6,428 research outputs found

    Sonophoresis efficiency: consequences of methyl donors supplementation at early developmental stage in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Effects on growth, nutrient metabolism, egg and larval quality, and methylation patterns of larvae and juvenile fish

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016It is essential that the vegetable ingredients that will be use in Aquaculture feeds can maintain the growth parameters in fish when compared with the fish meal diets. Studies have shown that the replacement may be achieved until a certain level without affecting the growth parameters. Sometimes the vegetable diets lack essential amino acids that need to be supplemented in the feeds, one of the amino acids that sometimes is lacking is the Methionine. In this study the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, L. 1758) eggs were supplemented with Methionine to understand if the supplementation had an effect in the larvae growth. The supplementation was performing using the innovative technique Sonophoresis. The amount of Methionine that entered the supplemented eggs was 33.1- fold higher than in the eggs that were not supplemented. Due to the supplementation the oil globule area of the larvae of the treatment MET was higher in the 2 and 4 days after hatching (DAH), also the dry weight was higher in the larvae of treatment MET during the first week. After the first week the larvae of both treatments presented similar growth parameters so a later supplementation was planned and performed at 57 DAH. This second supplementation was done using a Vegetable feed (VEG) supplemented with methionine. At the end of the experiment the juveniles that were from the eggs supplemented and were fed with VEG diet (METVEG) presented higher condition factor (K). In conclusion the Sonophoresis technique was a success, which allowed the alteration of the composition of the egg with the methionine, the early supplementation was able to promote growth in gilthead seabream larvae. The VEG diet did not negatively affected the survival and promoted fish to achieve similar weight to the FM diet

    Ensinar para quê? a contribuição do Pibid na formação de professores de arte na rede básica

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O presente texto expõe as contribuições do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação a Docência (PIBID) no processo de formação docente e, a partir de uma experiência pautada na relação direta com a proposta curricular da Disciplina de Arte, seu estudo e aplicação em experiências-aulas em turmas de contra-turno homogêneas formadas por alunos de primeiro ano do ensino médio do Colégio Estadual Professora Roseli Piotto Roehrig. Pretende-se nestas linhas demonstrar como tal ação está contribuindo para uma formação profissional voltada para reflexões sobre a proposta de ensino da disciplina e a sua aplicabilidad

    Employment growth in Ceara: a shift-share analysis (2000-2005)

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    Between 2000 and 2005, formal employment grew by 33.15% in Ceara (Brazil). Hence, the main objective of this paper was to analyze which municipalities and sectors contributed the most to such growth through a shift-share analysis of employment. The results indicate a considerable dispersion among municipalities in terms of job creation according to the composition of their productive structures and specific factors that yield them (or not) differential competitive advantages. More specifically, a regression indicated that this differential effect is positively correlated to the municipalities’ population density up to a point where agglomeration diseconomies actually reduce employment creation. Furthermore, municipalities with economic clusters tend to have a greater differential effect than others and this effect is smaller the further away they are located from Fortaleza, the State’s capital. Finally, considering the Fortaleza Metropolitan Area (FMA), the results show that employment grew at a slower pace in the capital if compared to almost all other neighbouring municipalities, which is due to strong agglomeration diseconomies in Fortaleza.Employment, Shift-share, agglomeration diseconomies, clusters

    Stainless steel plate girders subjected to shear buckling at normal and elevated temperatures

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10694-016-0602-6Numerical simulations have been widely applied, for the determination of the resistance of steel structural elements, when experimental analysis are not possible (due to cost or size limitations) or when parametric studies with high number of variables are needed. However, the numerical models must be properly validated with experimental tests in order to deliver reliable studies. With the purpose of studying the behaviour of stainless steel plate girders in fire situation, a total of 34 experimental tests from the literature have been numerically modelled. The tested girders had different configurations: rigid and non-rigid end posts, 2 and 4 panels, and transversal and longitudinal stiffeners were considered. Comparative analyses between those experimental and numerical results have been done. Good approximations to the experimental results at normal temperatures have been achieved with differences on average lower than 5%. Afterwards, the developed numerical model has been used to perform a sensitivity analysis on the influence of the initial geometric imperfections at both normal and elevated temperatures, considering different values for its maximum amplitudes, concluding that 10% of the web thickness is an appropriate value for the maximum amplitude of the geometric imperfections when modelling experimental tests. The effect of the residual stresses has also been analysed, being obtained differences lower than 2%. Finally, comparisons between the numerical results and the Eurocode 3 design procedures have been performed considering different uniform elevated temperatures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Quantification of the Rhythmic Qualities of Salience and Kinesis

