615 research outputs found

    Public agents in social media regulation: The Brazilian case in a comparative perspective

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    The use of social media by public agents, including politicians, is an ordinary practice throughout countries, part of the daily life of the public administration and States are currently dealing with the challenge of social media regulation. This article aims to show how social media has become a government toll throughout the years and how public agents and institutions are using this mechanism as part of the administrative routine. One of the key points is that the use of social media by governments is part of the movement to transform transparency and publicity, both from an internal point of view and for the public arena’s engagement in social participation. Based on this, the article presents the results of a research conducted to identify if social media regulation is dealing with this scenario. In Brazil, the issue of social media use in the public sector is relevant because the country has approximately 9 million public agents, and around 242 million smartphone users. Brazilian politicians have personal accounts with loads of followers. A general social media regulation in the country is being drafted – while Courts deals with content control and blocking cases. This article analyses how rules and regulations are assessing the matter, specifically if its text includes provisions for public agents or public institutions. The main goal is to identify whether there is a differentiation by the rules on the author of the content or content sharing. It investigates if there are differences on how regulations handle public and private persons. The comparative research was conducted in 8 countries and in the European Union sphere and has identified two models regarding social media regulation design. The results were compared to the Brazilian case, which presented some particularities in a comparative perspective. The research adopted the concept of regulation in an extended way. In the conclusion, a roadmap for regulators in Brazil is proposed, with three elements to be considered when drafting a social media regulation. The roadmap intends to provide guidance for regulators when dealing with the challenge of regulating social media, considering the importance of properly identifying its subject

    Unilateral Idiopathic Sensory Trigeminal Nerve Paralysis in a Dog

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    Background: A spayed-female mixed breed dog was presented due to 2 years reduced visual acuity in the left eye. The investigation revealed corneal melanosis, keratoconjunctivis sicca and loss of facial sensation in the same side. The aim of this report is to describe an unilateral idiopathic sensory trigeminal nerve paralysis and keratitis as consequence of corneal innervation loss was established. Unilateral sensory trigeminal nerve paralysis is a very rare lesion in dogs and causes are unclear.Case: A 5-year-old spayed-female mixed breed dog was presented with a history of two years reduced visual acuity in the left eye. The Schirmer tear test values (without use of topical anesthetic) were 11 and 17 mm/min in the left and right eye respectively. Fluorescein tests were negative for both eyes. All postural reactions and spinal reflexes were normal. Cranial nerve evaluation identified symmetrical facial muscles (temporalis, masseter), indicating no muscle atrophy and normal motor nucleus of the fifth nerve. Absent sensation at the upper and lower lips margins, cornea, eyelids (medial and lateral canthi) and sensation in left nasal side were noted. No palpebral reflex was noticed, but there was spontaneous blinking of eyelids, which indicated normal facial nerve function. All other cranial nerve reflexes including menace response, oculocephalic, and gag reflexes were normal. The owner declined further workup, including cerebrospinal fluid analysis and images studies. According to the clinical presentation and neurological findings, presumptive diagnosis of unilateral idiopathic sensory trigeminal nerve paralysis was established. The dog was observed over 18 months without any clinical improvement. The Schirmer tear test showed same values (12 mm/min) and the melanosis remained unchanged.Discussion: Lesions that affected trigeminal nerve, trigeminal ganglion, or trigeminal tract in the pons and medulla caused facial hypoalgesia or analgesia. The causes of trigeminal nerve damage included neoplasia, trauma, fracture of petrous temporal bone and inflammatory polyneuropathies, but the dog present no signals of these diseases. Trigeminal nerve lesions that affected ophthalmic nerve branch will result in loss of corneal sensation and loss of corneal and palpebral reflex as consequence. Paralysis of this branch cause degenerative changes in the cornea, as neurotrophic keratitis that result in edema and epitelial erosion. The Schirmer tear is the standard test to quantify aqueous tear production and the result (11 mm/min) in dog’s left eye is considered early or subclinical keratoconjunctivis sicca (KCS) sign. The pigmentation results from melanocytic cells migration from the limbal or perilimbal tissues. The keratitis can be active when followed by corneal vascularization, stromal inflammatory cell infiltration and granulation tissue formation. The etiology for idiopathic disease is unknown and isolated sensory trigeminal neuropathy have never been described in dogs. There is no definitive treatment and corticosteroid therapy did not appear to alter the course of the disease in dogs with idiopathic trigeminal neuritis therefore supportive treatment is indicated. The paralysis of trigeminal sensory ophthalmic and maxillary branches can result in corneal alterations

    Avaliação de vísceras de frangos de crescimento lento selecionados e não selecionados e de crescimento rápido

