2,573 research outputs found

    Expression profile of genes involved in hydrogen sulphide liberation by _Saccharomyces cerevisiae_ grown under different nitrogen concentrations

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    The present work aims to elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying hydrogen sulphide production in _S. cerevisiae_ associated to nitrogen deficiency. To assess, at a genome-wide level, how the yeast strain adapted to the progressive nitrogen depletion and to nitrogen re-feeding, gene expression profiles were evaluated during fermentation at different nitrogen concentrations, using the DNA array technology. The results showed that most MET genes displayed higher expression values at the beginning of both control and N-limiting fermentation, just before the time at which the release of sulphide was observed. MET genes were downregulated when yeast stopped growing which could associate MET gene expression levels with cell growth. The over expression of MET genes after nitrogen addition was confirmed by a new release of H2S during the new set of fermentation experiments. In addition, to confirm gene expression profiles observed from macroarray results, real time RT-PCR was performed on 6 genes using additional sets of biological replicates. These genes were selected based on the assumption that differences in sulphide production observed among strains are due to genetic variations of the expression of genes involved in the Sulphate Reduction Pathway. An integration of expression data of genes involved in sulphur assimilation and sulphur amino acid biosynthesis with hydrogen sulphide production is presented

    Triangulating Birmingham, Blackpool, Bombay: Gurinder Chadha’s "Bhaji on the Beach"

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    "Bhaji on the Beach" is a 1994 road film, directed by Gurinder Chadha, centred on female characters who struggle in conflicts of gender, ethnicity and generational differences. Appropriating themselves of the public space of the English seaside resort Blackpool, each of these women reaches some sort of crossroads. Through the acknowledgment that identity is the outcome of negotiating difference, the film clearly illustrates a collusion of divided loyalties, weaving together the lives of this group of women from different backgrounds and generations. At Blackpool, the characters’ multiple inscribed identities, at the intersection of ethnic and gendered lines, place them in a position where they are forced to reconcile conflicting aspects of the British and Indian spheres they inhabit. It is at this juncture of transnational cultural flows that hybridised subjectivities-in-between coexist and are held in suspension.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi


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    Along the years, in Portugal, the built environment was left behind and the straights were devoted for new buildings, creating new urban areas sometimes unattached from the existing city. The construction before the 80’s is compromised by its thermal quality if we consider that the thermal codes and the worry about thermal buildings behavior only came up around 90’s. In this work, the buildings from old city centers and its characteristics were studied as well as some intervention actions accurate for this construction and its results in terms of thermal performance. For this study a simulation tool was used, namely the Design Builder, and the results of these simulations were presented in order to understand the improvement in its thermal behavior when compared with its original conditions. It is possible to improve considerably the interior comfort and buildings thermal behavior with respect by architectonic characteristics and keeping constructive solutions and material with interventions actions that are compatible with existing structures

    Bridges Between Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorders: Clarifying Comorbidity Through the Analysis of the Complex Network of Connections Between Symptoms

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    The reasons for the high rates of comorbidity between Bipolar (BD) and Borderline Personality (BPD) disorders remain elusive, due to the vast array of shared clinical features, which makes the differential diagnosis difficult. This constitutes an obstacle to provide quality of care services, which results in detrimental effects on individual’s mental health. The analysis of the complex network of connections between symptoms of both disorders is a promising pathway to uncover the mechanisms underlying the comorbidity structure of both disordersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mead production: Fermentative performance of yeasts entrapped in different concentrations of alginate

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    Mead is an alcoholic drink known since ancient times, produced by yeast fermenting diluted honey. However, the production of mead has suffered in recent years, partially owing to the lack of scientific progress in this field. In this study, two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, QA23 and ICVD47, were immobilized in 2 or 4% (w/v) alginate beads to assess the most effective alginate concentration for yeast immobilization to produce mead. Neither of the alginate concentrations was able to prevent cell leakage from the beads. The fermentation length was 120h for both yeast strains. In all cases, at the end of the fermentation, the number of cells entrapped in the beads was higher than the number of free cells, and the total 4% alginate bead wet weight was significantly higher than the 2% alginate bead wet weight. In addition, the evaluation of mead quality showed that the yeast strain had significantly more influence on the physicochemical characteristics than the alginate concentration. Although the yeasts immobilized in the two alginate concentrations were able to perform the fermentation, further research is needed in order to understand the evolution of the yeast population inside the beads throughout the fermentative process.The research presented in this paper was partially funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, and by the PTDC project (contract PTDC/AGR-ALI/68284/2006). A.P.P. is the recipient of a PhD grant from FCT (SFRH/BD/45820/2008).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Self-compassion: An adaptive link between early memories and women's quality of life.

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    Research has emphasized the important role of recalling childhood experiences on adult mental health, and also the benefits of self-compassion on well-being. This study explored self-compassion as a mediator between early memories with family and peers and quality of life, on a wide age range female sample ( N = 645). Path analysis revealed that self-compassion mediated the impact of both types of memories on women's perceived quality of life. Overall, results revealed that the recall of early positive memories, either with family and peers, associate with a more compassionate self-to-self relationship, and the perception of greater psychological and social well-being

    Identidade e alteridade: a literatura infantil como oportunidade de abordagem aos valores na educação pré-escolar

