106 research outputs found

    Фізико-математичному факультету – 80 : науково-допоміжний бібліографічний покажчик праць викладачів та студентів

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    Фізико-математичному факультету – 80 : науково-допоміжний бібліографічний покажчик праць викладачів та студентів / Наук. б-ка Кіровогр. держ. пед. у-ту ім. В. Винниченка ; [уклад.: Я. В. Коробова, О. А. Шульга ; наук. ред. Р. Я. Ріжняк ; відп. за вип. О. А. Шульга]. – Кіровоград : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2011. – 160 с.Науково-допоміжний бібліографічний покажчик присвячено 80-річчю фізико-математичного факультету Кіровоградського державного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Винниченка. В ньому зібрано та систематизовано наукові праці викладачів та студентів факультету з 1951 року

    CSLP-AE: A Contrastive Split-Latent Permutation Autoencoder Framework for Zero-Shot Electroencephalography Signal Conversion

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) is a prominent non-invasive neuroimaging technique providing insights into brain function. Unfortunately, EEG data exhibit a high degree of noise and variability across subjects hampering generalizable signal extraction. Therefore, a key aim in EEG analysis is to extract the underlying neural activation (content) as well as to account for the individual subject variability (style). We hypothesize that the ability to convert EEG signals between tasks and subjects requires the extraction of latent representations accounting for content and style. Inspired by recent advancements in voice conversion technologies, we propose a novel contrastive split-latent permutation autoencoder (CSLP-AE) framework that directly optimizes for EEG conversion. Importantly, the latent representations are guided using contrastive learning to promote the latent splits to explicitly represent subject (style) and task (content). We contrast CSLP-AE to conventional supervised, unsupervised (AE), and self-supervised (contrastive learning) training and find that the proposed approach provides favorable generalizable characterizations of subject and task. Importantly, the procedure also enables zero-shot conversion between unseen subjects. While the present work only considers conversion of EEG, the proposed CSLP-AE provides a general framework for signal conversion and extraction of content (task activation) and style (subject variability) components of general interest for the modeling and analysis of biological signals.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023

    Associations between successful palliative cancer pathways and community nurse involvement

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most terminally ill cancer patients and their relatives wish that the patient dies at home. Community nurses (CNs) are often frontline workers in the patients' homes and CN involvement may be important in attaining successful palliative pathways at home.</p> <p>The aim of the present study was to examine associations between bereaved relatives' evaluation of palliative treatment at home and 1) place of death and 2) CN involvement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study is a population-based, cross-sectional combined register and questionnaire study performed in Aarhus County, Denmark. CN questionnaires were used to obtain data on CNs' efforts, GP-questionnaires were used to obtain data on pathway characteristics and relatives answered questionnaires to evaluate the palliative pathway at home. Questionnaires addressed the palliative pathway of a total of 599 deceased cancer patients. Associations between bereaved relatives' evaluation of palliative pathways at home and place of death and CN involvement were analysed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>'A successful palliative pathway at home' was positively associated with home-death and death at a nursing home compared with death at an institution. No significant associations were identified between the evaluations of the palliative pathway at home and the involvement of CNs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study indicates that dying at home is positively associated with a higher likelihood that the bereaved relative will evaluate the palliative pathway at home as successful. The absence of any significance of involvement of CNs may be ascribed to the variables for involvement chosen in the study. More research is needed on CNs' impact on palliative pathways.</p

    Amplification of realistic Schrödinger-cat-state-like states by homodyne heralding

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    We present a scheme for the amplification of Schrodinger cats that collapses two smaller states onto their constructive interference via a homodyne projection. We analyze the performance of the amplification in terms of fidelity and success rate when the input consists of either exact coherent state superpositions or of photon-subtracted squeezed vacua. The impact of imprecise homodyne detection and of impure squeezing is quantified. We also assess the scalability of iterated amplifications.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Is admittance to specialised palliative care among cancer patients related to sex, age and cancer diagnosis?:A nation-wide study from the Danish Palliative Care Database (DPD)

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    BACKGROUND: Specialised palliative care (SPC) takes place in specialised services for patients with complex symptoms and problems. Little is known about what determines the admission of patients to SPC and whether there are differences in relation to institution type. The aims of the study were to investigate whether cancer patients’ admittance to SPC in Denmark varied in relation to sex, age and diagnosis, and whether the patterns differed by type of institution (hospital-based palliative care team/unit, hospice, or both). METHODS: This was a register-based study of adult patients living in Denmark who died from cancer in 2010–2012. Data sources were the Danish Palliative Care Database, Danish Register of Causes of Death and Danish Cancer Registry. The associations between the explanatory variables (sex, age, diagnosis) and admittance to SPC were investigated using logistic regression. RESULTS: In the study population (N = 44,548) the overall admittance proportion to SPC was 37%. Higher odds of overall admittance to SPC were found for women (OR = 1.23; 1.17–1.28), younger patients (<40 compared with 80+ years old) (OR = 6.44; 5.19–7.99) and patients with sarcoma, pancreatic and stomach cancers, whereas the lowest were for patients with haematological malignancies. The higher admission found for women was most pronounced for hospices compared to hospital-based palliative care teams/units, whereas higher admission of younger patients was more pronounced for hospital-based palliative care teams/units. Patients with brain cancer were more often admitted to hospices, whereas patients with prostate cancer were more often admitted to hospital-based palliative care teams/units. CONCLUSION: It is unlikely that the variations in relation to sex, age and cancer diagnoses can be fully explained by differences in need. Future research should investigate whether the groups having the lowest admittance to SPC receive sufficient palliative care elsewhere

