344 research outputs found

    Qualitative undergraduate project supervision in Psychology: current practices and support needs of supervisors across North East England and Scotland

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    The dissertation is a core component of a psychology undergraduate degree, though very little research has been conducted into supervision processes at undergraduate level. This study examined the accounts of supervisors of qualitative dissertations in order to identify current practices of supervision and possible resources that might support supervision. Seventeen supervisors from psychology departments in North East England and Scotland were interviewed, and three main themes were identified using thematic analysis: the quantitative culture in psychology teaching, supervisors’ expertise, and the supervision process. Supervisors noted that students were typically constrained in their choice of methodology due to limited qualitative methods teaching, lack of training and guidance for supervisors, and concerns about the risks of demanding qualitative projects. Supervisors therefore often reported staying within their comfort zone, electing where possible to supervise only the methods that they themselves use. Recommendations for practical resources are provided to help support students and supervisors in the process of undertaking qualitative psychology dissertations

    Superhuman? Perceptions of accelerated students and graduates working in health care

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    Background: Accelerated university courses were developed in response to consumer demand and educational advances, yet a lack of research exists related to the impact of accelerated health care courses in the United Kingdom. Objectives: This study explored clinicians' perceptions of accelerated pre-registration courses in physiotherapy. Method: Senior clinicians were recruited by purposive sampling from several National Health Service hospitals across northeast England. Data from face-to-face semi-structured interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Findings: Findings from fourteen participants indicated their admiration of accelerated students’ attributes to complete what they considered to be an intense and in-depth course. Such graduates were described as ‘superhuman.’ Participants noted that accelerated graduates were likely to ‘hit the ground running’ in clinical settings. However, concerns were raised that some accelerated graduates' over-confidence affected team dynamics and/or affected some aspects of clinical reasoning. Conclusions: Participants valued the varied routes to graduation while recognising their strengths and limitations. Findings from the study suggested the need for different types of clinical supervision to support each route

    Nutrition support in cancer patients: a brief review and suggestion for standard indications criteria

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    The indications of nutrition support in cancer patients have been subject to controversy. Most studies address the effects of the method in increasing the survival or the tumor response rate. Few studies have focused on the effects in improving quality of life. After a brief review, we described the results of a study, which evaluated the effects of protein-caloric supplementation on the quality of life parameters in a group of head and neck cancer patients submitted to radiotherapy. The results support the suggestion of creating standard criteria to indicate nutrition support in cancer patients. Based on our findings, nutrition support should be indicated for cancer patients considering the potential effects to improve the quality of life

    Recycled household ceramic waste in eco-efficient cement: a case study

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    The ceramic wastes can cause strong damage to the environment. In this article, the experimental study was concentrated on the pozzolanic activity of household ceramic waste and clay bricks waste. The possibility of the partial replacement of Portland cement blended with ceramic waste powder without further heating treatment in different ratios was analyzed. The ceramic waste powder was mixed in samples in various ratios. The evaluation of the ceramic waste powder was performed by grain-size analyses using Laser granulometry, XRD, XRF, Frattini test and strength activity index (SAI) method. The results indicate that the pozzolanic activity of household ceramic waste was higher than that of clay bricks waste. The 15% of HC powder addition could be a possible upper bound for an effective substitution and may also be very cost-efficient for industrial application.The authors acknowledge the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Grant 51578109, and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/22680/2005)

