21 research outputs found

    Formononetin, a beer polyphenol with catabolic effects on chondrocytes

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    [Abstract] Beer consumption has been identified as a risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA), a rheumatic disease characterised by cartilage degradation, joint inflammation, and eventual joint failure. One of the main isoflavonoids in beer is formononetin (FNT), an estrogenic compound also found in multiple plants and herbs. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of FNT on chondrocyte viability, inflammation, and metabolism. Cells were treated with FNT with or without IL-1β for 48 h and during 7 days of differentiation. Cell viability was determined via MTT assay. Nitrite accumulation was determined by Griess reaction. The expression of genes involved in inflammation and metabolism was determined by RT-PCR. The results revealed that a low concentration of FNT had no deleterious effect on cell viability and decreased the expression of inflammation-related genes. However, our results suggest that FNT overexposure negatively impacts on chondrocytes by promoting catabolic responses. Finally, these effects were not mediated by estrogen receptors (ERs) or aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). In conclusion, factors that favour FNT accumulation, such as long exposure times or metabolic disorders, can promote chondrocyte catabolism. These data may partially explain why beer consumption increases the risk of OA.info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/ISCIII/Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia/PI22%2F00407/Identificación de biomarcadores y factores implicados en la osificación heterotópica articular y su relación con las respuestas inmunes innatasinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/ISCIII/Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento del Sistema Español de I+D+I/PI19%2F01446/CARACTERIZACION CELULAR CIRCULANTE E INHIBICION FARMACOLOGICA DEL CRECIMIENTO ANOMALO DEL HUESO ASOCIADO A LA OSIFICACION HETEROTOPICAinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/Programa Estatal de I+D+I Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad/PI16%2F01870/Estudio de los factores de transcripción asociados a los cambios en la metilación del ADN durante la osteoblastogénesis y su papel en la diferenciación del osteoblastoinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/Programa Estatal de I+D+I Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad/CP15%2F00007This work was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the projects [grant numbers PI22/00407, PT20/00009, FI20/00210, CM20/00186, RD21/0002/0025, PI19/01446, PI16/01870, CPII20/00026, CP15/00007] and co-funded by the European Union via “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria” from Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); the Spanish Ministry of Science via FECYT [grant number PRECIPITA PR250], Mutua Madrileña Foundation [grant numbers MMA 2018 & MMA 2020], and Ministry of Universities [grant numbers FPU17/01706 and UDC Margarita Salas RSU.UDC.MS06, funded by the European Union through NextGenerationEU]. This publication is part of the ENDOTARGET project, that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, with project number 101095084. Support was also associated to personnel: E.F.-T. [MMA 2018], M.G.-F. [FPU17/01706], A.A.-P. [IDIS 2019], M.L.-F. [FI20/00210], A.P.-P. [MMA 2020], A.C.-G. [Rio Hortega CM20/00186], A.J.-M. [SERGAS no grant number], S.B.B. [IDIS no grant number], O.G. [SERGAS no grant number], R.G. [ISCIII and SERGAS via Miguel Servet II program CPII20/00026], V.L-L. [PT20/00009], and M.P.-R. [UDC Margarita Salas RSU.UDC.MS06]

    Caffeine, a Risk Factor for Osteoarthritis and Longitudinal Bone Growth Inhibition

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    Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common chronic rheumatic disease, is mainly characterized by a progressive degradation of the hyaline articular cartilage, which is essential for correct joint function, lubrication, and resistance. Articular cartilage disturbances lead to joint failure, pain, and disability. Hyaline cartilage is also present in the growth plate and plays a key role in longitudinal bone growth. Alterations of this cartilage by diverse pathologies have been related to longitudinal bone growth inhibition (LBGI), which leads to growth retardation. Diet can play a crucial role in processes involved in the OA and LBGI's onset and evolution. Specifically, there is ample evidence pointing to the negative impacts of caffeine consumption on hyaline cartilage. However, its effects on these tissues have not been reviewed. Accordingly, in this review, we summarize all current knowledge in the PubMed database about caffeine catabolic effects on articular and growth plate cartilage. Specifically, we focus on the correlation between OA and LBGI with caffeine prenatal or direct exposure. Overall, there is ample evidence indicating that caffeine intake negatively affects the physiology of both articular and growth plate cartilage, increasing consumers predisposition to suffer OA and LBGI. As a result, caffeine consumption should be avoided for these pathologies

    Involvement of Mechanical Cues in the Migration of Cajal-Retzius Cells in the Marginal Zone During Neocortical Development

