488 research outputs found

    Forest Land Ownership Changes in Portugal

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    A general estimator for the right endpoint with an application to supercentenarian women's record

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    We extend the setting of the right endpoint estimator introduced in Fraga Alves and Neves (Statist. Sinica 24:1811{1835, 2014) to the broader class of light-tailed distributions with finite endpoint, belonging to some domain of attraction induced by the extreme value theorem. This stretch enables a general estimator for the finite endpoint, which does not require estimation of the (supposedly non-positive) extreme value index. A new testing procedure for selecting max-domains of attraction also arises in connection with the asymptotic properties of the general endpoint estimator. The simulation study conveys that the general endpoint estimator is a valuable complement to the most usual endpoint estimators, particularly when the true extreme value index stays above -1/2, embracing the most common cases in practical applications. An illustration is provided via an extreme value analysis of supercentenarian women data

    Ciclo de debates: "Controvérsias a ciência econômica".

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    A iniciativa de um ciclo de debates sobre controvérsias na ciência econômica representa um espaço público, científico e de caráter educativo, onde participam estudantes e professores da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana (UNILA). Um dos propósitos é articular uma rede acadêmica consolidada, capaz de dialogar com diversos movimentos nacionais e internacionais, visando aproximar a ciência econômica ao mundo real, resgatando importantes controvérsias, as quais se manifestam mediante diversas perspectivas econômicas comparadas. Através dos debates, pretende-se demonstrar a influência das ideias econômicas no “mundo real”, destacando o papel que tem a teoria econômica em sua expressiva diversidade teórico-metodológica. O pluralismo, neste caso, representa o encontro entre diversas abordagens, desde a própria teoria mainstream dominante na ciência (aparentemente inquestionável na maioria dos centros de ensino de economia do mundo) até as diversas escolas de tradição crítico-heterodoxa que procuram respostas sob outras perspectivas. Espera-se a realização de 5 debates públicos durante o ano de 2018. Até o momento, foram realizados dois ciclo de debates com os seguintes temas: “Análise Positiva e Normativa na Reforma da Previdência no Brasil”, sendo este o primeiro, realizado em maio e “Independência do Banco Central no Mundo” realizado em junho. Em ambos os debates os participantes do Grupo de Estudos apresentaram cada um, individualmente, uma perspectiva teórica. Com o objetivo de facilitar a comunicação, divulgar e expandir as discussões para além da equipe do projeto de extensão e do público interno da universidade foram criados um e-mail e uma página nas mídias sociais (Facebook), tornando, assim, nosso trabalho mais acessível ao público em geral. Ademais disso, criamos um drive com bibliografia, textos, fichamentos e apresentações utilizados pelos participantes do grupo de estudos


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    Objective: to analyze the records referring to reproductive planning consultations and to intrauterine device insertion performed in 2021 by nurses and physicians in Primary Health Care in Brazil.Method: this is a quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study that resorted to secondary data from the Health Information System for Primary Care and submitted to simple descriptive statistics data analysis.Results: a total of 18,243 procedures about IUD insertion were recorded in the country, with prevalence of physicians, except for the state of Roraima; as well as 54,186 reproductive planning consultations with predominance of 41,184 (76%) nurses in relation to physicians (13,002; 24%).Conclusion: there is a need to invest in the training of physicians and nurses in order to expand access and the right to sexual life care of the women living in the country. Nursing care is a way to consolidate women's right to sexual and reproductive life care

    Assessement of Malaria Transmission in an Area with Very Low Mosquito Density

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    The increase in world travel in recent years, especially to and from areas where vector-borne diseases are endemic, has resulted in a substantial rise in imported cases of those diseases. In particular, malaria is a cause of concern. In those countries at the edge of its distribution, it can be difficult to distinguish between autochthonous and imported cases. However, distinguishing between the two is important because of the different allocation of resources to combat the disease that each requires. In general, observation of the various stages of parasite development in wild-caught female mosquitoes is considered evidence of autochthonous transmission. Observation of oocysts in the mosquito mid-gut testifies that mosquitoes are susceptible to infection but conclusions cannot be reached about their ability to complete the transmission cycle. Perhaps the best indication of autochthonous transmission is microscopic observation of sporozoites in mosquito salivary glands, since this detects parasites ready to be inoculated (BELER et al., 1990). Detection of circumsporozoite protein (CSP)(BURKOT, WILLIAMS & SCHNEIDER, 1984) in dry mosquito thoraxes, by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is also widely used to determine transmission, especially when large numbers of mosquitoes need to be processed. Such assays provide information about the parasite species infecting the mosquito (BURKOT & WIRTZ, 1986; WIRTZ et al., 1987; BELER et al., 1990)