    Engaging diverse underserved communities to bridge the mammography divide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast cancer screening continues to be underutilized by the population in general, but is particularly underutilized by traditionally underserved minority populations. Two of the most at risk female minority groups are American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) and Latinas. American Indian women have the poorest recorded 5-year cancer survival rates of any ethnic group while breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer mortality among Latina women. Breast cancer screening rates for both minority groups are near or at the lowest among all racial/ethnic groups. As with other health screening behaviors, women may intend to get a mammogram but their intentions may not result in initiation or follow through of the examination process. An accumulating body of research, however, demonstrates the efficacy of developing 'implementation intentions' that define when, where, and how a specific behavior will be performed. The formulation of intended steps in addition to addressing potential barriers to test completion can increase a person's self-efficacy, operationalize and strengthen their intention to act, and close gaps between behavioral intention and completion. To date, an evaluation of the formulation of implementation intentions for breast cancer screening has not been conducted with minority populations.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In the proposed program, community health workers will meet with rural-dwelling Latina and American Indian women one-on-one to educate them about breast cancer and screening and guide them through a computerized and culturally tailored "implementation intentions" program, called <it>Healthy Living Kansas - Breast Health</it>, to promote breast cancer screening utilization. We will target Latina and AI/AN women from two distinct rural Kansas communities. Women attending community events will be invited by CHWs to participate and be randomized to either a mammography "implementation intentions" (<b>MI</b><sup><b>2</b></sup>) intervention or a comparison general breast cancer prevention informational intervention (<b>C</b>). CHWs will be armed with notebook computers loaded with our Healthy Living Kansas - Breast Health program and guide their peers through the program. Women in the <b>MI</b><sup><b>2 </b></sup>condition will receive assistance with operationalizing their screening intentions and identifying and addressing their stated screening barriers with the goal of guiding them toward accessing screening services near their community. Outcomes will be evaluated at 120-days post randomization via self-report and will include mammography utilization status, barriers, and movement along a behavioral stages of readiness to screen model.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This highly innovative project will be guided and initiated by AI/AN and Latina community members and will test the practical application of emerging behavioral theory among minority persons living in rural communities.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials (NCT): <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01267110">NCT01267110</a></p

    Quality indicators for multiple sclerosis

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    Determining whether persons with multiple sclerosis (MS) receive appropriate, comprehensive healthcare requires tools for measuring quality. The objective of this study was to develop quality indicators for the care of persons with MS. We used a modified version of the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method in a two-stage process to identify relevant MS care domains and to assess the validity of indicators within high-ranking care domains. Based on a literature review, interviews with persons with MS, and discussions with MS providers, 25 MS symptom domains and 14 general health domains of MS care were identified. A multidisciplinary panel of 15 stakeholders of MS care, including 4 persons with MS, rated these 39 domains in a two-round modified Delphi process. The research team performed an expanded literature review for 26 highly ranked domains to draft 86 MS care indicators. Through another two-round modified Delphi process, a second panel of 18 stakeholders rated these indicators using a nine-point response scale. Indicators with a median rating in the highest tertile were considered valid. Among the most highly rated MS care domains were appropriateness and timeliness of the diagnostic work-up, bladder dysfunction, cognition dysfunction, depression, disease-modifying agent usage, fatigue, integration of care, and spasticity. Of the 86 preliminary indicators, 76 were rated highly enough to meet predetermined thresholds for validity. Following a widely accepted methodology, we developed a comprehensive set of quality indicators for MS care that can be used to assess quality of care and guide the design of interventions to improve care among persons with MS

    Integrated Personal Health Records: Transformative Tools for Consumer-Centric Care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Integrated personal health records (PHRs) offer significant potential to stimulate transformational changes in health care delivery and self-care by patients. In 2006, an invitational roundtable sponsored by Kaiser Permanente Institute, the American Medical Informatics Association, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality was held to identify the transformative potential of PHRs, as well as barriers to realizing this potential and a framework for action to move them closer to the health care mainstream. This paper highlights and builds on the insights shared during the roundtable.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>While there is a spectrum of dominant PHR models, (standalone, tethered, integrated), the authors state that only the integrated model has true transformative potential to strengthen consumers' ability to manage their own health care. Integrated PHRs improve the quality, completeness, depth, and accessibility of health information provided by patients; enable facile communication between patients and providers; provide access to health knowledge for patients; ensure portability of medical records and other personal health information; and incorporate auto-population of content. Numerous factors impede widespread adoption of integrated PHRs: obstacles in the health care system/culture; issues of consumer confidence and trust; lack of technical standards for interoperability; lack of HIT infrastructure; the digital divide; uncertain value realization/ROI; and uncertain market demand. Recent efforts have led to progress on standards for integrated PHRs, and government agencies and private companies are offering different models to consumers, but substantial obstacles remain to be addressed. Immediate steps to advance integrated PHRs should include sharing existing knowledge and expanding knowledge about them, building on existing efforts, and continuing dialogue among public and private sector stakeholders.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Integrated PHRs promote active, ongoing patient collaboration in care delivery and decision making. With some exceptions, however, the integrated PHR model is still a theoretical framework for consumer-centric health care. The authors pose questions that need to be answered so that the field can move forward to realize the potential of integrated PHRs. How can integrated PHRs be moved from concept to practical application? Would a coordinating body expedite this progress? How can existing initiatives and policy levers serve as catalysts to advance integrated PHRs?</p

