seus interesses na relação intergeracional ou entre pares. Frente a isto, encontramos na proxemia infantil uma possibilidade privilegiada de escuta e de desvelamento da participação das crianças, enfatizando como elas organizam a relação com o outro e com o território do brincar

    El modelo de gestión de Parques de Sintra: estudio de caso sobre el Palacio Nacional de la Pena

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    Parques de Sintra - Monte da Lua, SA (PSML hereafter) is an entirely state owned company set up in 2000 subsequent to UNESCO classifying the Cultural Landscape of Sintra as World Heritage in 1995 and bringing together those institutions with responsibilities in this field as shareholders. The PSML public heritage management model is unique in Portugal. In 2014, the heritage sites received over 1.9 million visits and generating some €18.3 million in revenues and ranking the company as among the three most important cultural tourism poles in the country. The PSML mission involves restoring, maintaining, promoting and opening up the heritage managed for the public good. To ensure the maintenance and functioning of this heritage, the company draws exclusively on the revenues generated by site entrance tickets, by the cafeterias, the stores and by renting out such sites for events. For its investment projects, the company draws on its own income and whenever possible also seeks support from national and European subsidy programs. The Palace of Pena is the most visited monument in the Sintra Cultural Landscape having received around 900,000 visitors in 2014. We now present the PSML management model, applied across its different facets, and particularly in relation to the National Palace of Pena, explaining its economic sustainability, the relationships with visitors and the strategy deployed in the approach to heritage restoration and conservation intervention projects. This correspondingly focuses on aspects such as the “open for works” method, the projects implemented and the future perspectives as well as the “virtuous cycle” vision driving the model’s success: heritage restored and open to public enjoyment, greater and deeper visitor satisfaction, higher revenues, higher investment.Parques de Sintra – Monte da Lua, SA (PSML) es una empresa de capitales exclusivamente públicos creada en el año 2000, después de que la UNESCO declarase en 1995 el Paisaje Cultura de Sintra Patrimonio Mundial. Agrupa a las instituciones con responsabilidades en la zona y que constituyen su accionariado, con la misión de recuperar, conservar, divulgar y abrir al público el patrimonio que gestiona. El modelo de gestión del patrimonio público de PSML es único en Portugal. En 2014 recibió a más de 1,9 millones de visitantes que generaron unos ingresos de cerca de 18,3 millones de euros, situándose entre los tres más importantes polos de turismo cultural del país. El Palacio de la Pena es el monumento más visitado del Paisaje Cultural de Sintra, con cerca de 900 mil visitantes en 2014. El mantenimiento y funcionamiento de las propiedades dependen exclusivamente de los ingresos que reportan las taquillas, las cafeterías, las tiendas y el alquiler de los espacios para eventos. La empresa también recurre a sus propios recursos para financiar sus inversiones, buscando en la medida de lo posible contar con el apoyo de programas nacionales y europeos. El modelo de gestión de PSML que se presenta, aplicado en sus diferentes vertientes y en especial al Palacio Nacional de la Pena, explicita su sostenibilidad económica, la relación con los visitantes y la estrategia utilizada en las intervenciones de recuperación y conservación del patrimonio. Entre los diferentes aspectos tratados destacan el método “abierto por obras”, los proyectos ya realizados y los previstos para el futuro. Se ofrece también una visión sobre el “círculo virtuoso” para el éxito del modelo: patrimonio restaurado y abierto al público, más y mayor satisfacción de los visitantes, mayores ingresos, más inversiones.Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu

    Institutionalized elderly rehabilitation Improving balance ability with a platform technology

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    Ageing is associated with a decrease in the functionality of all organic systems. One factor that affects the quality of life in the elderly is the decrease of balance that sometimes leads to falls and consequently the fear of falling. In this sense, it is essential to try to mitigate this progressive degeneration. Platform technology can be used to improve balance in elderly and thus enable them a better quality of life and well-being. To investigate whether an exercise program, using platform games, improve balance in a group of institutionalized elderly. A quasi-experimental study was design in which it was used a sociodemographic questionnaire, nine of the ten tests of Fullerton Balance Advanced Scale to assess balance and the Falls Efficacy Scale (FES) to assess fear of falling. The exercises program where performed on the platform, and applied in 10 minutes session three times a week for two months. 20 elderly were included, 70% women, with an average age of 82.20 ± 4.92 years, 55% are widowed, 35% single and 10% are married. Results of the Fullerton Balance Advanced Scale evaluation showed that 17 elderly improved balance and 3 elderly decreased. Fear of falling results showed a statistically significant increase (Z = -2.875; p = .004) from the first to the second assessment moment (67.20 ± 12.07 vs 70.25 ± 12.94). The exercise program set up with the technology platform has improved balance and decreased fear of falling in the elderly who participated in this study. Platform games can be used in rehabilitation of elderly to improve balance and reduce fear of falling