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    From a cognitive point of view, it is easily perceived that some music rhythmic structures are able to create saliences (i.e. pulses perceived as louder). Depending where in a metrical grid these salient pulses are located, a sense of stability or instability will arise. When instability is present in a rhythmic structure one will tend to psychological feel kinesis (i.e. a sense of motion). Salience and kinesis can then be identified as basic rhythmic qualities. Inspired by the theoretical construct Just in Time - an empirical based music theoretical construct for the analysis of rhythm - we decided to quantify some of its analytical output; more specifically the measure of salience and kinesis of a rhythmic sequence. We then developed a web-based tool that calculates the amount of salience and kinesis for a particular rhythmic sequence. We conclude this article pointing how this tool can be used in analysis and music education as well as other possible applications, and future research

    Symbolic Computation of Variational Symmetries in Optimal Control

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    We use a computer algebra system to compute, in an efficient way, optimal control variational symmetries up to a gauge term. The symmetries are then used to obtain families of Noether's first integrals, possibly in the presence of nonconservative external forces. As an application, we obtain eight independent first integrals for the sub-Riemannian nilpotent problem (2,3,5,8).Comment: Presented at the 4th Junior European Meeting on "Control and Optimization", Bialystok Technical University, Bialystok, Poland, 11-14 September 2005. Accepted (24-Feb-2006) to Control & Cybernetic

    Análise multi-escala da relação entre herpetodiversidade e presença humana na Península Ibérica: implicações para a conservação

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    Vários estudos a grande escala e em variados grupos taxonómicos têm demonstrado a existência de uma correlação positiva entre o número de espécies em determinada área e a intensidade da presença humana. Porém, quando se torna o grão de análise mais fino, a relação descrita em cima, por norma, desaparece ou torna-se negativa. Assim sendo, este trabalho pretende analisar e comparar a relação existente entre a distribuição da riqueza específica de répteis e anfíbios (herpetodiversidade) da Península Ibérica em função da intensidade da presença humana, a três resoluções espaciais diferentes. Os dados de Portugal e Espanha foram analisados, ainda, em separado para se avaliar a influência do esforço de amostragem nestas relações. Para tal, selecionaram-se seis variáveis indicadoras do grau de intensidade da presença humana, às quais se juntaram três variáveis consideradas fatores de confusão. Verificou-se que, de uma maneira geral, à medida que a escala se torna mais fina a relação entre herpetodiversidade e presença humana torna-se menos clara e mais complexa. Em Espanha o número de espécies está positivamente associado aos maiores centros urbanos, em contraste com Portugal onde se verifica uma maior uniformidade na distribuição da herpetodiversidade e um menor efeito da pressão humana. O esforço de amostragem e a escala de análise devem ser fatores a ter sempre em conta em estudos de Biogeografia, principalmente num contexto de crescimento demográfico contínuo; “Multi-scale analysis of the relationship between herptile diversity and human presence in the Iberian Peninsula: implications for conservation” Abstract: Several studies have shown a positive correlation between the species richness of different taxonomic groups and human presence, when analyzed at coarse scales. However, when the grain becomes thinner, the relationship described above, in general, disappears or becomes negative. Thus, this study aims to analyze and compare the relationship between the distribution of species richness of reptiles and amphibians (herptile diversity) in the Iberian Peninsula and the intensity of human presence, at three different spatial resolutions. Also, the data from Portugal and Spain were analyzed separately to assess the influence of sampling effort in these relationships. To this end, we selected six variables indicating the degree of intensity of human presence, to which we joined three confounding variables. It was found that, in general, as the scale becomes thinner the relationship between herptile diversity and human presence becomes less clear and more complex. In Spain, the number of species is positively associated with larger urban centers, in contrast to Portugal where there is a greater uniformity in the distribution of herptile diversity and a smaller effect of human pressure. The sampling effort and the scale of analysis should always be factors to take into account in biogeographical studies, especially in a context of continuous population growth

