868 research outputs found

    The Growth Obsession

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    Statement by Denise Altvater on November 20, 2013

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    The Design and Fabrication of an Atomic Layer Deposition Reactor for Coating Powders

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    Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a self-limiting synthesis technique for the growth of conformal ultrathin films on solid state materials. The high conformality of the ALD method is ideal for coating porous, high surface area materials. A fluidized bed reactor (FBR) was designed and built for functionalizing a powder using ALD. The particle bed was fluidized using an inert argon gas. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) was deposited on a high surface area powder substrate, γ-phase aluminum oxide, via ALD using trimethylaluminum (TMA) and water (H2O) as gas phase precursors. Depositions were done under low pressure conditions. A BET analysis was done on the powder to confirm deposition of Al2O3 on the powder. Less coating was observed on the particles in comparison to literature

    Was Marx right after all? A Critical Analysis of the Global Financial Crisis

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    A crise na qual nos encontramos em 2009 foi, de certa forma, um pouco antecipada; talvez não devesse ter sido antecipada, dada a consternação geral e instabilidade nos terríveis prejuízos que até recentemente ninguém acreditava que poderiam passar pelos parlamentos e burocracias governamentais, não somente na Alemanha como também em outros países da Europa, e até mesmo na China.Sem dúvida: as perdas financeiras devido à crise são substanciais. Porém, comparado a outros fenômenos de crise, este não deverá ser o pior por vir. Somos confrontados com uma crise de energia, que no momento é de interesse menor, visto que, devido à queda na demanda geral, há uma queda correspondente na demanda por energia e, portanto, o preço do petróleo está caindo. Provavelmente, este será um fenômeno a curto-prazo, antes que o preço do petróleo se recupere novamente e a crise energética ganhe força. As limitações dos recursos de energias fósseis armazenados na crosta terrestre são um fato imutável, tornado-se necessária a preparação para se usar, num futuro próximo, recursos de energias não fósseis

    Another Quest for the Holy Grail of Law: Ius Generis - Law as a Countermovement to Human Cognition

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    In hopes of providing some possible further insight into the nature of law in all contexts, this Article contributes another layer to the discussion respecting an evolutionary ontology of law. It advances a preliminary sketch of the possible genesis of norms as a countermovement to human cognition, with law, as a type of norms thereby integrally interwoven into humanity itself. With this understanding of its origins, law, whether considered from the positive law, natural law or systems theory perspective, may be understood more clearly and its applications perhaps anticipated. This Article analyzes whether this proposed countermovement theory might provide common threads between it and existing epistemologies. Implicit is that legal and non-legal norms are interrelated in humanity. This interrelationship will affect any attempt to transport law from one society to another and may explain the lack of success in transporting law as was attempted by the law and development movement. Anticipating this interrelationship might then result in better implementation of the rule of law worldwide

    Globalization and the informalization of the urban space

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    How to Set Up Key Performance Areas

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    Exact date of working paper unknown

    Modality-independent recruitment of inferior frontal cortex during speech processing in human infants

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    Despite increasing interest in the development of audiovisual speech perception in infancy, the underlying mechanisms and neural processes are still only poorly understood. In addition to regions in temporal cortex associated with speech processing and multimodal integration, such as superior temporal sulcus, left inferior frontal cortex (IFC) has been suggested to be critically involved in mapping information from different modalities during speech perception. To further illuminate the role of IFC during infant language learning and speech perception, the current study examined the processing of auditory, visual and audiovisual speech in 6-month-old infants using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Our results revealed that infants recruit speech-sensitive regions in frontal cortex including IFC regardless of whether they processed unimodal or multimodal speech. We argue that IFC may play an important role in associating multimodal speech information during the early steps of language learning
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