3,829 research outputs found
Extracting Lungs from CT Images using Fully Convolutional Networks
Analysis of cancer and other pathological diseases, like the interstitial
lung diseases (ILDs), is usually possible through Computed Tomography (CT)
scans. To aid this, a preprocessing step of segmentation is performed to reduce
the area to be analyzed, segmenting the lungs and removing unimportant regions.
Generally, complex methods are developed to extract the lung region, also using
hand-made feature extractors to enhance segmentation. With the popularity of
deep learning techniques and its automated feature learning, we propose a lung
segmentation approach using fully convolutional networks (FCNs) combined with
fully connected conditional random fields (CRF), employed in many
state-of-the-art segmentation works. Aiming to develop a generalized approach,
the publicly available datasets from University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) and
VESSEL12 challenge were studied, including many healthy and pathological CT
scans for evaluation. Experiments using the dataset individually, its trained
model on the other dataset and a combination of both datasets were employed.
Dice scores of for the HUG-ILD dataset and
for the VESSEL12 dataset were achieved, outperforming works
in the former and obtaining similar state-of-the-art results in the latter
dataset, showing the capability in using deep learning approaches.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks (IJCNN) 201
ABHA - Advanced Biomechanical Hand Assistant
The outlook for the future of physiotherapy is very promising, with a gradual increase in its demand. This
trend is mainly explained by the fact that there is an increasingly active and ageing population in developed countries. The growing demand for this area will consequently lead to the need for many resources, both human and economic. Currently, there are several bionic hands with various uses and functions, and most of these hands are programmed to respond to the movements of a particular user. Besides, most of the applications of medical robotics are mainly directed to the area of surgery. With this proposal, we intend to simplify the whole physiotherapy or rehabilitation process. For that, we have developed an equipment capable of helping the patient to perform the exercises in the comfort of his home, but in an equally efficient way. The operation of the system consists of autonomous use by the patient, who must wear the glove and replicate the exercises, predefined for each user, performed by the biomechanical hand. Having the possibility to define the
exercises, ABHA is transferable and can be used by more than one patient.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Estudo comparativo de desempenho do processo FCAW utilizando como gases de proteção 100%CO2, Ar + 25% CO2 e Ar + 40% CO2 eletrodo tubular E71T-1 como consumÃvel
Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de BrasÃlia, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2016.Diante das diferenças operacionais existentes no processo FCAW utilizando diferentes gases de proteção, existem caracterÃsticas dos processos de soldagem que os tornam competitivos em termos de qualidade e produtividade. Com isso surge a necessidade de quantificar e salientar as principais caracterÃsticas de cada um, visando fornecer ao usuário informações mais seguras que permitam a opção pelo melhor processo de acordo com sua aplicação: uma comparação de valor prático entre esses processos deve ser feita compensando as suas diferenças operacionais. Neste trabalho foi proposta a realização da comparação do processo FCAW com três gases distintos de forma a ter resultados mais aplicáveis. Para isto, procura-se avaliar os respectivos gases de proteção de grande aplicação para o processo FCAW sob mesmos nÃveis de corrente cobrindo uma faixa tÃpica de uso, com uma mesma taxa de alimentação por unidade de comprimento e principalmente, respeitando os demais parâmetros de soldagem tÃpicos. Soldagens foram realizadas utilizando-se o eletrodo E71T-1 sob as proteções gasosas 100%CO2, Ar+25%CO2 e Ar+40%CO2. Procurou-se distinguir e avaliar caracterÃsticas do processo com cada tipo de gás ou mistura que pudessem influenciar diretamente na sua operacionalidade, tais como: estabilidade do processo, emissão de fumos, aspecto superficial dos cordões, nÃvel de escória, quantidade de respingos, taxa de deposição via comparação de massa de eletrodo fundida e massa efetivamente depositada na forma de cordão, caracterÃsticas geométricas dos cordões, molhabilidade e custo de fabricação por unidade de tempo.In face of the operational differences in the Flux Cored process (FCAW) using different protection gases, there are certain characteristics in the welding processes that make them competitive in terms of quality and productivity. With that in mind, it is necessary to quantify and emphasize each of the main characteristics of the processes, targeting the better information transmission to the final user, allowing the best process to be chosen in accordance to the application: a comparison of practical value between those processes must be done compensating the operational differences. Therefore, this work suggests the comparison of the FCAW process with three different gases in a manner such that the results might become more accessible. With that goal, the most common protection gases for the FCAW process will be evaluated for equal levels of electric current, covering a typical opertaional spectrum, with an equal feed ratio per length unit and, specially, following the remaining typical welding parameters for each process. Welds will be made using the E71T-1 electrode, with the protection gases 100%CO2, Ar+25%CO2 and Ar+40%CO2. The characteristics that might directly influence the operation ability were singled out and evaluated, such as: process stability, fume emission, superficial aspect of the seams, slag levels, droplet ejection, deposition rate through the comparison between the molten electrode mass and the mass effectively deposited in the seam, seam geometrical characteristics, dewetting and fabrication cost per time unit
