932 research outputs found

    The low KM-phosphodiesterase inhibitor denbufylline enhances neuronal excitability in guinea pig hippocampus in vitro

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    The actions of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor denbufylline on the excitability of hippocampal neurons were investigated by means of extracellular and intracellular recordings. Denbufylline, which has been shown to selectively inhibit a low KM, Ca2+/calmodulin-independent phosphodiesterase isozyme, concentration-dependently increased the amplitude of the extracellularly recorded CAI population spike evoked by electrical stimulation of the Schaffer collateral/commissural pathway. Concentration-response-curves yielded an EC50 for denbufylline of 0.76 M. In comparison, the nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-lmethylxanthine (IBMX) also produced an increase in the amplitude of the population spike. From the concentration-response-curve, which was steeper than that of denbufylline, an EC50 for IBMX of 1.04 M was obtained. However, despite their similar EC50 values, denbufylline was found to be significantly more potent at lower concentrations (<- 300 nM) than IBMX. Intracellular recordings from CAI pyramidal cells revealed postsynaptic actions of denbufylline (300 nM) as indicated by a small drug-induced depolarization (2 – 5 mV) associated with an increase in membrane input resistance by 10–20%. In addition, denbufylline blocked the accommodation of trains of action potentials evoked by the injection of depolarizing current pulses. The results suggest i) that accumulation of adenosine-3,5-monophosphate (CAMP) in the postsynaptic cell and/or in the presynaptic terminal produced by blockade of phosphodiesterases leads to enhanced synaptic transmission in the CAI area of the hippocampus and ii) that a low KM, Ca 2+/calmodulin-independent cAMP-phosphodiesterase is an important component involved in the regulation of the intracellular cAMP level at synapses of central nervous system neurons

    Bisphenol A Binds to the Local Anesthetic Receptor Site to Block the Human Cardiac Sodium Channel

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) has attracted considerable public attention as it leaches from plastic used in food containers, is detectable in human fluids and recent epidemiologic studies link BPA exposure with diseases including cardiovascular disorders. As heart-toxicity may derive from modified cardiac electrophysiology, we investigated the interaction between BPA and hNav1.5, the predominant voltage-gated sodium channel subtype expressed in the human heart. Electrophysiology studies of heterologously-expressed hNav1.5 determined that BPA blocks the channel with a Kd of 25.4±1.3 µM. By comparing the effects of BPA and the local anesthetic mexiletine on wild type hNav1.5 and the F1760A mutant, we demonstrate that both compounds share an overlapping binding site. With a key binding determinant thus identified, an homology model of hNav1.5 was generated based on the recently-reported crystal structure of the bacterial voltage-gated sodium channel NavAb. Docking predictions position both ligands in a cavity delimited by F1760 and contiguous with the DIII–IV pore fenestration. Steered molecular dynamics simulations used to assess routes of ligand ingress indicate that the DIII–IV pore fenestration is a viable access pathway. Therefore BPA block of the human heart sodium channel involves the local anesthetic receptor and both BPA and mexiletine may enter the closed-state pore via membrane-located side fenestrations

    Alzheimer’s disease risk polymorphisms regulate gene expression in the ZCWPW1 and the CELF1 loci

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    Late onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) is a genetically complex and clinically heterogeneous disease. Recent large-scale genome wide association studies (GWAS) have identified more than twenty loci that modify risk for AD. Despite the identification of these loci, little progress has been made in identifying the functional variants that explain the association with AD risk. Thus, we sought to determine whether the novel LOAD GWAS single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) alter expression of LOAD GWAS genes and whether expression of these genes is altered in AD brains. The majority of LOAD GWAS SNPs occur in gene dense regions under large linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks, making it unclear which gene(s) are modified by the SNP. Thus, we tested for brain expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) between LOAD GWAS SNPs and SNPs in high LD with the LOAD GWAS SNPs in all of the genes within the GWAS loci. We found a significant eQTL between rs1476679 and PILRB and GATS, which occurs within the ZCWPW1 locus. PILRB and GATS expression levels, within the ZCWPW1 locus, were also associated with AD status. Rs7120548 was associated with MTCH2 expression, which occurs within the CELF1 locus. Additionally, expression of several genes within the CELF1 locus, including MTCH2, were highly correlated with one another and were associated with AD status. We further demonstrate that PILRB, as well as other genes within the GWAS loci, are most highly expressed in microglia. These findings together with the function of PILRB as a DAP12 receptor supports the critical role of microglia and neuroinflammation in AD risk

    Deletion of Interleukin-6 Signal Transducer gp130 in Small Sensory Neurons Attenuates Mechanonociception and Down-Regulates TRPA1 Expression