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    A nossa sociedade vem enfrentando com alguma dificuldade a emergência dos paradigmas sociais, económicos e culturais perante os quais a globalização nos colocou. Ao longo deste processo tão complexo, os valores que geriam a nossa forma de ser e de viver, connosco próprios, com os outros e com a sociedade, perderam a sua nitidez, o que gerou uma dificuldade crescente em percebermos como orientar as nossas condutas. Perante este perigoso panorama, urge a necessidade de as nossas escolas assumirem a sua responsabilidade fundamental de formar cidadãos esclarecidos, ativos e responsáveis. É essencial que, desde o Jardim de Infância, as crianças sejam incentivadas a refletir sobre os seus modos de agir, sobre si próprias, sobre o outro, sobre as relações que se estabelecem entre os dois. Só um ambiente rico em experiências que coloquem a criança perante a dúvida e a necessidade de refletir, mas que a ajudem simultaneamente a encontrar uma resposta (em que a liberdade necessária seja, no entanto, sempre assegurada), pode conduzir a um desenvolvimento pleno, em que a identidade e a alteridade se formem com clareza e harmonia, assegurando ao indivíduo a integridade necessária para viver numa sociedade que o coloca permanentemente perante a mudança, perante a novidade, e tantas vezes, e cada vez mais, perante a dificuldade. Particularmente no Jardim de Infância, a Literatura Infantil assume-se, pela sua riqueza estética e literária, mas também pela relação tão singular e tão estreita que se forma entre a criança e o livro, como um meio de excelência para a abordagem e a reflexão sobre os valores

    Propofol administration in the induction phase of general anesthesia in Portugal

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    Introdução: A administração adequada de propofol por via intravenosa durante a indução da anestesia geral implica um bom conhecimento da farmacocinética e da farmacodinâmica, um bom entendimento de como a anestesia altera a consciência e a habilidade de interpretar corretamente a monitorização dos sinais vitais. Este trabalho pretende avaliar a prática usual dos anestesiologistas em Portugal no que diz respeito à administração de propofol por via intravenosa durante a indução da anestesia geral. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal, descritivo e analítico realizado através de um questionário enviado por correio eletrónico a todos os médicos internos e especialistas em Anestesiologia de vários hospitais portugueses. O questionário apresentava um cenário convencional (Sujeito do sexo masculino, 50 anos, 60 kg, 160 cm, ASA I, submetido a anestesia geral com propofol a 1%) e incluía 10 questões relacionadas com a administração de propofol durante a indução. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos dados obtidos através do programa SPSS 23.0®. Resultados: Responderam ao inquérito 118 médicos, sendo que, a maioria eram especialistas há mais de 5 anos (56,9%). Baseados no cenário apresentado, a maioria dos anestesiologistas administraria uma dose de 60 mg de propofol na indução, a uma velocidade superior a 1200 mL/horas, avaliariam a perda de consciência através da perda do reflexo palpebral, o que se refletiria num índica BIS de 60. A maioria dos participantes medem a pressão arterial do doente a cada 5 minutos e nunca utilizaram sistemas de infusão alvo-controlada. Discussão: Os resultados do inquérito mostraram que existe uma grande variedade de métodos para avaliar a perda de consciência, uma diversidade no manuseamento e doses de propofol na indução, uma falta de experiência no uso de sistemas de infusão alvo-controlada e na avaliação da relação entre a dose, a velocidade e a concentração de propofol. Neste trabalho apresentaram-se também algumas sugestões para os anestesiologistas ponderarem implementar nas suas práticas clínicas. Conclusão: Parece haver uma diversidade na quantidade e na forma como os anestesiologistas portugueses utilizam o propofol na indução da anestesia geral.Introduction: Administering propofol intravenously adequately during induction of general anesthesia implies a good knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, a good understanding of how anesthesia alters consciousness and the ability to correctly interpret vital signs monitoring. The purpose of this study was to assess the usual practice of anesthesiologists in Portugal regarding the administration of propofol during the induction of general anesthesia. Methods: A transversal observational analytical and descriptive study, conducted through a questionnaire sent by e-mail to all anesthesiologists of several Portuguese hospitals. The questionnaire presented a conventional scenario (male subject, 50 years, 60 kg, 160 cm, ASA I, submitted to general anesthesia with 1% propofol) and has 10 questions directed to the administration of propofol during induction phase of general anesthesia. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed through SPSS 23.0®. Results: A total of 118 physicians responded to the survey, most of whom were experts for more than 5 years (56.9%). Based on the presented scenario, most anesthesiologists would administer mL/hours, and would assess loss of consciousness by evaluating loss of the eyelid reflex, which, in BIS index, would be reflected in a 60 value. Most participants measure the patient's blood pressure every 5 minutes and have never used target-controlled infusion systems. Discussion: The survey showed that there is a wide variety of methods to assess the loss of consciousness, a diversity in handling propofol in induction, a lack of experience in the use of targetcontrolled infusion systems and in the evaluation of the relationship between dose, velocity and concentration of propofol. In this work, some suggestions were also made for anesthesiologists to consider implementing in their clinical practices. Conclusion: There seems to be a diversity in the amount and in the way propofol is used by the Portuguese anesthesiologists to induce general anesthesia.Foundation for Science and Technology ((FCT), Portugal, for the PhD Scholarship SFRH/BD/98915/2013 and for the project UID/ SEM/50022/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mead production: selection and characterization assays of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Mead is a traditional alcoholic drink which results from the fermentation of diluted honey. Yeasts used in mead production are, usually, wine Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Most of these yeasts are not adapted to the conditions of mead production namely, high sugar levels, low pH values and reduced nitrogen concentrations. The inability of yeast strains to respond and adapt to unfavorable stressful growth conditions, leads to several problems, such as lack of uniformity of the final product, delays and “pouts” fermentations, as well as the production of off-flavors by the yeasts. Therefore, it is necessary to find yeast strains more suitable for mead production