149 research outputs found

    Reactive strength index-modified : reliability, between group comparison, and relationship between its associated variables

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    To investigate and compare the reliability of reactive strength index-modified (RSImod) and its associated variables (jump height [JH] and [time to take-off]) 20 combat fighters and 18 physically active men participated in this study. They visited the laboratory three times; firstly, for jump familiarization and two sessions for test-retest (2–7 days apart). For both groups, the between-day changes in performance were trivial to small (≤ 1.1%). The coefficient of variation (CV) comparisons (i.e. CV ratio) demonstrated that combat athletes had a lower test-retest variation for RSImod (0.87) and JH (0.80) than non-athletes. Combat athletes demonstrated a greater JH than physically active men (0.43 vs 0.37; p = 0.03, g = 0.73), but small and non-significant differences were observed for RSImod (0.60 vs 0.55; p = 0.24, g = 0.38) and TTT (0.70 vs 0.72; p = 0.32, g = 0.33). RSImod was more positively correlated with JH (r = 0.75–0.87; p < 0.001) than negatively correlated with TTT (r = 0.45–0.54; p < 0.001). This study suggests that RSImod is a reliable variable obtained during CMJ testing in combat athletes and physically active men, with scores being slightly better for combat athletes. In terms of performance, combat athletes jumped higher than physically active men, but no differences in RSImod or TTT were observed. Lastly, RSImod was more strongly related to JH than TTT, and this was more evident in athletes than nonathletes. This indicates that the combat athletes were able to better utilize their (equal) time spent jumping (higher), possibly via greater utilization of the stretch shortening cycle, faster or more optimal motor unit recruitment, or an array of other factors

    Biomimetics as a strategy for the development of bioinspired structures for energy absorption based on fruits

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    This review seeks to update our knowledge about fruits, your structures, your materials for development of bio-inspired products, and your respective applications in-volving energy absorption, and shock dissipation. In nature, we will find a multitude of biological structure that performs the function of protection and crashworthiness. This study focuses on one of the biologically most important functions found in the natural packaging –that consists of the direct or indirect protection against mechanical damage or other negative environmental influences that involving crashworthiness– as well as energy absorption. Through of the systematic literature review, which includes all peer-reviewed research, documents that are relevant to the objective to ensure a comprehensive search were selected 21 research studies. Three research databases were identified: (I) web of Sci-ence, (II) Scopus, and (III) Science Direct. Only primary empirical studies were included. The review identified several situations where Biomimetics and Bio-inspiration method-ology are introduced for improvements and solving technological problems by analyzing, abstracting, adapting, and transposing biological principles, into the technical world. The results indicated that the structures based on fruits could improve the structure’s effi-ciency that has the role of providing an effective bio-inspired absorber for a multitude of product designs. Although there are several studies, more research is needed for use of new technologies and new settings to ensure recommendations that can implement the improvement of the development of design bio-inspired

    Colégio da Polícia Militar Alfredo Vianna: características de uma Cultura Escolar-Militar

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    O presente artigo aborda as características da Cultura Escolar de um Colégio da Polícia Militar da Bahia, considerando a integração de elementos da Cultura Militar na realidade escolar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que se debruçou, através de estudo de caso, sobre o contexto educacional da instituição por meio de análise documental, observações e entrevistas com gestores, docentes e alunos. Os resultados explicitaram um aparato militar objetivando a transmissão e ensino da Cultura Militar, num processo de padronização dos indivíduos por meio de uma educação do corpo e do comportamento

    Um estudo do status de saúde nos estado da região nordeste do Brasil, através da taxa de mortalidade infantil, no período 1991-2000- uma investigação por dados em painel

