347 research outputs found

    Dor no transtorno bipolar: prevalência, características e relação com risco de suicídio

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    Objetivo: conhecer a prevalência e características da dor, verificar como o manejo da dor tem sido realizado pelos serviços de saúde e correlacionar o risco de suicídio com a intensidade da dor dos pacientes com transtorno bipolar. Método: estudo observacional com abordagem quantitativa. Participaram do estudo pessoas com transtorno bipolar avaliadas pelo Questionário de Dor McGill-reduzido, Diagrama Corporal, Escala Visual Numérica e a Escala de Ideação Suicida (Beck). Resultados: A amostra de 60 participantes foi composta principalmente por mulheres com idade média de 40 anos e tempo médio de tratamento psiquiátrico aproximado de 13 anos. Desses, 83% relataram sentir dor no momento da entrevista. Metade dos participantes indicou que a dor atrapalha a rotina e 80% não receberam cuidado nos equipamentos de saúde. Os principais descritores que qualificam a experiência dolorosa foram: dolorida, em peso e sensível para os descritores sensoriais, cansativo e castigante na categoria afetiva. A tentativa de suicídio foi relatada por 57% dos participantes. Foi observada correlação entre o risco de suicídio e a intensidade da dor. Conclusão: a dor apresentou prevalência elevada. O risco de suicídio foi identificado em mais da metade dos participantes. A intensidade da dor apresentou correlação significativa com o risco de suicídio.Objetivo: conocer la prevalencia y las características del dolor, verificar cómo se ha realizado el manejo del dolor por parte de los servicios de salud y correlacionar el riesgo de suicidio con la intensidad del dolor en pacientes con trastorno bipolar. Método: se trata de un estudio observacional con abordaje cuantitativo. El estudio incluyó a personas con trastorno bipolar evaluadas mediante el Cuestionario de dolor de McGill – versión abreviada, el Diagrama Corporal, la Escala Visual Numérica y la Escala de Ideación Suicida (Beck). Resultados: la muestra de 60 participantes estuvo compuesta principalmente por mujeres con una edad promedio de 40 años y un tiempo promedio de tratamiento psiquiátrico de aproximadamente 13 años. El 83% de ellos manifestó sentir dolor en el momento de la entrevista. La mitad de los participantes indicó que el dolor interfiere en la rutina y el 80% no recibió atención en equipos de salud. Los principales descriptores que califican la experiencia dolorosa fueron: doloroso, pesadez y sensibilidad para los descriptores sensoriales, agotador y castigador en la categoría afectiva. El 57% de los participantes informó intento de suicidio. Se observó una correlación entre el riesgo de suicidio y la intensidad del dolor. Conclusión: el dolor tuvo una alta prevalencia. El riesgo de suicidio se identificó en más de la mitad de los participantes. La intensidad del dolor se correlacionó significativamente con el riesgo de suicidio.Objective: to know the prevalence and characteristics of pain, to verify how pain management has been carried out by the health services, and to correlate suicide risk with pain intensity in patients with bipolar disorder. Method: an observational study with a quantitative approach. The study included people with bipolar disorder assessed by the McGill-Reduced Pain Questionnaire, Body Diagram, Visual Numerical Scale, and the Suicidal Ideation Scale (Beck). Results: the sample of 60 participants was mainly composed of women with a mean age of 40 years old and a mean psychiatric treatment time of approximately 13 years. Of these, 83% reported feeling pain at the time of the interview. Half of the participants indicated that pain interferes with routine and 80% did not receive care in health institutions. The main descriptors that qualify the painful experience were as follows: painful, heavy and sensitive for the sensory descriptors, tiring and punishing in the affective category. Suicide attempt was reported by 57% of the participants. There was a correlation between suicide risk and pain intensity. Conclusion: pain presented a high prevalence. Suicide risk was identified in more than half of the participants. Pain intensity showed a significant correlation with suicide risk

    1,2,4-oxadiazole: A Brief Review from the Literature About the Synthesis and Pharmacological Applications

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    This work includes a brief discussion about the most used methods for the synthesis of 1,2,4-oxadiazole ring, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. It was also realized a search in the literature about the main functions of this group, its action in the treatment of diseases, the tests made for the confirmation of the pharmacological actions and the results obtained


