665 research outputs found

    A replacement family-group name among fossil Neuroptera (Insecta)

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    The nomenclature of the enigmatic fossil family Rafaelidae is summarized and its status as a nomen invalidum requiring replacement is recognized, due to homonymy of its type genus, Rafaelia Nel et al. (nec Rafaelia Townsend).  The replacement family-group name is made available as Rafaelianidae Engel & Nel, new name, based on the type genus Rafaeliana Nel et al., which is itself a former replacement for the junior Rafaelia

    New palaeomacromiid dragonflies from the upper Paleocene of Argentina

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    A new genus of palaeomacromiid dragonflies, Curviarculia, based on Curviarculia delicata sp. nov. and Curviarculia lamasi sp. nov., is erected from the upper Paleocene Maíz Gordo Formation of north-western Argentina. Phylogenetic relationships within Palaeomacromiidae are discussed, leading to a new family diagnosis.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Arachnid-inspired kinesthesia for legged robots

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    New palaeomacromiid dragonflies from the upper Paleocene of Argentina

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    A new genus of palaeomacromiid dragonflies, Curviarculia, based on Curviarculia delicata sp. nov. and Curviarculia lamasi sp. nov., is erected from the upper Paleocene Maíz Gordo Formation of north-western Argentina. Phylogenetic relationships within Palaeomacromiidae are discussed, leading to a new family diagnosis.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new Frenguelliidae (Insecta: Odonata) from the early Eocene of Laguna del Hunco, Patagonia, Argentina

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    The discovery of a new specimen of Frenguelliidae, attributed to the new species Frenguellia iglesiasi, in Patagonia, Argentina, is noteworthy for the knowledge of the diversity within this little-known family.Fil: Petrulevicius, Julian Fernando. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.naturales y Museo. Div.paleozoologia Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nel, André. Museum National D; Franci

    A new chironomid (Insecta : Diptera) from Wealden amber (Lower Cretaceous) of the Isle of Wight (UK)

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    The first insect from the Wealden amber of the Isle of Wight (early Barremian) is formally described. Dungeyella gavini n. gen., n. sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae) is a tiny buchonomyiine/podonomian with specialised wing venation and probably lived in an araucarian riparian woodland with seasonal resin production. It is in one of the oldest-known ambers with insect inclusions

    A new Coniopterygidae from Lebanese amber

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    We describe the oldest fossil Coniopterygidae, possibly attributable to the Coniopteryginae, in the new genus and species Libanosemidalis hammanaensis, from the outcrop Hammana / Mdeyrij in the Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon. This fossil shares with the extant and Cenozoic lineages of Coniopterygidae the presence of only two M branches, unlike other Cretaceous representatives of the family.We describe the oldest fossil Coniopterygidae, possibly attributable to the Coniopteryginae, in the new genus and species Libanosemidalis hammanaensis, from the outcrop Hammana / Mdeyrij in the Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon. This fossil shares with the extant and Cenozoic lineages of Coniopterygidae the presence of only two M branches, unlike other Cretaceous representatives of the family

    Diverse barklice (Psocodea) from Late Cretaceous Vendean amber

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    International audienceThe fossil psocodeans from Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Santonian) amber of Vendée, in northwestern France, are studied. Two new genera and three new species are described and illustrated, as Proprionoglaris axioperierga n. sp. (Archaeatropidae), Scocompus atelisus n. gen. and sp. (uncertain family within the Amphientometae), and Mesopsocoides dupei n. gen. and sp. (earliest fossil record of the Mesopsocidae). The new fossils are distinguished from their congeners, and their respective systematic placement is discussed. Other fragmentary fossil psocodeans from the same outcrop are illustrated and discussed.Les psoques fossilisés dans l’ambre crétacé supérieur (Cénomanien à Santonien) de Vendée, dans le nord-ouest de la France, sont étudiés. Deux nouveaux genres et trois nouvelles espèces sont décrits et illustrés: Proprionoglaris axioperierga n. sp. (Archaeatropidae), Scocompus atelisus n. gen. et sp. (famille incertaine au sein des Amphioentometae), et Mesopsocoides dupei n. gen. et sp. (plus ancien Mesopscocidae fossile). Ces nouveaux taxons sont comparés à leurs congénères, et leur position systématique respective est discutée. D’autres psoques fossiles fragmentaires issus du même gisement sont discutés

    The oldest fossil piesmatid bug in the Lowermost Eocene amber of the Paris Basin (Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Piesmatidae)

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    The oldest fossil Piesmatidae, Eopiesma trimerum n. gen., n. sp. is described from the Lowermost Eocene amber of Paris Basin (France). It is considered as the sister group of all other Piesmatidae. This family probable diversified during the Lower Cenozoic
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