    Myiasis by Cordylobia anthropophaga (Calliphoridae) in rodents from Cape Verde

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    Purpose: The tumbu fly, Cordylobia anthropophaga (Diptera: Calliphoridae), is widely distributed in continental tropical and subtropical Africa, being the most common cause of furuncular myiasis in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of the present work was to analyze the role of rodents as possible reservoirs of C. anthropophaga in Cape Verde, considering the zoonotic character of this fly species. Materials and methods: A total of 150 peridomestic rodents were studied in Santiago island. For the obtained larvae, morphological and molecular characters were analyzed. Results: Cordylobia anthropophaga was found in 6.4% of the peridomestic Rattus rattus analyzed. The present work unveils the presence of C. anthropophaga in rodents of the African archipelago of Cape Verde, introduced probably with West African humans and/or animals. Conclusion: The presence in peridomestic animals, and the wide range of species that this fly can affect, entails a zoonotic risk of myiasis by tumbu fly. Keywords: Cape Verde; Cordylobia anthropophaga; Myiasis; Rattus rattus; Rodents

    The use of envi-met for the assessment of nature-based solutions’ potential benefits in industrial parks—a case study of Argales Industrial Park (Valladolid, Spain)

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    Urbanization causes major changes in environmental systems, including those related with radiation balances and other meteorological conditions because of changes in surfaces and the physical environment. In addition, cities generate specific microclimates as a consequence of the diverse conditions within the urban fabric. Industrial parks represent vast urban areas, often neglected, contributing to the degradation of the urban environment, including poor thermal comfort as a result of soil sealing and low albedo surfaces. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) can promote the mitigation of the anthropic effects of urbanization using nature as an inspiration. The present study, aimed at estimating the microclimate conditions in a fraction of the Argales industrial park in the city of Valladolid (Spain), with the use of the ENVI-Met software, assesses the current situation and a planned NBS scenario. Base scenario simulation results demonstrate different conditions across the simulations, with higher temperatures on sun-exposed surfaces with low albedo, and lower temperature spots, mostly associated with shadowed areas near existent buildings. After the simulation of the NBS scenario, the results show that, when compared with the base scenario, the projected air temperature changes reach reductions of up to 4.30 ◦C for the locations where changes are projected from impervious low albedo surfaces to shaded areas in the vicinity of trees and a water body.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Infrastructures 2022, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 23 Portugal) for financial support by national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020). Appreciation must also go to the other INTERREG POCTEP INDNATUR Project partners for the help and support during this study with the provision of means that helped a lot in the research. To the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and the University of Valladolid that supported the collaboration in Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and the University of Valladolid that supported the collaboration tihnetphreopjercotj.ect

    A clonal Plasmodium falciparum population in an isolated outbreak of malaria in the Republic of Cabo Verde

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    We present the first parasitological, molecular and longitudinal analysis of an isolated outbreak of malaria. This outbreak occurred on Santiago Island (Republic of Cabo Verde), a region where malaria is hypoendemic and controlled, and thus the population is considered non-immune. Blood samples were collected from the inhabitants over 1 month and during cross-sectional surveys in the following year. The presence and nature of the parasites was determined by PCR. Plasmodium falciparum was the only species detected. Genetic analysis revealed that the circulating parasites were genetically homogeneous, and probably clonal. Gametocytes were found throughout this period. Our data suggest that this represented a focal outbreak, resulting in the infection of at least 40% of the villagers with a clonal parasite line. Thus, P. falciparum infections can persist for at least 1 year in a substantial proportion (10%) of the hosts. Implications for malaria control and the interpretation of epidemiological data are discussed

    Infrared and optical polarimetry around the low-mass star-forming region NGC 1333 IRAS 4A

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    We performed J- and R-band linear polarimetry with the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos and with the 1.6 m telescope at the Observat\'orio do Pico dos Dias, respectively, to derive the magnetic field geometry of the diffuse molecular cloud surrounding the embedded protostellar system NGC 1333 IRAS 4A. We obtained interstellar polarization data for about two dozen stars. The distribution of polarization position angles has low dispersion and suggests the existence of an ordered magnetic field component at physical scales larger than the protostar. Some of the observed stars present intrinsic polarization and evidence of being young stellar objects. The estimated mean orientation of the interstellar magnetic field as derived from these data is almost perpendicular to the main direction of the magnetic field associated with the dense molecular envelope around IRAS 4A. Since the distribution of the CO emission in NGC 1333 indicates that the diffuse molecular gas has a multi-layered structure, we suggest that the observed polarization position angles are caused by the superposed projection along the line of sight of different magnetic field components.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A