589 research outputs found

    Pathological Gambling and Associated Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Emotion Regulation, and Anxious-Depressive Symptomatology

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    Background and aims Pathological gambling is associated with comorbid disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and drug and alcohol abuse. Difficulties of emotion regulation may be one of the factors related to the presence of addictive disorders, along with comorbid symptomatology in pathological gamblers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the difficulties of emotion regulation, drug and alcohol abuse, and anxious and depressive symptomatology in pathological gamblers, and the mediating role of difficulties of emotion regulation between anxiety and pathological gambling. Methods The study sample included 167 male pathological gamblers (mean age = 39.29 years) and 107 non-gamblers (mean age = 33.43 years). Pathological gambling (SOGS), difficulties of emotion regulation (DERS), drug and alcohol abuse (MUTICAGE CAD-4), and anxious and depressive symptomatology (SA-45) were measured. Student’s t, Pearson’s r, stepwise multiple linear regression and multiple mediation analyses were conducted. The study was approved by an Investigational Review Board. Results Relative to non-gamblers, pathological gamblers exhibited greater difficulties of emotion regulation, as well as more anxiety, depression, and drug abuse. Moreover, pathological gambling correlated with emotion regulation difficulties, anxiety, depression, and drug abuse. Besides, emotion regulation difficulties correlated with and predicted pathological gambling, drug and alcohol abuse, and anxious and depressive symptomatology. Finally, emotion regulation difficulties mediated the relationship between anxiety and pathological gambling controlling the effect of age, both when controlling and not controlling for the effect of other abuses. Discussion and conclusions These results suggest that difficulties of emotion regulation may provide new keys to understanding and treating pathological gambling and comorbid disorders

    Conductes de risc associades en jugadors patològics i professionals de pòquer i escacs

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    El joc està cada dia més present en la societat amb prevalences molt importants, sobretot, en joves i adolescents. Com a conseqüència, aquest estuditrobat que els jugadors aficionats i professionals de pòquer presenten de forma significativa alguns dels criteris diagnòstics del trastorn de joc: relacions en risc, conducta de caça, abstinència i mentides. té l'objectiu d'estudiar la relació entre el joc patològic, el joc a nivell d'aficionats i el joc professional (escacs i pòquer) en el control d'impulsos i en el consum d'alcohol. Per a això, hem utilitzat una mostra de jugadors aficionats i professionals d'escacs i pòquer, un grup de jugadors patològics i un grup de control. Els instruments han mesurat la conducta de risc d'ingesta d'alcohol, control d'impulsos i els criteris diagnòstics del joc patològic. Els principals resultats han mostrat que hi ha diferències significatives en el control d'impulsos entre el grup de control, els jugadors aficionats, els professionals i els jugadors patològics. A més, respecte als criteris diagnòstics del trastorn de joc, els jugadors patològics han mostrat diferències significatives en els criteris de pèrdua de control i dipòsit de la confiança en altres. Per últim, hem trobat que els jugadors aficionats i professionals de pòquer presenten de forma significativa alguns dels criteris diagnòstics del trastorn de joc: relacions en risc, conducta de caça, abstinència i mentides

    Bullying and intellectual disability from the perspective of students.

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    Bullying has been a recurrent phenomenon throughout the history of education. Among those most vulnerable are those with intellectual disabilities who tend to suffer greater levels of victimisation. The purpose of this research is to analyse the prevalence of bullying of students with intellectual disability in ordinary schools compared to special education schools. The project used a nonexperimental, descriptive and correlational methodology with a sample of 99 students who completed the validated European Bellying Intervention Project Questionnaire measurement tool. The results show that the majority of students who were victimised by bullies left their ordinary school during secondary education. Within ordinary schools, students with disabilities are more likely to experience bullying in the role of victim while in special education schools the most frequent role is that of observer.pre-print212 K

    O conjunto de gravuras rupestres de Santo Adrião (Caminha, Portugal): embarcações, armas, cavalos e ex-votos

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    Este artigo pretende dar a conhecer os primeiros resultados dos trabalhos de limpeza, decalque, levantamento fotogramétrico e escavação desenvolvidos no caos de blocos graníticos de Santo Adrião, no concelho de Caminha. Os ditos trabalhos permitiram identificar 11 afloramentos com gravuras rupestres, alguns deles com motivos pouco frequentes na arte rupestre do Norte de Portugal. Os motivos registados correspondem a composições circulares, armas, quadrúpedes, um reticulado, motivos em U e três barquiformes. Também foram exumados 24 artefactos líticos possivelmente depositados intencionalmente entre as fendas do caos de blocos onde se encontram as gravurasThe aim of this paper is to show the first results of archaeological works of cleaning, recording, photogrammetric survey and excavation developed in Santo Adrião site situated in Caminha council in North-western Portugal. During the archaeological works were found 11 new rock art outcrops, some of them with unusual designs in Portuguese rock art. These motifs are cup and rings, weapons, quadrupeds, a grid pattern, u-shaped figures and three boats. There were also collected 24 lithic artefacts probably deposited intentionally into the cracks situated in between the recorded outcrops.Manuel Santos-Estévez agradece à FCT a bolsa de pós-doutoramento com a referência SFRH/BPD/93700/2013 no âmbito da qual se insere este trabalho. Ana M. S. Bettencourt agradece à FCT a bolsa de licença sabática com a referência SFRH/BSAB/114296/2016 - Rock Art of the Northwest Iberia. Liminality and Heterothopy, no contexto da qual realiza este texto. Ambos os autores agradecem à Junta de Freguesia de Âncora e à Câmara Municipal de Caminha todo o apoio prestado durante a realização dos trabalhos de campo.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Variations in Bacterial Community of Rearing Water and Gut of Common Dentex, Dentex dentex (Linnaeus 1758), Larvae Using Three Microalgae Management Approaches

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    Microorganisms present in the rearing water colonize the gut of first feeding larvae and represent the first barrier against opportunistic pathogens. The aim of the experiments presented herein was to standardize a protocol for the management of rearing water and microalgae suitable for the larval rearing of common dentex. In Experiment 1, bacteria–algae interactions were tested using a monospecific microalgal community, Tetraselmis chuii, suitable for nutritional experiments and with known antibacterial activity. In Experiment 2, the evolution of the bacterial community and larval performance (growth and survival) were monitored daily, in three conditions: (1) mature water: T. chuii was added 5 d before the rearing of common dentex larvae, (2) green water: T. chuii was added 1 d before, and (3) clear water: no T. chuii addition. The results show the influence of the presence of T. chuii on the evolution of the bacterial communities, both in terms of bacterial density and morphology, and indicate green water is the most suitable water treatment for management of larval rearing for common dentex.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Espécies de Belostoma Latreille (Heteroptera, Belostomatidae) de pequeno porte. III. Revisão do grupo oxyurum com uma nova espécie do Brasil e a descrição do macho de B. noualhieri Montandon

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    Species of the oxyurum group (sensu Lauck) consist of five extant Neotropical small species, whose lengths range 15.0 to 20.0 mm. The anterior interocular width about 1.5 times the width of an eye and ventral diverticulum of phallus flattened, circular, and large are, in combination, diagnostic. The small species of the oxyurum group were included in the Lauck's key to the identification of the species groups, without dealing with the species included in it because many of them are very similar in appearance. Therefore here we redescribe and key the Belostoma species of the oxyurum group. Belostoma oxyurum (Dufour) is newly recorded from Brazil (Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul). Holotype and lectotype are designated for B. oxyurum and B. sanctulum Montandon, respectively. The aspect of the prosternal keel, the ratio between the width of the ventral diverticulum of phallus and its length in ventral view, and the aspect of dorsal arms of ventral diverticulum have proven useful for better species delimitation. Based on specimens from Pará State (N. Brazil), Belostoma carajaensis Ribeiro & Estévez, sp. nov. is described and illustrated. This new species differs from B. sanctulum in having anteoculus shorter than interoculus and the dorsal arms of ventral diverticulum divergent and large. A male specimen of B. noualhieri Montandon was collected in São Paulo State and based mainly on features of male genitalia, this species is here also included under oxyurum group. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia.Representantes do grupo oxyurum (sensu Lauck) compreendem cinco espécies neotropicais de pequeno porte, com comprimento total do corpo entre 15,0 e 20,0 mm. A largura interocular anterior cerca de uma vez e meia a largura de um olho e os formatos achatado, circular e alargado do divertículo ventral do falossoma são característicos de seus representantes. Esse grupo de espécies foi incluído na chave de identificação de Lauck para grupos de espécies de Belostoma Latreille, mas seus representantes não tiveram sua taxonomia detalhada por serem espécies com proximidade morfológica grande. Neste trabalho, as espécies do grupo oxyurum são redescritas e uma chave de identificação para suas espécies é fornecida. É registrada pela primeira vez no Brasil a espécie B. oxyurum (Dufour) nos estados do Paraná e do Rio Grande do Sul. Um holótipo e um lectótipo foram designados para B. oxyurum e B. sanctulum Montandon respectivamente. O aspecto da carena prosternal, a relação entre a largura do divertículo ventral do falossoma e seu comprimento em vista ventral e o aspecto dos braços dorsais do divertículo ventral mostraram-se importantes na melhor definição das espécies do grupo. Belostoma carajaensis Ribeiro & Estévez, sp. nov. é descrita e ilustrada com base em espécimes do Estado do Pará, norte do Brasil e se diferencia de B. sanctulum pelo comprimento do anteóculo menor que o do interóculo e pelos braços dorsais do divertículo ventral divergentes e largos. Um espécime macho de B. noualhieri Montandon foi coligido no Estado de São Paulo e, baseado principalmente nas características observadas da genitália masculina deles, essa espécie é aqui incluída no grupo oxyurum.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Apuntes para un cambio de ritmo en la explicación del cambio al Postglaciar

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    Se plantea la necesidad de tener en cuenta los cambios bruscos en las condiciones abióticas y su repercusión tanto para la explicación estratigráfica como social en Prehistoria. Se hace especial hincapié en el cambio del GS1 al Holoceno en la cornisa cantábrica teniendo en cuenta las aportaciones de JESÚS ALTUNA al conocimiento de las faunas de la zona.We guess that changes in the biotic conditions have been sudden. We need to consider this changes to explain adequately the stratigraphies and the development of prehistoric societies. We emphasize on the evidence of such sudden changes at the end of the Younger Dryas (GS1) in Cantabrian coastal area, specially through the studies done by JESUS ALTUNA

    Predation on Biomphalaria sp. (Mollusca: Planorbidae) by three species of the genus Belostoma (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae)

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    The voracious behaviour of water bugs is well known as they attack a great diversity of invertebrate and vertebrate organisms which may be of various sizes, even larger than they are (Schnack, 1976; Menke, 1979). All of the Belostomatidae family members have forelegs adapted to catch prey which are usually ambushed by bugs. After catching prey, bugs handle it in order to insert their piercing mouth parts to inject saliva and liquefy prey’s tissues to suck. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse