19 research outputs found


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    Outcomes of Clinicians, Caregivers, Family Members and Adults with Spina Bifida Regarding Receptivity to use of the iMHere mHealth Solution to Promote Wellness

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    The purpose of this study was to gather information regarding the receptivity of clinicians, caregivers and family members, and adults with spina bifida (SB) to the use of a mHealth application, iMobile Health and Rehabilitation (iMHere) system. Surveys were administered to end user groups in conjunction with a conference presentation at the Spina Bifida Association’s 38th Annual Conference. The survey results were obtained from a total of 107 respondents. Likert scale and qualitative results are provided in consideration of future application of the iMHere system in clinical practice. The results of this survey indicate respondents were receptive and supportive with regard to adopting such a system for personal and professional use. Challenges likely to be encountered in the introduction of the iMHere system are also revealed and discussed

    More than Body Composition: A Darwinian Theory of Somatotype, Applied to a DII Track and Field Outdoor Season

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 17(4): 1-12, 2024. This study presents somatotype data on a team sport with chronic and diverse sporting demands. The aims were to (1) characterize a somatotype profile for Division II (DII) track and field athletes (n=54) by sex, class, and events; (2) determine if somatotype changed across the season; (3) determine if changes differed based on class or sex; and, (4) assess potential differences in somatotype between sexes. Methods: Anthropometrics (height, weight, body composition, somatotype) were evaluated after a competitive indoor season and immediately before the outdoor conference championships (41 days). Body measurements were assessed using a bioelectrical impedance analysis device, skinfold assessment, boney breadths, and limb girths. Descriptive statistics are provided as well as results from two-way ANOVAs which evaluate differences in actual and change scores across sex and class. Results: Our DII track and field athletes were primarily endomorphic (scores displayed as ENDO, MESO, ECTO, respectively). Males were found to be primarily ENDO-MESO somatotypes (4.7, 4.1, 3.0), while females were dominantly ENDO (7.7, 2.9, 2.9). Upperclass were more ENDO-MESO balanced compared with lowerclass (5.8, 3.8, 2.8 vs 6.0, 3.5, 3.0). When investigated based on sex, class level, and event, the groups were similar. There was no meaningful change to ECTO scores across the season for males or females. Female athletes improved ENDO scores (-0.89%) and males and females improved MESO scores (14.29% and 5.29%, respectively), indicating adaptations can be accomplished despite the chronic demands of a competitive season. Conclusion: Our research offers practitioners information about the potential changes they may expect across a competitive track and field season

    Insufficiencies in sensory systems reweighting is associated with walking impairment severity in chronic stroke: an observational cohort study

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    BackgroundWalking and balance impairment are common sequelae of stroke and significantly impact functional independence, morbidity, and mortality. Adequate postural stability is needed for walking, which requires sufficient integration of sensory information between the visual, somatosensory, and vestibular centers. “Sensory reweighting” describes the normal physiologic response needed to maintain postural stability in the absence of sufficient visual or somatosensory information and is believed to play a critical role in preserving postural stability after stroke. However, the extent to which sensory reweighting successfully maintains postural stability in the chronic stages of stroke and its potential impact on walking function remains understudied.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, fifty-eight community-dwelling ambulatory chronic stroke survivors underwent baseline postural stability testing during quiet stance using the modified Clinical test of Sensory Interaction in Balance (mCTSIB) and assessment of spatiotemporal gait parameters.ResultsSeventy-six percent (45/58) of participants showed sufficient sensory reweighting with visual and somatosensory deprivation for maintaining postural stability, albeit with greater postural sway velocity indices than normative data. In contrast, survivors with insufficient reweighting demonstrated markedly slower overground walking speeds, greater spatiotemporal asymmetry, and limited acceleration potential.ConclusionAdequate sensory system reweighting is essential for chronic stroke survivors’ postural stability and walking independence. Greater emphasis should be placed on rehabilitation strategies incorporating multisensory system integration testing and strengthening as part of walking rehabilitation protocols. Given its potential impact on outcomes, walking rehabilitation trials may benefit from incorporating formal postural stability testing in design and group stratification