    Time to definitive diagnosis of breast cancer in Latina and non-Hispanic white women: the six cities study

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    Time delay after an abnormal screening mammogram may have a critical impact on tumor size, stage at diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and survival of subsequent breast cancer. This study was undertaken to evaluate disparities between Latina and non-Hispanic white (NHW) women in time to definitive diagnosis of breast cancer after an abnormal screening mammogram, as well as factors contributing to such disparities. As part of the activities of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)-funded Redes En Acción research network, clinical records of 186 Latinas and 74 NHWs who received abnormal screening mammogram results were reviewed to determine the time to obtain a definitive diagnosis. Data was obtained from participating clinics in six U.S. cities and included demographics, clinical history, and mammogram characteristics. Kaplan-Meier estimates and Cox proportional hazards models were used to test differences in median time to definitive diagnosis by ethnicity after adjusting for clinic site, demographics, and clinical characteristics. Time-to-event analysis showed that Latinas took 2.2 times longer to reach 50% definitively diagnosed with breast cancer relative to NHWs, and three times longer to reach 80% diagnosed (p=0.001). Latinas’ median time to definitive diagnosis was 60 days compared to 27 for NHWs, a 59% gap in diagnosis rates (adjusted Hazard Ratio [aHR] = 1.59, 95% CI = 1.09, 2.31; p=0.015). BI-RADS-4/5 women’s diagnosis rate was more than twice that of BI-RADS-3 (aHR = 2.11, 95% CI = 1.18, 3.78; p=0.011). Disparities in time between receipt of abnormal screening result and definitive diagnosis adversely affect Latinas compared to NHWs, and remain significant after adjusting for demographic and clinical variables. With cancer now the leading cause of mortality among Latinos, a greater need exists for ethnically and culturally appropriate interventions like patient navigation to facilitate Latinas’ successful entry into, and progression through, the cancer care system

    Disparities in diabetes care: role of the patient's socio-demographic characteristics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The commitment to promoting equity in health is derived from the notion that all human beings have the right to the best attainable health. However, disparities in health care are well-documented. The objectives were to explore disparities in diabetes prevalence, care and control among diabetic patients. The study was conducted by Maccabi Healthcare Services (MHS), an Israeli HMO (health care plan).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective study. The dependent variables were diabetes prevalence, uptake of follow-up examinations, and disease control. The independent variables were socio-economic rank (SER), ethnicity (Arab vs non Arab), supplementary voluntary health insurance (SVHI), and immigration from Former Soviet Union (FSU) countries. Chi Square and Logistic Regression Models were estimated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed 74,953 diabetes patients. Diabetes was more prevalent in males, lower SER patients, Arabs, immigrants and owners of SVHI. Optimal follow up was more frequent among females, lower SERs patients, non Arabs, immigrants and SVHI owners. Patients who were female, had higher SERs, non Arabs, immigrants and SVHI owners achieved better control of the disease. The multivariate analysis revealed significant associations between <it>optimal follow up </it>and age, gender (males), SER (Ranks 1-10), Arabs and SVHI (OR 1.02, 0.95, 1.15, 0.85 and 1.31, respectively); <it>poor diabetes control </it>(HbA1C > 9 gr%) was significantly associated with age, gender (males), Arabs, immigrants, SER (Ranks1-10) and SVHI (OR 0.96, 1.26, 1.38, 0.72, 1.37 and 0.57, respectively); significant associations with <it>LDL control </it>(< 100 gr%) were revealed for age, gender (males) and SVHI (OR 1.02, 1.30 and 1.44, respectively).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Disparities in diabetes prevalence, care and control were revealed according to population sub-group. MHS has recently established a comprehensive strategy and action plan, aimed to reduce disparities among members of low socioeconomic rank and Arab ethnicity, sub-groups identified in our study as being at risk for less favorable health outcomes.</p