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    Mantenimiento del donante potencial de órganos en muerte encefálica: a propósito de un caso

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    [Resumen] Introducción: los tipos de donantes aceptados actualmente son los vivos, los cadáveres y los potenciales en muerte encefálica (ME) y en asistolia. A pesar de esto, España no cubre la demanda de la población en lista de espera para trasplante. Objetivos: - Describir el proceso patológico y evaluar las intervenciones de Enfermería en un paciente Donante Potencial de Órganos (DPO) y Tejidos de la Unidad Polivalente del Servicio de Medicina Intensiva. - Elaborar un plan de cuidados enfermero para ese mismo paciente. - Aplicando la escala Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score (NEMS), conocer la carga de trabajo enfermero que puede llegar a suponer este tipo de pacientes. Desarrollo: debido a la magnitud del problema está justificado establecer un plan de cuidados individualizado, basado en el Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (PAE), para conocer la actuación enfermera en el mantenimiento de los órganos de DPO en ME. Además, se aplicó la escala NEMS para cumplir con los objetivos. Este caso desenvólvese en la Unidad Polivalente del Servicio de Medicina Intensiva del Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC), uno de los centros trasplantadores más importantes de nuestro país. Discusión y conclusiones: finalmente, tras el mantenimiento adecuado de los órganos del donante, fue posible la extracción quirúrgica. Cabe añadir que el caso clínico parece apoyar que la sistematización del trabajo enfermero garantizaría la detección correcta de problemas y la estandarización de los cuidados en cada caso. Además, la escala NEMS demostró que la carga de trabajo enfermero que demanda un DPO no difiere de la del resto de pacientes de la UCI. Por último, destaca la importancia de ayudar a la familia a aceptar la ME.[Resumo] Introdución: os tipos de donantes aceptados actualmente son os vivos, os cadáveres e os potenciais en morte encefálica (ME) e en asistolia. A pesar diso, España non cubre a demanda da poboación en lista de espera para transplante. Obxectivos: - Describir o proceso patolóxico e avaliar as intervencións de Enfermaría nun paciente Doante Potencial de Órganos (DPO) e Tecidos da Unidade Polivalente do Servizo de Medicina Intensiva. - Elaborar un plan de coidados enfermeiro para ese mesmo paciente. - Aplicando a escala Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score (NEMS), coñecer a carga de traballo enfermeiro que poda chegar a supoñer este tipo de pacientes. Desenvolvemento: debido á magnitude do problema está xustificado establecer un plan de coidados individualizado, baseado no Proceso de Atención de Enfermaría (PAE), para coñecer a actuación enfermeira no mantemento dos órganos do DPO en ME. Ademais, se aplicou a escala NEMS para cumprir cos obxectivos. Este caso desenvolveuse na Unidade Polivalente do Servizo de Medicina Intensiva do Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC), un dos centros tranplantadores máis importantes do noso país. Discusión e conclusións: finalmente, tras o mantemento adecuado dos órganos do doante, foi posíbel a extracción cirúrxica. Cabe engadir que o caso clínico parece apoiar que a sistematización do traballo enfermeiro garantiría a detección correcta de problemas e a estandarización dos coidados en cada caso. Ademais, a escala NEMS demostrou que a carga de traballo enfermeira que demanda un DPO non difire da do resto de paciente da UCI. Por último, destaca a importancia de axudar á familia a aceptar a ME.[Abstract] Introduction: The types of donors currently accepted are living donors, cadavers and the potential donors with brain death (BD) and asystole. Despite this, Spain doesn´t cover the demand of the population on waiting list for transplant. Objectives: - Describe the pathological process and evaluate the nursing interventions in a patient Organ Potential Donor (OPD) and Tissues of the Multipurpose Unit of Intensive Medicine Service. - Develop a plan of nurse care for the same patient. - Applying the scale Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score (NEMS), measure nurse workload that can involve this type of patients. Development: Because of the magnitude of the problem, it is justified establish an individualized care plan based on the Nursing Care Process (NCP), to recognize the nurse performance in the maintenance of the organs of the OPD with BD. In addition, the NEMS scale was applied to achieve the objectives. This case was carried out in the Multipurpose Unit of Intensive Medicine Service of the Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC), one of the most important transplant centers in our country. Discussion and conclusions: In our case, after the proper maintenance of the organs of the donor, the surgical removal was possible. We should add that the clinical case seems to support that the systematization of nursing work would ensure the correct detection of problems and standardization of cares in each case. Additionalt, the NEMS scale showed that nursing workload that demands a OPD does not differ from that of other ICU patients. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of helping the family to accept the ME.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ENFC). Enfermaría. Curso 2014/2015

