91 research outputs found

    Introduction to the use of fram on the effectiveness assessment of a radiopharmaceutical dispatches process

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    This article aims to make an introduction to the use of Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) on the effectiveness assessment of a specific radiopharmaceutical dispatching process. The main purpose was to provide a didactic view of the method application to further in-depth analysis. The investigation also provided a relevant body of knowledge of radiopharmaceuticals dispatches processes. This work uses the term ‘effectiveness assessment’ instead of ‘risk assessment’ due to the broader meaning the former provide. The radiopharmaceutical dispatching process is the final task of a dynamic system designed to attend several medical facilities. It is comprised by functions involving mostly human activities, such as checking and packaging the product and measuring the radiopharmaceutical nuclear activity. Although the dispatch process has well-known steps for its completion, the human factor is the fundamental mechanism of work and control, being susceptible of irregular and instable performance. As a socio-technical system, the risk assessment provided by FRAM may be of importance for safety and quality improvements, even more if considered the nuclear nature of the product, which makes risk assessment critical and mandatory. A system is safe if it is resistant and resilient to perturbations. Identification and assessment of possible risks is, therefore, an essential prerequisite for system safety. Although this seems obvious, most risk assessments are conducted under relative ignorance of the full behavior of the system. Such condition has lead to an approach to assess the risks of intractable systems (i.e., systems that are incompletely described or underspecified), namely Resilience Engineering. Into this area, the Functional Resonance Analysis Method has been developed in order to provide concepts, terminology and a set of methods capable of dealing with such systems. The study was conducted following the Functional Resonance Analysis Method. At first, the functions of the radiopharmaceutical dispatches process were identified and described as required for everyday performance to succeed, than for every function the essentials aspects for the function to be carried out were described. After that, some scenarios or instantiations of the model were analyzed in order to propose ways to monitor and dampen performance variability

    Levantamento da situação de descarga de águas residuais industriais das empresas sediadas nos Parques Industriais de Adaúfe e Celeirós

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    O levantamento da situação de descarga de águas residuais industriais das empresas sediadas nos Parques Industriais de Adaúfe e Celeirós foi efectuado de Abril a Junho de 2000. A AGERE- E.M. como empresa responsável pelos sistemas de drenagem e tratamento de esgotos, demonstrou todo o interesse neste trabalho, uma vez que lhe permitiu conhecer pormenorizadamente as actividades industriais predominantes e consequentemente o tipo de efluentes produzidos. Este levantamento foi conseguido através de um trabalho de campo que englobou a visita às empresas com conhecimento directo dos seus processos produtivos. Desta forma, efectuou-se uma recolha rigorosa e exaustiva da situação quanto ao: ramo de actividade industrial, identificação e características da empresa, processo produtivo, abastecimento de água, caracterização de efluentes e ainda recolha de outros elementos que permitiram de uma forma actual, possuir um conjunto de informações importantes para o conhecimento da realidade das indústrias sediadas nestes parques

    Identificação genética com recurso a amostras de anatomia patológica

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    Poster apresentado 21º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, Lamego, 12-14 outubro de 2023.O Serviço de Genética e Biologia Forenses do INMLCF realiza vários ensaios com o objetivo de determinação de perfil genético em vários tipos de amostras. Os ensaios realizados, em todos os tipos de amostras, podem incluir-se nas várias áreas periciais, que representam as atividades do serviço, ou seja, a de Investigação de Parentesco Biológico, a de Criminalística Biológica e a de Identificação Genética Individual. No caso das perícias de Identificação Genética Individual, as amostras recebidas para análise podem ser amostras de referência ou amostras problema conforme se encontram ou não perfeitamente identificadas. À partida, as amostras para identificar neste tipo de perícias (ossos, unhas, dentes e/ou outros restos cadavéricos), são geralmente colhidas em cadáver, com processo de degradação natural já iniciado e nas quais, à partida, as condições de conservação do ADN estarão já bastante comprometidas. Dependendo do objetivo da perícia, o tipo de amostras enviadas ao laboratório pode ser muito diverso, o que requer uma abordagem diferenciadora para permitir a obtenção de resultados com a melhor qualidade possível. Num caso em que foi necessária a identificação de cinco peças anatómicas (já em blocos de parafina), foi extraído ADN destes fragmentos, e comparado com as amostras de referência de dois cadáveres (manchas de sangue) a quem poderiam pertencer as peças. Foram obtidos todos os perfis genéticos e identificadas as várias peças, três pertencendo a um dos cadáveres e duas a outro. Apesar de não serem amostras comuns e de terem já recebido um tratamento anterior para análises de anatomia patológica, foi possível estabelecer uma identificação positiva e concluir a perícia com êxito. Num outro caso de um fragmento conservado em formol, onde foi realizada uma técnica de recuperação antigénica para quebrar as ligações do formol aos constituintes celulares, foi também possível a extração de ADN e obtenção de um perfil genético. No entanto, podem existir condicionantes que não permitam a obtenção de ADN neste tipo de amostras. É sempre necessário tentar várias abordagens com a finalidade de se conseguir os melhores resultados possíveis, uma vez que a utilização deste tipo de amostras poderá ter um grande impacto Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses 2 / 2 na identificação genética, por serem amostras, muitas vezes únicas, e que podem constituir a única referência em determinada perícia de genética forense.N/

