529 research outputs found

    Ouvir para além do Antropoceno: Poetry as an echological survival

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    A partir de Poetry as an echological survival do artista Nuno da Luz, iremos refletir sobre formas de envolvência ambiental e ecológica. Esta exposição nos permite propor uma alternativa sensorial à discussão crítica sobre as narrativas do Antropoceno, respondendo às críticas colocadas sobre este conceito. A arte sonora tem um papel fundamental na redefinição da nossa relação com o planeta dadas as características materiais do som e o fato de complementar a mundividência ocidental, que privilegia a visão. O trabalho do artista cria um estar-no-mundo em que o visitante é penetrado pelas ondas sonoras, o que causa a redefinição da sua condição ecológica: criando, assim, uma “sobrevivência echológica”.From the analysis of Poetry as an echological survival by sound artist Nuno da Luz, we reflect upon forms of environmental and echological involvement. This exhibition proposes a sensorial alternative to the critical discussion around Anthropocene narratives, answering some of the critics of this concept. Sound art plays an important role given its material characteristics and the fact that it complements the Western world-view, which privileges vision. The way the work of Nuno da Luz creates a being-in-the-world in which visitors are penetrated by sound waves proposes a redefinition of our ecological condition, hence creating an “echological survival”

    Measuring the Impacts of Smart Retailing Technologies Pilot Implementation – Proposal Framework

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    Smart retailing technologies are transforming retailers’ operations, consumer shopping experiences, and perceptions about retailers. These technologies are becoming increasingly numerous and may have different interfaces and ways of implementation. Based on the literature review, this study develops a framework to measure the impacts of implementing non-store-based and store-based smart retailing technology pilot projects, with appropriate metrics based on brand leadership, market performance and word-of-mouth. The proposed method is based on a survey distributed to a sample of customers and control groups, using an experimental Latin square design that controls the effects of extraneous variables. With this methodology, different interfaces can be evaluated in the non-store-based pilot projects, and different locations in the store-based pilot projects implementation, controlling extraneous variables such as seasonality, customer profiles and store-specific characteristics. Finally, the academic and managerial contributions to retailers, consumers and technology companies are highlighted, as well as limitations and avenues for future research

    Data-driven carbohydrate counting accuracy monitoring: A personalized approach

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    Accurate carbohydrate counting is crucial for type 1 diabetes mellitus patients on intensive insulin therapy to get on-target blood glucose values. So, it is fundamental to assess their ability to estimate meals’ carbohydrate content and, if needed, recommend carbohydrate counting training. In this context, we propose a personalized data-driven approach to monitor the patients’ ability to estimate the carbohydrate content of meals. The proposed approach uses personalized data to compute a safe range for the carbohydrate counting error according to the characteristics of each patient and adjust this interval to the patient's daily routines and food habits. Initially, the proposed method uses the insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio, the insulin sensitivity factor, the blood glucose limits, and the blood glucose target to compute a safe interval for the carbohydrate counting error, so the patient could train to reach this goal. Then, the app uses collected daily life data (i.e., blood glucose, meals carbohydrates content, and insulin bolus) to adjust the initial safe interval for the carbohydrate counting error according to the patient's needs. Preliminary assessment using the FDA-approved University of Virginia (UVA)/Padova Type 1 Diabetes Simulator shows the potential of the proposed approach to help type 1 diabetes patients being aware of their needs for carbohydrate counting education and how accurate they should be to achieve suitable blood glucose levels. Therefore, this tool has the potential to be a great asset to healthcare professionals and patients, improving the carbohydrate counting learning outcomes and leading to better glycemic control.publishe

    On the opening of higher education institutions to a new public: the Portuguese case