    Signo, significación y comunicación

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    Reseña del libro: Conservation in the Nineteenth Century, Isabelle Brajer (ed.)

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    Reseña del libro, editado por Isabelle Brajer, Conservation in the Nineteenth Century, publicado por Archetype Publications (London) en asociación con el National Museet de Dinamarca y CATS (Centre for Art Technological Studies and Conservation), Copenhagen, en 2013. La publicación recoge dieciocho conferencias del Congreso del mismo nombre que plantean cuestiones relacionadas con las tareas y técnicas llevadas a cabo por ciertos restauradores decimonónicos

    Function and regulation of phenylalanine and tyrosine hydroxylases from human and Caenorhabditis elegans. With focus in evolutionary aspects and development of new therapies

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    The family of the aromatic amino acid hydroxylases (AAAH) is well studied in mammals. It includes four members, i.e. phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and the tryptophan hydroxylases (TPH1 and 2). These enzymes share important features, such as domain organization, three dimensional structure and mechanism of the reaction. The AAAH have important functions and are related to genetic human diseases. PAH, expressed in liver, is in charge of L-Phe catabolism from the diet and mutations in the PAH gene lead to phenylketonuria (PKU), a paradigm for genetic metabolic diseases. TH and the TPHs are enzymes of the neuroendocrine system, that carry out the rate limiting steps in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones, i.e. catecholamines (TH) and serotonin and melatonin (TPHs). Mutations in TH and the TPHs genes are also involved in important neurological diseases and disorders, such as some forms of dystonia and parkinsonism in the case of TH and mood disorders in TPH. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a model organism widely used in biology. We here present the expression and characterization of two AAAH from the nematode, PAH and TH, in order to get insights into evolution of structure, function and regulation in this enzymatic family. In the case of PAH we found functional and molecular similarities between C. elegans PAH (cePAH) and human PAH (hPAH), although they display important differences in enzymatic activity regulation, especially regarding the regulation exerted by the substrate, L-Phe. Both the preactivation and the positive cooperativity induced by the substrate on mammalian PAHs were absent in cePAH. In vivo experiments with knock-out worms bearing a deletion in the pah gene (pah-1) demonstrated that cePAH is involved in the synthesis of a melanin-like compound that localizes in the cuticle. The study of the recombinant TH from C. elegans (ceTH) in comparison with human TH (hTH) also revealed important differences at the level of short-term activity regulation. Basic regulatory mechanisms for hTH, such as substrate inhibition and feed-back inhibition by the end catecholamine products, appear to be absent in ceTH, suggesting a less tight regulation of enzymatic activity in the worm. But interestingly, ceTH was effectively phosphorylated by cAMPdependent protein kinase (PKA) at Ser35, though this modification did not translate into activation of the enzyme in synergy with the feed-back inhibition by catecholamines, as it is the case for phosphorylation of hTH at the equivalent Ser40. We hypothesised that phosphorylation of ceTH could regulate the interaction with other proteins and/or control subcellular localization. Supplementation with BH4 has been recently established as a therapeutic intervention for PKU. A main effect of the cofactor is the stabilisation of misfolded PKU mutants, and BH4 appears to function as a natural chaperone molecule. Since BH4 is a shared cofactor by all the AAAH we set to investigate the effect of BH4 supplementation on rat brain TH. Higher doses of BH4 than those currently used for the treatment of PKU were needed to increase the cofactor concentration in brain, most probably due to the selectivity of the blood-brain-barrier (BBB). This indicates that the current treatments using lower doses of BH4 (up to 20 mg/kg/day) are not expected to affect neuronal TH and TPH2. An increment of total TH protein and activity was measured in the brains of wild-type (wt) mice upon treatment with 100 mg BH4/kg/day, suggesting that BH4 also functions as a natural chaperone in the case of TH. In agreement with these effects, in vitro experiments also showed the capability of BH4 to stabilise TH. Finally, the screening of chemical libraries of small organic compounds is arising as a promising tool to find specific stabilisers of proteins (i.e. pharmacological chaperones). In the case of PAH, four stabilising compounds (compounds I-IV) were found in a previous study, revealing their potential as therapeutic pharmacological chaperones for PKU. As in the case of BH4, it was interesting to study the effect of these four molecules upon neuronal TH and TPH2. We found that compound III stabilized the three AAAH investigated, whereas the other compounds exerted different enzyme specific effects. In vivo studies with supplemented mice revealed the potential of compound III to treat TH-associated diseases. These results are important not only for the development of new specific therapies, but also to unravel enzyme specific/non specific ligand binding in the AAAH family

