79 research outputs found

    Negro de Los Pedroches, la definición molecular de una nueva variedad de la raza porcina ibérica

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    Pedroches Valley is one of the most important areas of the traditional pig breeding in Andalusia (Southern Spain). The Iberian pig variety named Negro de Los Pedroches has its origins in this valley. This is an old autochthonous pig population generated after decades of breeding but now in risk of extinction. Breeders consider this Iberian pig strain as an important element of the Andalusian paddock linked to its cultural and biological patrimony. It seems to have excellent productive capabilities that justify its characterisation and conservation. Microsatellites are used to investigate the genetic relationships with other Iberian pig subpopulations, the use of an accurate panel of loci increases the chance of their definition. Genetic distances suggest that the Negro de Los Pedroches must be considered as another variety.La variedad de cerdo Ibérico llamada Negro de Los Pedroches, tiene su origen en el valle de Los Pedroches (Andalucía, sur de España). Es una antigua población autóctona generada después de décadas de cría pero que ahora está en riesgo de extinción. Los criadores consideran a esta estirpe como un elemento importante de la dehesa andaluza ligado a su patrimonio cultural y biológico. Parece tener excelentes capacidades productivas que justifican su caracterización y conservación. Los microsatélites son usados para investigar las relaciones genéticas con otras subpoblaciones del cerdo Ibérico, el uso de un panel efectivo de loci incrementa la oportunidad de su definición. Las distancias genéticas muestran como el Negro de Los Pedroches debe ser considerado como otra variedad de la raza porcina Ibérica

    Intervención nutricional en niños y adolescentes con fibrosis quística. Relación con la función pulmonar

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    [email protected]; [email protected];Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de la intervención nutricional precoz y continuada en pacientes pediátricos con fibrosis quística (FQ) y su posible implicación en la función pulmonar. Pacientes y métodos: Se incluyen el seguimiento de 19 pacientes con FQ (11 niñas, 8 niños) de 17 meses a 18 años de edad y promedio de 10 años de enfermedad. El genotipo de 16 pacientes es delta F 508 (10 homo, 6 heterocigotos). Cada 2-3 meses se les ha realizado: valoración clínica, dietética y antropométrica clasificando el estado de nutrición (EN) según Z pesto/talla, % peso para la talla, índice de masa corporal y Z talla/edad. Coincidentemente se obtuvo cultivo de secreciones respiratorias y espirometría; y anualmente determinaciones bioquímicas, hematológicas y de heces. La intervención nutricional incluyó: recomendaciones dietéticas, nutrición enteral (NE) oral o invasiva y tratamiento farmacológico con ezimas pancreáticos, vitaminas liposolubles, minerales y oligoelementos. Resultados y comentarios: La mayoría experimentaron mejoría antropométrica resultando significativa para el peso, relaciónpeso/talla y pliegue tricipital (p < 0,05). La puntuación Z se ha mantenido estable. Dieciséis pacientes (84%) han desarrollado insuficiencia pancreática exocrina y 3 (16%) intolerancia a la glucosa. Catorce (73%) se han colonizado por Pseudomonas aeuroginosa. Los valores promedio de la última espirometría fueron: FVC (%) 85,4 ± 18,6 y FEV1 (%) 85,9 ± 24,1 encontrándose unc orrelación positiva significativa entre el % del peso para la talla y FVC (coef 0,552, p = 0,022) y con FEV1 (coef. 0,625; p = 0,007). El 79% han requerido algún tipo de apoyo nutritional: 3 casos (16%) NE invasiva y el resto tratamiento con NE oral. Conclusiones: Sin soporte nutricional muchos pacientes con FQ no parecen cubrir su requerimientos. La monitorización del EN permite la actuación precoz y efectiva. Se demuestra una correlación estrecha entre el estado de nutrición y la función pulmonar.Objective: To assess the effects of early and continuous nutritional intervention in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and its possible implication in pulmonary function. Patients and methods: Included is the follow-up of 19 patients with CF (11 female and 8 male children), from 17 months to 18 years of age, and a mean disease duration of 10 years. Genotype from 16 patients is delta F 508 (10 homozygotic, 6 heterozygotic). The following items have been performed every 2-3 months: clinical, dietary and anthropometrical assessment, classifying nutritional status (NS) by Z scores of weight/height, % of weight to height, body mass index, and Z scores of height/age. Concurrently, respiratory secretions culture and spirometry were obtained; and annually, biochemistry, hematologic and feces determinations. Nutritional intervention included: dietary recommendations, oral or invasive enteral nutrition (EN) and pharmacologic treatment with pancreatic enzymes, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and oligoelements. Results and commentaries: Most of them experienced anthropometrical improvement being significant for weight, the relationship of weight/height and the tricipital fold (p < 0.05). The Z score for height has remained steady. Sixteen patients (84%) have developed exocrine pancreatic failure, and 3 (16%) glucose intolerance. Fourteen (73%) have been colonized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Last mean spirometry values were: FVC (%) 85.4 ± 18.6 and FEV1 (%) 85.9 ± 24.1, with a significant correlation between % of weight to height and FVC (coefficient 0.552, p = 0.022) and FEV1 (coefficient 0.625, p = 0.007). Seventy nine percent have required some sort of nutritional support: 3 cases (16%) invasive EN, and the remaining oral EN. Conclusions: Without nutritional support, many patients with CF do not seem to meet their demands. EN monitoring allows for and early and effective intervention. A close correlation has been demonstrated between nutritional status and pulmonary function