    Sistema de monitorização da condução de um automóvel

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    Mestrado em Engenharia MecânicaO veículo AtlasCar é um protótipo desenvolvido no Laboratório de Automação e Robótica do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Aveiro, que tem como objetivo fomentar a investigação na área da condução autónoma. Os sistemas desenvolvidos neste trabalho têm como objetivo auxiliar o condutor do AtlasCar, em situações de condução perigosa, assim como reconhecer o condutor quando realiza uma certa manobra de condução. De modo a monitorizar a condução do AtlasCar, foram desenvolvidos e instalados sistemas hardware para a aquisição de dados dentro do habitáculo do veiculo. A monitorização pode ser feita em tempo real ou à posteriori; em qualquer das situações é possível analisar a informação. Após a aplicação de algoritmos é mostrado um alerta sobre a situação detetada. A longo prazo, este sistema tem como objetivo ajudar o condutor a corrigir os seus erros ou deficientes práticas de condução.The AtlasCar vehicle is a prototype developed at the Laboratory of Automation and Robotics Department of Mechanical Engineering in University of Aveiro, whose objective is promoting research in autonomous driving. The systems developed in this work are intended to assist the driver of the AtlasCar in situations of dangerous driving, as well to recognize the driver when performing a certain driving maneuver. In order to monitor the AtlasCar driving, hardware systems for data acquisition have been developed and installed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle. The monitoring can be done in real time or offline, in both situations it is possible to analyze the information, where after the application of algorithms is shown a warning signal about the situation practiced. In the long run, this system aims to help the driver to correct their bad driving practices

    Spatial modulations for green heterogeneous networks

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    A rápida evolução dos sistemas de telecomunicações culminou numa necessidade cada vez mais crescente por redes que permitam elevados débitos. Associado a esse throughput elevado está o custo energético que gradualmente torna os sistemas pouco eficientes energeticamente. As modulações espaciais generalizadas (Generalized Spatial Modulation -GSM) surgem da necessidade de criar comunicações mais “verdes”, permitindo obter melhores eficiências energéticas através da redução do número de cadeias de blocos radio-frequência (RF) utilizadas no emissor. O estudo apresentado neste trabalho pretende realçar, num primeiro ponto, a importância da evolução dos sistemas de transmissão MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) como forma de aumento do throughput global de uma rede de telecomunicações mantendo uma eficiência energética alta, com foco em GSM. O segundo ponto consiste no estudo de um algoritmo baseado no método ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers), como recetor de baixa complexidade para esquemas GSM com desempenho próximo do ótimo, o detetor de máxima verosimilhança (MLD). O estudo do recetor ADMM foi efetuado em duas fases, sendo que a primeira é referente ao estudo extensivo e exclusivo do recetor ADMM, com principal enfoque nos vários parâmetros que o definem. Na segunda fase é feita uma comparação para vários cenários entre o recetor ADMM e alguns dos recetores de baixa complexidade mais conhecidos, entre eles o OB-MMSE (Ordered Block MMSE) e o BPDN (Basis Pursuit De-Noising), por exemplo. A realização de simulações, com os vários recetores, em vários cenários permitiu concluir que o ADMM, com recurso às suas técnicas de refinamento, representa uma alternativa eficiente, e em certos casos superior, ao OB-MMSE principalmente para cenários com um elevado número de bits por símbolo espacial.The fast evolution of telecommunications systems resulted in a growing need for networks that support high transmission rates. Associated with this high throughput is the energy cost that gradually makes this systems less energy-efficient . The Generalized Spatial Modulation (GSM) arises from the need to create more "green" communication, allowing best energy efficiencies. The study presented in this thesis aims to highlight firstly, the importance of the development of MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) transmission systems capable of increasing the overall throughput of a telecommunications network while maintaining high energy efficiency, focusing on GSM. The second relevant aspect is the study of an algorithm based on the ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers) method, as a solution for a low complexity receiver for GSM schemes with a performance close to the optimal one, the maximum likelihood detector (MLD). The ADMM receiver study was conducted in two phases, the first of which refers to the extensive and unique study of the ADMM receiver, with main focus on the various parameters that define it. In the second stage a comparison is made between the settings for various ADMM receivers and some of the known low-complexity receivers, including OB-MMSE (Ordered Block MMSE) and BPDN (Basis Pursuit De-noising), for example. The results obtained from the evaluations performed several scenarios allow us to conclude that the ADMM based receiver combined with refinement techniques, is an efficient alternative and in some cases with better performance than the OB-MMSE receiver, especially for scenarios with a large number of bits per spatial symbol