    The Line and the Limit of Britishness: The Construction of Gibraltarian Identity in M. G. Sanchez’s Writing

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    From Anthony Burgess’s musings during the Second World War to recent scholarly assessments, Gibraltar has been considered a no man’s literary land. However, the Rock has produced a steady body of literature written in English throughout the second half of the twentieth century and into the present. Apparently situated in the midst of two identitary deficits, Gibraltarian literature occupies a narrative space that is neither British nor Spanish but something else. M. G. Sanchez’s novels and memoir situate themselves in this liminal space of multiple cultural traditions and linguistic contami-nation. The writer anatomizes this space crossed and partitioned by multiple and fluid borders and boundaries. What appears as deficient or lacking from the British and the Spanish points of view, the curse of the periphery, the curse of inhabiting a no man’s land, is repossessed in Sanchez’s writing in order to flesh out a border culture with very specific linguistic and cultural traits

    Biomasa, carbono y CO2 equivalente acumulado en una cronosecuencia de bosque seco tropical en el Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Costa Rica y el Parque Estadual de Mata Seca, Brasil.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Gestión de Recursos Naturales y Tecnologías de Producción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Área Académica Agroforestal, 2017.Abstract. The tropical dry forest (TDF) is one of the most threatened and least studied forest ecosystems in the world, so the estimation of its ecological value for its management and conservation represents a challenge with respect to other ecosystems. Research on carbon stocks in TDF is no exception as research has focused mainly on wet forests. This study aimed determine the accumulated biomass, carbon and CO2 equivalent, stored in a chronosequence of secondary TDF in the Neotropics, specifically at Santa Rosa National Park in Costa Rica and Mata Seca State Park in Brazil. This study was possible thanks to information provided from the Tecnológico de Costa Rica and Tropi Dry project trial of permanent sampling plots, which was established and monitored following a single protocol of research between countries. In both countries, it was possible to study: (a) three successional stages (early, intermediate and late), (b) two years 2006 and 2014, in which were sampled in Costa Rica 1067 and 1054 trees respectively, and in Brazil 1824 and 2173, (c) a total sampling of 29 plots of 1000 m2 each for a total area of 29 000 m2 over a period of eight years (9000 m2 in Costa Rica and 20000 m2 in Brazil). Moreover, this study characterizes the climate behavior in the two sites under analysis in order to understand more comprehensively the dynamics in both locations. Broadly, it was possible to determine that the aboveground and roots biomass, carbon and CO2 equivalent tend to increase from early stages to late stages of TDFs, in addition to doing so from year 2006 with respect to 2014. Furthermore, Santa Rosa National Park showed higher magnitudes at the three successional stages in regard to the Mata Seca State Park during the year 2006, as well as for the early and intermediate stages during the year 2014. Specifically, this study was able to estimate the following values of aboveground and root biomass, carbon and CO2 equivalent, all in Mg ha-1. At Costa Rica during the year 2006 the aboveground biomass was 41.3-181.0, the carbon 19.8-88.3 and the CO2 equivalent 72.7-324.1. While the root biomass was 9.2-34.3, the carbon 4.8-18.2 and the CO2 equivalent 17.5-66.7. In Brazil during the same year the aboveground biomass was 7.4-173.7, the carbon 3.4-84.7 and the CO2 equivalent 12.4-310.8. Meanwhile the root biomass was 2.0-32.9, the carbon 1.0-17.5 and the CO2 equivalent 3.7- 64.1. During year 2014, in Costa Rica the aboveground biomass was 60.9-205.4, the carbon 29.3-100.2 and the CO2 equivalent of 107.7-367.8. While the root biomass was 12.9-38.3, the carbon 6,7-20,3 and the CO2 