    A new concept of automated manufacturing process for wire rope terminals

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    30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2021) 15-18 June 2021, Athens, Greece.The products related to automotive industry need to be extremely competitive. The metallic wire ropes used to open doors in the vehicles are based on a braided wire rope provided with accessories. The more expensive is the vehicle, the more complex is the required final wire rope. In order to prevent the corrosion and reduce noise, the internal metallic cable can be coated with a polymer via extrusion. However, this coating needs to be removed from the extremities of the metallic cable, allowing the zamak injection of the mechanical terminals, preventing die casting defects. Nevertheless, the standard machines able to produce the mechanical terminals by die casting process were always prepared to work only with non-coated metallic cable. Customers demanding coated metallic cables impose the need to adapt the standard machines to this new reality. Thus, new systems needed to be added to the standard machine, allowing the metallic cable strip operation. Moreover, this operation needs to be added to the process but without repercussions on the cycle time. Different approaches were studied and tested in order to find the best solution. The new device was designed and produced, allowing its test in real conditions. The system based on just one blade did not show satisfactory results, being necessary the use of a system based on multiple blades. The new device, when connected to the standard machine, allows to produce wire ropes up to 2.5 meters long, striped in both sides, letting the die casting injection of the zamak terminal in one extremity, with a cycle time of 7 seconds (1000 wire ropes per hour, as they are produced in couples).The authors would like to thank Mr. Mário Cardoso for his support and commitment with this work, providing all data necessary to carry out this development. The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (grants: UID/EMS/00667/2019 and UID/UIDB/CPO/04058/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of caffeine on mitochondrial biogenesis in the skeletal muscle - A narrative review

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    Caffeine is one of the most widely used substances as recreational drug for performance-enhancement in sport, underpinned by a strong evidence base. Although the effects of caffeine are widely investigated within the scope of performance physiology, the molecular effects of caffeine within skeletal muscle remain unclear. Evidence from in vitro and in vivo models suggest that caffeine regulates the glucose metabolism in the skeletal muscle. Moreover, caffeine seems to stimulate CaMKII, PPARδ/β, AMPK and PGC1α, classical markers of exercise-adaptations, including mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial content. This review summarizes evidence to suggest caffeine-effects within skeletal muscle fibers, focusing on the putative role of caffeine on mitochondrial biogenesis to explore whether caffeine supplementation might be a strategy to enhance mitochondrial biogenesis. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

    Prevalência de Violência Sexual com contato e sem contato contra homens brasileiros e fatores associados a sexo forçado

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    RESUMO Objetivou-se estimar a prevalência da Violência Sexual (VS) contra homens brasileiros e fatores associados. Estudo transversal, que estimou a prevalência de várias formas de VS entre homens brasileiros por meio de questionário virtual. Participaram do estudo 1.241 homens de todos os estados. A maioria era jovem, entre 18 e 39 anos de idade (61,7%), heterossexual (50,2%), do Sudeste (54,4%), das classes socioeconômicas C/D/E (72,1%) e brancos (64,3%). Sobre as prevalências de VS, 70,5% afirmaram ter sofrido VS sem contato, 43,1%, VS com contato, 23,9%, VS com penetração, e 33,1%, sexo forçado. Ser bissexual, ser homossexual e ser divorciado/separado aumentaram as chances de sofrer sexo forçado. Este estudo indica que homens bissexuais e homossexuais têm mais chances de sofrer VS, corroborando outras pesquisas. Entre divorciados/separados, as chances de sofrer VS também se mostraram significativas e precisam ser mais bem exploradas. O estudo oferece a possibilidade de problematização para acolhimento de homens vítimas de VS, pensando majoritariamente na prevenção de efeitos adversos após a violência e na implantação de políticas públicas da área da saúde mais direcionadas para o público-alvo, considerando os principais fatores associados

    Ação de diferentes enzimas na germinação de sementes de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) - Asteraceae