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    A evolução de um município, tratando-se de dados populacionais, culturais e educacionais são aspectos de suma importância para ter-se um panorama do desenvolvimento municipal, o poder público utiliza ferramentas que possibilitam o entendimento de pontos que estão sendo bem desenvolvidos e aqueles que necessitam de mais atenção e destinação de capital. Em vista disso, o objetivo geral da pesquisa trata-se das temáticas gerais históricas do município de São Miguel do Oeste. Para tal estudo, utiliza-se dados de pesquisas, e comparativos destes, com os índices médios, além de visita a secretaria de saúde e secretaria de educação, para que seja possível se obter melhor abrangência dos dados. Diante disto, percebe-se que a história cultural e de desenvolvimento, contribuíram muito para a situação atual do município, sendo que muitos dos costumes adquiridos dos colonizadores da região ainda são praticados e vivenciados no dia a dia dos Migueloestinos. Tratando-se de educação, foi possível identificar potencialidades e deficiências na rede de ensino, tanto tratando-se de infraestrutura quanto de índices de frequência nas redes municipais e estaduais existentes no município

    Mercury in juvenile solea senegalensis: Linking bioaccumulation, seafood safety, and neuro-oxidative responses under climate change-related stressors

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    .Mercury (Hg) is globally recognized as a persistent chemical contaminant that accumulates in marine biota, thus constituting an ecological hazard, as well as a health risk to seafood consumers. Climate change-related stressors may influence the bioaccumulation, detoxification, and toxicity of chemical contaminants, such as Hg. Yet, the potential interactions between environmental stressors and contaminants, as well as their impacts on marine organisms and seafood safety, are still unclear. Hence, the aim of this work was to assess the bioaccumulation of Hg and neuro-oxidative responses on the commercial flat fish species Solea senegalensis (muscle, liver, and brain) co-exposed to dietary Hg in its most toxic form (i.e., MeHg), seawater warming (ΔT°C = +4 °C), and acidification (pCO2 = +1000 μatm, equivalent to ΔpH =-0.4 units). In general, fish liver exhibited the highest Hg concentration, followed by brain and muscle. Warming enhanced Hg bioaccumulation, whereas acidification decreased this element's levels. Neuro-oxidative responses to stressors were affected by both climate change-related stressors and Hg dietary exposure. Hazard quotient (HQ) estimations evidenced that human exposure to Hg through the consumption of fish species may be aggravated in tomorrow's ocean, thus raising concerns from the seafood safety perspective.publishersversionpublishe

    Assessment of symptoms of urinary incontinence in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: The pelvic floor muscles are sensitive to androgens, and due to hyperandrogenism, women with polycystic ovary syndrome can have increased mass in these muscles compared to controls. The aim of this study is to compare reports of urine leakage and quality of life between women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome. METHODS: One hundred thirteen 18-to 40-year-old nulliparous women with polycystic ovary syndrome or without the disease (controls) were recruited at the University Hospital of School Medicine of São Paulo University at Ribeirão Preto City, Brazil. The subjects were not taking any hormonal medication, had not undergone previous pelvic surgery and did not exercise their pelvic floor muscles. The women were divided into the following four groups: I-polycystic ovary syndrome with normal body mass index (n = 18), II-polycystic ovary syndrome with body mass index >25 (n = 32), III-controls with normal body mass index (n = 29), and IV-controls with Body Mass Index >25 (n = 34). Quality of life was evaluated using the SF-36 questionnaire, and the subjects with urinary complaints also completed the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form to evaluate the severity of their urinary incontinence. RESULTS: The replies to the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form revealed a significant difference in urinary function between groups, with 24% of the subjects in group IV reporting urinary incontinence. The mean scores for the SF-36 questionnaire revealed that group II had the lowest quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: The control obese group (IV) reported a higher prevalence of urinary incontinence. There was no difference in the reported frequency of urine loss between the polycystic ovary syndrome and control groups with normal body mass index or between the polycystic ovary syndrome and control groups with body mass index >25

    Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Seizure Severity Questionnaire: first results

