15 research outputs found

    Logistics determinants of the port of Gaženica in the context of tourism development

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    The Zadar County has an important role in traffic, connecting the north and south of the Republic of Croatia. Zadar is the centre of the region, easily reached by the state roads and the modern highway A1 Zagreb-Split, air connections, ferry, shipping lines and railway. Based on the above mentioned, the city of Zadar should be seen as an important traffic centre of Croatia focused on the Gaženica port and its importance for the development of tourism as a crucial sector of the Croatian economy. The subject of this research is to identify and analyse all characteristics of the tourist destinations supply and demand, their traffic connections as well as the development of ports and port system of Croatia and their effect on the development of the new passenger port Gaženica in order to become one of the leading Mediterranean ports. The correlation between the issues of traffic connection in the Zadar County (road, sea, air and railway traffic) and the main characteristics of tourist supply and demand in the city of Zadar, as well as the impact of development of the port Gaženica on the tourist offer of the city, are interrelated objects of this research. Therefore, external transport accessibility plays an important role in it, which means if the accessibility is bad, it is an obstacle to the desired tourism development. The influence of a bad transport accessibility on the development of the destination is usually solved by investing into new transport solutions such as the construction of a new traffic infrastructure, introduction of new lines of all types of traffic, construction of larger parking lots in tourist destinations and the improvement of traffic and tourist signalling as well as the connection to the main traffic corridors. In order to increase the number of tourists in the above mentioned region, it is necessary to recognize current problems, as well as predict the future ones that may appear as a consequences of inadequate external transport accessibility on tourist development and to encourage their optimal solving


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    Equinatoxin II Permeabilizing Activity Depends on the Presence of Sphingomyelin and Lipid Phase Coexistence

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    Equinatoxin II is a pore-forming protein of the actinoporin family. After membrane binding, it inserts its N-terminal α-helix and forms a protein/lipid pore. Equinatoxin II activity depends on the presence of sphingomyelin in the target membrane; however, the role of this specificity is unknown. On the other hand, sphingomyelin is considered an essential ingredient of lipid rafts and promotes liquid-ordered/liquid-disordered phase separation in model membranes that mimic raft composition. Here, we used giant unilamellar vesicles to simultaneously investigate the effect of sphingomyelin and phase separation on the membrane binding and permeabilizing activity of Equinatoxin II. Our results show that Equinatoxin II binds preferentially to the liquid-ordered phase over the liquid-disordered one and that it tends to concentrate at domain interfaces. In addition, sphingomyelin strongly enhances membrane binding of the toxin but is not sufficient for membrane permeabilization. Under the same experimental conditions, Equinatoxin II formed pores in giant unilamellar vesicles containing sphingomyelin only when liquid-ordered and -disordered phases coexisted. Our observations demonstrate the importance of phase boundaries for Equinatoxin II activity and suggest a double role of sphingomyelin as a specific receptor for the toxin and as a promoter of the membrane organization necessary for Equinatoxin II action