76 research outputs found

    Sustainable Horticulture: A bibliometric Study

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    This paper examines the scientific researches regarding "sustainable horticulture" to identify research flows with potential for future investigation. Through a bibliometric and content analysis for the 2011-2015 periods and the 2016 first semester, 12 articles, according and relevant to the theme, were selected. The results obtained from the analysis demonstrated the importance of the subject for both academic research and for the practice, since it elucidated scientific production and trends, impact factor, relevant scientific periodicals, contribution by countries and its institutions, methods and research tools, keywords. It stands out that the theme "sustainable horticulture" is used in most cases to address only the environmental dimension and, in a few cases, in the economic and social dimensions. Based in the analysis of the keywords, the terms production, systems and sustainability formed the main research clusters, attracting great attention during the study period

    Light quality on growth and phenolic compounds accumulation in Moringa oleifera L. grown in vitro

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    All plant parts of the Moringa oleifera can contain relevant concentrations of phytochemicals with health benefits. Plants grown in vitro allow pathogen-free plant material production and rapid propagation, and this technique is widely used to obtain secondary metabolites. This study analyzed how light spectrum quality affects growth, chlorophyll, and total phenolic content in M. oleifera plants grown in vitro. M. oleifera seeds were inoculated in MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose and 0.7% agar and were stored under a controlled temperature, humidity and photoperiod. The light conditions tested were white fluorescent lamps (WFL) and light-emitting diodes (LED: 70% red + 30% blue), both standardized with a photon flux density of 58 μmol m-2s-1. Radiation emitted by WFL and LED did not influence stem germination, height, or diameter. However, WFL provided higher total chlorophyll levels. All plant parts germinated in vitro were analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD), and preliminary analyses revealed preferential synthesis of gallic acid derivatives in the leaves under LED radiation. For the total phenolic content, leaves under the LED and WFL irradiations showed 3.524 ± 0.054 and 3.805 ± 0.304 micrograms, respectively, of gallic acid equivalents per milligram of dry matter (μg GAE mg-1 DM). Light quality did not interfere with phenolic compound accumulation; however, it stimulated the preferential synthesis of gallic acid derivatives in leaves grown under LED radiation, and the evidence indicated that all evaluated organs synthesized nonpolar substances.All plant parts of the Moringa oleifera can contain relevant concentrations of phytochemicals with health benefits. Plants grown in vitro allow pathogen-free plant material production and rapid propagation, and this technique is widely used to obtain secondary metabolites. This study analyzed how light spectrum quality affects growth, chlorophyll, and total phenolic content in M. oleifera plants grown in vitro. M. oleifera seeds were inoculated in MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose and 0.7% agar and were stored under a controlled temperature, humidity and photoperiod. The light conditions tested were white fluorescent lamps (WFL) and light-emitting diodes (LED: 70% red + 30% blue), both standardized with a photon flux density of 58 μmol m-2s-1. Radiation emitted by WFL and LED did not influence stem germination, height, or diameter. However, WFL provided higher total chlorophyll levels. All plant parts germinated in vitro were analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD), and preliminary analyses revealed preferential synthesis of gallic acid derivatives in the leaves under LED radiation. For the total phenolic content, leaves under the LED and WFL irradiations showed 3.524 ± 0.054 and 3.805 ± 0.304 micrograms, respectively, of gallic acid equivalents per milligram of dry matter (μg GAE mg-1 DM). Light quality did not interfere with phenolic compound accumulation; however, it stimulated the preferential synthesis of gallic acid derivatives in leaves grown under LED radiation, and the evidence indicated that all evaluated organs synthesized nonpolar substances

    Atividade de invertases e sacarose sintase em plantas de cafeeiro pulverizadas com solução de sacarose

