4,625 research outputs found

    Mujeres, conservación ambiental y turismo rural en el ejido Adolfo López Mateos, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz

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    Se realizó un estudio en un ejido del área natural de los Tuxtlas en Veracruz, para analizar la participación de las mujeres campesinas en la conservación y aprovechamiento de sus recursos naturales y de su participación en el turismo rural.Becaria CONACY

    Desnutrición en Bolivia: la geografía y la cultura sí importan

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    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) La frecuencia de problemas de salud y de desnutrición en Bolivia es alarmantemente elevada, incluso comparada con la de otros países en desarrollo. En este estudio se analiza el vínculo entre una medida bidimensional de la salud infantil, compuesta por los puntajes z de estatura y peso, y un conjunto de factores determinantes de la nutrición infantil relacionados con los contextos físico y cultural, las características de la madre, los activos del hogar y el acceso a los servicios públicos. Se procura identificar los principales factores que determinan la salud del niño y cuantificar el efecto de cada uno de ellos en cuanto al indicador bidimensional. Se adopta una estrategia secuencial para poder calcular un modelo lineal de dos ecuaciones con términos de error correlacionado. Un hallazgo importante es que las variables geográficas y culturales son factores determinantes significativos del estado de nutrición, y que las características antropométricas de la madre desempeñan un papel considerable. Se emplean datos de una encuesta demográfica y de salud de más de 3. 000 niños.

    Los primeros diputados salvadoreños en redes sociales. Parlamentarios sin interacción

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    El presente artículo busca contribuir con el análisis de las redes sociales digitales en el ámbito político, específicamente el parlamentario. Fue realizado a partir de un seguimiento de 3 años de los perfiles de Facebook, Twitter y YouTube de los diputados salvadoreños; y mediante el cual se llegó a la conclusión de que la mayoría de parlamentarios están desaprovechando esa herramienta de comunicación

    Twitter campaign tool? A look at the twitter social network on the day of the elections for deputies and mayors 2018 in El Salvador

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo agregar elementos al debate latinoamericano sobre el uso de las redes sociales en los procesos electorales. Se plantea una discusión inicial sobre el alcance de la comunicación política y las redes sociales advirtiendo sobre el poco valor que los candidatos y partidos políticos salvadoreños le atribuyen a Twitter en un día tan importante en el desarrollo de la campaña electoral. El uso, informativo y comunicacional, de las redes sociales debería de ser clave en el día de elecciones, pero ni los candidatos, ni los partidos políticos tienen clara su utilizació

    Concentrations of Purine Metabolites Are Elevated in Human Fluids from Adults and Infants and in Livers from Mice Fed Diets Depleted of Bovine Milk Exosomes and their RNA Cargos

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    Since miRNAs discovery, evidence keeps accumulating on their role in human physiology for homeostasis and implications during disease development. Upon the discovery that miRNAs could be encapsulated in exosomes and provide protection, evidence keeps accumulating on the possibility for miRNAs to be transferred between distant cells and elicit gene expression changes, and clinical trials are being developed to identify miRNAs in body fluids that could predict disease outcomes based on miRNA encapsulation in exosomes making them stable in body fluids. Recently, studies have shown that dietary miRNAs encapsulated in exosomes can be absorbed in mice and humans, and on the other hand, milk consumption has been associated with lower uric acid concentrations and distinct benefits for human health, therefore the aims of this work were to determine whether milk exosome and RNA-depleted (ERD) and exosome and RNA-sufficient (ERS) diets could alter the concentrations of purine metabolites in mouse livers, and to determine whether diets depleted of bovine milk alter the plasma concentration and urine excretion of purine metabolites in adults and infants, respectively. Effects upon ERD diet were observed, hepatic purine metabolites in ERD fed mice were significantly higher compared to ERD controls. Additionally, plasma concentrations and urine excretion of purine metabolites were significantly higher in dairy avoiders and in infants fed soy milk, and finally purine hepatic gene expression in mice was significantly different between ERD and ERS. Comprehensively, diets depleted of bovine milk exosomes and RNA cargos caused increases in hepatic purine metabolites in mice, and in plasma and urine from adults and infants compared to exosome-sufficient controls. These findings are important since purines play a role in intermediary metabolism and cell signaling, therefore there is a possible link between milk benefits and dietary exosomes and their miRNA cargo transfer. Further research will need to address the underlying mechanisms that drive the purine concentration and enzyme gene expression changes upon ERD diets. Advisor: Janos Zemplen