In vitro antibacterial activity of tigecycline against clinical isolates of Linezolid-Intermediate (LIE) and Linezolid-Resistant Enterococci (LRE) by time-kill assay
Introduction: Enterococci have become the third major leading cause of nosocomial bacteraemia, an infection which is significantly associated with the risk of developing infective endocarditis. Linezolid provides high rates of clinical cure and microbiologic success in complicated infections due to Enterococcus spp. However, several instances of emergence of resistance during linezolid treatment have been reported. The aim of this study was evaluate the activity of tigecycline against Linezolid-Intermediate (LIE) and Linezolid-Resistant Enterococcus faecalis (LRE) by the time-kill assay.Methods: Five isolates of LRE and two isolates of LIE were used in this study. MICs were determined by broth dilution following the CLSI (2014) guidelines. Time-kill assay was employed to access the in vitro response profile of tigecycline.Results: All seven of the isolates presented MIC of 0.125μg/mL. Tigecycline activity was individually evaluated and in three of the five isolates of LRE it presented bactericidal. Against the other isolates, tigecycline showed bacteriostatic activity. The tigecycline activity was measured according to CLSI criteria.Conclusions: Tigecycline presented both bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity against tested isolates, result not yet described in previous studies. Time and concentrations above MIC were key factors to achieving bactericidal effect. MIC and the tested concentration below it resulted in bacteriostatical effect to enterococci, corroborating previous data
Burnout and dropout intention in medical students: the protective role of academic engagement
Introduction: The infuence of burnout, academic engagement, and their interaction in dropout intention among
medical students should be further studied. Current research shows its consequences are relevant, however, there
is little understanding on burnout and academic engagement moderation in dropout intention. The current study
tested a model that relates the efects of coping strategies, social support satisfaction, general distress on academic
engagement, burnout, and dropout intention, on medical students.
Methods: Through an online survey a non-probabilistic sample of one Medical Faculty’s 1st- and 2nd-year students was recruited. Cross-sectional data were collected using psychometric instruments (Maslach Burnout Inventory
– Student Survey, Social Support Satisfaction Scale for College Students, Brief COPE Scale for College Students, University Student Engagement Inventory, and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale), sociodemographic and academic
variables, and analyzed using structural equation modeling.
Results: 532 students (76% response rate) enrolled in the study. Latent variables structural model presented a
satisfactory ft to the data and confrmed the expected negative path between burnout and dropout intention
(βDI<-SB=0.430; p<.001) and the latent moderation burnout x engagement (βDI<-SB*SE=-0.218; p<.001).
Conclusion: Academic engagement attenuates the impact of burnout on dropout intention, working as a protective
factor. Social support satisfaction and adaptive coping are associated with increased levels of academic engagement,
and general distress and maladaptive coping are associated with burnout. Medical Schools should develop interventions to prevent dropout intention, tackle students’ stress and academic challenges, and develop their academic
engagement levels.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Code2know ? um prot?tipo de sistema de ensino de programa??o baseado em juiz online
O presente trabalho prop?e o desenvolvimento de prot?tipo de um sistema baseado em juiz online com foco no ensino de programa??o. Com o objetivo de aperfei?oar os aspectos desses sistemas, como usabilidade, escalabilidade e um feedback claro aos alunos. O trabalho busca preencher lacunas existentes nos sistemas atuais, que muitas vezes s?o h?bridos entre competi??o e ensino. O sistema proposto visa melhorar o ambiente de aprendizado, permitindo que os alunos resolvam exerc?cios com casos de teste p?blicos e recebam o feedback personalizado de acordo com a exce??o obtida no processo de submiss?o. Como resultado foi obtido uma prova de conceito do sistema, com as funcionalidades b?sicas para ser implantado em sala de aula
Two Water Environment Adaptation Models Enhance Motor Behavior And Improve The Success Of The Lactate Minimum Test In Swimming Rats