equivalent 24.8-74.6. In Brazil during the same year the aboveground biomass was 59.5-208.0, the carbon 28.4-101.5 and the CO2 equivalent 104.3- 372.6. Meanwhile the root biomass was 12.7-38.7, the carbon 6.6-20.5 and the CO2 equivalent 24.2-75.4. While in terms of average annual productivity in Mg ha-1 year-1 of the aboveground CO2 equivalent, in Costa Rica it was 4.5, 7.1 and 5.6 in early, intermediate and late stage; Meanwhile in Brazil it was 12.0, 2.1 and 7.9 respectively. Regarding root CO2 equivalent values, in Costa Rica it was 0.9, 1.2 and 0.9 respectively at each stage of succession and in Brazil of 2.4, 0.4 and 1.3 respectively.Resumen. El bosque seco tropical (BST) es uno de los ecosistemas forestales más amenazados y menos estudiados del mundo, por lo que la estimación de su valor ecológico para su manejo y conservación representa un reto con respecto a otros ecosistemas. La investigación sobre reservas de carbono en BST no son la excepción ya que la investigación se ha concentrado principalmente en los bosques húmedos. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la biomasa aérea (Ba) y de raíces (Br), el carbono (C) y el CO2 equivalente (CO2.eq) que se encuentra almacenado en una cronosecuencia de sucesión secundaria de BST en el Neotrópico, específicamente en el Parque Nacional Santa Rosa (PNSR) en Costa Rica y en el Parque Estadual Mata Seca (PEMS) en Brasil. Esto fue posible gracias a la información de campo de una red de parcelas permanentes de muestreo (PPM) que siguió el protocolo de investigación del grupo Tropi Dry y que fue establecida y monitoreada por el Tecnológico de Costa Rica y la Universidad Estadual de Montes Claros. Gracias a este protocolo único de investigación fue posible muestrear en los dos países: (a) tres estadios sucesionales (temprano, intermedio y tardío), (b) dos años 2006 y 2014, (c) un total de 1067 y 1054 árboles para cada año en Costa Rica; así como 1824 y 2173 árboles en Brasil, (d) 29 parcelas de 1000 m2 para un total de 29 000 m2 (9000 m2 en el PNSR y 20000 m2 en el PEMS). Además, este estudio caracterizó el comportamiento climático en los dos sitios bajo análisis con el objetivo de comprender de forma más integral su dinámica. Se logró determinar que Ba, Br, C y CO2.eq incrementan de bosques tempranos hacia bosques tardíos, además de hacerlo del año 2006 con respecto al año 2014. El PNSR presentó magnitudes superiores para los tres estadios de sucesión con respecto al PEMS durante el año 2006; así como para los estadios temprano e intermedio durante el año 2014. Específicamente este estudio fue capaz de determinar en función del estadio sucesional los siguientes valores, todos en Mg ha-1: (a) En Costa Rica durante el año 2006 la Ba fue de 41,3–181,0, el C de 19,8-88,3, el CO2.eq de 72,7- 324,1; mientras que la Br fue de 9,2–34,3, el C 4,8-18,2, el CO2.eq de 17,5-66,7. En Brasil durante el mismo año la Ba fue de 7,4-173,7, el C de 3,4-84,7 y el CO2.eq de 12,4-310,8; y la Br fue de 2,0-32,9, el C de 1,0-17,5 y el CO2.eq de 3,7-64,1. Por otro lado, para el año 2014, en Costa Rica la Ba fue de 60,9-205,4, el C de 29,3-100,2, el CO2.eq de 107,7-367,8. Mientras que la Br fue de 12,9-38,3, el C de 6,7-20,3, el CO2.eq de 24,8-74,6. En Brasil durante el mismo año la Ba fue de 59,5-208,0, el C de 28,4-101,5 y el CO2.eq de 104,3-372,6; y la Br fue de 12,7-38,7, el C de 6,6-20,5y el CO2.eq de 24,2-75,4. En términos de productividad promedio anual en Mg ha−1 año−1 del CO2.eq aéreo en Costa Rica fue de 4.5 en estadio temprano, 7.1 estadio intermedio y 5.6 en estadio tardío; mientras que en Brasil fue de 12.0, 2.1 y 7.9 para cada estadio respectivamente. A nivel de CO2.eq subterráneo de raíces, en Costa Rica fue de 0.9, 1.2 y 0.9 respectivamente en cada estadio de sucesión y en Brasil de 2.4, 0.4 y 1.3. Adicionalmente, este estudio da a conocer cuales familias y especies son las que actúan como los principales almacenes de CO2.eq aéreo en estos bosques. Con este trabajo se espera contribuir al estado del conocimiento que se tiene sobre este ecosistema específico y que la información generada contribuya en la toma de decisiones para asegurar su conservación y manejo