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    Seed germination involves the use of different enzymes for metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different commercial enzymes on germination of lettuce seeds. Lettuce seeds were immersed in a solution of 300 mL distilled water and 5.0 mL enzyme solution during one hour. The treatments consisted of the commercial enzyme solutions: (1) Alcalase® and Celluclean® (purpose catalyze hydrolysis of peptide bonds and bonds of beta 1,3 and 1,4 glucan present in the cellulose, respectively), (2) Pectinex® (purpose dilutes pectin, releasing sugars), (3) Alcalase® (purpose to catalyze peptide bonds), (4) Pectinex® and Alcalase® (purpose to catalyze peptide bonds and to release sugars), (5) Alcalase® and Ban® (purpose to catalyze peptide bonds and hydrolysis of bonds alpha 1,4 - glucosidic forming dextrin preferably as product), (6) Spirizyme® (glucoamylase enzyme: glucan 1,4 alpha-glucosidase) and (7) control (distilled water free of enzymes). After treatment with the enzyme solutions seeds were sown in Petri dishes containing filter paper or soil as a substrate, both saturated with distilled water. The seeds of all treatments germinated in four days after seeding. The percentage of seed germination on filter paper showed no significant differences between the treatments, but the germination percentage showed statistical differences when germinated in the soil. The highest percentages of germination in the soil were in the control treatment (96.6%) and in the treatment with Pectinex® and Alcalase® (81.6%). Industrial enzymes application in lettuce seeds does not increase the speed and percentage of seed germination.  A germinação de sementes envolve o uso de diferentes enzimas no metabolismo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes enzimas comerciais na germinação de sementes de alface. As sementes de alface foram imersas em uma solução de 300 mL de água destilada e 5,0 mL de solução enzimática durante uma hora. Os tratamentos consistiram nas soluções comerciais de enzimas: (1) Alcalase® e Celluclean® (catalisam a hidrólise de ligações peptídicas e ligações de beta 1,3 e 1,4 glucana presentes na celulose, respectivamente), (2) Pectinex® ( dilui a pectina de propósito, liberando açúcares), (3) Alcalase® (objetivo de catalisar ligações peptídicas), (4) Pectinex® e Alcalase® (objetivo de catalisar ligações peptídicas e liberar açúcares), (5) Alcalase® e Ban® ( objetivo de catalisar ligações peptídicas e hidrólise de ligações alfa 1,4 - dextrina formadora glucosídica, de preferência como produto), (6) Spirizyme® (enzima glucoamilase: glucana 1,4 alfa-glucosidase) e (7) controle (água destilada livre de enzimas ) Após o tratamento com as soluções enzimáticas, as sementes foram semeadas em placas de Petri contendo papel de filtro ou solo como substrato, ambos saturados com água destilada. As sementes de todos os tratamentos germinaram em quatro dias após a semeadura. A porcentagem de germinação das sementes em papel de filtro não mostrou diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, mas a porcentagem de germinação mostrou diferenças estatísticas quando germinadas no solo. As maiores porcentagens de germinação no solo foram no tratamento controle (96,6%) e no tratamento com Pectinex® e Alcalase® (81,6%). A aplicação de enzimas industriais em sementes de alface não aumenta a velocidade e a porcentagem de germinação das sementes

    Acute Exposure to Two Biocides Causes Morphological and Molecular Changes in the Gill Ciliary Epithelium of the Invasive Golden Mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857)

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    Limnoperna fortunei, the golden mussel, is a bivalve mollusk considered an invader in South America. This species is responsible for ecological and economic damages due to its voluminous fouling capability. Chemical biocides such as MXD-100™ and sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) are often used to control L. fortunei infestations in hydraulic systems. Thus, we proposed to investigate the effects of different periods (24, 48 and 72 h) of exposure to MXD-100™ (0.56 mg L−1) and NaDCC (1.5 mg L−1) on the gills of L. fortunei through morphological and molecular analyses. NaDCC promoted progressive morphological changes during the analyzed periods and only an upregulation of SOD and HSP70 expression during the first 24 h of exposure. MXD-100™ led to severe morphological changes from the first period of exposure, in addition to an upregulation of SOD, CAT, HSP70 and CYP expression during the first 24 h. In contrast, MXD-100™ led to a downregulation of CAT transcription between 24 and 48 h. In static conditions, NaDCC causes lethal damage after 72 h of exposure, and that exposure needs to be continuous to achieve the control of the species. Meanwhile, the MXD-100™ treatment presented several effects during the first 24 h, showing acute toxicity in a shorter period of time