    Innovative strategies to treat skin wounds with mangiferin: fabrication of transferosomes modified with glycols and mucin

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    im: The moisturizing properties of glycerol, the penetration enhancing capability of propylene glycol and the bioadhesive properties of mucin were combined to improve the carrier capabilities of transfersomes and the efficacy of mangiferin in the treatment of skin lesions. Materials & methods: Mangiferin was incorporated in transfersomes and glycoltransfersomes, which were also modified with mucin. The physico-chemical features were assessed, along with the efficacy against oxidative stress and skin wounds in vitro and in vivo. Results: Glycoltransfersomes promoted the deposition of mangiferin in epidermis and dermis, protected fibroblasts from oxidative stress and stimulated their proliferation. The wound healing and anti-inflammatory efficacy of glycoltransfersomes were confirmed in vivo. Conclusion: Results confirmed the potential of glycoltransfersomes in preventing/treating of skin lesions

    Formulation of liposomes loading lentisk oil to ameliorate topical delivery, attenuate oxidative stress damage and improve cell migration in scratch assay

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    Pistacia lentiscus L. is a sclerophyllous shrub capable of growing under harsh climatic conditions especially in the Mediterranean Basin. Different products can be obtained from this plant, such as essential oil, mastic gum or even fixed oil. The last is well known for its flavor which is mainly exploited in the food industry. Additionally, it has been traditionally used in the treatment of skin diseases, but, at the moment, any suitable formulation for skin delivery has been formulated and its biological effects was not deeply confirmed. Given that, in the present study, the lentisk oil has been formulated in liposomes at different concentrations (10, 20, 30 mg/ml) and their physicochemical, technological and main biological properties have been evaluated. Vesicles were prepared by using natural soy lecithin and a green and organic solvent free method, thus obtaining spherical, small (~ 118 nm), homogeneously dispersed (0.27) and highly negatively charged (~ -62 mV) vesicles. The used amount of oil loaded in liposomes (10, 20, 30 mg/ml) modulated the penetration ability of vesicles in the skin, favoring the deposition of the payload in the deeper strata. The loading in the vesicles potentiated the ability of oil to counteract the damaging effects caused by hydrogen peroxide in keratinocytes and fibroblasts and facilitate their migration in a cell monolayer lesion. Overall findings suggested that the incorporation of lentisk oil in liposomes made from soy lecithin can be an alternative and natural approach to exploit it in pharmaceutical ad cosmetical applications and manufacturing natural products suitable for the treatment of skin lesions

    Seasons and Other Factors Affecting the Quality of Life of Asthmatic Children

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    [email protected]: To study the effect of seasons on the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of asthmatic children. Methods: Four groups of asthmatic children 7 to 14 years old were recruited by pediatricians during each season of the year. Their HRQL was assessed by means of the Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ). Other factors surveyed were asthma severity, atopy, medical treatment, immunotherapy, obesity, parental smoking, and anti-allergic measures. Results: The mean (SD) overall PAQLQ score was highest in summer at 6.2 (1.0) and lowest in autumn at 5.5 (1.2). The same trend was found for domains in summer and autumn, respectively: symptoms, 6.2 (1.0) vs 5.4 (1.4); emotions, 6.5 (0.8) vs 6.0 (1.0); and activities, 5.9 (1.4) vs 5.0 (1.5). Factors such as male gender (odds ratio [OR], 0.60; 95% confi dence interval [CI], 0.41–0.87), being on immunotherapy (OR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.38–0.92), living in an urban environment (OR, 0.56; 0.33–0.93), and residing on the northern coast of Spain along the Bay of Biscay (OR, 0.56; 0.36-0.89) were independent protective factors against having a total PAQLQ score in the lower tertile. Conversely, being recruited in a primary care setting (OR, 1.55; 1.01–2.38) and having more severe asthma were risks for being in the lower tertile. Conclusions: Irrespective of the severity of the disease, season has a significant influence on the HRQL of asthmatic [email protected]

