3,564 research outputs found

    Education and progress a approach

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    La educación, a la que debe tener acceso gran parte de la población mundial, es una variable de peso para definir el índice de desarrollo humano de un país; sin embargo, es uno de los aspectos donde se marca más el problema de las desigualdades.El último informe sobre desarrollo humano, de la Organización de las Naciones unidas –ONU–, alerta a la comunidad internacional sobre el alcance que la situación podría traer, si los efectos del fenómeno de la globalización no se manejan con criterios de equidad, racionalidad y sostenibilidad.The education is a weight variable for to define the index of human progress of a country, however, is one of the aspects mat observe more the problem of the inequalities.The last report about human increase of the United Nations Organization, attentive to the international comunity about the reach of the inequality in the education, if the effects of the globalization phenomenon don't manage on the criterions of equity, racionality and sustainily

    Educational Activities to Help Transferring Knowledge in Nuclear: The Seminars of Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares)

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    From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help transferring the knowledge between those generations in the way that it can be possible

    From Secondary School To University: Attracting Young Students Towards A Career In Nuclear

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    From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help spread knowledge about nuclear energy, not only pointing out its advantages and its role in our society, but also trying to correct some of the ideas that are due to the biased information and to the lack of knowledge. To try to have success in that goal, some high school lectures were taught and it has been organized regularly a Basic Course on Nuclear Science and Technolog

    Estimación adaptable de estados en un edificio de marco plano equipado con un amortiguador magneto-reológico

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    Resumen: Se presenta un observador adaptable para un edificio equipado con un amortiguador magneto-reológico. Este observador es capaz de reconstruir los parámetros estructurales, las posiciones y las velocidades absolutas de los pisos a partir de mediciones de aceleración. Estas señales son reconstruidas en forma explícita gracias a que el esquema propuesto no requiere de formas canónicas ni transformaciones de estados. El desempeño de este observador se ilustra con resultados experimentales obtenidos en una estructura de escala reducida. Palabras clave: Observador adaptable, amortiguador magneto-reológico, identificación de parámetros, control de estructura

    Urban transport and mobility, towards a sustainable and competitive urban dynamic

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    El presente artículo pretende aportar algunas ideas sobre este tema en función de la interdependencia que existe entre los usos del suelo y el transporte, considerando al primero como sinónimo de actividades urbanas y al segundo como el medio de intercambio físico entre ellas. El discurso propone un análisis de la dinámica urbana con base en tres dimensiones: la formal, la funcional y la moral, procurando asociarlas a los paradigmas de la sustentabilidad y la competitividad urbanas, tratando de relacionarlas con los procesos de globalización para satisfacer las necesidades de movilidad en la ciudad posmoderna. Finalmente, se mencionan las características que los servicios de transporte público urbano de pasajeros deberían observar para contribuir a los objetivos funcionales y ambientales en los procesos de administración de la ciudad.A lo largo de la historia el hombre ha buscado formas diversas de transporte para realizar sus desplazamientos de manera más eficiente y confortable; en tal sentido, la evolución de los medios de transporte y la infraestructura física sobre la que discurren juegan un papel fundamental en la eficiencia y la eficacia de la movilidad de la población y sus bienes. El transporte urbano es un componente de la dimensión funcional de la ciudad y, junto con los usos del suelo, condiciona la manera en que se llevan cabo las actividades urbanas. En su conjunto, este fenómeno es conocido como “dinámica urbana”

    Improving resource usage in large FPGA accelerators

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    In modern FPGA devices, place and route has become a difficult task for the underlying FPGA implementation tools. This is caused by an increase of device size and complexity. As devices grow in size and number of resources, their topology also grows in complexity. Larger devices are divided in different regions. While this allows to pack a larger number of resources in a single device, it creates a new set of challenges in order to obtain good quality of results while using as many resources as possible. Devices such as Xilinx’s Alveo accelerators are comprised of multiple regions called Super Logic Regions (SLR). Crossing from one region to another adds some delay to signal propagation. This can hurt overall timing if implementation tool decides to scatter a single accelerator among different SLRs. Thus, the design may not reach operating frequencies expected by the user. In a similar fashion as the SLRs, they usually have multiple independent memory banks that interface with DDR modules. This requires memory allocations and interconnection to be manually managed by the user, causing extra burden to users. Otherwise, the design will not be able to take profit of the aggregated available bandwidth. We propose methods to improve resource and bandwidth usage that allow a user to direct how a design is built and implemented while maintaining device abstraction and minimal development overhead

