144 research outputs found

    Mejora de la herramienta educativa “más allá del español” con trabajos de investigación de los estudiantes del máster de español como lengua extranjera

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    El proyecto Más allá del español, financiado con Fondos de Cooperación Social por la Fundación Complutense (ref.77/11), había dejado uno de sus tres objetivos sin cumplir: aquel proyecto de enseñanza de español a extranjeros se había diseñado para que los estudiantes del máster de Español como Lengua Extranjera. Durante este curso nos propusimos lograr que la herramienta fuera útil para los masterandos: se trataba de invitarles a realizar trabajos que pudieran compartir con la comunidad de profesores de ELE, de modo que el aprendizaje de su etapa de Máster revirtiera en la sociedad. La propuesta se hizo en el marco de la asignatura “Español para fines específicos e Inmigrantes”. El primer día de clase tuvimos una conferencia plenaria de inauguración a cargo de María José Alonso, profesora de la Fundación “La Merced inmigrantes”. Durante su exposición subrayó la utilidad de los mapas conceptuales en la enseñanza del español a inmigrantes, particularmente en el aprendizaje del léxico relacionado con la profesión que aspiraban a tener cada uno de los estudiantes. De ahí nació la idea de crear recursos para el aprendizaje del léxico relacionado con oficios y trabajos. De los veintitrés trabajos realizados, catorce han logrado suficiente calidad como para su publicación en: http://masalladelespanol.com/mapas-conceptuales

    Thickness-Dependent Coloration Properties of Glass Substrate Viologen-Based Electrochromic Devices

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    Proceedings of: E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting. Symposium G. New trends in chromogenic materials and devices. Warsaw, Poland, September 19-23, 2009.Blue viologen-based electrochromic devices on glass substrates were constructed with different internal active layer thickness by means of a thermoplastic spacer (DuPontTM surlyn1702). Optical measurements, chronoamperometry, and cyclic voltammetry (CV) were the techniques used for characterization. Coloration properties such as switching times for coloring and bleaching processes, coloration efficiency, and effective charge density, previously studied for a single device, are now obtained for several devices with different thicknesses.This work was supported by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid under Grant S2009/ESP-1781, FACTOTEM-2.Publicad

    Langerhans cell histiocytosis in the maxillofacial area in adults : report of three cases

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a disease of unknown etiology, characterized by proliferation of pathological Langerhans cells within different organs. It mainly affects children, but adult cases also occur, with an incidence rate of one to two per million. The head and neck are affected in almost 90% of cases. Diagnosis is made by means of histopathological analysis, and imaging studies are necessary in order to determine extent of the disease. There are no controlled trials proposing an optimal treatment protocol for LCH. Prognosis in adults is generally good due to the slow evolution of the disease and its favourable response to treatment. In our report, we present three cases of LCH in patients aged 16, 24, and 28 years respectively, with primary manifestation in the maxillofacial area. A literature review was also conducted

    Strengthen research as a pedagogical strategy through reading and writing through literary figures

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    En los últimos tiempos ha aumentado el grado de dificultad para enseñar en las instituciones de educación básica, pues los niños y niñas han perdido el interés por adquirir conocimientos y desvían su atención a actividades distintas; por esto ha surgido la necesidad de implementar modelos pedagógicos que puedan ser interactivos y didácticos. El estudio tuvo como objetivo fortalecer la investigación como estrategia pedagógica (IEP) para a través de la lectura y escritura mediante figuras literarias. Estuvo guiado bajo los lineamientos de la investigación cualitativa, utilizando técnicas propias de este tipo de investigación necesaria para la recolección de información como la observación participante y herramientas como el diario de campo, la unidad de análisis estuvo conformada por ciento treinta (130) estudiantes con edades que oscilaban entre los siete (7) y once (11) años de la Institución Educativa Departamental Gabriel Escobar Ballestas. Los resultados permitieron observar que la IEP logró despertar el interés de los estudiantes por la investigación y además capacitarlos para crear sus propios cuentos donde expresen lo que ellos quisieran, vivencias, o imaginario con la finalidad de fortalecer la investigación a través de las figuras literarias.In recent times the degree of difficulty in teaching in basic education institutions has increased, as children have lost interest in acquiring knowledge and divert their attention to different activities; This is why the need to implement pedagogical models that can be interactive and didactic has arisen. The objective of the study was to strengthen research as a pedagogical strategy (IEP) for reading and writing through literary figures. It was guided under the guidelines of qualitative research, using techniques of this type of research necessary for the collection of information such as participant observation and tools such as the field diary, the analysis unit consisted of one hundred and thirty (130) students with ages that oscillated between the seven (7) and eleven (11) years of the Departmental Educational Institution Gabriel Escobar Ballestas. The results allowed observing that the IEP managed to awaken students’ interest in research and also train them to create their own stories where they express what they want, experiences, or imaginary in order to strengthen research through literary figures

    Las variables extralingüísticas en el uso del eufemismo y disfemismo en los universitarios limeños

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    The sociolinguistic perspective provides an overview of why university students make use of euphemisms and dysphemisms during their development in daily life. The objective of the research was to determine the difference between the use of euphemisms and dysphemisms according to extralinguistic variables in university students from Lima. For the development of the research, the quantitative method of non-experimental, cross-sectional design was applied, the non-probabilistic sample was made up of a total of 52 university students. The survey technique was applied and the questionnaire as an instrument, which obtained a reliability of Cronbach's Alpha greater than 0.7. The descriptive results indicated the existence of differences in the use of euphemism and dysphemism in university students in terms of gender, age and place of origin. International researchers (Morales, 2021; Fernández, 2014; Ríos, 2011) and Peruvians (Quesada et al., 2000; Giraldo, 2014) agree with the results of the research. The hypothesis test with the Wilcoxon statistic for related samples resulted in a p-value less than 0.05, it is concluded that there is a difference between the use of euphemism and dysphemism according to extralinguistic variables in university students from Lima.  La perspectiva sociolingüística brinda un panorama del por qué los universitarios hacen uso de los eufemismos y disfemismos durante su desenvolvimiento en la vida diaria. El objetivo de la investigación consistió en determinar la diferencia entre el uso de los eufemismos y disfemismos según las variables extralingüísticas en los universitarios limeños. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se aplicó el método cuantitativo de diseño no experimental, transversal, la muestra de tipo no probabilística se constituyó de un total de 52 universitarios. Se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario, que obtuvo una confiabilidad de Alfa de Cronbach superior a 0,7. Los resultados descriptivos indicaron la existencia de diferencias en el uso del eufemismo y disfemismo en los estudiantes universitarios tanto en género, edad y lugar de procedencia. Coinciden con los resultados de la investigación los investigadores internacionales (Morales, 2021; Fernández, 2014; Ríos, 2011) y los peruanos (Quesada et al., 2000; Giraldo, 2014). La prueba de hipótesis con el   estadístico de Wilcoxon para muestras relacionadas dio como resultado un p-valúe inferior a 0,05, se concluye que existe diferencia entre el uso del eufemismo y disfemismo según las variables extralingüísticas en los universitarios limeños

    Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 Confirmed and Negative Kawasaki Disease Patients During the Pandemic in Spain

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    Introduction: COVID-19 has a less severe course in children. In April 2020, some children presented with signs of multisystem inflammation with clinical signs overlapping with Kawasaki disease (KD), most of them requiring admission to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). This study aimed to describe the prevalence and clinical characteristics of KD SARS-CoV-2 confirmed and negative patients during the pandemic in Spain. Material and Methods: Medical data of KD patients from January 1, 2018 until May 30, 2020 was collected from the KAWA-RACE study group. We compared the KD cases diagnosed during the COVID-19 period (March 1-May 30, 2020) that were either SARS-CoV-2 confirmed (CoV+) or negative (CoV-) to those from the same period during 2018 and 2019 (PreCoV). Results: One hundred and twenty-four cases were collected. There was a significant increase in cases and PICU admissions in 2020 (P-trend = 0.001 and 0.0004, respectively). CoV+ patients were significantly older (7.5 vs. 2.5 yr) and mainly non-Caucasian (64 vs. 29%), had incomplete KD presentation (73 vs. 32%), lower leucocyte (9.5 vs. 15.5 × 109) and platelet count (174 vs. 423 × 109/L), higher inflammatory markers (C-Reactive Protein 18.5vs. 10.9 mg/dl) and terminal segment of the natriuretic atrial peptide (4,766 vs. 505 pg/ml), less aneurysm development (3.8 vs. 11.1%), and more myocardial dysfunction (30.8 vs. 1.6%) than PreCoV patients. Respiratory symptoms were not increased during the COVID-19 period. Conclusion: The KD CoV+ patients mostly meet pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19/multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children criteria. Whether this is a novel entity or the same disease on different ends of the spectrum is yet to be clarified

    Epidemiological and clinical features of Kawasaki disease in Spain over 5 years and risk factors for aneurysm development. (2011-2016): KAWA-RACE study group

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    Background: Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute self-limited systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology affecting mainly children less than 5 years of age. Risk factors for cardiac involvement and resistance to treatment are insufficiently studied in non-Japanese children. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the epidemiology, clinical features and risk factors for resistance to treatment and coronary artery lesions (CAL) in KD in Spain. Methods: Retrospective study (May 2011-June 2016) of all patients less than 16 years of age diagnosed with KD included in KAWA-RACE network (84 Spanish hospitals). Results: A total of 625 cases were analyzed, 63% were males, 79% under 5 year-olds and 16.8% younger than 12 months. On echocardiographic examination CAL were the most frequent findings (23%) being ectasia the most common (12%). Coronary aneurysms were diagnosed in 9.6%, reaching 20% in infants under 12 months (p 900,000 cells/mm3, maximum temperature 10 days and fever before treatment ≥ 8 days as independent risk factors for developing coronary aneurysms. Conclusions: In our population, children under 12 months develop coronary aneurysms more frequently and children with KD with anemia and leukocytosis have high risk of cardiac involvement. Adding steroids early should be considered in those patients, especially if the treatment is not started before 8 days of fever. A score applicable to non-Japanese children able to predict the risk of aneurysm development and IVIG resistance is necessary

    Buenas Prácticas en los Programas Universitarios para Mayores en España

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    Ana Isabel Muñoz Alcón y Francisco Trullén Galve (Universidad Catolica de Ávila); María P. García de la Torre y Francisco Ascón Belver (Universidad de A Coruña); M. Isabel Luis Rico, Ángel Gañán Adánez, Tamara de la Torre Cruz, Vanesa Baños Martínez (Universidad de Burgos); Yolanda Lázaro Fernández y Jaime Cuenca Amigo (Universidad de Deusto); Camino Caballero Posado (Universidad de Extremadura); Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez y Mª Teresa Ramos Bernal (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca); Sara Serrate González, Javier Alba Barrios y José Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez; Miguel Ángel Nombela Castaño (Universidad de Vigo