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    Emerging evidence points to coordinated action of chemical and mechanical cues during brain development. At early stages of neocortical development, angiogenic factors and chemokines such as CXCL12, ephrins, and semaphorins assume crucial roles in orchestrating neuronal migration and axon elongation of postmitotic neurons. Here we explore the intrinsic mechanical properties of the developing marginal zone of the pallium in the migratory pathways and brain distribution of the pioneer Cajal-Retzius cells. These neurons are generated in several proliferative regions in the developing brain (e.g., the cortical hem and the pallial subpallial boundary) and migrate tangentially in the preplate/marginal zone covering the upper portion of the developing cortex. These cells play crucial roles in correct neocortical layer formation by secreting several molecules such as Reelin. Our results indicate that the motogenic properties of Cajal-Retzius cells and their perinatal distribution in the marginal zone are modulated by both chemical and mechanical factors, by the specific mechanical properties of Cajal-Retzius cells, and by the differential stiffness of the migratory routes. Indeed, cells originating in the cortical hem display higher migratory capacities than those generated in the pallial subpallial boundary which may be involved in the differential distribution of these cells in the dorsal-lateral axis in the developing marginal zone

    The roses ocean and human health chair: A new way to engage the public in oceans and human health challenges

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    Involving and engaging stakeholders is crucial for studying and managing the complex interactions between marine ecosystems and human health and wellbeing. The Oceans and Human Health Chair was founded in the town of Roses (Catalonia, Spain, NW Mediterranean) in 2018, the fruit of a regional partnership between various stakeholders, and for the purpose of leading the way to better health and wellbeing through ocean research and conservation. The Chair is located in an area of the Mediterranean with a notable fishing, tourist, and seafaring tradition and is close to a marine reserve, providing the opportunity to observe diverse environmental conditions and coastal and maritime activities. The Chair is a case study demonstrating that local, collaborative, transdisciplinary, trans-sector, and bottom-up approaches offer tremendous opportunities for engaging coastal communities to help support long-lasting solutions that benefit everyone, and especially those living by the sea or making their living from the goods and services provided by the sea. Furthermore, the Chair has successfully integrated most of its experts in oceans and human health from the most prestigious institutions in Catalonia. The Chair focuses on three main topics identified by local stakeholders: Fish and Health; Leisure, Health, and Wellbeing; and Medicines from the Sea. Led by stakeholder engagement, the Chair can serve as a novel approach within the oceans and human health field of study to tackle a variety of environmental and public health challenges related to both communicable and non-communicable diseases, within the context of sociocultural issues. Drawing on the example provided by the Chair, four principles are established to encourage improved participatory processes in the oceans and human health field: bottom-up, “think local”, transdisciplinary and trans-sectorial, and “balance the many voices”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Roses Ocean and Human Health Chair: A New Way to Engage the Public in Oceans and Human Health Challenges

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    Involving and engaging stakeholders is crucial for studying and managing the complex interactions between marine ecosystems and human health and wellbeing. The Oceans and Human Health Chair was founded in the town of Roses (Catalonia, Spain, NW Mediterranean) in 2018, the fruit of a regional partnership between various stakeholders, and for the purpose of leading the way to better health and wellbeing through ocean research and conservation. The Chair is located in an area of the Mediterranean with a notable fishing, tourist, and seafaring tradition and is close to a marine reserve, providing the opportunity to observe diverse environmental conditions and coastal and maritime activities. The Chair is a case study demonstrating that local, collaborative, transdisciplinary, trans-sector, and bottom-up approaches offer tremendous opportunities for engaging coastal communities to help support long-lasting solutions that benefit everyone, and especially those living by the sea or making their living from the goods and services provided by the sea. Furthermore, the Chair has successfully integrated most of its experts in oceans and human health from the most prestigious institutions in Catalonia. The Chair focuses on three main topics identified by local stakeholders: Fish and Health; Leisure, Health, and Wellbeing; and Medicines from the Sea. Led by stakeholder engagement, the Chair can serve as a novel approach within the oceans and human health field of study to tackle a variety of environmental and public health challenges related to both communicable and non-communicable diseases, within the context of sociocultural issues. Drawing on the example provided by the Chair, four principles are established to encourage improved participatory processes in the oceans and human health field: bottom-up, "think local", transdisciplinary and trans-sectorial, and "balance the many voices"