    Absolute colors and phase coefficients of asteroids

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    Context: We use phase curves of small bodies to measure absolute magnitudes and, together with complementary theoretical and laboratory results, to understand their surfaces' micro and macroscopic properties. Although we can observe asteroids up to phase angles of about 30 deg, the range of phase angles covered by outer solar system objects usually does not go further than 7 to 10 deg for centaurs and 2 deg for trans-Neptunian objects, and a linear relation between magnitude and phase angle may be assumed. Aims: We aim at directly comparing data taken for objects in the inner solar system (inside the orbit of Jupiter) with data of centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects. Methods: We use the SLOAN Moving Objects Catalog data to construct phase curves restricted to phase angles less than or equal to 7.5 deg, compatible with the angles observed for the trans-Neptunian/Centaur population. We assume a linear model for the photometric behavior to obtain absolute magnitudes and phase coefficients in the ugirz, V, and R filters. Results: We obtained absolute magnitudes in seven filters for >4000>4000 objects. Our comparison with outer solar system objects points to a common property of the surfaces: intrinsically redder objects become blue with increasing phase angle, while the opposite happens for intrinsically bluer objects.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, 1 appendix, accepted for publication in A&

    Psychometric properties of the healthy lifestyle questionnaire for ecuadorian university students (EVS-EUE)

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    University students are considered a key population in promoting and establishing healthy lifestyles that will ensure a full life for the next generations. The purpose of this study was to do a cultural and linguistic adaptation of the healthy lifestyle questionnaire for Ecuadorian university students (EVS-EUE). Two thousand, one hundred and eight (2108) students from 17 to 19 years old (27%), 20 to 24 years old (57%), and over 24 years old (16%) participated (M = 21.81 years; SD = 3.04). A confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency analysis, and concurrent validity were conducted. The results of the EVS-EUE Questionnaire presented adequate values (x2/d.f = 9.02, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.96, Incremental Fit Index (IFI) = 0.96, McDonald Fit Index (MFI) = 0.91, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) = 0.94, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.06, Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) = 0.03). The internal consistency showed values above 0.70, and analyzed its concurrent validity, reaching adequate values. This study has provided a valid and reliable questionnaire to evaluate healthy lifestyles in the Ecuadorian population.This study was carried out thanks to the contribution of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Council of Extremadura, through the European Regional Development Fund—A way to make Europe. (GR18129)

    Estudio del análisis de respuesta en frecuencia como herramienta de diagnóstico y evaluación de desplazamientos y deformaciones internas en transformadores de potencia