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    INTRODUCTION: Seizure severity and seizure frequency reduction are the goals in the treatment of epilepsy. Up to the present, there are no validated instruments or studies emphasizing initial reliability and validity of questionnaires to measure seizure severity into Brazilian Portuguese. PURPOSE: This report describes the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Seizure Severity Questionnaire (SSQ), an instrument to evaluate seizure frequency and severity. CASUISTIC AND METHODS: The author conceded the original English version to Portuguese translation. Later, two independent native English-speaking teachers fluent in Portuguese translated this consensus version back into English. Comparison of the back-translation with the original English version showed only a few discrepancies, and the English and Portuguese versions were considered conceptually equivalent. Thirty patients regularly treated with temporal lobe epilepsy related to mesial temporal sclerosis answered the questionnaire. RESULTS: Twenty-two adult patients (73%) were male and mean age 37. Ten (33%) reported only auras and 18 Movements or attitudes during the seizures. Two presented Loss of consciousness. For 13 (43%) there was a long time to recuperate after the event. 12 reported Emotional effects and all patients had Body effects. The majority of patients, 28 (94%) considered their seizures extremely severe and for 23 (77%) the recuperation period was the most bother symptom. The association of seizure frequency and Nottingham Health Profile showed statistical significance for the domains: Emotional well-being (p = 0.046), Pain (p = 0.015) and Sleep (p = 0.003). CONCLUSION: This study explored the cultural adaptation of SSQ and its first results. We also assessed the correlation between seizure frequency and quality of life impact. The instrument SSQ could help to understand the seizure concern in the view of the patient.INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento medicamentoso tem como meta principal a redução da freqüência de crises ou seu controle completo. No Brasil não dispomos de informação sobre tradução, adaptação cultural e validação de escalas que medem a gravidade de crises. OBJETIVO: Tradução e adaptação cultural da Escala de Gravidade de Crises (EGC) (Seizure Severity Questionnaire) com objetivo de avaliar o impacto da freqüência de crises. CASUÍSTICA E METODOLOGIA: A autora da escala concedeu a versão original em inglês para a tradução. Dois professores de inglês nativos realizaram a retrotradução. As versões em português e a retrotraduzida foram comparadas à original e após consenso foi obtida a versão final. Trinta pacientes em tratamento regular com diagnóstico de epilepsia do lobo temporal relacionada a esclerose mesial temporal responderam ao questionário. RESULTADOS: Vinte e dois pacientes (73%) eram do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 37 anos. Na Escala de Gravidade de Crises, 10 (33%) tiveram apenas auras; 18 (62%) apresentaram Movimentos ou atitudes durante a crise. Dois (6%) apresentaram Perda dos sentidos, 13 (43%) revelaram demora na recuperação após a crise com Efeitos mentais e corpóreos e 12 (40%) tiveram Efeitos emocionais. Vinte e oito (94%) responderam terem sido as crises extremamente graves e para 23 (77%) a recuperação após as crises foi o que mais incomodou. Observou-se uma correlação estatisticamente significante entre a freqüência de crises e os domínios do Nottingham Health Profile: Reações Emocionais (p = 0,046), Dor (p = 0,015) e Alterações do sono (p = 0,003). CONCLUSÃO: Foi realizada a adaptação cultural da EGC, avaliando seus resultados preliminares, e a relação entre freqüência de crises e QV. O impacto das crises tradicionalmente estudado em termos da freqüência e tipo de evento pode ser melhor compreendido se analisado sob a ótica do paciente.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Avaliação nutricional de aspargo (Asparagus officinalis) e batata mandioquinha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) cultivados de maneira orgânica