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    The recent “opening” of higher education institutions (HEI) to “new publics” raises some questions: first of all, that of the transformation (or not) of an education subsystem often described as conservative. The unsolved problem of the lack of devices directed to the recognition of adults’ prior learning (at a higher education level) might work as a challenge that could contribute to solve this problem, that is, the knowledge (often unrecognised by the subjects themselves, but also by others, namely through formal devices of recognition) acquired and developed by adults, in their lives and with their lives, together with the needs that they seek to satisfy through education and training, could invite HEI to change. This paper intends to explore part of the wide range of meanings that adults construct concerning higher education, stressing the obstacles and facilitators of adult learning, in a journey through three spheres: individual, social and institutional. The research plan presented here intends to draw a conceptual and critical framework of the problematic, based on the perspectives of HEI directors, professors and adult learners. Even though the study privileges the local level, both concerning the institutions and the individuals, the national and transnational governance devices and processes have been considered as well. The analytic dimensions embrace the processes and products of adult learning, the assessment methodologies, the pedagogical practices, the curricular plans and frameworks, the (career and pedagogical) guidance and support devices — namely tutorship —, as well as the courses, programmes and institutions’ functioning and organization.A recente “abertura” das instituições de ensino superior (IES) a “novos públicos” suscita interrogações, desde logo a da transformação (ou não) de um subsistema de ensino muitas vezes descrito como conservador. Os saberes — válidos, mas por reconhecer — de que os adultos são portadores poderão promover este convite à mudança. Este artigo, numa viagem por três esferas — individual, social e institucional —, intenta explorar alguns dos inúmeros sentidos e significados que os adultos constroem com relação ao ensino superior, sublinhando os obstáculos e os aspectos facilitadores da aprendizagem. O plano de investigação aqui apresentado procura traçar um quadro conceptual e crítico do problema, com base na perspectiva de directores das IES, docentes e aprendentes adultos. Conquanto a investigação privilegie o nível local, das instituições e dos indivíduos, considerar-se-á também os dispositivos e processos de “regulação” nacional e transnacional desta oferta educativa. As dimensões de análise serão os processos e produtos de aprendizagem dos adultos, as metodologias de avaliação, as práticas pedagógicas, os planos curriculares, os mecanismos de orientação (profissional e pedagógica) e de apoio — nomeadamente tutorial —, bem como o funcionamento e organização dos cursos, dos programas e das instituições

    Motivation and tourists' loyalty in performing arts festivals: the mediator role of quality and satisfaction

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    Festival tourism has been growing considerably over the years, acquiring a prominent position and with strong popularity in society. Festivals and/or events promote a cultural exchange at international, national and local levels, with the opportunity for cultural sharing, from history and tradition, culinary and drinks, music and dance, involving all publics (organization, services, artists, participants and local inhabitants). Festivals are recognized as an effective strategy for host destinations promoting economic, social and cultural development. The present study aims to test the mediator role of quality and satisfaction in the relationship between the motivation in the choice of performing arts festivals and the loyalty of the tourists. The sample consisted of 532 respondents, collected at two performing arts festivals: Andanças festival (Portugal) and La Sierra festival (Spain). The results of the study show that tourists motivated to attend performing arts festivals, tend to perceive the festival as having quality, and are satisfied with the service, which in turn tend to revisit and recommend the festival. The study discusses the implications of the obtained results. It also presents limitations and suggests future studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O limite da aquisição da prova no processo disciplinar

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    O ponto de partida para este estudo teórico, foi o facto de o Estatuto Disciplinar da Políciade Segurança Pública, aprovado em anexo à Lei 37/2019, de 30 de maio, prever no seuartigo 71º que, com as devidas adaptações, sejam aplicadas ao processo disciplinar todas asdisposições do Código do Processo Penal, referentes à recolha, produção e custódia daprova. Esta imposição legal levou-nos a questionar quais os limites da prova naqueleprocesso. Para resposta ao problema que formulamos, utilizamos como método a pesquisabibliográfica, a análise de trabalhos científicos e de artigos publicados em revistas daespecialidade, alguns acórdãos proferidos por tribunais sobre a matéria e ainda diplomaslegislativos. Concluímos que, pese embora ao processo disciplinar se apliquem, com asdevidas adaptações, todas as disposições do Código de Processo Penal, referentes à recolha,produção e custódia da prova, este processo não admite ao instrutor a recolha de toda provasuscetível de ser produzida nos termos daquele código.The starting point for this theoretical study was the fact that the Disciplinary Statute of thePolícia de Segurança Pública, approved in an annex to Law 37/2019, of 30 May, providesin its article 71 that, with the necessary adaptations, be applied to the disciplinary processall the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, referring to the collection, productionand custody of evidence. This legal imposition led us to question the limits of evidence inthat process. In order to answer the problem that we have formulated, we used as a methodthe bibliographic research, the analysis of scientific works and articles published inspecialized magazines, some judgments handed down by courts on the matter and evenlegislative diplomas. We conclude that, although all the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, referring to the collection, production and custody of evidence, areapplied to the disciplinary process, with the necessary adaptations, this process does not allow the instructor to collect all evidence susceptible of being produced. under that code.N/


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    O artigo em tela trata do princípio do contraditório sob uma nova perspectiva, a saber, como fundamento que garante a ampla participação de terceiros interessados na construção da norma geral presente numa decisão judicial através da figura do amicus curiae e do assistente simples. Aproveita-se para demonstrar que, embora esses institutos sirvam para a otimização do princípio democrático no processo, são entre si distintos e garantem poderes processuais igualmente diversos. Assim, redimensiona-se o princípio do contraditório para abarcar a ratio decidendi de uma decisão