    Når virkeligheden rystes i sin grundvold – effekter af nedlukningen

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    Nærværende artikel bidrager med en præsentation af forskningsprojektet Deltagelsens Grammatik: Hverdagens Digitalisering under Coronakrisen, som havde til formål med kort varsel at indsamle kvalitative data om hverdagens digitalisering under Danmarks nedlukning fra april til midt juni 2020. Artiklen præsenterer projektets design, de anvendte metoder og dets begrebsmæssige ramme, der anskuer coronakrisen som en anledning til at undersøge ˮforstyrrelserˮ eller ˮrystelserˮ og efterfølgende ˮdigitale genordningerˮ af hverdagen under nedlukningen i Danmark. I artiklen peger vi på, hvordan digitalisering går hånd i hånd med analogisering. Vi argumenterer for, at i en situation, hvor mennesker er blevet rystet i deres grundvold og syn på verdens beskaffenhed, sker der både digital nytænkning og overvejelser om, at det digitale ikke skal blive for altomfattende. Resultatet af denne foreløbige analyse er følgende: Hverdagens digitalisering må anskues som en effekt af en begivenhed, som er radikal. Effekterne er mangesidige og overraskende. Hvis vi anskuer coronakrisen som anledning til en simpel optimering af aktiviteter og processer, som på en gang blev tvunget online, går vi glip af muligheden for en reel gentænkning af, hvad det digitale kan bidrage med, når hverdagslivet udfolder sig på tværs af analoge og digitale rum

    Displacement-enhanced entanglement distillation of single-mode-squeezed entangled states

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    It has been shown that entanglement distillation of Gaussian entangled states by means of local photon subtraction can be improved by local Gaussian transformations. Here we show that a similar effect can be expected for the distillation of an asymmetric Gaussian entangled state that is produced by a single squeezed beam. We show that for low initial entanglement, our largely simplified protocol generates more entanglement than previous proposed protocols. Furthermore, we show that the distillation scheme also works efficiently on decohered entangled states as well as with a practical photon subtraction setup.Comment: 11 pages; added material on quadrature variance and the influence of loss for v

    Breakdown of the classical description of a local system

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    We provide a straightforward demonstration of a fundamental difference between classical and quantum mechanics for a single local system; namely the absence of a joint probability distribution of the position xx and momentum pp. Elaborating on a recently reported criterion by Bednorz and Belzig [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 83}, 52113] we derive a simple criterion that must be fulfilled for any joint probability distribution in classical physics. We demonstrate the violation of this criterion using homodyne measurement of a single photon state, thus proving a straightforward signature of the breakdown of a classical description of the underlying state. Most importantly, the criterion used does not rely on quantum mechanics and can thus be used to demonstrate non-classicality of systems not immediately apparent to exhibit quantum behavior. The criterion is directly applicable any system described by the continuous canonical variables x and p, such as a mechanical or an electrical oscillator and a collective spin of a large ensemble.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Fibrin clot properties independently predict adverse clinical outcome following acute coronary syndrome: a PLATO substudy

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    Aims: To determine whether fibrin clot properties are associated with clinical outcomes following acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods and results: Plasma samples were collected at hospital discharge from 4354 ACS patients randomized to clopidogrel or ticagrelor in the PLATelet inhibition and patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial. A validated turbidimetric assay was employed to study plasma clot lysis time and maximum turbidity (a measure of clot density). One-year rates of cardiovascular (CV) death, spontaneous myocardial infarction (MI) and PLATO-defined major bleeding events were assessed after sample collection. Hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models. After adjusting for CV risk factors, each 50% increase in lysis time was associated with CV death/spontaneous MI [HR 1.17, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05-1.31; P  0.05). Neither lysis time nor maximum turbidity was associated with major bleeding events. Conclusion: Fibrin clots that are resistant to lysis independently predict adverse outcome in ACS patients. Novel therapies targeting fibrin clot properties might be a new avenue for improving prognosis in patients with ACS

    Palliative care for cancer patients in a primary health care setting: Bereaved relatives' experience, a qualitative group interview study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Knowledge about the quality and organisation of care to terminally ill cancer patients with a relatives' view in a primary health care setting is limited.</p> <p>The aim of the study is to analyse experiences and preferences of bereaved relatives to terminally ill cancer patients in a primary care setting to explore barriers and facilitators for delivery of good palliative home care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three focus group interviews with fourteen bereaved relatives in Aarhus County, Denmark.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three main categories of experience were identified: 1) The health professionals' management, where a need to optimize was found. 2) Shared care, which was lacking. 3) The relatives' role, which needs an extra focus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Relatives experience insufficient palliative care mainly due to organizational and cultural problems among professionals. Palliative care in primary care in general needs improvement and attention should be drawn to the "professionalization" of the relatives and the need to strike a balance between their needs, wishes and resources in end-of-life care and bereavement.</p