    Lupus nephritis, pregnancy and rituximab

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    La nefritis lúpica (NL) proliferativa es una de las complicaciones más graves del LES. La respuesta terapéutica con los esquemas clásicos no existe en el 20 al 70% de los casos, siendo la amplitud de dicho rango explicada por variaciones étnicas, falta de consenso en la definición de remisión, diferencias en los tiempos de tratamiento, seguimiento y en la clase de NL. En presencia de NL recidivante o refractaria los tratamientos y el nivel de evidencia sobre su eficacia son más limitados. Rituximab es un anticuerpo monoclonal quimérico (ratón-humano) dirigido contra el antígeno CD 20 localizado en la superficie celular de los linfocitos B. Estos participan en la patogénesis del LES a partir de su maduración en células plasmáticas, producción de anticuerpos, secreción de citoquinas proinflamatorias, presentación de autoantígenos a las células T y en la activación de células T. La administración de rituximab genera un rápido y sostenido descenso de los linfocitos B CD 20+ circulantes y una reducción de los títulos de auto-anticuerpos. Se reportó una disminución significativa en los niveles de antiDNA a partir de la semana 14 y de los niveles de IgM, sin compromiso de IgG ni de IgA. Se detectó droga activa en sangre periférica luego de la semana 24 de la última infusión. La depleción de linfocitos B se puede mantener por 6 meses, su reconstitución es heterogénea y puede tardar más de un año. Esta linfopenia selectiva tendría un valor predictivo de respuesta terapéutica, la remisión clínica prolongada tendría asociación con repoblación incompleta de células B de memoria varios años luego del tratamiento. En estudios observacionales realizados en pacientes con NL refractaria se reportó respuesta terapéutica con rituximab entre 67-77 % luego de 6 a 12 meses de seguimiento. Sin embargo los resultados del estudio Lupus Nephritis Assesment with Rituximab (LUNAR), randomizado controlado, a doble ciego, comparativo, rituximab + corticoides + micofenolato vs. corticoides + micofenolato + placebo, fueron menos alentadores ya que no logró demostrar superioridad en la rama rituximab tomando como objetivo primario la remisión parcial o total de la NL. No existe consenso sobre la dosis adecuada (375 mg/m²/ semana durante 4 sesiones o 1 g cada 2 semanas en 2 dosis) ni sobre los esquemas de inducción con rituximab (asociado a ciclofosfamida, micofenolato sódico o monodroga). El tratamiento con rituximab en NL puede ser efectivo pero hasta la fecha limitado a casos refractarios a terapia convencional. La experiencia con rituximab en embarazo también es limitada, lo que justifica el reporte todos los casos en que se hubiera realizado un adecuado seguimiento clínico


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    En la guardería municipal Marrecs de Sant Just Desvern ya es tradición trabajar con símbolos en el grupo de 2 a 3 años. A lo largo del tiempo en la escuela se han ido elaborando y ampliando una programación alrededor de este tema, y se han dado cuenta de lo importante que para los niños y niñas es su símbolo. De esto es lo que trata el presente artículo, de la manera en cómo trabajan el símbolo en la guardería Marrecs.CataluñaES

    Visfatin Connection: Present and Future in Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis

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    Musculoskeletal pathologies (MSPs) such as osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis (OP), are a set of disorders that cause severe pain, motion difficulties, and even permanent disability. In developed countries, the current incidence of MSPs reaches about one in four adults and keeps escalating as a consequence of aging and sedentarism. Interestingly, OA and OP have been closely related to similar risk factors, including aging, metabolic alterations, and inflammation. Visfatin, an adipokine with an inflammatory and catabolic profile, has been associated with several OA and OP metabolic risk factors, such as obesity, insulin resistance, and type II diabetes. Furthermore, visfatin has been associated with the innate immune receptor toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), which plays a key role in cartilage and bone inflammatory and catabolic responses. Moreover, visfatin has been related to several OA and OP pathologic features. The aim of this work is to bring together basic and clinical data regarding the common role of visfatin in these pathologies and their major shared risk factors. Finally, we discuss the pitfalls of visfatin as a potential biomarker and therapeutic target in both pathologies

    Campaña de medida de la presión arterial (‘May Measurement Month’) 2019: análisis del cribado en farmacias comunitarias españolas y detección de hipertensión enmascarada

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    Objetivo: conocer dentro del proyecto May Measurement Month (MMM), la situación de la presión arterial (PA) en la población española, difundir la importancia de su medida periódica y estimar la prevalencia de hipertensión enmascarada (HEN). Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal en farmacias comunitarias españolas durante mayo de 2019. Sujetos: usuarios adultos que consentían participar. Variables: presión arterial sistólica (PAS), presión arterial diastólica (PAD) en milímetros de mercurio (mmHg), frecuencia cardíaca (FC) en latidos/minuto (lat/min). A los participantes con PA ≥130/85 y <149/90 se les ofrecía realizar automedida (AMPA) para confirmar HEN. Resultados: 491 farmacéuticos recogieron 3.402 registros válidos (61,9% mujeres), edad media 56,6 años. 143 (4,2 %) nunca se habían medido la PA y 918 (27,0 %) no la habían medido en el último año. 1.047 tomaban antihipertensivos, de los que el 45,7 % tenían la PA alta. 780 (22,9 %) participantes tenían valores elevados de PA; ambos, 252 (7,4 %). La PASm fue 125,0 y la PADm 76,5 mmHg, mayor en hombres (p<0,001). La FCm fue de 72,6 lat/min. Se encontró relación directa entre PAS y PAD e IMC (p<0,0001). PADm y FCm fueron mayores en fumadores (p<0,0001). En pacientes diabéticos, PAS, PAD y FC fueron mayores. 61 participantes con sospecha de HEN aceptaron realizar AMPA. 25 (40,1 %) resultaron con PA ≥135/85 mmHg. Conclusiones: casi uno de cada cuatro participantes tenía valores de PA ≥140/90 mmHg. Los factores de riesgo relacionados más estrechamente con la PA elevada fueron sobrepeso, diabetes y edad. El 40 % de las sospechas de HEN se confirmaron mediante AMPA