2,651 research outputs found

    Improving the Multi-Dimensional Comparison of Simulation Results: A Spatial Visualization Approach

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    Results from simulation experiments are important in applied spatial econometrics to, for instance, assess the performance of spatial estimators and tests for finite samples. However, the traditional tabular and graphi- cal formats for displaying simulation results in the literature have several disadvantages. These include loss of results, lack of intuitive synthesis, and difficulty in comparing results across multiple dimensions. We pro- pose to address these challenges through a spatial visualization approach. This approach visualizes model precision and bias as well as the size and power of tests in map format. The advantage of this spatial approach is that these maps can display all results succinctly, enable an intuitive interpretation, and compare results efficiently across multiple dimensions of a simulation experiment. Due to the respective strengths of tables, graphs and maps, we propose this spatial approach as a supplement to traditional tabular and graphical display formats. To allow readers to generate maps such as the ones presented in this article, a package (written in Python) has been made available by the authors as free/libre software. The package includes an example as well as a short tutorial for researchers without programming experience and can be downloaded at: https://github.com/darribas/simVizMap.

    Full-time employee optimisation of emergency departments

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    The Emergency Departments (ED) of public hospitals is an area in continuous improvement. The Emergency Departments are places where the efficiency of the services provided can save lives and therefore it should be seen as an area of maximum interest in order to make the processes optimised. This research aims to verify if the application of redesign heuristics, from the perspective of Business Process Management, results in the improvement of the length of stay (LoS), without deteriorating the quality of the service provided. For the same process, three scenarios of the ED were considered. The methodology that underlies this research is supported by a case study carried out in the Emergency Department of a public hospital. The data obtained during the investigation was gathered from individual interviews and focus groups, as well as direct observation and analysis of documents. According to the Business Process Management perspective, its life cycle stages were taken into account. In addition, a simulation tool was used, as well as the Devil’s Quadrangle. The results of the investigation indicate that positive impacts over variable time are possible without affecting the quality of the service, resulting in value gains for the patient, in this case, the client of the process. In terms of time, the average length of stay (LoS) in the process was reduced by 22.5%, 15.9%, and 20.9% for each of the scenarios, while the maximum length of stay (LoS) was reduced by 29.2%, 36.2% % and 37.4%.As Urgências Gerais dos hospitais públicos são uma área em melhoria contínua. As Urgências Gerais são locais onde a eficiência dos serviços prestados pode salvar vidas e, portanto, devem ser vistas como uma área de máximo interesse com o objetivo de tornar os processos otimizados. Esta investigação visa verificar se a aplicação de heurísticas de redesenho, na perspetiva do Business Process Management, resulta na melhoria dos tempos (length of stay), sem que a qualidade do serviço seja deteriorada. Para o mesmo processo, três cenários da Urgência Geral foram considerados. A metodologia que serve de base à investigação é sustentada num caso de estudo levado a cabo na urgência geral de um hospital público. A informação obtida durante a investigação foi recolhida a partir de entrevistas individuais e focus groups, bem como de observação direta e análise de documentos. Segundo a perspetiva Business Process Management, foram tidas em conta as suas fases do ciclo de vida. Adicionalmente, foi utilizada uma ferramenta de simulação e o Devil’s Quadrangle. Os resultados da investigação indicam que impactos positivos no tempo são possíveis sem que a qualidade do serviço seja afetada, originando ganhos de valor para o paciente, neste caso, o cliente do processo. Em termos de tempo, o length of stay (LoS) médio no processo foi reduzido em 22.5%, 15.9%, e 20.9% para cada um dos cenários apresentado, enquanto o length of stay (LoS) máximo foi reduzido em 29.2%, 36.2% e 37.4%

    Seventy years later: Noel Rosa's copyrights

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    Um regime ótimo de direitos autorais, ao tomar fundamento no estímulo ao desenvolvimento de novos bens intelectuais, depende de limites bem traçados. Este artigo procura aferir a funcionalidade desses direitos no que diz respeito a composições musicais, de sorte a avaliar, nesse campo específico, a maleabilidade da proteção aos direitos autorais e sua adequação à criação de novas obras. Para tanto, remete-se à experiência criativa de e sobre noel rosa, expoente do samba brasileiro. A marcada assunção de riscos por autores de obras derivadas, a formalização irregular das relações jurídicas entre titulares de direitos autorais e a profissionalização de determinados autores são constatadas como respostas diretas aos incentivos legais pertinentes. A incerteza decorrente dessas respostas expõe a dessintonia entre alguns dos objetivos das normas analisadas e seus efeitos práticos.An optimal copyright regime, based on fostering the development of new intellectual works, depends on well designed limitations. This article aims to analyze such rights' functionality with respect to musical works, in order to evaluate, in this field specifically, the flexibility of copyright protection and its adequacy for the creation of new works. To perform such task, the creative process of brazilian samba expert, noel rosa, is examined. A remarkable assumption of risks by derivative works' authors, the irregular formalization of legal relations between copyright owners and the profissionalization of certain authors are seen as direct answers to the legal incentives currently in force. The uncertainty derived from such answers exposes the tension between some of the analyzed norms' objectives and their actual effects