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    Uma prática cuja eficiência não foi ainda comprovada cientificamente, é a pulverização dos cafeeiros com solução diluída de sacarose, como fonte de carbono para as plantas. Este trabalho visou estudar o efeito da pulverização de açúcar via folha nos teores endógenos de carboidratos e na atividade das enzimas invertases e sacarose sintase em mudas de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) com baixo (baixo) e alto (normal) nível de reservas de carbono. As pulverizações ocorreram nas concentrações de 0,5 e 1% de sacarose utilizando-se água como testemunha. A aplicação de sacarose a 1% aumentou a concentração de açúcares solúveis totais (AST) em plantas depauperadas, como também aumentou as atividades das enzimas invertase ácida da parede, invertase ácida do vacúolo, invertase neutra do citosol e sacarose sintase. Em plantas com níveis normais de carboidratos não foi observada nenhuma alteração nos teores dos AST, como também nas atividades de tais enzimas. Independentemente dos tratamentos aplicados e do estado fisiológico das plantas, não foram observadas diferenças na transpiração e na condutância estomática, mostrando, desta forma, o controle estomático da transpiração. A fotossíntese foi estimulada a 0,5% e 1% em plantas depauperadas, o que não aconteceu com plantas normais. A pulverização de sacarose em mudas de cafeeiros só é eficiente tratando-se de plantas depauperadas na concentração de 1%.One management practice of which the efficiency has not yet been scientifically tested is spraying coffee plants with diluted sucrose solutions as a source of carbon for the plant. This paper evaluates the effect of foliar spraying with sugar on the endogenous level of carbohydrates and on the activities of invertase and sucrose synthase in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) seedlings with reduced (low) and high (normal) levels of carbon reserve. The concentrations used were 0.5 and 1.0% sucrose, and water as a control. The use of sucrose at 1.0% caused an increase in the concentration of total soluble sugars in depauperate plants, as well as increased the activity of the following enzymes: cell wall and vacuole acid invertase, neutral cytosol invertase and sucrose synthase. In plants with high level of carbon reserve, no increments in total soluble sugar levels or in enzymatic activity were observed. Regardless of treatments or plants physiological state, no differences in transpiration or stomatal conductance were observed, demonstrating the stomatal control of transpiration. Photosynthesis was stimulated with the use of 0.5 and 1.0 % sucrose only in depauperate plants. Coffee seedling spraying with sucrose is only efficient for depauperate plants, at the concentration of 1.0%

    Desenvolvimento de mudas de guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliens Cambess.) sob diferentes condições de sombreamento

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    Guanandi is a tree species greatly valued for its wood and widely used in mixed reforestation programs in degraded riparian forests. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between the initial development of the species saplings and shading levels, by analyzing variations in the concentration of chlorophylls (a/b), carotenoids, and foliar nitrogen, as well as biomass accumulation. Treatments with intermediary shading (30% and 50%) resulted in increased height and increased stem secondary growth. The lowest foliar nitrogen content was found in saplings grown under 70% shading. Saplings grown under 50% shading showed lower levels of chlorophyll a than of chlorophyll b, and consequently a lower chlorophyll a/b ratio than plants subjected to the other treatments. Overall, the best vegetative performance was observed in saplings grown under 30% and 50% shading. The full-sun growth condition is not recommended for the initial development of guanandi saplings.Guanandi é uma espécie arbórea muito utilizada na obtenção de madeira e em programas de reflorestamentos mistos de matas ciliares degradadas. Objetivou-se caracterizar o desenvolvimento de mudas sob diferentes níveis de sombreamento, pleno sol, 30%, 50% e 70%, avaliando-se características físicas e químicas das plantas. Tratamentos com sombreamento intermediário (30% e 50%) foram os que exibiram as plantas com maior altura e crescimento secundário de caule. Menor teor de nitrogênio foliar foi encontrado em mudas a 70% de sombreamento. Já as mudas crescidas em 50% de sombreamento mostraram menores valores de clorofila a do que de clorofila b, com menor relação clorofila a/b. O melhor desempenho vegetativo das mudas foi obtido sob 30% e 50% de sombreamento, sendo a condição de pleno sol não recomendada para a formação de mudas da espécie

    Ultrastructure of Sheep Primordial Follicles Cultured in the Presence of Indol Acetic Acid, EGF, and FSH

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the ultrastructural characteristics of primordial follicles after culturing of sheep ovarian cortical slices in the presence of indol acetic acid (IAA), Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), and FSH. To evaluate ultrastructure of primordial follicles cultured in MEM (control) or in MEM containing IAA, EGF, and FSH, fragments of cultured tissue were processes for transmission electron microscopy. Except in the control, primordial follicles cultured in supplemented media for 6 d were ultrastructurally normal. They had oocyte with intact nucleus and the cytoplasm contained heterogeneous-sized lipid droplets and numerous round or elongated mitochondria with intact parallel cristae were observed. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) was rarely found. The granulosa cells cytoplasm contained a great number of mitochondria and abundant RER. In conclusion, the presence of IAA, EGF, and FSH helped to maintain ultrastructural integrity of sheep primordial follicles cultured in vitro