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    En el presente documento se muestra el estudio del método conocido con el nombre de Análisis del Barrido de la Respuesta en Frecuencia, como herramienta de diagnóstico y evaluación de desplazamientos y deformaciones internas en transformadores de potencia; para dar comienzo al documento se presenta una breve introducción mediante la cual el lector podrá darse una explicación o idea general acerca del método y contenido del texto. Seguidamente se exponen las razones por las cuales se presenta la motivación para dar inicio a al estudio aquí mostrado, posteriormente, con el único fin de agregar claridad al trabajo expuesto y organizar las ideas generales que se puedan tener del mismo, llegaremos a los antecedentes y estado del arte del Análisis del Barrido de la Respuesta en Frecuencia. Proporcionando un esquema básico, se ofrece de forma general el fundamento físico de los transformadores eléctricos mediante temas como: especificaciones técnicas, diseños, fabricación, ensayos y pruebas, “comisionamiento” o puesta en servicio de los equipos objeto del presente estudio. De igual modo y debido al uso, abuso o a razón de contingencias presentadas en el sistema eléctrico también, los transformadores ocasionalmente deben ser intervenidos para realizar algún tipo de mantenimiento, para esto, el actual documento se pueden encontrar temas como: reparación, reconstrucción, mantenimiento, análisis de fallas detectadas, herramientas de diagnóstico para la evaluación de la calidad del sistema de aislamientos (papel/aceite), accesorios y demás elementos presentes en el transformador, con el fin de brindar al lector instrumentos útiles y precisos no solo para captar su atención en este documento, sino también para impulsarlo a lograr en la practica el mejor desempeño, y reducir la posibilidad de parada abrupta de los transformadores. Finalmente, se expone y se describe el funcionamiento del método Análisis del Barrido de la Respuesta en Frecuencia, su importancia, características, forma de evaluación, interpretación, fallas detectadas mediante el método, análisis y conclusiones con respecto a las graficas mostradas donde se describen los cambios ocurridos al interior del transformador ante distintos tipos de falla o alteración ocurrida de acuerdo a la información obtenida después del estudio bibliográfico y la aplicación real llevada a cabo sobre transformadores de potencia en la planta de fabricación de transformadores Magnetrón S.A., ubicada en el municipio de Pereira.A study using the Sweep Frequency Response Analysis Method (SFRA) for power transformer diagnostics is presented. This paper shows the study of the method known as Sweep Frequency Response Analysis Method as a tool for diagnosis and evaluation of internal displacements and deformations in power transformers, first, the paper provides a brief introduction in which the reader can get an explanation or general idea about the method and content of the text. Then sets out the reasons or motivation of why is presented the study shown here, for the sole purpose of adding clarity to the work exhibited and organize the general ideas that can be the same, we arrive at the background and state of the art of Sweep Frequency Response Analysis. Providing a basic framework, provides an overview of the physical basis of electrical transformers by topics such as technical specifications, design, manufacture, testing and testing, "commissioning" or putting into service of equipment covered by this study. In the same way and due to the use, abuse or because of contingencies presented in the electrical system also occasionally transformers must be operated to perform any maintenance to this, the present document may be found topics such as repair, reconstruction, maintenance, analysis of faults detected, diagnostic tools for assessing the quality of the insulation (paper / oil), accessories and other elements present in the transformer, to provide the reader with useful and necessary not only to capture their attention in this document, but also to promote it in practice to achieve the best performance, and reduce the possibility of abrupt stop of the transformers. Finally, it exposes and describes the operation of the method of frequency response analysis, its importance, characteristics, method of evaluation, interpretation, faults detected by the method, analysis and conclusions with respect to the graphs shown which describes the changes inside the transformer to different types of failure or disruption occurred according to information obtained after literature review and the actual implementation carried out on power transformers in the transformer manufacturing plant called Magnetron SA, located in Pereira, Colombia

    Implementation of the K-Means Algorithm on Heterogeneous Devices: A Use Case Based on an Industrial Dataset

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    This paper presents and analyzes a heterogeneous implementation of an industrial use case based on K-means that targets symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), GPUs and FPGAs. We present how the application can be optimized from an algorithmic point of view and how this optimization performs on two heterogeneous platforms. The presented implementation relies on the OmpSs programming model, which introduces a simplified pragma-based syntax for the communication between the main processor and the accelerators. Performance improvement can be achieved by the programmer explicitly specifying the data memory accesses or copies. As expected, the newer SMP+GPU system studied is more powerful than the older SMP+FPGA system. However the latter is enough to fulfill the requirements of our use case and we show that uses less energy when considering only the active power of the execution.This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 project AXIOM (grant agreement n. 645496), HiPEAC (grant agreement n. 687698), and Mont-Blanc (grant agreements n. 288777, 610402 and 671697), the Spanish Government Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015- 65316-P) and the Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programaci´o i Entorns d’Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft