247 research outputs found

    La convivencia de las formas tradicionales de comunicación institucional en el ámbito rural : Castillo de Bayuela (Toledo)

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    La comunicación institucional en el ámbito rural conjuga elementos tradicionales con las nuevas posibilidades informativas. Castillo de Bayuela (Toledo), con una población en el entorno de los 1.000 habitantes, y con un porcentaje de mayores de 60 años que se sitúa en el 38%, es un ejemplo de la necesaria convergencia de estas formas comunicativas. La investigación que aquí se desarrolla atiende a un análisis de campo y documental en el que ha sido necesaria una metodología de estudio cuantitativa y cualitativa para llegar a las conclusiones que se exponen. La hipótesis inicialmente planteada se confirma al demostrar la compatibilidad en el panorama informativo de las formas tradicionales, como el pregonero, con las nuevas posibilidades informativas desde el punto de vista institucional. Ambos elementos se conjugan para dotar a Castillo de Bayuela de un modelo de comunicación orientado a satisfacer las necesidades informativas de los residentes, así como de aquellos que acuden habitualmente o de forma puntual al municipio. La tradición histórica y cultural de la localidad, así como su semejanza en cuanto a sistema comunicativo con los municipios de su entorno, hacen válidas estas conclusiones para un mayor objeto de estudio

    Post mortem time and season alter subpopulation characteristics of Iberian red deer epididymal sperm

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    P. 958-974We have studied the effect of post mortem time and season on sperm subpopulation pattern and characteristics. We used epididymal samples from free-ranging Iberian red deers harvested during the hunting season. We studied samples at different moments of the year (rut, transition period and post-rut), and at different times post mortem (up to 4 days). Sperm were extracted from the cauda epididymis and their motility was evaluated by means of a CASA system. A principal component and clustering analysis were carried out to identify subpopulations. Post mortem time caused a significant decrease in motility quality, and a general deterioration in subpopulation characteristics. We found three subpopulations the first day, and the one indicating good sperm quality decreased with post mortem time until it disappeared on the fourth day. This may indicate considerable impairment of the samples after 72 h post mortem, which could compromise their use in AI programs. With regard to season, subpopulation pattern and characteristics were better in the transition and post-rut periods. Moreover, we found one subpopulation formed by mature spermatozoa, which increased from rut to post-rut. This might be a negative fact, because samples collected after the rut may undergo hypermaturation, which possibly impairs fertility. Our results are of interest for the management of wildlife germplasm banks based on post mortem sperm recovery.S

    SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Study in Pediatric Patients and Health Care Workers Using Multiplex Antibody Immunoassays

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection has become a global health problem specially exacerbated with the continuous appearance of new variants. Healthcare workers (HCW) have been one of the most affected sectors. Children have also been affected, and although infection generally presents as a mild disease, some have developed the Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome Temporally Associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS). We recruited 190 adults (HCW and cohabitants, April to June 2020) and 57 children (April 2020 to September 2021), of whom 12 developed PIMS-TS, in a hospital-based study in Spain. Using an in-house Luminex assay previously validated, antibody levels were measured against different spike and nucleocapsid SARS-CoV-2 proteins, including the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants of concern (VoC). Seropositivity rates obtained from children and adults, respectively, were: 49.1% and 11% for IgG, 45.6% and 5.8% for IgA, and 35.1% and 7.3% for IgM. Higher antibody levels were detected in children who developed PIMS-TS compared to those who did not. Using the COVID-19 IgM/IgA ELISA (Vircell, S.L.) kit, widely implemented in Spanish hospitals, a high number of false positives and lower seroprevalences compared with the Luminex estimates were found, indicating a significantly lower specificity and sensitivity. Comparison of antibody levels against RBD-Wuhan versus RBD-VoCs indicated that the strongest positive correlations for all three isotypes were with RBD-Alpha, while the lowest correlations were with RBD-Delta for IgG, RBD-Gamma for IgM, and RBD-Beta for IgA. This study highlights the differences in antibody levels between groups with different demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as reporting the IgG, IgM, and IgA response to RBD VoC circulating at the study period

    Decision making impairment: A shared vulnerability in obesity, gambling disorder and substance use disorders?