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    It is known that different selection pressures, management and nutrition can lead to differences in the development of the viscera of fast growing and slow growing chickens selected and not selected. The objective of this study was to compare the weight of the heart, gizzard, liver and intestine, as well as the length of intestine and cecum among these three classes of broilers. For this purpose, data were collected from 117 unselected slow growth, 120 selected slow growth and 118 fast growing broilers slaughtered and marketed by an establishment at Triângulo Mineiro. The evaluation of the effect of the slaughter batch and the broiler class on the measured traits was performed considering the significance level of 5%. Statistical differences were found for both effects tested on all evaluated traits. For the gizzard, unselected slow growing birds presented higher values of weight. Fast growing birds presented lower relative heart weight when compared to selected and slow growing birds. For liver weight, the fast growing birds had the highest values of relative weight when compared to the other birds evaluated. The weight and length of the intestine and the cecum were higher for the selected fast and slow growing birds. Unselected fast and slow growing birds showed greater divergences and, the selected slow growing birds appear as an intermediate group.FRTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Sabe-se que as diferentes pressões de seleção, manejo e nutrição podem acarretar diferenças no desenvolvimento das vísceras de frangos de crescimento rápido e de crescimento lento selecionados e não selecionados. Objetivou-se com presente estudo comparar o peso do coração, moela, fígado e intestino, bem como o comprimento do intestino e do ceco entre esses três tipos de aves. Para este fim, foram coletados dados de 117 frangos de corte de crescimento lento não selecionados, 120 frangos de crescimento lento selecionados e 118 frangos de crescimento rápido abatidos e comercializados por um estabelecimento no Triângulo Mineiro. A avaliação do efeito do lote de abate e da classificação da ave sobre as características mensuradas foi realizada considerando-se o nível de significância de 5%. Foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas do tipo de ave e do dia de abate sobre todas as características avaliadas. Para a moela as aves de crescimento lento não selecionadas apresentaram valores mais elevados de peso. As aves de crescimento rápido apresentaram menor peso relativo de coração em relação às aves de crescimento lento selecionadas ou não. Para peso de fígado as aves de crescimento rápido apresentaram os maiores valores de peso relativo quando comparadas as outras aves avaliadas. O peso e o comprimento do intestino e do ceco foram superiores para as aves de crescimento rápido e lento selecionadas. As aves de crescimento rápido e crescimento lento não selecionadas apresentaram maiores divergências e, as aves de crescimento lento selecionadas aparecem como um grupo intermediário

    Não pode ser, mas é. Uma tentativa de fuga da categorização “fantástico”

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    Procuro repensar a categorização “fantástico” a partir de um recorte de Jorge Luiz Borges: “No puede ser, pero és”. Esse recorte é o embrião da discussão que proponho acerca do problema da categorização de contos, novelas, romances, entre outros, como “fantásticas”. Expondo o problema, busco propor a descategorização desses textos, especialmente no que tange às criações latino-americanas. Nesse sentido, acredito que a categorização “fantástico”, por mais bem-intencionada que seja, é reprodutora de uma diferença que só se sustém porque esconde o traço de similitude com o que quer que se considere “realismo”, uma diferença que começa exatamente a partir do ponto em que a teoria não consegue apreender esse “não pode ser, mas é”. Isso deveria bastar, mas não basta. Se o texto é concreto, toda leitura deveria se construir a partir dele e então ler seria estar ciente da presença daquilo que não poderia estar ali, mas está; da existência do que não poderia existir, mas existe! E isso não é uma aceitação subjugada, pois a literatura só se inscreve nesse contato tríade entre autor, texto e leitor, no qual nenhuma instância pode ditar as regras para a outra se não está, ela também, sujeita às mesmas regras


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    Caracterizaçao de polimorfismos na região 3’-UTR do gene HLA-G de transplantados renais com rejeição clínica

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    Orientadora : Maria da Graça BicalhoCo-orientadora: Vanessa HauerTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Graduação em Biomedicina


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    A matemática na primeira fase do ensino fundamental : percepções dos envolvidos

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, 2019.A matemática é muito importante para a formação escolar e para a vida. Ela está presente em quase tudo no nosso dia a dia. Desta maneira, este trabalho de conclusão de curso busca analisar como ela é ensinada e aprendida em sala de aula por professores e alunos e qual é a visão deles para com a matéria que é tida por muitos como “vilã”. Tendo realizado uma pesquisa qualitativa, por meio de um questionário, professores e alunos responderam a uma série de perguntas sobre sua relação com a matemática. Retratando, assim, como o professor ensina-a para que os alunos consigam aprender da melhor forma, preocupando-se com uma boa formação desde as séries iniciais. Mostrando também aos alunos a matemática em sua realidade, utilizando o Currículo em Movimento (Distrito Federal, 2018) como apoio para o estudo da disciplina de modo que não os deixem confusos e quebrando negativos paradigmas que já tenham obtido fora da escola quanto à matemática. Contendo, ainda, práticas lúdicas, que possam facilitar a compreensão do aluno e ajudá-lo no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Trazendo a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel, que mostra a importância em aprender a partir do que já se tem. Tendo por resultado dos estudantes que afirmaram aprender melhor com jogos, escrevendo no caderno, resolvendo problemas e escutando o professor explicar. E os professores relatam que utilizam do currículo em movimento, mas buscam aprofundar trabalhando de maneira lúdica com materiais concretos e usando situações do cotidiano dos estudantes.Mathematics is very important for school education and for life. It is present in almost everything in our daily lives. In this way, this course work seeks to analyze how it is taught and learned in the classroom by teachers and students and what their view of the subject is considered by many to be "villain". Having conducted a qualitative survey using a questionnaire, teachers and students answered a series of questions about their relationship to mathematics. Thus portraying how the teacher teaches it so that students can learn the best way, worrying about a good education from the early grades. Also showing students the math in their reality, using the Curriculum in Motion (Federal District, 2018) as a support for the study of the discipline so that they do not leave them confused and breaking negative paradigms that have already obtained out of school regarding mathematics. It also contains playful practices that can facilitate the understanding of the student and help him / her in the teachinglearning process. Bringing Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning, which shows the importance of learning from what you already have. As a result of students who claimed to learn best from games, writing in notebooks, solving problems and listening to the teacher explain. And teachers report that they use the curriculum in motion, but seek to deepen by working in a playful manner with concrete materials and using everyday situations of students