    Inactive and temperature-sensitive folding mutants of aldehyde dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli

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    Aldehyde dehydrogenase, encoded by the aldA gene in Escherichia coli, is inactive in nitrosoguanidine induced mutant strain ECL40 and temperature-sensitive in spontaneous mutant strain JA104. Both mutants were proven, by complementation experiments, to have a functional aldA regulator and promoter. In spite of no immunodetection of the aldA product, its specific transcript was present in the mutant extracts. It was subsequently proven that the immunodetection of aldehyde dehydrogenase in these mutants required denaturation, revealing that cells lacking the enzyme activity had the inactive protein in their extracts. Thus, the mutations seemed to affect the protein conformation. The temperature-sensitive aldehyde dehydrogenase did not show, neither in vivo nor in vitro, a different thermal stability compared to the wild type enzyme. In this temperature-sensitive strain, the recovery of active aldehyde dehydrogenase, in the presence of rifampicin but not of chloramphenicol, when cells grown at 37°C were shifted to 30°C indicated that this mutation affected the folding process of the protein at the restrictive temperature. Sequencing of the two mutant aldA corresponding genes determined a single amino acid change of Pro to Leu at position 182 for strain ECL40, and of Val to Met at position 145 for strain JA104. These mutations were thought to possibly promote changes in the local flexibility in the first case, and to perturb the packing of residues by steric hindrance in the second case

    Consumer Behavior: Mobile Recruiting Apps

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    Throughout this paper the reader will find a description about how the internet has evolved during the last years focused on how it has profited time saving in many ways, focusing specially in job seeking apps. It has been determined, as well, how the user behaves through the internet and what for are the most commonly apps in their devices for. The focus of this research is getting to know as thoroughly as possible what the main appealing factors of this sector are in order to identify the possible weaknesses that prevent this sector from reaching its maximum potential. In order to gain insight about the actual businesses and customers, in the descriptive part of this research project, questionnaires have been made to 50 people to obtain information directly from the user. This descriptive part has its basis in the exploratory one that gives insight about the situation of mobile recruiting platforms and how companies are still lagging behind concerning recruitment through new technologies. One of the main findings of this research is that costumers really appreciate the fact that job seeking apps keep things simple and fast, in order to take profit from them and make the most of their spare time looking for a job

    Manual de flora fantástica de Eduardo Lizalde: la fragilidad de las taxonomías

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo demostrar que el Manual de flora fantástica, obra literaria dedicada al reino vegetal, de Eduardo Lizalde, posee un sistema de heterogeneidad, multiplicidad y conexiones que se oponen al clásico modelo jerárquico a través de la creación de textos y seres híbridos, cuyo existir lleva implícita la transgresión de las taxonomías con la finalidad de modificar y ampliar la percepción de la realidad y la manera de ordenar el mundo. Se pretende analizar en la obra su intertextualidad, sus diferentes manifestaciones híbridas y su escritura rizomática. Estos tres principales elementos estarán estrechamente relacionados con la fragilidad de las taxonomías, la cual considero el hilo conductor en la intersección e importancia que tienen dichos aspectos dentro del libro.This essay aims to demonstrate that the Manual de flora fantástica, literary work dedicated to the vegetable kingdom, by Eduardo Lizalde, has a system of heterogeneity, multiplicity and connections that oppose the classical hierarchical model through the creation of texts and hybrid beings whose existence implies the transgression of taxonomies in order to modify and expand the perception of reality and the way of ordering the world. It aims to analyze the work its intertextuality, its different manifestations hybrid and rhizomatic writing. These three key elements are closely related to the fragility of the taxonomies, which consider the thread at the intersection and importance of these aspects within the book

    Competencia comunicativa y norma en los grados de maestro en Educación Primaria

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    This paper analyzes the subjects/modules which presumably contribute to develop the communicative competence in Level C1 from the students of Primary Education Degree. So, taking as a starting point their course descriptions, we will check to what extend they reflect the communicative competence concept set by the CEFR and the teaching of linguistic norm.El presente artículo analiza las asignaturas que presumiblemente contribuyen a desarrollar el nivel C1 de competencia comunicativa en español de quienes cursan los grados de maestro en Educación Primaria. Así, partiendo de las guías docentes de las mismas, se comprueba en qué medida reflejan el concepto de competencia comunicativa propuesto por el MCER y la enseñanza de la norma lingüística