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    Introduction: Addictions are associated with decision making impairments. The present study explores decision making in Substance use disorder (SUD), Gambling disorder (GD) and Obesity (OB) when assessed by Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and compares them with healthy controls (HC). Methods: For the aims of this study, 591 participants (194 HC, 178 GD, 113 OB, 106 SUD) were assessed according to DSM criteria, completed a sociodemographic interview and conducted the IGT. Results: SUD, GD and OB present impaired decision making when compared to the HC in the overall task and task learning, however no differences are found for the overall performance in the IGT among the clinical groups. Results also reveal some specific learning across the task patterns within the clinical groups: OB maintains negative scores until the third set where learning starts but with a less extend to HC, SUD presents an early learning followed by a progressive although slow improvement and GD presents more random choices with no learning. Conclusions: Decision making impairments are present in the studied clinical samples and they display individual differences in the task learning. Results can help understanding the underlying mechanisms of OB and addiction behaviors as well as improve current clinical treatments

    Programa de formación complementaria para doctorandos: Aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías y redes sociales (FOCODO)

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    Este proyecto de innovación docente va dirigido específicamente a los alumnos de doctorado de las Facultades de Óptica y optometría y de Veterinaria de la Universidad Complutense. Pero también es Desarrollar un programa de formación complementaria para los doctorandos en ciencias de la salud que les permita adquirir conocimiento y habilidades en áreas paralelas al ámbito en el que están realizando sus tesis doctorales. El programa de formación tendrá 4 areas temáticas diferenciadas: - Habilidades de comunicación (como escribir un artículo científico, como hacer presentaciones orales y en poster, como escribir un Proyecto científico, como trabajar en equipo, …) - Conocimiento complementario a la tesis doctoral (estadística, metodología científica, lectura crítica de bibliografía, Buenas prácticas de laboratorio, buenas prácticas clínicas, …) - Salidas profesionales durante y después de la tesis doctoral (Becas pre y postdoctorales, búsqueda de proyectos de investigación, como colaborar con otros grupos de investigación,…) - Formación especifica en su área temática (técnicas de laboratorio, técnicas clínicas, revisiones bibliográficas,…) Se generará material de tres tipos: - Seminarios.- Son presentaciones de una hora de duración sobre temas específicos a los que se puede asistir en directo o poder ver grabado a través de YouTube. Estos seminarios serán impartidos por profesores e investigadores de los grupos de investigacion que hacen la propuesta además de contar con especialistas nacionales e internacionales - Pildoras.- Videos cortos de no mas de 3 minutos que resuman los aspectos mas importantes de cada seminario que serán colgados en las pagina de los grupos de investigacion que se creen en las redes sociales. Estas píldoras serán grabadas utilizando herramientas de grabación habituales para videos en redes sociales (croma, focos, …) - Summer/Winter School.- Curos de verano y/o invierno donde en dos-tres días intensivos se imparta formacion especifica en investigacion. En estos cursos participaran profesores y expertos internacionales y estará abierto para la matriculación de estudiantes no complutenses, tanto nacionales como internacionales. Para llevar a cabo este programa se utilizarán varias herramientas: - Plataformas digitales (YouTube) donde se colgarán los seminarios que se realicen. - Redes sociales (Instagram, Twitter,…) donde se colgarán las píldoras que se realicen y además se harán reuniones en directo para debatir temas de alguna de las áreas propuestas anteriormente. - App para móvil desde donde los alumnos puedan encontrar todo el material que se genere durante el programa. Este app puede ser gratuita para los alumnos complutenses y de pago para el resto.Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaFALSEsubmitte

    Fatty liver index as a predictor for type 2 diabetes in subjects with normoglycemia in a nationwide cohort study

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    Our aim was to evaluate whether fatty liver index (FLI) is associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) development within the Spanish adult population and according to their prediabetes status; additionally, to examine its incremental predictive value regarding traditional risk factors. A total of 2260 subjects (Prediabetes: 641 subjects, normoglycemia: 1619 subjects) from the [email protected] cohort study were studied. Socio-demographic, anthropometric, clinical data and survey on habits were recorded. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed and fasting determinations of glucose, lipids and insulin were made. FLI was calculated and classified into three categories: Low ( 60). In total, 143 people developed diabetes at follow-up. The presence of a high FLI category was in all cases a significant independent risk factor for the development of diabetes. The inclusion of FLI categories in prediction models based on different conventional T2DM risk factors significantly increase the prediction power of the models when all the population was considered. According to our results, FLI might be considered an early indicator of T2DM development even under normoglycemic condition. The data also suggest that FLI could provide additional information for the prediction of T2DM in models based on conventional risk factors