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    Saúde é a base para aprodutividade do trabalho, para a capacidade de crescer intelectual, física e emocionalmente contribuindo para a redução da pobreza e para o desenvolvimento econômico de longo prazo. A taxa de mortalidde infantil, por estimar o número de crianças que sobreviverão ao seu primeiro ano de vida, é um bom indicador da qualidade de vida e do status de saúde de toda a população. A necessidade de investigação dos efeitos de políticas públicas diretamente na área de saúde, planejamento familiar, educação e geração de renda - para o estado de saúde da população - fazem com que este estudo tenha como objetivo verificar quais fatores foram determinantes do status de sáude, numa análise através da taxa de mortalidade infantil, de cada estado da região Nordeste do Brasil no período 1991-2000. A partir de uma revisão da literatura da economia da saúde e da seleção de modelos teóricos e trabalhos empíricos que revelam os principais determinantes da redução da mortalidade infantil, utilizou-se a taxa de mortalidade infantil como proxy para o estatus de saúde, tendo como variáveis dependentes- os serviços e cuidados médicos, os serviços de saneamento e saúde pública disponíveis, e o status socioeconômico da população. Através do uso de 'dados em painel', com dados do Programa das Nações Unidades para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD), empregados para culcular o IDH e de gastos com saúde e saneamento da Secretaria do Tesouro para os anos de 1991 e 2000, dos municípios dos estados de Alagoras, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe, foram obtidos resultados que corroboram os resultados encontrados na literatura, onde o maior acesso à educação, redução da taxa de fecundidade, aumento da renda, e do acesso à água encanada foram os principais determinantes da redução da taxa de mortalidade infantil e melhora do status de saúde da população da Região Nordeste do Brail. Conclui-se, portanto, que políticas públicas de inclusão social, como acesso a saneamento, educação, programas de planejamento familiar, e de aumento da renda, são os meios mais eficazes de reduzir as taxas de mortalidade infantil, e assim melhorar o status de saúde e o bem-estar de toda a população.

    Estratégias de Competitividade, aplicados em Polos Moveleiros Pernambucanos Emergentes

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    Este artigo se refere a uma revisão teórica, para aplicação prática num projeto de extensão, sobre a valorização do Design, território e sustentabilidade, que são ferramentas fundamentais na formação de Arranjos Produtivos e Inovadores Locais, sendo delimitados num território (espaço geográfico) impregnado de aspectos simbólicos e identidades culturais. Quando se fala em design sustentável no setor moveleiro, deve-se pensar na cadeia produtiva como um todo, desde a origem da matéria prima, insumos e materiais, passando pelo projeto, processo, distribuição, uso e descarte dos produtos, que é uma visão ampliada do design, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento sustentável dos polos moveleiros estudados, sedimentando a base para formação de um Arranjos Produtivos Inovadores Locais, baseados nesta valorização do territóri

    Validity and Test-retest Reliability of the Jumpo App for Jump Performance Measurement

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(7): 677-686, 2021. The vertical jump test is one of the simplest and most prevalent physical tests used in practice and research. This study investigated the validity and reliability of a new mobile application (Jumpo) for measuring jump performance on Android devices. University-aged students (n = 10; 20 ± 3 years; 176 ± 6 cm; 68 ± 9 kg) reported to the laboratory on three occasions (2-7 days apart): to be familiarized with the jump performance measurements and then for test-retest reliability assessments. Participants performed countermovement jumps (CMJ), squat jumps (SJ), and right and left single-legged jumps in random order on a force platform while being recorded by a smartphone’s slow-motion camera. Flight time was selected as the criterion variable. Strong positive correlations between the Jumpo and force platform were observed for each jump type tested (r ≥ 0.93), although the flight times obtained with the Jumpo App were systematically shorter than those provided by the force platform by 3-6% (p \u3c 0.001). The Jumpo App demonstrated a high test-retest reliability (ICC ≥ 0.94, CV ≤ 3.7%) with no differences between the coefficients of variation obtained from the Jumpo App and force platform (p ≥ 0.25). With respect to jump type, data from double-legged jumps (CMJ and SJ) were more accurately measured than data from single-legged jumps. The Jumpo App provides a valid and reliable measurement of jump performance, but the following equation should be used to calibrate its flight time results, allowing comparisons to be made to force platform data: Force platformflight time = 0.948 × Jumpoflight time + 41.515. Future studies should cross-validate the calibration equation in a different sample of individuals

