234 research outputs found

    Методичне забезпечення композиторсько-виконавської підготовки майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва

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    У статті розкривається значення композиторсько-виконавської підготовки майбутніх вчителів музичного мистецтва в системі вищої музично-педагогічної освіти, подається зміст дисципліни "Основи композиторської майстерності", котра призначена для викладання студентам освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня "Магістр"

    Моделювання поверхневих хвиль від тіла, зануреного в рідину

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    (uk) Досліджено тривимірну задачу про поверхневий хвильовий рух від зануреного у рідину тіла. Побудовано форму вільної поверхні , виявлено її залежність від швидкості потоку.(en) The 3D problem of wave propagation caused by submerged in fluid body is investigated. The form of the free surface is built; the dependence of the form from the stream velocity is obtained

    Аналіз впливу роботи пристроїв контактної зварки на параметри напруги мережі

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    Three fully integrated bandgap voltage references (BGVRs) have been demonstrated in a 4H-SiC bipolar technology. The circuits have been characterized over a wide temperature range from 25 degrees C to 500 degrees C. The three BGVRs are functional and exhibit 46 ppm/degrees C, 131 ppm/degrees C, and 120 ppm/degrees C output voltage variations from 25 degrees C up to 500 degrees C. This letter shows that SiC bipolar BGVRs are capable of providing stable voltage references over a wide temperature range.QC 20160311HOTSi

    Overview of carbon-based circuits and systems

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    This paper presents an overview of the state of the art on carbon-based circuits and systems made up of carbon nanotubes and graphene transistors. A tutorial description of the most important devices and their potential benefits and limitations is given, trying to identify their suitability to implement analog and digital circuits and systems. Main electrical models reported so far for the design of carbon-based field-effect devices are surveyed, and the main sizing parameters required to implement such devices in practical integrated circuits are analyzed. The solutions proposed by cutting-edge integrated circuits and devices are discussed, identifying current trends, challenges and opportunities for the circuits and systems community1

    Aspiration of foreign bodies in lower respiratory tract in children

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    Department of Pediatrics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Injury due to foreign body aspiration (FBA) is a common and serious pediatric emergency, requiring prompt recognition and early treatment to minimize the potentially serious and sometimes fatal consequences. FBA continues to be a cause of childhood morbidity and mortality, usually in pre-school children. Aim of the study. Case assesment of FBA in children based upon age, gender, locality and level of respiratory tract lesion. Materials and methods. The cohort study included 106 patients hospitalized between 2011 - 2016 in Pneumology Department, Mother and Child’s Institute of the Republic of Moldova, diagnosed with FBA, confirmed via bronchoscopy performed with general inhalative anesthesia. Foreign body extraction was carried out by means of rigid bronchoscopy after thorough aspiration and prevention of mucosal bleeding. Statistics were assessed using the EpiInfosoftware. Results. It was established that pediatric FBA in the respiratory tract is more frequent among girls 57.5%: 95CI, 47.6 – 67.1 cases (61 girls) and 42.5%: 95CI, 32.9 – 52.4 cases (45 boys). The average age (aa) was 1.9±0.17 years, varying between 0.6–14 years. The batch was divided into 3 groups according to childhood stages: 1) the most frequent FBA was estimated in toddlers – 88.9%: 95 CI, 81.1 – 94 cases, aa 1.57±0.06 years; 2) in children > 3y.o. – 8.5%: 95CI, 4 - 15.5 cases, aa 6.4±1.1 years; 3) and it was rarely found in infants – 2.8%: 95CI, 0.6 - 15.5 cases, aa 0.76±0.11 years (F statistic = 93.5; p<0,0001). There was a prevalence of accidental FBA in children from countryside – 67%: 95CI, 57.2 - 75.8 cases, less often this event occured in children from urban areas – 24.5%: 95CI, 16.7 - 33.8 cases and episodically – in children from municipalities (8.5%: 95CI, 4 – 15,5 cases). The majority of foreign bodies were found in the bronchial tree 89.6%: 95CI, 82.2 – 94.7 cases; without designation – in 6 – 5.7%: 95CI, 2.1 – 11.9 cases; in trachea and larynx 2 and 3 cases (1.9%: 95CI, 0.2 - 6.6 and 2.8%: 95CI, 0.6 -8). Conclusions. FBA prevails in girls – 57.5%: 95CI, 47.6 – 67.1 cases. The most vulnerable age is from 1 to 3 y.o. when children are more often exposed to habitual accidents (statistic factor = 93.5; p<0,0001). There is evidence of a critical situation in the rural areas, compared to the urban ones. By localization the most frequent lodgment of foreign bodies was in the bronchi

    The Statute of Accounting in the General Process of Knowledge

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    The diversity of opinions represents the main factor of progress in any field of knowledge. The evolution of accounting is also circumscribed to this truth. Through a careful radiography of the points of view recognized in the literature, the authors manage to present some relevant elements in this context. Successively, the main approaches on the mentioned theme are reviewed.Over time, accounting was considered a technique, language, social game or social good. The authors detail the scientific status of accounting with convincingly arguments. The four necessary conditions to fulfill the scientific status are stated

    The Serine/Threonine Protein Kinase (Akt)/ Protein Kinase B (PkB) Signaling Pathway in Breast Cancer

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    According to statistical data published in 2019, breast cancer is among the leading causes of death in women worldwide. The serine/threonine kinase (AKT) or protein kinase B (PkB) signaling pathway is activated by phosphorylation processes, which further is associated with cell growth, proliferation, and survival, but also with activation of glucose metabolism. Mutations of the AKT signaling pathway components (especially PI3KCA and PTEN) have been observed in breast cancer patients, which are associated with resistance to hormonal treatment. Many clinical trials are testing the effect of AKT inhibition in order to block the growth and proliferation of breast cancer cells. The purpose of this review is to present the incidence of this neoplastic disease, to describe AKT signaling pathways activation, mutations that occur at its level, and inhibitors that can block this protein kinase

    Statistical and economic analysis of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, the bridge between the North Sea and the Black Sea

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    The Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, known as the Europe Canal, is 171 km long and is the shortest navigable connection between the Black Sea and the North Sea since 1992, via the Rhine, Main, Danube-Black Sea Canal and Danube. Through the ensemble between the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal and the Danube-Black Sea Canal, a direct transport axis is created between the port of Rotterdam, the largest port in terms of freight transport, and the port of Constanta. The importance of a study on navigation on this channel is due to the economic growth and implicitly to the growth of goods and services. In this paper, a study on the economic impact of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal was conducted due to the large flow of goods transited along it, as well as the diversification of goods transported. The main types of goods transported were identified. Also, the navigation conditions on the canal were studied and the most crowded and most dangerous areas were identified