    Comparison of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour between Schoolchildren with Cystic Fibrosis and Healthy Controls: A Gender Analysis

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    The purpose of this study was to examine differences in sports participation and the levels of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) between schoolchildren with cystic fibrosis (CF) and a healthy control group (CG) taking into account the gender variable. PA and SB were measured with an accelerometer for 7 consecutive days in 44 children (24 girls; 11.0 (3.2) years) with CF and 45 age-, sex-, and socioeconomic status-matched controls (24 girls; 11.1 (3.0) years). CF patients and CG did not differ in moderate-to-vigorous PA (54 (31) vs. 59 (27) min/day respectively) or in SB (558 (106) vs. 553 (92) min/day respectively). There were no differences in meeting the PA guidelines between both groups (CF: 36.4% vs. CG: 42.4%). Gender analysis revealed that boys were more active and met more PA guidelines than girls regardless of the group (CF or CG), girls with CF being the least active group (only 16.7% met PA guidelines). A possible compensatory effect was found between SB and PA only in the CF sample, as for each minute/day spent in SB the odds of meeting PA guidelines decreased by 34%. These findings suggest that promoting a reduction in SB is as important as promoting PA in the CF population, especially in girls. Health caregivers, coaches, teachers, or parents could offer appealing supervised and unsupervised physical activities, foster the adoption of active lifestyles, or incorporate PA into daily routines to improve the health of CF schoolchildren

    Nutriosomes: prebiotic delivery systems combining phospholipid, soluble dextrin and curcumin to counteract intestinal oxidative stress and inflammation

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    Nutriosomes, new phospholipid nanovesicles specifically designed for intestinal protection were developed by simultaneously loading a water-soluble dextrine (Nutriose® FM06) and a natural antioxidant (curcumin). Nutriosomes were easily fabricated in a one-step, organic solvent-free procedure. The stability and the delivery performances of the vesicles were improved by adding hydroxypropylmetylcellulose. All the vesicles were small in size (mean diameter ~168 nm), negatively charged (zeta potential ~-38 mV, irrespective of their composition), self-assembled predominantly in unilamellar vesicles stabilized by the presence of Nutriose® , which was located in both the inter-lamellar and inter-vesicle medium, as confirmed by cryo-TEM and SAXS investigation. The dextrin acted also as a cryo-protector, avoiding vesicle collapse during the lyophilization process, and as a protector against high ionic strength and pH changes encountered in the gastrointestinal environment. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of curcumin, nutriosomes provided an optimal protective effect against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells. Moreover, these innovative vesicles showed promising efficacy in vivo, as they improved the bioavailability and the biodistribution of both curcumin and dextrin upon oral administration, which acted synergically in reducing colonic damage chemically-induced in rats

    Persistent tachypnea of infancy: Follow up at school age.

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    AbstractBackgroundPersistent tachypnea of infancy (PTI) is a rare pediatric lung disease of unknown origin. The diagnosis can be made by clinical presentation and chest high resolution computed tomography after exclusion of other causes. Clinical courses beyond infancy have rarely been assessed.MethodsPatients included in the Kids Lung Register diagnosed with PTI as infants and now older than 5 years were identified. Initial presentation, extrapulmonary comorbidities, spirometry and clinical outcome were analyzed.ResultsThirty‐five children older than 5 years with PTI diagnosed as infants were analyzed. At the age of 5 years, 74% of the patients were reported as asymptomatic and did not develope new symptoms during the observational period at school‐age (mean, 3.9 years; range, 0.3‐6.3). At the age of about 10 years, none of the symptomatic children had abnormal oxygen saturation during sleep or exercise anymore. Lung function tests and breathing frequency were within normal values throughout the entire observational period.ConclusionsPTI is a pulmonary disease that can lead to respiratory insufficiency in infancy. As at school age most of the previously chronically affected children became asymptomatic and did not develop new symptoms. We conclude that the overall clinical course is favorable