    Perinephric Pseudocyst in a Two-Month-Old Female Cat

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    Background: Perinephric pseudocyst is defined as an accumulation of fluid in fibrous sacs surrounding one or both kidneys, and may be located in the subcapsular or extracapsular region. Histologically, it is characterized by the absence of an epithelial lining to the cyst wall and the term pseudocyst is used. This condition have been reported sporadically in cats, and is associated with chronic kidney disease, mainly in older animals. The diagnosis is based on imaging tests and the prognosis is related to the severity of renal dysfunction. The aim of this report is to describe an unusual presentation of perinephric pseudocyst in a very young female cat.Case: A mixed-breed 2-month-old female cat was evaluated for presenting abdominal distension and anatomical deformities of the limbs. Renomegaly on the left side was noted during abdominal palpation. On presentation, the serum creatinine was 134 μmol/L. Urinalysis showed mild proteinuria, presence of squamous and transitional cells, and rare bacteria. The urine specific gravity was 1.044 and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.23. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large anechoic subcapsular cyst on the left kidney, in adittion to dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces. The excretory urography showed left renomegaly, and the nephrogram and pyelogram were not clearly observed in this kidney, indicating unilateral deficiency in renal filtration. The cat was referred to unilateral left nephrectomy but died shortly before surgery. At necropsy,marked left kidney enlargment was observed (6.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm), with a cystic aspect, occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity. The cystic content was translucent and was compressing the renal parenchyma, resulting in hydronephrosis. The capsule forming the cyst wall was composed of connective tissue, characterizing the perinephric pseudocyst.Discussion: Reports show cases of perinephric pseudocyst affecting mostly older animals, above eight years old. In one retrospective study of 26 cases, 73% were male and the mean age was eleven years, ranging from four to 18 years old. Another study of 13 cases showed a mean age of 16 years. In this report, unexpectedly, the patient was too young comparedto these other cases, but the clinical presentation was similiar. Being a young animal, in the absence of ureterolithiasis or history of trauma, it is suggested a congenital origin for the disease. Loss of renal function and azotemia may occur in about 90% of the cases by compression of the renal parenchyma by the pseudocyst or due to associated interstitial fibrosis. In this case, the serum creatinine concentration was above the reference value proposed for pediatric patients therefore, the cat may be considered azotemic. Beyond that, the excretory urography indicated no proper excretory function on the left kidney. It is proposed that the renal function was being compensated by the contralateral kidney. The clinical and imaging findings of this case are compatible with perinephric pseudocyst, which was confirmed by necropsy and histopathologicalexamination. This condition is not commonly reported in cats of pediatric age, althought it must be considered as a differencial diagnosis to cats presenting abdominal distension and renomegaly, even young ones. Imaging tests were important in this case, not only to direct the diagnosis, but also contributing in evaluating the renal excretory function.Keywords: perirenal pseudocyst, pararenal cyst, feline

    Materiais de fibra! Um impulso em biocompósitos de conteira

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    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.[…]. Nos Açores, em particular, o lixo plástico pode comprometer segmentos essenciais da economia açoriana, como as pescas e o turismo, pelo que a nossa motivação passa por reduzir ao máximo o consumo destes materiais “descendentes do petróleo” e apostar noutras direcções que nos permitam desenvolver produtos sustentáveis e mais amigos do ambiente, a partir de matérias-primas naturais. Em particular, uma alternativa promissora ao fabrico dos plásticos e produzir materiais compósitos que incorporem como fase de reforço fibras naturais de plantas, como por exemplo as fibras extraídas da CONTEIRA, cujas notáveis propriedades mecânicas competem diretamente com as das atuais fibras de vidro ou de carbono. Em particular, os compósitos são uma classe especial de materiais que resultam da combinação de dois ou mais constituintes, com composição, estrutura e propriedades distintas, e que exibem propriedades finais melhoradas quando comparadas as dos seus componentes isolados. Uma das características mais importantes deste grupo de materiais e a possibilidade de modificação das propriedades com a alteração de apenas uma das diversas variáveis de processamento, como, por exemplo, o tamanho, distribuição e orientação das fibras. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First case of degenerative mucinotic mural folliculitis in Brazil