    The house on Mango street and Chicano space

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    What is jazz in Toni Morrison's jazz?

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    Effect of application time of acidulated phosphate fluoride on demineralization of deciduous and permanent enamel

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    Orientadores: Cínthia Pereira Machado Tabchoury, Jaime Aparecido CuryDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Embora o efeito de flúor fosfato acidulado em gel (FFA-gel) na redução da cárie dental em dentes permanentes esteja baseado em evidência, prévio estudo in situ realizado sob baixo desafio cariogênico sugere que a aplicação profissional de FFA-gel por 4 minutos não promove maior resistência a desmineralização ao esmalte permanente do que 1 minuto, porém sob maior desafio cariogênico o resultado poderia ser diferente. Além disso, apesar dos dentes decíduos serem mais susceptíveis há cárie do que os permanentes não há estudos na literatura que comparem o tempo de aplicação de FFA-gel no esmalte decíduo. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo in situ com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do tempo de 1 e 4 minutos de aplicação profissional de FFA 1,23% F em gel na desmineralização de esmalte decíduo e permanente, assim como na formação e retenção de F no esmalte e a concentração de F no biofilme dental formado, numa condição de acúmulo de biofilme dental e alta freqüência de exposição à sacarose. Em três fases experimentais, 16 voluntários adultos utilizaram dispositivo palatino, no qual foram fixados 4 blocos de esmalte decíduo de um lado e 4 de permanente do outro. No início da primeira fase, os voluntários foram divididos aleatoriamente pelo tratamento que iriam iniciar o estudo: Controle negativo: nenhum tratamento; FFA-1 min: aplicação de FFA por 1 minuto, realizada no primeiro dia de cada fase experimental; FFA-4 min: aplicação de FFA por 4 minutos, sendo que ao final dos cruzamentos todos os voluntários foram submetidos a todos os tratamentos. Adicionalmente, um bloco decíduo e um permanente foram fixados, com cera, na região anterior do dispositivo para determinação de flúor (F) tipo fluoreto de cálcio ("CaF2") formado no esmalte e, após 30 minutos, uma tela plástica foi fixada no dispositivo de acrílico sobre os outros blocos dentais. Durante as fases experimentais, solução de sacarose a 20% foi gotejada extraoralmente sobre os blocos 8x/dia e os voluntários utilizaram dentifrício não fluoretado. Após 14 dias do início de cada fase, o biofilme formado foi coletado e analisado quanto à concentração de F no fluido e na parte sólida. Nos blocos de esmalte foi determinado o "CaF2" retido e a perda mineral foi avaliada pela dureza do esmalte dental seccionado transversalmente. Aplicação de FFA-gel reduziu a desmineralização em ambos os substratos dentais (p0,05). A concentração de "CaF2" formado e retido foi significativamente maior nos grupos que receberam aplicação de FFA-gel (p0,05) tanto para esmalte decíduo quanto para o permanente. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que, mesmo sob um alto desafio cariogênico, um menor tempo de aplicação profissional de FFA-gel, isto é, 1 minuto, apresenta o mesmo efeito anticárie que o tempo de 4 minutos, tanto para o esmalte decíduo quanto para o permanenteAbstract: Although the effect of acidulated phosphate fluoride gel (APF-gel) on caries reduction in permanent teeth is based on evidence, previous in situ study, conducted under low cariogenic challenge suggests that the professional application of APF-gel for 4 minutes does not promote greater resistance to demineralization for permanent enamel than 1 minute, however under higher cariogenic challenge the result could be different. Moreover, although deciduous teeth are more susceptible to caries than permanent ones, there are no studies in the literature that compare the application time of APF in deciduous enamel. Thus, an in situ study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effect of application time for 1 and 4 minutes of professional APF gel with 1.23% F on demineralization of deciduous and permanent enamel, as well as on F formed and retained on enamel and F concentration of dental biofilm formed, in a condition of dental biofilm accumulation and high frequency of sucrose exposure. In three experimental phases, 16 adult volunteers wore palatal appliances, containing 4 deciduous enamel slabs in one side and 4 permanent ones in the other side. At the beginning of the first phase, the volunteers were randomly assigned by the treatment they would start the study: Negative control: no treatment; APF-1 min: APF application for 1 min, performed on the first day of each experimental phase; APF-4 min: APF application for 4 min, and at the end of the experimental phases all volunteers had been submitted to all treatments. Additionally, a deciduous and a permanent slab were fixed with wax in anterior position on appliance for determination of fluorine (F) as calcium fluoride ("CaF2") formed on enamel and, after 30 minutes, a plastic mesh was fixed in the acrylic appliance over the other dental slabs. During the experimental phases, 20% sucrose solution was dripped extraorally over the slabs 8 x/day and the volunteers used non-fluoridated dentifrice. After 14 days of the beginning of each phase, dental biofilm formed was collected and analyzed with regard to F concentration in the fluid and the solids. On the slabs was determined "CaF2" retained on enamel and mineral loss was evaluated by enamel cross- sectional hardness. APF-gel application reduced demineralization in both dental substrates (p0.05). The concentration of "CaF2" formed and retained was significantly higher in the groups treated with APF-gel (p0.05) either for deciduous or permanent enamel. The results of the present study suggest that, even under a high cariogenic challenge, a shorter time of professional application of APF-gel, that is, 1 min, presented the same anticaries effect as the time of 4 minutes, either in deciduous or permanent enamelMestradoCariologiaMestre em Odontologi