    Análise por dados em painel do status de saúde no Nordeste Brasileiro

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar factores determinantes del estatus de salud en cada estado de la región del Noreste de Brasil. MÉTODOS: Se realizó estudio utilizando la metodología de datos de panel, con informaciones agregadas para municipios. Los datos comprenden los años de 1991 y 2000, y fueron obtenidos en el Atlas de Desarrollo Humano del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, y Secretaria del Tesoro Nacional. Se utilizó como indicador del estatus de salud, la tasa de mortalidad infantil, y como determinantes las variables: gastos con salud y saneamiento per capita, números de médicos por mil habitantes, acceso a agua tratada, tasa de fecundidad y de analfabetismo, porcentaje de madres adolescentes, renta per capita e índice de Gini. RESULTADOS: Las tasas de mortalidad infantil en la región del Noreste se redujeron en 31% en el período analizado, desempeño poco superior al presentando para el promedio nacional. Sin embargo, en algunos estados, como Río Grande del Norte, Bahía, Ceará y Alagoas, la reducción fue más significativa. Esto puede ser atribuido a la mejoría de algunos indicadores que son los principales determinantes de la reducción de la tasa de mortalidad infantil: mayor acceso a la educación, reducción de la tasa de fecundidad, aumento de la renta, y del acceso al agua. CONCLUSIONES: Los estados que presentaron mayores beneficios en el acceso al agua tratada, educación, renta y reducción de la tasa de fecundidad, fueron los que obtuvieron mayores beneficios en la reducción de la mortalidad de menores de un año de edad.OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores determinantes do status de saúde em cada estado da Região Nordeste do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo utilizando a metodologia de dados em painel, com informações agregadas para municípios. Os dados compreendem os anos de 1991 e 2000, e foram obtidos no Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento, e Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional. Utilizou-se como indicador do status de saúde, a taxa de mortalidade infantil, e como determinantes as variáveis: gastos com saúde e saneamento per capita, números de médicos por mil habitantes, acesso à água tratada, taxa de fecundidade e de analfabetismo, percentual de mães adolescentes, renda per capita e índice de Gini. RESULTADOS: As taxas de mortalidade infantil na região Nordeste reduziram-se em 31,8% no período analisado, desempenho pouco superior ao apresentado para a média nacional. No entanto, em alguns estados, como Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, Ceará e Alagoas, a redução foi mais significativa. Isso pode ser atribuído à melhora de alguns indicadores que são os principais determinantes da redução da taxa de mortalidade infantil: maior acesso à educação, redução da taxa de fecundidade, aumento da renda, e do acesso à água. CONCLUSÕES: Os estados que apresentaram maiores ganhos no acesso à água tratada, educação, renda e redução da taxa de fecundidade, foram também os que obtiveram maiores ganhos na redução da mortalidade de menores de um ano de idade.OBJECTIVE: To assess health status determinants in Brazil's Northeast states. METHODS: Study carried out based on panel data analysis of aggregated information for municipalities. Data was obtained from the United Nations Development Program Atlas of Human Development and Brazilian National Treasury Department for the years 1991 and 2000. Health status indicator was infant mortality rate and health determinants were the following variables: per capita health and sanitation expenditure; number of physicians per inhabitant; access to drinking water; fertility rate; illiteracy rate; percentage of adolescent mothers; per capita income; and Gini coefficient. RESULTS: Infant mortality rates in Northeast Brazil were reduced by 31.8%, during the period studied, slightly above the national average. However, in some states, such as Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, Ceará and Alagoas, the reduction was more significant. This can be attributed to improvement in some indicators that are main determinants of infant mortality rate reduction: greater access to education, reduction of fertility rates, increased income, and access to drinking water. CONCLUSIONS: Brazilian states that showed greater gains in access to drinking water, education, income and reduction of fertility rates were also the ones that achieved major reductions in mortality of children under a year of age

    Reliability and Test-Retest Agreement of Mechanical Variables Obtained During Countermovement Jump