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    The aims of this study were to verify the effects of different tests in the overcoming dormancy, excellent germination terms, as light and temperature, and the possibility of re-induction of desiccation tolerance in Senna multijuga seeds. We evaluated two tests for overcoming dormancy: immersion in water with an initial temperature of 100ºC (hot water) and immersion in water at a constant temperature at 100ºC for 20 seconds (boiling water), both treatments followed by rest out of the heating for 24 hours. For the germination test, we evaluated 25ºC, 30ºC (constant) and 20-30ºC (alternate), in the presence and absence of light. For the re-induction of desiccation tolerance, we selected seeds germinated with 1, 2, 3 and 4mm of radicle length. We submitted the germinated seeds to the follow treatments: no incubation, incubation in polyethylene  glycolphotoblastic required, but in light conditions the germination was higher. We observed the resumption of the radicle growth in germinated seeds of up to 3mm length.O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar diferentes métodos de superação de dormência, condições ótimas de germinação, tais como luz, temperatura, e possível reindução da tolerância à dessecação em sementes de Senna multijuga. Foram testados dois métodos de superação de dormência: imersão em água com temperatura inicial de 100ºC (água quente) e imersão em água com temperatura constante a 100ºC por 20 segundos (água fervente), ambos os tratamentos seguidos de repouso fora do aquecimento por 24 horas. Para o teste de germinação, foram avaliados os regimes térmicos 25ºC, 30ºC (constantes) e 20-30°C (alternados), na presença e ausência de luz. Para o teste de reindução da tolerância à dessecação, foram selecionadas sementes germinadas com 1, 2, 3 e 4 mm de comprimento radicular e submetidas aos tratamentos de dessecação: sem incubação; com incubação em solução de polietilenoglicol (PEG6000) nas concentrações de -1,4; -1,7 e -2,0MPa; com incubação em solução de PEG -1,4MPa + ABA nas concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 μM. O delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) foi utilizado em todos os experimentos com 4 repetições de 25 sementes. A superação de dormência utilizando água quente proporcionou germinabilidade superior a 65%. As sementes de Senna multijuga, apesar de não serem fotoblásticas positivas obrigatórias, apresentaram maior porcentagem de germinação sob condições de luz. Foi possível observar a retomada do crescimento após a secagem em sementes germinadas com radículas de até 3 mm de comprimento


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar diferentes m\ue9todos de supera\ue7\ue3o de dorm\ueancia, condi\ue7\uf5es \uf3timas de germina\ue7\ue3o, tais como luz, temperatura, e poss\uedvel reindu\ue7\ue3o da toler\ue2ncia \ue0 desseca\ue7\ue3o em sementes de Senna multijuga . Foram testados dois m\ue9todos de supera\ue7\ue3o de dorm\ueancia: imers\ue3o em \ue1gua com temperatura inicial de 100\ubaC (\ue1gua quente) e imers\ue3o em \ue1gua com temperatura constante a 100\ubaC por 20 segundos (\ue1gua fervente), ambos os tratamentos seguidos de repouso fora do aquecimento por 24 horas. Para o teste de germina\ue7\ue3o, foram avaliados os regimes t\ue9rmicos 25\ubaC, 30\ubaC (constantes) e 20-30\ub0C (alternados), na presen\ue7a e aus\ueancia de luz. Para o teste de reindu\ue7\ue3o da toler\ue2ncia \ue0 desseca\ue7\ue3o, foram selecionadas sementes germinadas com 1, 2, 3 e 4 mm de comprimento radicular e submetidas aos tratamentos de desseca\ue7\ue3o: sem incuba\ue7\ue3o; com incuba\ue7\ue3o em solu\ue7\ue3o de polietilenoglicol (PEG6000) nas concentra\ue7\uf5es de -1,4; -1,7 e -2,0MPa; com incuba\ue7\ue3o em solu\ue7\ue3o de PEG -1,4MPa + ABA nas concentra\ue7\uf5es de 1, 10 e 100 \u3bcM. O delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) foi utilizado em todos os experimentos com 4 repeti\ue7\uf5es de 25 sementes. A supera\ue7\ue3o de dorm\ueancia utilizando \ue1gua quente proporcionou germinabilidade superior a 65%. As sementes de Senna multijuga, apesar de n\ue3o serem fotobl\ue1sticas positivas obrigat\uf3rias, apresentaram maior porcentagem de germina\ue7\ue3o sob condi\ue7\uf5es de luz. Foi poss\uedvel observar a retomada do crescimento ap\uf3s a secagem em sementes germinadas com rad\uedculas de at\ue9 3 mm de comprimento.The aims of this study were to verify the effects of different tests in the overcoming dormancy, excellent germination terms, as light and temperature, and the possibility of re-induction of desiccation tolerance in Senna multijuga seeds. We evaluated two tests for overcoming dormancy: immersion in water with an initial temperature of 100\ubaC (hot water) and immersion in water at a constant temperature at 100\ubaC for 20 seconds (boiling water), both treatments followed by rest out of the heating for 24 hours. For the germination test, we evaluated 25\ubaC, 30\ubaC (constant) and 20-30\ubaC (alternate), in the presence and absence of light. For the reinduction of desiccation tolerance, we selected seeds germinated with 1, 2, 3 and 4mm of radicle length. We submitted the germinated seeds to the follow treatments: no incubation, incubation in polyethylene glycol (PEG6000) at the -1,4, -1,7 and -2,0MPa; incubation in PEG -1,4MPa + ABA at the concentrations of 1, 10 and 100\u3bcM. The tests followed a completely randomized design (DIC) using 4 repetitions of 25 seeds. The overcoming dormancy using hot water provided the best germination (65%). The Senna multijuga seeds are not photoblastic required, but in light conditions the germination was higher. We observed the resumption of the radicle growth in germinated seeds of up to 3mm length