17 research outputs found

    Correlations and the Cross Section of Exclusive (e,epe,e'p) Reactions for 16^{16}O

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    The reduced cross section for exclusive (e,epe,e'p) reactions has been studied in DWIA for the example of the nucleus 16^{16}O using a spectral function containing effects of correlations. The spectral function is evaluated directly for the finite nucleus starting from a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction within the framework of the Green's function approach. The emphasis is focused on the correlations induced by excitation modes at low energies described within a model-space of shell-model configurations including states up to the sdgsdg shell. Cross sections for the pp-wave quasi-hole transitions at low missing energies are presented and compared with the most recent experimental data. In the case of the so-called perpendicular kinematics the reduced cross section derived in DWIA shows an enhancement at high missing momenta as compared to the PWIA result. Furthermore the cross sections for the ss- and dd-wave quasi-hole transitions are presented and compared to available data at low missing momenta. Also in these cases, which cannot be described in a model without correlations, a good agreement with the experiment is obtained.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures include

    Short-range correlations in nuclear matter using Green's functions within a discrete pole approximation

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    We treat short-range correlations in nuclear matter, induced by the repulsive core of the nucleon-nucleon potential, within the framework of a self-consistent Green's function theory. The effective in-medium interaction sums the ladder diagrams of both the particle-particle and hole-hole type. The demand of self-consistency results in a set of nonlinear equations which must be solved by iteration. We explore the possibility of approximating the single-particle Green's function by a limited number of poles and residues.Comment: 9 pages, 3 eps-figures; added two tables dealing with calculations including larger sets of BAGEL-pole

    Long-Range Correlations and the Momentum Distribution in Nuclei

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    The influence of correlations on the momentum distribution of nucleons in nuclei is evaluated starting from a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. The calculations are performed directly for the finite nucleus \,^{16}O making use of the Green's function approach. The emphasis is focused on the correlations induced by the excitation modes at low energies described within a model-space of shell-model configurations including states up to the sdg shell. Our analysis demonstrates that these long-range correlations do not produce any significant enhancement of the momentum distribution at high missing momenta and low missing energies. This is in agreement with high resolution (e,ep)(e,e'p) experiments for this nucleus. We also try to simulate the corresponding effects in large nuclei by quenching the energy-spacing between single-particle orbits. This yields a sizable enhancement of the spectral function at large momenta and small energy. Such behavior could explain the deviation of the momentum distribution from the mean field prediction, which has been observed in (e,ep)(e,e'p) experiments on heavy nuclei like 208^{208}Pb

    Meson exchange currents in electromagnetic one-nucleon emission

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    The role of meson exchange currents (MEC) in electron- and photon-induced one-nucleon emission processes is studied in a nonrelativistic model including correlations and final state interactions. The nuclear current is the sum of a one-body and of a two-body part. The two-body current includes pion seagull, pion-in-flight and the isobar current contributions. Numerical results are presented for the exclusive 16O(e,e'p)15N and 16O(\gamma,p)15N reactions. MEC effects are in general rather small in (e,e'p), while in (\gamma,p) they are always large and important to obtain a consistent description of (e,e'p) and (\gamma,p) data, with the same spectroscopic factors. The calculated (\gamma,p) cross sections are sensitive to short-range correlations at high values of the recoil momentum, where MEC effects are larger and overwhelm the contribution of correlations.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations and Two-Nucleon Currents in Exclusive (e,eNNe,e'NN) Reactions

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    The contributions of short-range nucleon-nucleon (NN) correlations, various meson exchange current (MEC) terms and the influence of Δ\Delta isobar excitations (isobaric currents, IC) on exclusive two-nucleon knockout reactions induced by electron scattering are investigated. The nuclear structure functions are evaluated for nuclear matter. Realistic NN interactions derived in the framework of One-Boson-Exchange model are employed to evaluate the effects of correlations and MEC in a consistent way. The correlations correlations are determined by solving the Bethe-Goldstone equation. This yields significant contributions to the structure functions W_L and W_T of the (e,e'pn) and (e,e'pp) reactions. These contributions compete with MEC corrections originating from the π\pi and ρ\rho exchange terms of the same interaction. Special attention is paid to the so-called 'super parallel' kinematics at momentum transfers which can be measured e.g. at MAMI in Mainz.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures include

    A Self-Consistent Solution to the Nuclear Many-Body Problem at Finite Temperature

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    The properties of symmetric nuclear matter are investigated within the Green's functions approach. We have implemented an iterative procedure allowing for a self-consistent evaluation of the single-particle and two-particle propagators. The in-medium scattering equation is solved for a realistic (non-separable) nucleon-nucleon interaction including both particle-particle and hole-hole propagation. The corresponding two-particle propagator is constructed explicitely from the single-particle spectral functions. Results are obtained for finite temperatures and an extrapolation to T=0 is presented.Comment: 11 pages 5 figure

    Overlap functions in correlation methods and quasifree nucleon knockout from 16^{16}O

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    The cross sections of the (e,eNe,e'N) and (γ,p\gamma,p) reactions on 16^{16}O are calculated, for the transitions to the 1/21/2^{-} ground state and the first 3/23/2^{-} excited state of the residual nucleus, using single-particle overlap functions obtained on the basis of one-body density matrices within different correlation methods. The electron-induced one-nucleon knockout reaction is treated within a nonrelativistic DWIA framework. The theoretical treatment of the (γ,p\gamma,p) reaction includes both contributions of the direct knockout mechanism and of meson-exchange currents. The results are sensitive to details of the different overlap functions. The consistent analysis of the reaction cross sections and the comparison with the experimental data make it possible to study the nucleon--nucleon correlation effects.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, 5 Postscript figures, submitted to PR

    Correlation effects in single-particle overlap functions and one-nucleon removal reactions

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    Single-particle overlap functions and spectroscopic factors are calculated on the basis of the one-body density matrices (ODM) obtained for the nucleus 16O^{16}O employing different approaches to account for the effects of correlations. The calculations use the relationship between the overlap functions related to bound states of the (A-1)-particle system and the ODM for the ground state of the A-particle system. The resulting bound-state overlap functions are compared and tested in the description of the experimental data from (p,d) reactions for which the shape of the overlap function is important.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures include

    Two-Body Correlations in Nuclear Systems

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    Correlations in the nuclear wave-function beyond the mean-field or Hartree-Fock approximation are very important to describe basic properties of nuclear structure. Various approaches to account for such correlations are described and compared to each other. This includes the hole-line expansion, the coupled cluster or ``exponential S'' approach, the self-consistent evaluation of Greens functions, variational approaches using correlated basis functions and recent developments employing quantum Monte-Carlo techniques. Details of these correlations are explored and their sensitivity to the underlying nucleon-nucleon interaction. Special attention is paid to the attempts to investigate these correlations in exclusive nucleon knock-out experiments induced by electron scattering. Another important issue of nuclear structure physics is the role of relativistic effects as contained in phenomenological mean field models. The sensitivity of various nuclear structure observables on these relativistic features are investigated. The report includes the discussion of nuclear matter as well as finite nuclei.Comment: Review, 104 pages including figure