3,720 research outputs found

    Internet of Things and Their Coming Perspectives: A Real Options Approach

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    Internet of things is developing at a dizzying rate, and companies are forced to implement it in order to maintain their operational efficiency. The high flexibility inherent to these technologies makes it necessary to apply an appropriate measure, which properly assesses risks and rewards. Real options methodology is available as a tool which fits the conditions, both economic and strategic, under which investment in internet of things technologies is developed. The contribution of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it offers an adequate tool to assess the strategic value of investment in internet of things technologies. On the other hand, it tries to raise awareness among managers of internet of things technologies because of their potential to contribute to economic and social progress. The results of the research described in this paper highlight the importance of taking action as quickly as possible if companies want to obtain the best possible performance. In order to enhance the understanding of internet of things technologies investment, this paper provides a methodology to assess the implementation of internet of things technologies by using the real options approach; in particular, the option to expand has been proposed for use in the decision-making process

    Probiotics Treatment Can Improve Cognition in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review

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    Background:In recent years, the existence of the gut-brain axis and the impact of intestinal microbiota on brain function has received much attention. Accumulated evidence has prompted the postulation of the infectious hypothesis underlying or facilitating neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Under this hypothesis, intervention with probiotics could be useful at a preventive and therapeutic level. Objective:The objective of this systematic review is to reveal a benefit of improved cognitive function following the use of probiotics in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Methods:We searched bibliographic databases and analyzed in detail the evidence and methodological quality of five recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials using the Cochrane Tool and the SIGN checklist. Results:Overall, and with satisfactory methodological quality, the evaluated studies support the use of probiotics as a weapon to slow the progression of cognitive decline in subjects with mild cognitive impairment. The reviewed literature also indicates that maximum benefit of probiotics is found in subjects with incipient cognitive dysfunction and has no effect in those with advanced disease or absence of disease. Conclusion:These results support the intervention with probiotics, especially as a preventive approach. However, caution is required in the interpretation of the results as microbiota has not been evaluated in all studies, and further large-scale research with a prolonged study period is necessary to ensure the translatability of the results into real practice

    Estudio de la especificidad de vías de insulina/IGF-1 en los patrones de arborización y señalización mediante el uso de virus asociados a adenovirus

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    Objetivo: Las vías de señalización de insulina y del factor de crecimiento insulínico tipo I(IGF-1) están involucradas en el control de la arborización dendrítica, señalización y crecimientocelular. Varios estudios han demostrado que déficits en estas vías están relacionadoscon trastornos cognitivos, tales como autismo, y con un elevado riesgo de sufrir demencia.Con tal de elucidar el papel exacto que tiene la señalización de insulina cerebral en las funcionesneuronales importantes para los procesos cognitivos, pretendemos silenciar la expresiónde los substratos del receptor de insulina; IRS-1 e IRS-2, los cuales son dos componentesclave en la vía de señalización de Insulina-IGF-1. Diseño experimental y Métodos: Contal de estudiar el papel de IRS-1 e IRS-2 en la arborización dendrítica y en la plasticidadneuronal, generaremos varios virus adeno asociados (AAV) que sean específicos de neurona.Además, estas partículas víricas contendrán específicos shRNA para poder silenciar laexpresión de IRS-1 y/o IRS-2, junto con un gen chivato para comprobar la eficiencia de lainfección del virus. La generación de estas partículas la hemos realizado siguiendo el métodode recombinación Gateway, utilizando un promotor específico de neurona y un shRNAcontra IRS-1/IRS-2 junto con EGFP como gen chivato. Resultados y conclusiones: Hemossido capaces de generar una partícula vírica que consta de un promotor genérico potente(CMV) junto con el gen chivato EGFP. Hemos testado la eficiencia y actividad de esta partículavírica in vivo en varias regiones del cerebro de rata.Objective: The Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) pathway are involved in thenormal control of dendritic arborisation, cell signalling and development. Several studieshave shown that deficits in these pathways are related to cognitive disorders, such as autism,and an increased risk of dementia. To elucidate the specific role of brain insulin signallingin neuronal functions that are relevant for cognitive processes we want to silence thegene expression of the Insulin Receptor Substrate 1, and 2, (IRS-1, IRS-2) two key componentsof the Insulin-IGF-1 pathway. Research Design and Methods: To study the roleof IRS-1 and IRS-2 in dendritic arborisation and neural plasticity we want to generate severaladeno-associated viruses (AAV) that are neuron-specific. Besides these virus willcontain a specific shRNA to silence both IRS-1or IRS-2 and a reporter gene in order to tracktheir infection efficiency. To do so, we have followed the Gateway method for viral particlesgeneration, with a neuron-specific promoter and a shRNA against IRS-1/IRS-2 along withthe enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a reporter gene. Results and conclusions:We have been able to generate a viral particle that contains a strong generic promoter(CMV) along with a reporter gene (EGFP). We have tested the efficiency and activityof this viral particle in vivo in several regions of the rat brain

    Valuation of Barrier Options with the Binomial Pricing Model

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    Derivatives are products of different nature which are becoming increasingly common in financial markets. In certain cases, determining the assessment criteria can sometimes be a difficult task. Specifically, this paper focuses on one type of exotic option: the barrier option. This option has to satisfy some conceptual conditions which are specified at the time of its purchase and define its characteristics. In order to analyze this type of option more deeply, in this paper we choose a specific one, the so-called barrier option cap, whose value is going to be derived by the binomial pricing model

    Relevance of financial information in quick loans negotiation

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    Nowadays, most loan transactions are contracted by using the exponential discounting as the underlying standard economic model to value this type of financial operations. In a framework of absence of fees to be paid by the borrower, the interest rate of the exponential discount function is, moreover, the true interest rate of the operation. Nevertheless, there exist a set of circumstances which make this identity false. Among others, these characteristics are: the use of linear discount as the underlying discount function, splitting time when using a nominal interest rate, and the existence of fees in a loan at 0% interest rate. All these cases will be analyzed in this paper in the context of the so-called quick loans


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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado trata sobre la apertura y operativa de cuentas de inversión y ahorro en países con más solvencia que el país de origen (lo que confiere mayor seguridad al inversor) o con una normativa fiscal más favorable para el inversor, aunque sin incurrir en ilegalidad. Por ello, dedicamos un espacio a la diferenciación entre una práctica legal de una ilegal que pueda tipificarse en delitos de blanqueo de capitales o evasión de impuestos Las ventajas e inconvenientes que conlleva tener el dinero fuera del país de residencia a través de las inversiones offshore, quedan desarrolladas a lo largo del trabajo, así como un detalle de la normativa española que contempla la regulación de estas inversiones así como de los convenios firmados con Organismos Internacionales para el intercambio de la información y el control de delitos económicos.Facultad de Ciencias de la EmpresaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    AAV delivery of shRNA against IRS1 in GABAergic neurons in rat hippocampus impairs spatial memory in females and male rats

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Brain Structure and Function. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-020-02155-xBrain insulin resistance is a major factor leading to impaired cognitive function and it is considered as the onset of Alzheimer´s disease. Insulin resistance is intimately linked to inflammatory conditions, many studies have revealed how pro-inflammatory cytokines lead to insulin resistance, by inhibiting IRS1 function. Thus, the dysfunction of insulin signaling is concomitant with inflammatory biomarkers. However, the specific effect of IRS1 impaired function in otherwise healthy brain has not been dissected out. So, we decided in our study, to study the specific role of IRS1 in the hippocampus, in the absence of comorbidities. To that end, shRNA against rat and human IRS1 was designed and tested in cultured HEK cells to evaluate mRNA levels and specificity. The best candidate sequence was encapsulated in an AAV vector (strain DJ8) under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter and together with the green fluorescent protein gene as a reporter. AAV-CMV-shIRS1-EGFP and control AAV-CMV-EGFP were inoculated into the dorsal hippocampus of female and male Wistar rats. One month later, animals undertook a battery of behavioral paradigms evaluating spatial and social memory and anxiety. Our results suggest that females displayed increased susceptibility to AAV-shIRS1 in the novel recognition object paradigm; whereas both females and males show impaired performance in the T maze when infected with AAV-shIRS1 compared to control. Anxiety parameters were not affected by AAV-shIRS1 infection. We observed specific fluorescence within the hilum of the dentate gyrus, in immuno-characterized parvalbumin and somatostatin neurons. AAV DJ8 did not enter astrocytes. Intense green fibers were found in the fornix, mammillary bodies, and in the medial septum indicating that hippocampal efferent had been efficiently targeted by the AAV DJ8 infection. We observed that AAV-shIRS1 reduced significantly synaptophysin labeling in hippocampal-septal projections compared to controls. These results support that, small alterations in the insulin/IGF1 pathway in specific hippocampal circuitries can underlie alterations in synaptic plasticity and affect behavior, in the absence of inflammatory condition