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    La inclusión de alimentos vegetales en la dieta humana está relacionada con el mantenimiento de buenos hábitos alimenticios. Los estudios muestran que las partes no convencionales de los alimentos vegetales tienen un alto valor nutricional, siendo superiores a la parte convencional. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la composición nutricional (humedad, cenizas, lípidos, proteínas y carbohidratos) y determinar el valor calórico y el porcentaje de ingesta diaria de espárragos (Asparagus officinalis) y arracachia (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) cultivada a partir de forma orgánica en la sierra de Santa Catarina. Se analizaron brotes de espárragos (in natura), hojas de espárragos (base seca y húmeda), tubérculo de arracachia blanco y amarillo (in natura) y hojas de arracachia blancas y amarillas (base seco). Los resultados muestran un acentuado contenido de cenizas en las hojas de espárragos (base seca) (6,75 ± 0,19 g%) y arracachia blanca y amarilla (10,73 ± 0,02 g% y 11,51 ± 0, 05 g%). Además, las hojas en base seca de espárragos (21,71 ± 0,71 g%) y arracachia blancas (19,70 ± 1,54 g%) y amarillas (19,62 ± 0,75 g%) tienen alto contenido de proteínas, que refleja el alto porcentaje de ingesta diaria recomendada (% IDR) de estos alimentos. Por lo tanto, se verifica la importancia nutricional y ambiental de reducir los residuos agroalimentarios a través de la utilización integral de los alimentos, cuantificando los macronutrientes presentes y su relación en el porcentaje de ingesta diaria.A inserção de alimentos vegetais na dieta humana está relacionada com a manutenção de bons hábitos alimentares. Estudos demonstram que as partes não convencionais dos alimentos de origem vegetal possuem alto valor nutricional, sendo superior ao da parte convencional. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição nutricional (umidade, cinzas, lipídios, proteínas e carboidratos) e determinar o valor calórico e o percentual de ingestão diária de aspargo (Asparagus officinalis) e de batata mandioquinha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) cultivados de maneira orgânica na serra catarinense. Para isso, foi analisado o broto de aspargo (in natura), folhas de aspargo (base seca e base úmida), tubérculo de batata mandioquinha da variedade branca e amarela (in natura) e as folhas de batata de mandioquinha branca e amarela (base seca). Os resultados demonstram um teor acentuado de cinzas nas folhas de aspargo (base seca) (6,75 ± 0,19 g%) e batata mandioquinha branca e amarela (10,73 ± 0,02 g% e 11,51 ± 0,05 g%). Além disso, as folhas em base seca de aspargo (21,71 ± 0,71 g%) e batata mandioquinha branca (19,70 ± 1,54 g%) e amarela (19,62 ± 0,75 g%) apresentam elevado teor de proteína, o que reflete no alto percentual de Ingestão Diária Recomendada (% IDR) desses alimentos. Portanto, verifica-se a importância nutricional e ambiental de diminuir os resíduos agroalimentares através do aproveitamento integral de alimentos, quantificando os macronutrientes presentes e a sua relação no percentual de ingestão diária.Vegetable consumption in human diet is related with healthy eating habits. Studies show that unconventional parts of plant foods have high nutritional value, being higher than conventional part. The aim of this work was to evaluate the nutritional composition (moisture, ashes, lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) and determine the caloric value and percentage daily intake of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) and peruvian carrot (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) growing by organic way in the highlands of Santa Catarina. Asparagus sprouts (fresh matter) and leaves (dry matter and fresh matter), peruvian carrot tubercle of the white and yellow variety (fresh matter) and peruvian carrot leaves (dry matter) were analyzed. The results evidenced a high ashes content in asparagus leaves (dry matter) (6.75 ± 0.19 g%) and white and yellow peruvian carrot (10.73 ± 0.02 g% and 11.51 ± 0.05g%). In addition, asparagus leaves (21.71 ± 0.71 g%) and white and yellow peruvian carrot (19.70 ± 1.54 and 19.62 ± 0.75 g%) presented a high protein content, which reflects in the high percentage daily intake of these vegetables. Therefore, it is verified the nutritional and environmental importance of reducing the food waste, using the whole parts of the vegetables, quantifying the macronutrients and their relation in the percentage daily intake

    Close phylogenetic relationship between Angolan and Romanian HIV-1 subtype F1 isolates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Here, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships of the HIV-1 subtype F1 circulating in Angola with subtype F1 strains sampled worldwide and reconstructed the evolutionary history of this subtype in Central Africa.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-six HIV-1-positive samples were collected in Angola in 2006 and subtyped at the <it>env</it>-gp41 region. Partial <it>env</it>-gp120 and <it>pol-RT </it>sequences and near full-length genomes from those <it>env</it>-gp41 subtype F1 samples were further generated. Phylogenetic analyses of partial and full-length subtype F1 strains isolated worldwide were carried out. The onset date of the subtype F1 epidemic in Central Africa was estimated using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine Angolan samples were classified as subtype F1 based on the analysis of the <it>env</it>-gp41 region. All nine Angolan sequences were also classified as subtype F1 in both <it>env-gp120 </it>and <it>pol-RT </it>genomic regions, and near full-length genome analysis of four of these samples confirmed their classification as "pure" subtype F1. Phylogenetic analyses of subtype F1 strains isolated worldwide revealed that isolates from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were the earliest branching lineages within the subtype F1 phylogeny. Most strains from Angola segregated in a monophyletic group together with Romanian sequences; whereas South American F1 sequences emerged as an independent cluster. The origin of the subtype F1 epidemic in Central African was estimated at 1958 (1934–1971).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>"Pure" subtype F1 strains are common in Angola and seem to be the result of a single founder event. Subtype F1 sequences from Angola are closely related to those described in Romania, and only distantly related to the subtype F1 lineage circulating in South America. Original diversification of subtype F1 probably occurred within the DRC around the late 1950s.</p

    Concentration of steroid hormones in the follicular fluid of mature and immature ovarian follicles of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome submitted to in vitro fertilization

