3 research outputs found

    Implication parentale dans la prise en charge du surpoids infantile: revue de littĂ©rature, enquĂȘte de terrain et recommandations pour "Sports pour toi"

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    Etant donnĂ© la prĂ©valence Ă©levĂ©e de l’excĂšs de poids infantile en Suisse (15 Ă  20%) et les coĂ»ts engendrĂ©s par cette problĂ©matique, il est nĂ©cessaire d’amĂ©liorer les stratĂ©gies de prĂ©vention et de traitement actuelles. L’implication parentale dans un programme de prĂ©vention du surpoids et de l’obĂ©sitĂ© joue trĂšs probablement un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant, ce pourrait ĂȘtre un axe Ă  dĂ©velopper. Le programme de prĂ©vention valaisan Sports pour Toi (SPT) est au coeur de cette recherche. Celui-ci s’adresse uniquement Ă  des enfants d’ñge scolaire en surpoids, il allie mouvement, alimentation et renforcement de l’estime de soi. Les deux buts de cette recherche sont : vĂ©rifier l’impact de l’implication parentale dans un programme de prise en charge du surpoids infantile sur l’Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) et les comportements de santĂ© des enfants et obtenir l’avis des parents d’enfants participant au programme SPT quant Ă  leur implication dans un programme du surpoids infantile

    Geochemical fluxes related to alteration of a subaerially exposed seamount: Nintoku seamount, ODP Leg 197, Site 1205

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    Hole 1205A was drilled on Nintoku Seamount, which lies in the midportion of the Emperor Seamount Chain. This seamount was emergent ~56 Myr ago but was submerged by 54 Ma, so the lavas have endured weathering in both subaerial and submarine environments. We have studied the petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of intercalated altered basalts, breccias, and soil samples recovered at Hole 1205A to quantify the chemical exchanges between the seamount and seawater and/or meteoric fluids. The secondary mineralogy is relatively uniform throughout the section and comprises smectite, Fe-oxyhydroxides, iddingsite, and Ca-carbonates. Soils are composed of variably altered basaltic clasts in a matrix of kaolinite, smectite, and vermiculite with minor goethite, hematite, and magnetite. Throughout the basement section, altered basalts, breccias, and soils are depleted in Si, Mg, Ca, Na, Sr, Rb, and Ba and enriched in Fe. Fe3+/FeT (up to ~1), ?18O (up to ~+20‰), and 87Sr/86Sr ratios are strongly elevated relative to primary igneous values. Differences in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios define an Upper Alteration Zone with 87Sr/86Sr close to 56 Ma seawater (~0.7077) from a Lower Alteration Zone where 87Sr/86Sr are less elevated (~0.704). The Lower Alteration Zone likely reflects interaction with a subaerial oxidizing fluid at low temperature. This zone probably retained most of the original subaerial weathering signature. The Upper Alteration Zone was altered through circulation of large quantities of cold oxidizing seawater that partially overprinted the subaerial weathering chemical characteristics. Altered samples were compared to estimated protolith compositions to calculate chemical gains and losses. Global chemical fluxes are calculated for the entire basement section using different lithological proportions models and different rates of oceanic island emplacement. Although the global construction rate of ocean islands is small compared to igneous accretion at mid-ocean ridges, the magnitude of the chemical changes indicates that ocean islands and seamounts may be a significant contributor to the chemical budget of the oceans.<br/