    Wastewater Treatment by Advanced Oxidation Process and Their Worldwide Research Trends

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    Background: Water is a scarce resource and is considered a fundamental pillar of sustainable development. The modern development of society requires more and more drinking water. For this cleaner wastewater, treatments are key factors. Among those that exist, advanced oxidation processes are being researched as one of the sustainable solutions. The main objective of this manuscript is to show the scientific advances in this field. Methods: In this paper, a systematic analysis of all the existing scientific works was carried out to verify the evolution of this line of research. Results: It was observed that the three main countries researching this field are China, Spain, and the USA. Regarding the scientific collaboration between countries, three clusters were detected—one of Spain, one of China and the USA, and one of Italy and France. The publications are grouped around three types of water: industrial, urban, and drinking. Regarding the research, 15 clusters identified from the keywords analyzed the advanced oxidation process (alone or combined with biological oxidation) with the type of wastewater and the target pollutant, removal of which is intended. Finally, the most important scientific communities or clusters detected in terms of the number of published articles were those related to the elimination of pollutants of biological origin, such as bacteria, and of industrial nature, such as pesticides or pharmaceutical products

    Can We Treat Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's Disease?

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD), considered the most common type of dementia, is characterized by a progressive loss of memory, visuospatial, language and complex cognitive abilities. In addition, patients often show comorbid depression and aggressiveness. Aging is the major factor contributing to AD; however, the initial cause that triggers the disease is yet unknown. Scientific evidence demonstrates that AD, especially the late onset of AD, is not the result of a single event, but rather it appears because of a combination of risk elements with the lack of protective ones. A major risk factor underlying the disease is neuroinflammation, which can be activated by different situations, including chronic pathogenic infections, prolonged stress and metabolic syndrome. Consequently, many therapeutic strategies against AD have been designed to reduce neuro-inflammation, with very promising results improving cognitive function in preclinical models of the disease. The literature is massive; thus, in this review we will revise the translational evidence of these early strategies focusing in anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory molecules and discuss their therapeutic application in humans. Furthermore, we review the preclinical and clinical data of nutraceutical application against AD symptoms. Finally, we introduce new players underlying neuroinflammation in AD: the activity of the endocannabinoid system and the intestinal microbiota as neuroprotectors. This review highlights the importance of a broad multimodal approach to treat successfully the neuroinflammation underlying AD

    Targeting Neuroinflammation with Abscisic Acid Reduces Pain Sensitivity in Females and Hyperactivity in Males of An ADHD Mice Model

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    Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental syndrome characterized by dopaminergic dysfunction. In this study, we aimed to demonstrate that there is a link between dopaminergic deficit and neuroinflammation that underlies ADHD symptoms. We used a validated ADHD mice model involving perinatal 6-OHDA lesions. The animals received abscisic acid (ABA), an anti-inflammatory phytohormone, at a concentration of 20 mg/L (drinking water) for one month. We tested a battery of behavior tests, learning and memory, anxiety, social interactions, and pain thresholds in female and male mice (control and lesioned, with or without ABA treatment). Postmortem, we analyzed microglia morphology and Ape1 expression in specific brain areas related to the descending pain inhibitory pathway. In females, the dopaminergic deficit increased pain sensitivity but not hyperactivity. In contrast, males displayed hyperactivity but showed no increased pain sensitivity. In females, pain sensitivity was associated with inflammatory microglia and lower Ape1 levels in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and posterior insula cortex (IC). In addition, ABA treatment alleviated pain sensitivity concomitant with reduced inflammation and normalized APE1. In males, ABA reduced hyperactivity but had no significant effect on inflammation in these areas. This is the first study proving a sex-dependent association between dopamine dysfunction and inflammation in specific brain areas, hence leading to different behavioral outcomes in a mouse model of ADHD. These findings provide new clues for potential treatments for ADHD
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