    A blood microRNA classifier for the prediction of ICU mortality in COVID-19 patients: a multicenter validation study

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    Background: The identification of critically ill COVID-19 patients at risk of fatal outcomes remains a challenge. Here, we first validated candidate microRNAs (miRNAs) as biomarkers for clinical decision-making in critically ill patients. Second, we constructed a blood miRNA classifier for the early prediction of adverse outcomes in the ICU. Methods: This was a multicenter, observational and retrospective/prospective study including 503 critically ill patients admitted to the ICU from 19 hospitals. qPCR assays were performed in plasma samples collected within the first 48 h upon admission. A 16-miRNA panel was designed based on recently published data from our group. Results: Nine miRNAs were validated as biomarkers of all-cause in-ICU mortality in the independent cohort of critically ill patients (FDR < 0.05). Cox regression analysis revealed that low expression levels of eight miRNAs were associated with a higher risk of death (HR from 1.56 to 2.61). LASSO regression for variable selection was used to construct a miRNA classifier. A 4-blood miRNA signature composed of miR-16-5p, miR-192-5p, miR-323a-3p and miR-451a predicts the risk of all-cause in-ICU mortality (HR 2.5). Kaplan‒Meier analysis confirmed these findings. The miRNA signature provides a significant increase in the prognostic capacity of conventional scores, APACHE-II (C-index 0.71, DeLong test p-value 0.055) and SOFA (C-index 0.67, DeLong test p-value 0.001), and a risk model based on clinical predictors (C-index 0.74, DeLong test-p-value 0.035). For 28-day and 90-day mortality, the classifier also improved the prognostic value of APACHE-II, SOFA and the clinical model. The association between the classifier and mortality persisted even after multivariable adjustment. The functional analysis reported biological pathways involved in SARS-CoV infection and inflammatory, fibrotic and transcriptional pathways. Conclusions: A blood miRNA classifier improves the early prediction of fatal outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients.11 página

    Effect of viral storm in patients admitted to intensive care units with severe COVID-19 in Spain: a multicentre, prospective, cohort study

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    Background: The contribution of the virus to the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 is still unclear. We aimed to evaluate associations between viral RNA load in plasma and host response, complications, and deaths in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Methods: We did a prospective cohort study across 23 hospitals in Spain. We included patients aged 18 years or older with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who were admitted to an intensive care unit between March 16, 2020, and Feb 27, 2021. RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid region 1 (N1) was quantified in plasma samples collected from patients in the first 48 h following admission, using digital PCR. Patients were grouped on the basis of N1 quantity: VIR-N1-Zero ([removed]2747 N1 copies per mL). The primary outcome was all-cause death within 90 days after admission. We evaluated odds ratios (ORs) for the primary outcome between groups using a logistic regression analysis. Findings: 1068 patients met the inclusion criteria, of whom 117 had insufficient plasma samples and 115 had key information missing. 836 patients were included in the analysis, of whom 403 (48%) were in the VIR-N1-Low group, 283 (34%) were in the VIR-N1-Storm group, and 150 (18%) were in the VIR-N1-Zero group. Overall, patients in the VIR-N1-Storm group had the most severe disease: 266 (94%) of 283 patients received invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), 116 (41%) developed acute kidney injury, 180 (65%) had secondary infections, and 148 (52%) died within 90 days. Patients in the VIR-N1-Zero group had the least severe disease: 81 (54%) of 150 received IMV, 34 (23%) developed acute kidney injury, 47 (32%) had secondary infections, and 26 (17%) died within 90 days (OR for death 0·30, 95% CI 0·16–0·55; p<0·0001, compared with the VIR-N1-Storm group). 106 (26%) of 403 patients in the VIR-N1-Low group died within 90 days (OR for death 0·39, 95% CI 0·26–0·57; p[removed]11 página