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    Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License Unported (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0). agreement This allows data and text mining, use of figures in presentations, and posting the article online, as long as the original article is attributed.Glycoprotein 130 (gp130) is the signal transducing receptor subunit for cytokines of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) family, and it is expressed in a multitude of cell types of the immune and nervous system. IL-6-like cytokines are not only key regulators of innate immunity and inflammation but are also essential factors for the differentiation and development of the somatosensory system. Mice with a null mutation of gp130 in primary nociceptive afferents (SNS-gp130−/−) are largely protected from hypersensitivity to mechanical stimuli in mouse models of pathological pain. Therefore, we set out to investigate how neuronal gp130 regulates mechanonociception. SNS-gp130−/− mice revealed reduced mechanosensitivity to high mechanical forces in the von Frey assay in vivo, and this was associated with a reduced sensitivity of nociceptive primary afferents in vitro. Together with these findings, transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) mRNA expression was significantly reduced in DRG from SNS-gp130−/− mice. This was also reflected by a reduced number of neurons responding with calcium transients to TRPA1 agonists in primary DRG cultures. Downregulation of Trpa1 expression was predominantly discovered in nonpeptidergic neurons, with the deficit becoming evident during stages of early postnatal development. Regulation of Trpa1 mRNA expression levels downstream of gp130 involved the classical Janus kinase family-signal transducer and activator of transcription pathway. Our results closely link proinflammatory cytokines to the expression of TRPA1, both of which have been shown to contribute to hypersensitive pain states. We suggest that gp130 has an essential role in mechanonociception and in the regulation of TRPA1 expression

    Alzheimer Europe's position on involving people with dementia in research through PPI (patient and public involvement)

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    YesThis paper reflects Alzheimer Europe’s position on PPI (patient and public involvement) in the context of dementia research and highlights some of the challenges and potential risks and benefits associated with such meaningful involvement. The paper was drafted by Alzheimer Europe in collaboration with members of INTERDEM and the European Working Group of People with Dementia. It has been formally adopted by the Board of Alzheimer Europe and endorsed by the Board of INTERDEM and by the JPND working group ‘Dementia Outcome Measures - Charting New Territory’. Alzheimer Europe is keen to promote the involvement of people with dementia in research, not only as participants but also in the context of PPI, by generating ideas for research, advising researchers, being involved in consultations and being directly involved in research activities. This position paper is in keeping with this objective. Topics covered include, amongst others, planning involvement, establishing roles and responsibilities, training and support, managing information and input from PPI, recognising the contribution of people with dementia involved in research in this way, promoting and protecting the rights and well-being of people with dementia, training and support, and promoting an inclusive approach and the necessary infrastructure for PPI in dementia research.European Union's Health Programme (2014-2020), grant number 707934. This work received funding under an operating grant from the European Union's Health Programme (2014-2020), grant number 707934.European Union's Health Programme (2014–2020), grant number 707934

    Applicability of in vivo staging of regional amyloid burden in a cognitively normal cohort with subjective memory complaints: the INSIGHT-preAD study.

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    BACKGROUND:Current methods of amyloid PET interpretation based on the binary classification of global amyloid signal fail to identify early phases of amyloid deposition. A recent analysis of 18F-florbetapir PET data from the Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative cohort suggested a hierarchical four-stage model of regional amyloid deposition that resembles neuropathologic estimates and can be used to stage an individual's amyloid burden in vivo. Here, we evaluated the validity of this in vivo amyloid staging model in an independent cohort of older people with subjective memory complaints (SMC). We further examined its potential association with subtle cognitive impairments in this population at elevated risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS:The monocentric INSIGHT-preAD cohort includes 318 cognitively intact older individuals with SMC. All individuals underwent 18F-florbetapir PET scanning and extensive neuropsychological testing. We projected the regional amyloid uptake signal into the previously proposed hierarchical staging model of in vivo amyloid progression. We determined the adherence to this model across all cases and tested the association between increasing in vivo amyloid stage and cognitive performance using ANCOVA models. RESULTS:In total, 156 participants (49%) showed evidence of regional amyloid deposition, and all but 2 of these (99%) adhered to the hierarchical regional pattern implied by the in vivo amyloid progression model. According to a conventional binary classification based on global signal (SUVRCereb = 1.10), individuals in stages III and IV were classified as amyloid-positive (except one in stage III), but 99% of individuals in stage I and even 28% of individuals in stage II were classified as amyloid-negative. Neither in vivo amyloid stage nor conventional binary amyloid status was significantly associated with cognitive performance in this preclinical cohort. CONCLUSIONS:The proposed hierarchical staging scheme of PET-evidenced amyloid deposition generalizes well to data from an independent cohort of older people at elevated risk for AD. Future studies will determine the prognostic value of the staging approach for predicting longitudinal cognitive decline in older individuals at increased risk for AD

    Can oral infection be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease?

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a scourge of longevity that will drain enormous resources from public health budgets in the future. Currently, there is no diagnostic biomarker and/or treatment for this most common form of dementia in humans. AD can be of early familial-onset or sporadic with a late-onset. Apart from the two main hallmarks, amyloid-beta and neurofibrillary tangles, inflammation is a characteristic feature of AD neuropathology. Inflammation may be caused by a local central nervous system insult and/or by peripheral infections. Numerous microorganisms are suspected in AD brains ranging from bacteria (mainly oral and non-oral Treponema species), viruses (Herpes simplex type I) and yeasts (Candida species). A causal relationship between periodontal pathogens/non-oral Treponema species of bacteria has been proposed via the amyloid-beta and inflammatory links. Periodontitis constitutes a peripheral oral infection that can provide the brain with intact bacteria and virulence factors and inflammatory mediators due to daily, transient bacteraemias. If and when genetic risk factors meet environmental risk factors in the brain, disease is expressed, in which neurocognition may be impacted, leading to the development of dementia. To achieve the goal of finding a diagnostic biomarker and possible prophylactic treatment for AD, there is an initial need to solve the etiological puzzle contributing to its pathogenesis. This review therefore addresses oral infection as the plausible aetiology of late onset AD (LOAD)