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar a concentração dos hormônios esteroides no fluido folicular (FF) de folículos pequenos (10-14 mm) e grandes (&gt; 18 mm) de mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) submetidas à hiperestimulação ovariana controlada (HOC) e ciclos de fertilização in vitro (FIV). MÉTODOS: estudo caso-controle foi conduzido em 13 mulheres inférteis com SOP (17 ciclos) e 31 mulheres inférteis por fator masculino - Grupo Controle (31 ciclos). Os FF foram aspirados individualmente e dividos em 4 grupos: G1 (FF pequeno do Grupo Controle), G2 (FF pequeno do grupo SOP), G3 (FF grande do Grupo Controle) e G4 (FF grande do grupo SOP). A metodologia utilizada para as dosagens de estradiol, progesterona e &#946;-hCG foi a quimioluminescência, e de testosterona e androstenediona o radioimunoensaio. Para a análise das dosagens hormonais no FF entre os grupos SOP e Controle utilizou-se o teste t não-pareado, e para a comparação entre os quatro grupos, o ANOVA. Para a taxa de gravidez, foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: os folículos pequenos dos dois grupos tiveram valores menores de progesterona (8.435±3.305 ng/mL) comparados aos grandes (10.280±3.475 ng/mL), com valor de p<0,01. Os níveis de progesterona de todos os folículos do grupo SOP (8.095±4.151 ng/mL) foram inferiores ao Controle (9.824±3.128 ng/mL), com valor de p=0,03. Os níveis de testosterona diferiram entre G1 (326,6±124,4 ng/dL) e G3 (205,8±98,91 ng/dL), com valor de p<0,001, e entre G3 (205,8±98,91 ng/dL) e G4 (351,10±122,1 ng/dL), com valor de p<0,001. Os folículos pequenos (508,9±266 ng/dL) apresentaram valores superiores de testosterona comparados aos grandes (245,10±123 ng/dL), com valor de p<0,0001. As taxas de gravidez não diferiram entre os grupos SOP (5/13, 38,5%) e Controle (9/31, 40,9%), com valor de p=072. CONCLUSÕES: mulheres com SOP apresentam altas concentrações de testosterona no FF, independentemente do estágio de desenvolvimento folicular, e níveis de progesterona diminuídos, sugerindo que fatores parácrinos podem inibir sua secreção pelas células foliculares. As taxas de gravidez mostraram que o tratamento de HOC e FIV é uma boa opção para mulheres com infertilidade secundária à SOP.PURPOSE: to evaluate the concentration of steroid hormones in follicular fluid (FF) of small (10-14 mm) and large (&gt; 18 mm) follicles of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) submitted to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles. METHODS: a case-control study was conducted on 13 infertile women with PCOS (17 cycles) and 31 infertile women due to male factor - Control Group (31 cycles). FF was aspirated individually and divided into four groups: G1 (FF of small follicles of the Control Group), G2 (FF of small follicles of the PCOS group), G3 (FF of large follicles of the Control Group) and G4 (FF of large follicles of the PCOS group). Estrogen, progesterone and &#946;-hCG were determined by chemiluminescence, and testosterone and androstenedione by radioimmunoassay. The unpaired t-test was used to compare the hormone determinations in the FF of the PCOS and Control Groups, and the four groups were compared by ANOVA. Fisher's exact test was used to compare the pregnancy rates. RESULTS: the small follicles of the two groups had lower progesterone levels (8,435±3,305 ng/mL) than large follicles (10,280±3,475 ng/mL), p-value <0.01. The progesterone levels of all follicles of group PCOS (8,095±4,151 ng/mL) were lower than Control (9,824±3,128 ng/mL), p-value =0.03. Testosterone differed between G1 (326.6±124.4 ng/dL) and G3 (205.8±98.91 ng/dL), p-value <0.001, and between G3 (205.8±98.91 ng/dL) and G4 (351.10±122.1ng/dL), p-value <0.001. Small follicles had higher testosterone levels (508.9±266 ng/dL) than large follicles (245.10±123 ng/dL), p-value <0.0001. The pregnancy rates did not differ between the PCOS (5/13, 38.5%) and the Control groups (9/31, 40.9%), p-value =072. CONCLUSIONS: women with PCOS had high testosterone concentrations in the FF, regardless of the stage of follicle development, and reduced progesterone levels, suggesting that paracrine factors may inhibit the secretion of the latter by follicular cells. The pregnancy rates showed that treatment with COH and IVF is a good option for women with infertility secondary to PCOS.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento à Pesquisa e Tecnologia (CNPq