This study was designed to investigate the effects of 14 water environment adaptation days on motor behavior and physiological condition of swimming rats. METHODS Sixty male Wistar rats were divided into four groups-baseline (Bl) and control (Co) groups-which did not perform the water environment adaptation; and sub (SubAnT) and (SupraAnT) anaerobic threshold groups, which performed 14 water environment adaptation days with sub or supra anaerobic threshold progressive loads (from the tenth day), respectively. The climbing-swimming prevalence (i.e. motor behavior) was analyzed during the water environment adaptation days. Lactate minimum test (LMT) parameters and muscular/hepatic glycogen content in addition to serum creatine kinase were also measured. RESULTS Animals from SubAnT and SupraAnT groups presented a lower climbing-swimming pattern throughout the extent of the experiment (p=0.000), especially after the 5th session. These results were achieved without an improvement in the LMT results or glycogen/creatine kinase. In addition, improvements of 26.6% and 25% for the LMT success rate (i.e. LMT reliability) were obtained only for SubAnT and SupraAnT animals. CONCLUSION Overall, we demonstrated that a water environment adaptation period is necessary for lowering the climbing-swimming pattern without physiological improvement.23especia
Entrepreneurship for reinsertion, social innovation and sustainability
Entrepreneurship is an effective way of overcoming conjunctural factors; it is also a dignifying solution for all business-oriented people. This study aims to answer the following question: how to enable the social reinsertion of therapeutic communities’ graduates by resorting to the concepts of entrepreneurship? It also aims to investigate the skills of individuals cared for at therapeutic centers and who are in the final stage of drug addiction treatment, attempting to promote their social reintegration, job creation and sustainable income. To achieve this goal, this study’s specific objectives are: (1) present the practical applicability of entrepreneurial concepts as sustainable economic activities; (2) characterize the fundamental aspects for the development of entrepreneurial skills considering contextualized reality drawing on Bloom’s Taxonomy; (3) suggest re-adequacy of social reintegration public policies, considering the concepts of social innovation with sustainability. Here, Case Study Method and procedures such as instrumentalization of an introductory workshop, development of participants’ skills; gathering, analysis and interpretation of data are applied. As a result, thirty graduates from therapeutic communities had the chance to get in touch with the concepts of entrepreneurship as a tool for their social reinsertion. It is expected that this outcome may contribute to the improvement in their quality of life, considering that the study is based on factual reality and that its findings can be reproduced in situations of similar reality. This work is relevant to both public and private entities engaged with social responsibility and sustainability. 
Gerencialismo, seus principais motivadores, contribuições e impasses na gestão pública/ Management, its main motivators, contributions and deadlocks in public management
Este estudo focaliza o gerencialismo, os principais motivadores, suas contribuições e impasses na gestão pública, reunindo os conceitos basilares que possam servir de conhecimento e logo transformados em ferramentas na administração pública. O objetivo geral é estudar o gerencialismo na Gestão Pública em face dos conceitos coletados; e para os resultados traz como objetivos especÃficos levantar os principais conceitos motivadores do surgimento do gerencialismo (1), apontar as principais contribuições do gerencialismo para o serviço público (2), e analisar os impasses do gerencialismo na Gestão Pública (3). O gerencialismo é o modelo de gestão pública que incorpora ao poder público os conceitos de bem-estar social, após as definições clássicas da Escola Neoliberal que criticava com ênfase a ineficiência burocrática e a busca de reformas no Estado. Adota-se o Método de Análise de Conteúdo, que é aquele que possibilita o mapeamento sobre os autores e produções relacionadas ao tema ou problema de pesquisa; como procedimentos utiliza-se de coleta acervos e documentos, seleção de fontes diversas em plataformas digitais, leitura flutuante, clivagem e categorização dos corpos, redação do texto aplicando a análise orientada pelo agir criativo de Habermas. Como resultados, traz os elementos que atendem aos objetivos propostos, discorrendo, analisando e criticando na conformidade e com validação. Considere-se, ainda, o impasse da inexistência de gestores empreendedores, decorrente do temor dos agentes públicos em desvincular-se do texto frio da norma na via da criatividade dinâmica que o gerencialismo requer. É uma contribuição da academia aos gestores compromissados com o conhecimento em benefÃcio da governança
Burocracia Federal de Infraestrutura Econômica: reflexões sobre capacidades
O livro visa aprofundar o conhecimento acerca das capacidades estatais, mais especificamente sobre as capacidades de o setor público brasileiro planejar, implementar, gerir e regular o setor de infraestrutura econômica. Esta coletânea de artigos cientÃficos foi concebida aproveitando o acúmulo da Enap no desenvolvimento e implementação de atividades de capacitação para esse público, bem como na condução de pesquisas com enfoque na burocracia pública, e a expertise do Ipea em conduzir pesquisas de excelência sobre o Estado brasileiro.411 p.BurocraciaCapacidades EstataisEconomi
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