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(4): 6-17, 2020. The countermovement jump (CMJ) is often used as performance measure and monitoring tool. Traditionally, jump height (JH) is most often studied and reported, but other variables (e.g. force, velocity, power) can also be obtained during CMJ testing on a force plate. The aim of this study was to determine the intra-rater reliability of mechanical variables obtained during CMJs. For this, 41 physically active men (24 ± 4 years) performed four CMJs on a force plate with an interval of 48 to 168 hours (test-retest design). Six variables were analyzed: 1) jump height (JH), 2) peak force (PF), 3) peak power (PP), 4) velocity at takeoff (VTO), 5) rate of force (RFD) and 6) power (RPD) development. Five variables showed to be reliable (i.e. CV \u3c 10%), except RFD (CV of 12.9%). Although JH exhibited an acceptable level of reliability (r= 0.94 and CV = 5.8%), better scores were observed for PF, VTO, and PP (CV ranging from 2.5 to 5.1%). The PF showed the best reliability scores (r= 0.99 and CV = 2.5%) and RPD, a relatively unexamined variable compared to the others, showed an acceptable level of reliability (r= 0.96 and CV = 7.8%). Therefore, JH, PF, PP, VTO, and RPD demonstrated acceptable scores of reliability. PF seems to be the most appropriate variable to use when small changes in performance are expected. Future studies should investigate the importance of RPD for performance evaluation

    Skinfold thickness affects the isometric knee extension torque evoked by neuromuscular electrical stimulation

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    Background: Subcutaneous adipose tissue may influence the transmission of electrical stimuli through to the skin, thus affecting both evoked torque and comfort perception associated with neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). This could seriously affect the effectiveness of NMES for either rehabilitation or sports purposes. Objective: To investigate the effects of skinfold thickness (SFT) on maximal NMES current intensity, NMES-evoked torque, and NMES-induced discomfort. Method: First, we compared NMES current intensity, NMES-induced discomfort, and NMES-evoked torque between two subgroups of subjects with thicker (n=10; 20.7 mm) vs. thinner (n=10; 29.4 mm) SFT. Second, we correlated SFT to NMES current intensity, NMES-induced discomfort, and NMES-evoked knee extension torque in 20 healthy women. The NMES-evoked torque was normalized to the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque. The discomfort induced by NMES was assessed with a visual analog scale (VAS). Results: NMES-evoked torque was 27.5% lower in subjects with thicker SFT (p=0.01) while maximal current intensity was 24.2% lower in subjects with thinner SFT (p=0.01). A positive correlation was found between current intensity and SFT (r=0.540, p=0.017). A negative correlation was found between NMES-evoked torque and SFT (r=-0.563, p=0.012). No significant correlation was observed between discomfort scores and SFT (rs=0.15, p=0.53). Conclusion: These results suggest that the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue (as reflected by skinfold thickness) affected NMES current intensity and NMES-evoked torque, but had no effect on discomfort perception. Our findings may help physical therapists to better understand the impact of SFT on NMES and to design more rational stimulation strategies

    Are cluster sets an effective method to induce muscular hypertrophy in response to resistance training?

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    [EN] There are a plethora of studies that have analyzed the effects of different resistance training methods on muscle hypertrophy. Recent studies have pointed out some potential advantage of training using cluster sets (CS) compared with traditional sets. It is still unclear whether CS are an effective method. The objective of this review was to investigate and discuss the current knowledge about the effect of CS on muscle hypertrophy. Four studies investigating the effect of CS on muscle hypertrophy were found. These studies demonstrated that CS induced similar or lower muscle hypertrophy than traditional sets. Thus, CS may lead to muscle hypertrophy, but did not provide a superior stimulus when compared to traditional sets of equated load.[PT] Um conjunto de estudos que tem analisado o efeito de diferentes métodos de treinamento resistido na hipertrofia muscular. Estudos têm pontuado várias potenciais vantagens do treinamento usando séries em conglomerados (SC) quando comparado com séries tradicionais. Ainda não está claro se as SC é um método efetivo. O objetivo desta revisão foi investigar e discutir o conhecimento recente sobre o efeito das SC na hipertrofia muscular. Quatro estudos investigando o efeito das SC na hipertrofia muscular foram encontrados. Esses estudos demonstraram que as SC induziram similar ou menor hipertrofia muscular do que séries tradicionais. Portanto, as SC podem induzir hipertrofia, porém não fornecem um estímulo superior quando comparado às séries tradicionais com carga equiparada