    SNPs Associated with Cerebrospinal Fluid Phospho-Tau Levels Influence Rate of Decline in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a complex and multifactorial disease. While large genome-wide association studies have had some success in identifying novel genetic risk factors for AD, case-control studies are less likely to uncover genetic factors that influence progression of disease. An alternative approach to identifying genetic risk for AD is the use of quantitative traits or endophenotypes. The use of endophenotypes has proven to be an effective strategy, implicating genetic risk factors in several diseases, including anemia, osteoporosis and heart disease. In this study we identify a genetic factor associated with the rate of decline in AD patients and present a methodology for identification of other such factors. We have used an established biomarker for AD, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 (ptau181) levels as an endophenotype for AD, identifying a SNP, rs1868402, in the gene encoding the regulatory sub-unit of protein phosphatase B, associated with CSF ptau181 levels in two independent CSF series . We show no association of rs1868402 with risk for AD or age at onset, but detected a very significant association with rate of progression of disease that is consistent in two independent series . Our analyses suggest that genetic variants associated with CSF ptau181 levels may have a greater impact on rate of progression, while genetic variants such as APOE4, that are associated with CSF Aβ42 levels influence risk and onset but not the rate of progression. Our results also suggest that drugs that inhibit or decrease tau phosphorylation may slow cognitive decline in individuals with very mild dementia or delay the appearance of memory problems in elderly individuals with low CSF Aβ42 levels. Finally, we believe genome-wide association studies of CSF tau/ptau181 levels should identify novel genetic variants which will likely influence rate of progression of AD

    Investigating the effects of smart technology on customer dynamics and customer experience

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    Increased use of smart technologies by customers is leading to recognition of their influence on the shopping experiences of customers by practitioners. However, the academic literature fails to acknowledge the influence of smart technology usage, combined with behavioural intention of the customer, on the dynamics and experience of customers. This research utilises explanatory research at the preliminary stage to examine this phenomenon in a retail setting. A conceptual framework was created, based on the scholarly knowledge available in extant literature, and was tested using a survey of a convenience sample of 330 consumers shopping in a high-end retail store in London, United Kingdom. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) via AMOS was employed to test the proposed model. This study contributes to technology adoption based consumer behaviour literature, by explaining the ability of learning commitment to drive the participation of an individual, but its inability to influence their behavioural intention. Findings of this research also reflect on the role of customer dynamics and customer experience in embracing innovative application of smart technologies in a retail setting. The results and implications included in our study also contribute to the understanding of the determinants that affect customer dynamics and customer experience when making use of smart technologies


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    Maintaining primacy of the patient perspective in the development of patient-centered patient reported outcomes.

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    The objectives of this study were to describe and demonstrate a new model of developing patient reported outcomes (PROs) that are patient-centered, and to test the hypothesis that following this model would result in a qualitatively different PRO than if the typical PRO development model were followed. The typical process of developing PROs begins with an initial list of signs or symptoms originating from clinicians or PRO developers; patient validation of this list ensures that the list (i.e., the new PRO) is interpretable by patients, but not that patient perspectives are central or even represented. The new model begins with elicitation from clinicians and patients independently and separately. These perspectives are formally analyzed qualitatively, and the results are iteratively integrated by researchers, supporting clinical relevance and patient centeredness. We describe the application of this new model to the development of a PRO for urinary signs and symptoms in individuals with neuropathic bladder, and test the hypothesis that the two processes generate qualitatively different instruments using a national validation sample of 300 respondents. Of its 29 items, the new instrument included 13 signs/symptoms derived from existing clinical practice guidelines, with 16 others derived from the patient/focus groups. The three most-endorsed items came from the patients, and the three least-endorsed items came from clinical guidelines. Thematic qualitative analysis of the elicitation process, as well as the results from our national sample, support the conclusion that the new model yields an instrument that is clinically interpretable, but more patient-centered, than the typical model would have done in this context

    Origins of items on the USQ-NB: Patients or clinical practice guidelines[33].

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    <p>Origins of items on the USQ-NB: Patients or clinical practice guidelines[<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0171114#pone.0171114.ref033" target="_blank">33</a>].</p