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    The purpose of this report is to describe the first case of degenerative mucinotic mural folliculitis (DMMF) in Brazil. This dermathopathy has been described as a rare cause of alopecia and hyperkeratosis in cats. Severe forms have been linked to infection with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). A 10-year-old neutered male Siamese cat was referred with a 40 days history of progressive hair loss. The cat had initial alopecia on the head, subsequently spreading to the neck, torso and limbs. The skin biopsy revealed degenerative mucinotic mural folliculitis. Distinct seropositive reaction against FIV. antigens was demonstrated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemistry. Therapeutic response to glucocorticoid medication, immunomodulators and antibiotics was poor and the patient died from undetermined causes. DMMF should be included in the differential diagnosis of feline exfoliative dermatitis and alopecia. Early diagnosis through histopathological and immunohistochemical tests is extremely important in determining the prognosis and the best treatment

    Nodal segments and zygotic embryos in culture media for the in vitro propagation of tamarind

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    There has been a lack of research on the propagation methods of tamarind, hindering the availability and supply of its products. Considering the nutraceutical potential of tamarind and the long-time required to initiate production, this study aimed to evaluate the establishment of nodal segments and the germination of in vitro zygotic embryos of tamarind plants in culture media, salt concentrations, and activated charcoal, aiming at the establishment of an in vitro propagation protocol. For this purpose, MS and WPM media with 25, 50, 75 and 100% salt concentrations were used both with and without activated charcoal (2 g L-1) for the inoculation of nodal segments and zygotic embryos of tamarind. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design, in a 2 x 4 x 2 factorial scheme (culture media x salt concentrations x activated charcoal) with 20 replications. It was observed that the in vitro establishment of tamarind nodal segments is viable when using the MS medium with 75% of salts plus 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal and that for the germination of zygotic embryos there was no influence of the treatments. It was also observed that in order to increase the length of the formed plantlets, the MS and WPM media can be employed with 75% of salts.There has been a lack of research on the propagation methods of tamarind, hindering the availability and supply of its products. Considering the nutraceutical potential of tamarind and the long-time required to initiate production, this study aimed to evaluate the establishment of nodal segments and the germination of in vitro zygotic embryos of tamarind plants in culture media, salt concentrations, and activated charcoal, aiming at the establishment of an in vitro propagation protocol. For this purpose, MS and WPM media with 25, 50, 75 and 100% salt concentrations were used both with and without activated charcoal (2 g L-1) for the inoculation of nodal segments and zygotic embryos of tamarind. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design, in a 2 x 4 x 2 factorial scheme (culture media x salt concentrations x activated charcoal) with 20 replications. It was observed that the in vitro establishment of tamarind nodal segments is viable when using the MS medium with 75% of salts plus 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal and that for the germination of zygotic embryos there was no influence of the treatments. It was also observed that in order to increase the length of the formed plantlets, the MS and WPM media can be employed with 75% of salts

    Padrões alimentares e fatores de risco cardiometabólico em usuários da Atenção Primária à Saúde

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    Introduction: The assessment of food consumption according to the degree of processing proposed by the NOVA classification is important to establish relationships with cardiometabolic risk factors in users of Primary Health Care. Objective: To evaluate food consumption according to the processing level proposed by the NOVA classification in relation to cardiometabolic risk factors. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out with 361 people assisted in Primary Health Care in Guidoval-MG. Sociodemographic data, lifestyle data, cardiometabolic risk factors and food consumption were analyzed. The analysis of the food consumption profile was performed using the Two-Step Cluster (TSC) technique. Results: Two clusters were obtained. Cluster 1 had a higher frequency of regular consumption of meat, olive oil, butter, eggs, cookies, artificial juices and soft drinks, sweets, natural juices, industrialized seasonings, breads, cheese/curd and snacks; on the other hand, cluster 2 had a higher regular consumption than cluster 1 only for foods such as beans and sweeteners. A high prevalence of overweight individuals and alterations in waist and neck circumference was found, but none of the risk factors studied was associated with the dietary patterns obtained. Conclusion:  Despite the findings of similar patterns in terms of food composition, it is necessary to intensify campaigns that encourage the consumption of in natura and minimally processed foods to the detriment of ultra-processed foods.Introdução: A avaliação do consumo de alimentos de acordo com o grau de processamento proposto pela classificação NOVA é importante para estabelecer relações com os fatores de risco cardiometabólico em usuários da Atenção Primária a Saúde. Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo de alimentos de acordo com o grau de processamento proposto pela classificação NOVA em relação aos fatores de risco cardiometabólico. Material e Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com 361 pessoas atendidas na Atenção Primária a Saúde em Guidoval – MG. Foram analisados dados sociodemográficos, de estilo de vida, fatores de risco cardiometabólico e consumo alimentar. A análise do perfil de consumo alimentar foi realizada pela técnica Two-Step Cluster (TSC). Resultados: Foram obtidos dois clusters. O cluster 1 apresentou maior frequência de consumo regular de carnes, azeites, manteiga, ovos, biscoitos, sucos artificiais e refrigerantes, doces, sucos naturais, temperos industrializados, pães, queijo/requeijão e lanches. Já o cluster 2 apresentou consumo regular superior ao cluster 1 apenas para os alimentos feijão e adoçantes. Foi encontrada elevada prevalência de indivíduos com excesso de peso e alteração no perímetro da cintura e pescoço, porém nenhum dos fatores de risco estudados esteve associado aos padrões alimentares obtidos. Conclusão: Não houve associação entre o grau de processamento dos alimentos consumidos e os fatores de risco cardiometabólico. Tal fato reforça a necessidade de mais estudos na área, visto que entender os hábitos alimentares desse público é de suma importância para a prevenção e tratamento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis


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    A tradução deste artigo foi realizada pelo curso de Letras-Bacharelado em Tradução da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, no âmbito do Estágio Supervisionado de Tradução-Inglês, coordenado e supervisionado pela Profª. Drª. Sandra Aparecida Faria de Almeida, do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas, e dela participaram os alunos: Carla Amorim Pereira, Gabriela Detoni Rodrigues, Gabriela Ragazzi Baptista Bulgarelli, Isadora Souza Aruante, Luana Campos Leal Rodrigues, Paulo Henrique Migliorelli Ribeiro e Vinicius Moraes Tiago. O estabelecimento do texto final e a revisão técnica foram realizados pela Profª. Drª. Charlene Martins Miotti, do Departamento de Letras da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

    Tentativa de suicídio na cidade de Paracatu, Noroeste de Minas Gerais

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) published the first Global Report Data for prevention of suicide, in 2014, revealing that more than 800 thousand people give their own lives every year in the world. The survey also says that every 40 seconds a person commits suicide and about 75% of the cases occur in middle-income countries, considered, then, a problem of public health. In the State of Minas Gerais (Central-southernBrazil), according to official estimates (DATASUS) mortalityfrom suicide between the years 2005 and 2009 averaged 5.28per 100,000 inhabitants. The present study is a retrospective,cross-sectional survey to determine suicide-related data frompatients treated at the Paracatu Municipal Hospital MG. Eightyfourmedical files of patients who attempted suicide in 2012were revisited. The results showed a higher incidence of femalesamong those who attempted suicide (mean age 16.2 years), andthe most used methods for suicide attempt was intoxication withdrugs and poisonous substances (predominantly rodenticides).For most patients suicide attempt was a consequence of animpulsive act, fortunately ineffective in the majority of cases.Recurrent cases of attempted suicide were referred to specializedmedical or psychological attention. We conclude that ion viewof the high number of cases of suicide attempt in Paracatu, thecreation of prevention programs about self-extermination andbetter consultation liaison programs increasing the interactionbetween emergency and outpatient facilities are critical needs.Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) divulgou dados do primeiro Relatório Global para Prevenção do Suicídio, em 2014, revelando que mais de 800 mil pessoas dão fim à própria vida todos os anos no mundo. O levantamento diz ainda que a cada 40 segundos uma pessoa comete suicídio e cerca de 75% dos casos ocorrem em países de baixa e média renda, sendo considerado, então, um problema de saúde pública. Em Minas Gerais, de acordo com o DATASUS, nos anos de 2005 a 2009 a mortalidade por suicídios teve média de 5,28 por 100.000 habitantes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo fazer um levantamento dos dados dos pacientes atendidos no Hospital Municipal de Paracatu-MG que tentaram o autoextermínio levantando as variáveis relacionadas às causas e meios utilizados analisando a transição dos perfis mais incidentes. Trata-se se um estudo retrospectivo com corte transversal baseado na análise de prontuários, tendo uma amostra de 84 fichas de atendimento com relato de tentativas de autocídio registradas em 2012. Os resultados apontaram uma maior numero em mulheres, as substâncias mais utilizadas foram medicamentos e raticidas e a faixa etária predominante foi de 16-25 anos. Para esses pacientes o suicídio é um ato impulsivo, constado que a maioria não o efetivou. Os pacientes reincidentes foram encaminhados para órgãos responsáveis por acompanhamento psicológico. Faz-se necessário o encaminhamento de todos os pacientes que deram entrada no centro de urgência por tentativa de suicídio para a reinserção do indivíduo no meio social e familiar. Conclui-se que há um alto número de registro de tentativas de suicídio em Paracatu havendo a necessidade de aplicação de planos de cuidado para prevenção do autoextermínio e interinstitucionalização com encaminhamentos para melhor acompanhamento psicológico dos pacientes