    Evolució en el disseny de webs de notÍcies

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    A Framework for the Application of Eco-efficiency to the Technology Development Process

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    The use of technology development process (TDP) models by the enterprises can contribute to the usage control of natural resources of technologies before or after its integration on products, services or processes. Although the choice of a technology can consider the use of some performance metrics to identify their eco-efficiency, the literature about technology development models neglects this element. Based on a qualitative analysis of existing models, this paper proposes a conceptual model for the adoption of eco-efficiency indicators in the TDP by the innovation managers, distributed in three different stages: the initial stage, during the planning of a technology, the intermediate stage, at the technology development, and the final stage, at the technology transfer. Future research, such as prioritizing the indicators and the extent of the present analysis to other sustainability dimensions are suggested for structuring a sustainable model of TDP

    VaR adjusted to business and financial cycles

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    Value-at-Risk is an important risk measurement tool. However, since the Subprime crisis there have been claims that it is an ineffective measure of risk. This paper shows that VaR breaks occur much more often in periods of recessions compared to expansions. By using business and financial cycle theory, an economic indicator (MOI) was created to assess when the economy was approaching a recession. Using the MOI indicator, several models were created to adjust the volatility according to business cycle conditions. Results confirm the effectiveness of using volatility adjusted to business and financial cycles as an input for a VaR model

    Environmental indicators applied to reality of Eco-Industrial Park (EIP)

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    Part of: Seliger, Günther (Ed.): Innovative solutions : proceedings / 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Berlin, Germany, 23rd - 25th September, 2013. - Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2013. - ISBN 978-3-7983-2609-5 (online). - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-40276. - pp. 84-89.The Eco-Industrial Parks (EIP - Eco-Industrial Park) emerged as a new model of spatial organization for industrial arrangements. An important feature for an EIP is the adoption of the concept of industrial symbiosis (IS), in which companies reuse waste to reach a closed system, reducing environmental impact. The article describes an analysis of the environmental indicators used in EIPs through a systematic literature review (RBS). Results indicated that there are proposals to evaluate the waste stream and the symbiosis of an EIP through detailed indicators, which capture the need in a particular moment of time. The paper describes, compares and analyzes these proposals. As a result, it was shown that they have limitations described and exemplified in the text

    Representações sociais da velhice

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    O estudo analisa as representações da velhice a partir de uma amostra de pessoas idosas e de cuidadores/as formais. Os instrumentos utilizados na recolha dos dados foram o Inquérito por Questionário e o Teste de Associação Livre de Palavras. A hipótese de trabalho que formulámos é a de que a representação da velhice, sendo uma construção social, traduz uma conceptualização negativa induzida pela consciência coletiva da sociedade marcadamente caracterizada por uma ideia negativa da velhice enquanto figuração do fim da vida ativa. Em concordância com a nossa hipótese de trabalho, os resultados revelam a prevalência de estereotipia idadista associando-se a velhice, em ambos os grupos investigados, a atributos de cariz negativo nomeadamente solidão, doença e dependência. As representações aferidas não serão alheias ao modelo societário que é maléfico para a velhice, onde se rejeita o que é velho (Bosi, 1983). É, contudo, nossa convicção que as melhorias verificadas na qualidade de vida, a par da nova narrativa discursiva do envelhecimento (produtivo, saudável, bem-sucedido, positivo e ativo), poderão vir a metamorfosear o campo representacional da “velhice” aligeirando a sua carga negativa.This study analyses the representations of old age from a sample of elderly and formal caregivers. The instruments used in the collection of data were the Survey Questionnaire and the Free Association Test words. The working hypothesis formulated is that the representation of elderly, being a social construction, reflects a negative conceptualization induced by the collective consciousness of society significantly characterized by a negative perception of old age while figuring the end of active life. Consistent with our hypothesis, the results reveal the prevalence of negative stereotyping of ageism associating old age, in both groups investigated, to the attributes of negative evaluative nature including loneliness, illness and dependence. The verified social representations will not be foreign to the corporate model that is harmful to old age, which rejects what is old (Bosi, 1983). However, it is our belief that the improvements in quality of life, along with the new ageing discursive narrative (productive, healthy, successful, positive, active), are likely to metamorphose the representational field of “old age” easing the its negative charge.(undefined

    Políticas para la igualdad de género en Portugal: contribuciones a un marco para las mujeres mayores

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    The way people age is exceptionally heterogeneous, diverse and fraught with various asymmetries (Fernandez-Ballesteros, 1999). Empirical evidence confirms that the diversity and cultural complexity interfere in how individuals age, and recognises that there are differences in how men and women experience their ageing. This article analyses the five National Plans for the Promotion of Equality and Citizenship, implemented between 1997 and 2017. The objective is to assess policies to gender equality in the context of ageing and focusing on older women. The authors concluded that the older population is practically invisible in the documents analysed, with a higher prevalence of women. The documents show a homogenization of older people as a group, only making a distinction by gender. There are not considered identity categories of this population. Measures concerning the senior population are mainly focused on the economic dimension, in the context of combating poverty and social inclusion